9" lg‘: '2; zi :V ._..';‘—’,:_. . ‘ I it A 4 '; if .« ‘Al. «fr 4:2,.-.,. . .. '1- -‘ ‘iv ‘.4 : ' »"' if ' -; ' 1‘ 'v"~*"T“"‘ t ‘ "3 - :"'."' "- " o‘ -- ‘L : - n’-: l.‘ 9‘ -“E I . ' ' ‘ . -- ' ‘c A. I .‘ ' “‘ ' ~' "- ? .‘ f.’ " , _-1’ '- "5 ‘ . I ‘-‘I -J A ‘. .f_' 3 . 51' -' ~ 1 T ‘t v “O _ '§‘ ” ~ - ,’ 3|: ' . V. .V f _o.. I. ‘ irt Wu" I .7 ."&‘. 4.1: .,‘°“'w‘.."p§!." _-A . ‘ caught by at the law, ya um-1,5, .3‘! :1 *4, ;.-..‘... a....g..-i — o ; "''“'&*°o: » A . F .3, I of Saturday’ afternoon; for football .d§,'t“°“3:‘o"f¥l:’:m.“:: 3¢.¢"3l~13v'l:l.':-*.Vzhintaelfan ? :< _ 1 es!-’-’ ‘ _ ~ :~ _ «W48 “hm, . A factnnost. ‘? 71;}; 3 A ’ Ileretgfnothingaaid a_bout_it.”;' °‘ "’ 4° '5'" “P . U39 *1 1393‘ II 10 hi! i , 1; A « . Poll. I might drop around aim." 9°!‘°“1 °‘“m*or- , I we are .5‘ 9" ' . . .o And the boy falls out or line and goes whist- “°"'8 '0» ‘W1 in min)‘ sues our Murat" is ? ' _ Jinx gen: 01;]; ogiu of;-1'ed-Dixon, employment €93:-d M M at . . ~ g ; fsecietaryo e A aivers y. ? B8170 _ ta trusts nan‘. judg.’ ,3. ‘ ; 3 independence!‘ A _ ‘ Inent'of ad‘!-bone steak than at _an_.ihsen play‘.' ft? 4;,’ . ; Perhaps. But the next {boy willprohably take And If we-grere watching gang ;gu__9¢ the "w. ,5 3,1 majobtiring furnaces anihaslcnoquestions, ex; bonrd.II}I1I¢lI18r£ypeouaaatter-aoouduringghe A 2, AI: peg the addresses of the houses where he is ex. World Sofie-Jré ivoiad look (01-_ hlln ,~ out before . j .A A}; '2 t to report» He is'tI-je has that reollyoeedt “'9 . bsacn ebrnental ob- ‘A.-B0 ;‘ .f ‘-8911’! A;drilled,_' us_yeonstant«c-ontact. A A , A _ . 3\ecor’_Axiing to Dixon, theauqlioyment bureau has But the ‘man whose Jfvixc ilepeuds -on such judg- A e . -g : towatch closely for boys who molly, not have to meat, as the salesman or trial lawyer. can gt. 3 ; ' ; .worlt, but come to the “Y” hoping to get an easy tains an alxucst uncanny gkm, . 3 _. job. and make extra apend&ngA‘nione)' so tlgy can one such has declared that he can-give § ‘ “show the-rirl-3 rood time." . ~ a general description of any person,’ it he know. . ,« Many-Aexpressions are corn on the faceaof stu- only at what page the pa,” ape” -firs-‘ the -; = _ dents who to to the employment bureau seeking moming-mw.p.pe,_ ' A 3 the ‘E h - - g V‘ i t _ 3 _ p i _ ‘ _ jobs. of them‘ grinwluai there irno work ‘statement. iliverybody 3.... 'ha-:dr:ll‘nes";i:: % A. niogxt ;. ;I 1‘; enveloped with electrical dca -45‘-‘Y 1,1‘ 919 °PUfl|13l»3- _ '11“-‘D 15¢“ Ill‘! 01h¢l‘| Sister Susie will turn to the fashion notes or - 1 1. _‘ “f '(.g,_ - : ; ._ _ ' I j who come out of tho door with a frown on their beautyhinta. Mother will hum, for househom ; Columbia's. stamp _bollectaor is the Rev. W.‘ S. ’- 939°» l’¢3‘hlP8 the)‘ 1003 8 lime IIFEIIT €)'¢d— aids and recipes. Brother Tom will ggggrxy 31¢.“ St.’Clnir.-Be started-. the collection when he was . th_o>"ro the ones who are-actoa1l>'“hAnrduD-” And the lites: sport new: from the gink"pu‘c while [mag in p_nf¢1,go_ C019” for;-ty year’, .30 ‘mg no... 1 the man who cornea out whistling, ;clad in a real father will settle down to the markct‘repoi'?ts and _ .. ' A P“, ;. ‘ygggjnumbg, 51 gum” mpmsenfing e\.e,.,. A ..‘heik.« ¥,5v:eater-——lx.~,; the man who intends giv- stock quotations. Grandpa puts on his spectacle V poimtry a-or ~ ~ ; . int 1'31‘ 251') I "ell-‘ F _ A 4- to read a feature article on ourngfiongx ¢¢{.«_.,,,:. ‘A 5 .. A _> f P3,:-Ky Qn nn, Boo» County ngnteyor. 1;” . uite.a few of the boys are looking for white program. while grandma sympathize: ox.” “Int *3 1‘ -.3 - diary orhichflns load .3 g-n;;}-315.0“ Qpm collar jtibs entirely. These are thelonea who are - Agatha’, ‘nice to the k,mu'm_ ' ‘ 4.3 ’ gill‘ g-inee 1875. It holds a record of Mr. _Qniuu's ‘A 53¢"! diI8PP°il|l€d «When they come to the “Y.” The emu. ‘.°,.ke,., smug] . hfldd um» ’ ; ~ _ ;.. _m¢¢{§ng_'m~, mu,y‘g;,u,,m,;,m.d .p,_.,'.,,n3'_,g,,,_ for t-cry few jobs of this type are handled by cupuiou .3 (he. bk :1” 4‘ ~ " M’ 3 4‘ 5- A A E D3 -53- Gram‘. «Henry Beccherftlie ‘earl of i “If 9311303111331 8¢'¢!‘€'-I!‘)'- ' Q, 1%,,‘ e 0?” . A pews‘-up” °" .1 .~‘. ' - Flume-ijon. Brigham Young. and oth'eri—-heeitles 2 “Most: of.our jobs run along he line of dish- all his tune on h‘.xl'rl:‘enmu£1‘pen:x ’ 3' fall tAhc¢.hioIi-irtci9Ients*ocwrring daily in his can washing, waiting tables; and in; for tur- or who dab in ideas ‘ll . awn wot - 1: Vi ‘ j . lift’ lives 0% P°9Ple most closely asao- I " :Dixon said. ‘ifloweirer. we handle. any an 1-3.] me 1”}. J,“ 3”” ‘Lowe t° “'6 .73 A5 ,. - 4 #32:: yhhsfdim" W. ~ co number or different jobqesides use...“ i °pagea are sufficient for z§¢'1',".‘“*,. “I”: m‘ 5 _- 39‘-.";_.; ‘_ 4 V “"_ _‘,; '’‘'°‘°d . “K 831031! '1"mbW‘ "unit interesting incidents occur to the rnen the broker’! clerk who wea‘u;1.,.¢.‘.,.¢ am 1 :2 3 I . ‘uncanny Ago: ofieatgzfzgfi V :18! out on jo{l:a‘.h.‘O;;‘ boy even eiught Ehcauseh it) logiiu at “W11” fig C‘ I A A‘ A ~_ . Iecohdy .neumoala roinoueo_ ' tregare in-— u od ear."insteado!thestock uota- - - A A-only-to«iny.fanuly.” ~ . l tthaz‘. . ' ' - ‘I -~: ; . i n = liriiflnleti has aulee‘h'un:ing ram", two Eng. . ‘t..:,: ,, '.'M. ''° "N ";" . ”"I"": . e . . .1 A p A g ‘ml “5ia.';a.d ‘ _ y n r . .1 s oy aasigiven a job helping a farmer t is still a field of speculation as to why few . I? . . V“ i’ ' 0"” “ 35° close °o town butcher hogs. say. 1 0,, women read 1: hi] ' . ‘ 3 E . ey K, boasting a ‘most imp 9 ma] been hi nd ~ 9 ‘m’ h. ° ‘"3’ " °""'°’V '3'? mm‘ “*0 ~ ;. — -A i - ‘um . - _» _ ,» _ s % tche. .‘w_henone ofthem es- l8D0WIlIper.e.'l'he nerspaperisaxmneyig- P06 37¢. helpedlflr. Bulct. in training Ins . . = m-e» an-. ems: met. ..a :22: on '-;*:= o. ‘°.;‘“‘.,...‘"‘¥"““:.?‘:i’. °* to W -- ~ -. ' -eaer 81. we 1 ' ° 5 ‘ . ‘- T :lu‘l:u3‘i’:l$';utB-‘l:euwi1suhA:wonder!ul dog." Prince Rod; - 3:“ htiggl trhis 9° did’ 3’ hppgwg ‘° F°"'°' “mld ‘en “. “or-V ‘fa i“‘°":‘:"‘?" c‘?l:m;;“?:"c° 3 A - new gate: assist him. --no “M, ,,,,k,_.,- , Ah’-' ""uddl'"o: “°;;‘:’u:'5°" ‘’‘.‘'’° '“ ‘ W. V A_ _ ' ' . ='''.5*t*¥ooI' ‘doc! *1 Woe to-t I zood dos -hooldo'?= ‘pigwagd asehe am the aalrnael ca nérgii ~ ~ ‘ : do." -6 .T . 'A '. . _ . """,‘,"“"”" “ ' a N1, Hetzlcr oontideri: hisfm-o English‘ set: o;’;’,§‘,,g:,"‘?“°;‘,,“"‘.°A,-¢,,"“'; t'§e‘“" "“-"“‘ ""3 "°" N 0 W L L ,S J ‘ l *2” I “rt of mg uomim he “-0”. one or s . in e rm e o ‘water. and the next . ;g ,1 do“; .813,‘-L is _m‘_ “mm”! at vary 6” do} worn. to the hfifizpltll emh pneumontag. :% - A rm in-Loot rnr dog-aristocrats in Columbia. Mia. ‘ “’“°?”" !""."‘"" "‘°§“°"‘ “ W‘ *3’ " 5°? “"‘° _ A ‘W p in being ‘mend. by 2‘ Shelley’ secured ca Job last spring from the employment .9 1 ~ " ueukrk film. dog ig n.m,:°n.s 30$ ‘ A bureau. He went to the designated address and i .l A ‘ “Do' I’ like dogs?"- Mr. Hetzler exclairna, «gr found nut hexw” t° wed ‘.gnd°n‘ He ‘-0‘ ‘ p 2 bntimcu an “yo sh‘-mid MW inked may ‘ and started Ill. .After,eutting down everything . i i . ‘tupgd-“film “W151. la“ “y I do... that looked like a weed to him, he reported to “ i ; Am dmnmsi.‘ {women the wnecfihx or an . t§l;;_lad>‘ but the house that the Job was completed. - :i'uu’1:ig‘-‘tn’: aecins to he the.nioat.Popular hohb);- uni” ill" ‘°"'i°‘°,';,{'.}‘,},';”"' ‘M “P h" ‘ p . #15‘: hr!‘ Nay” has been .co“ecmw int“. Chanda“ pedndo rrorto . no . the ho) had neatly { A . 1. sign‘, '3 I. _.‘.éJ.I."_A‘ ' ‘wentpt ya". 5” ' bed: wn_c\er3 aer In one of her flower ‘A has _g"v'ory'.ppecis1 iiab-hobby I ' '1 an». ‘ . ' ‘ _ * -'§'oiW9’ ‘:E!I_!§r.-and he buucht‘ in phai.re’."'ecIf1‘h:r col- o ,h:T§§‘d‘n!';'°:““‘1‘)‘“T° ""5 ”"“‘~' “'° "°>' *‘f“‘- '33‘ ~ I . Q ‘ -T t "-‘of M . . p . 1 SW? N9 33)’ money or e , . I .m.~..aa..... ‘ . ;. *°°‘“'-‘'“'‘°°“*°"~-~os°‘‘°o‘-'*r-”* He: "The owner aw i ‘ ' zchcqt’-urn‘,-..'.e"..u Mendel]. ‘ma ‘uiven. am‘; A _ nether boy felhout of a wndow while washo perfect ‘and ‘his cafix ‘B fit gli 1 N; l]ra.§ AA’-‘ 3.-.-..-2:‘-=. 1111 Broadway has e'ol- m‘ n‘ "M broke ms ""5 ' ' ' o 99 ‘ ' ' l for Vifieep ',«,a,.,_ ‘sh; ‘sped-‘L ‘ ‘get’ %‘erE)d a boy out on a job, and he prove for ‘King’ * e A . ‘II’. .’lu‘inlaid dnl: ofcurl)"n1anle:1nado" ° “f '3' “'9 Kelallthe hlame"Diaon said. _ - - - 9 ‘ ’A- 3 A» 51384.’-ad amino thlrt is nearly a‘ hundred .'‘H°‘‘'°‘’°‘'- *1 "G 3031 I won out in a job that .81”: R!‘ ought‘ .m be-nos 2' l ' 'i« . 'old'w}iich has a xparlble base, a cg"-53:3] ,’,,,,d,,; . -23”: II$§9fl°fi°fl. the peraon he worked for will - , j._' '. l A. ' and ,3: my an-mi, A I‘ V 4' uoatllufror higflzlm tblzen: ii; Wbrhtgud will Chase fS&Ilb(_)l‘ll.8 .. ;¢. -, H _ .-,; nei rsau in ad A . ‘ .‘.!“)*onls0‘&‘l¢lorn llect ... — , '‘° '’*° ~ " o l """ -" * ’ —°" A ‘"3" “arm ow bu vremr to can i - .°Seal Brand’ . lira. . cnu«tisA..2osn't;.. ,.m|3[‘_- -. . _ . . ‘ " I - A::w~."3£.a - 1314 .broad\:*caf.‘l:ttl':ueown inn: l‘ 09mm‘ gun‘ on Um"nity- Avenue ‘"5 a The 0f Coflbes” :. Fifi”: W '0n.s of paintings. Mrs. G. A. Brxl. nmadsum I “V” “"“"V ""3 °°“."°"‘ ' l i. ‘ " " t . f.0 - v t 2 4 a K22.‘ Fm‘ ;;',§;*- on okra up on ¢....;....‘"Si."'o'ia¢ ”“""“'=" " ‘ ‘"“ "°*“‘°“ ' - t I4efe:£~r:.-!;n:}:'::i.al"he<)‘l§b‘5i~‘ At the Sntersection there wain some ruisundero #'_A; ‘A . g1ushe.:¢hi;g._ . A A . I ;_ intanding. The camouflage may hm-¢ been too . .A A » ‘ 3 The ch'arlA|°teriet.ic-oi’ a 8001! hobbyist ef.’°“i"°‘ 11"?" °°md°d 833 the overburdened Chase and C0399 l _ 5. - l X lleelnl to his-hobby. load 0:13‘ thtcnvlfkway and has been ;E LU- . i .2 p - A V « A _ . was no e zic emptying 4 7 - , I _ t]p3et8_~.None. Iiurt" that usually accompanies an accident. It was S I V X by Noweus for A -y t o r; , . . _ T n - i , mm a rnoregdeliberatc manner,-like . .50,“ over years. It is e av, A »"3%Ba,.het.eflI>dbyata1lor'.’\\vuldhaxh ch ' ‘qcff ' ’. - . I _ A -. , A L o A A , l'0Wlng_ too heavy a load. Following this finest grown ' .~‘ » - 5 ‘: A 3”“ ‘. E'°“¢."di‘K-1°’ ‘I 1*°‘“PlP¢l' 8001')‘ about the remade conveyance shook itself and ed . ‘ - L. . 33'? 1”‘ ‘_ H‘ t that at the cure gejdy to pg-ocgefl . “gm 1 " 397:0!‘ .. _&--;Ai Vfllllfi and C0“ ' 7A 1 i ' . " 1.... ' °": 9i°"%‘° ....?,t*;..:'*::.?".-‘:.*:.:°::*::..'°..‘:.::‘:,‘:: :,':.':..'"°....'°‘* PW74 Phonessz 2 _ 9, . “IF “m‘l3a3K°d"~‘°1!¢8-'|§l¢ P106018 0'1 0“; The than on the top just slidioff. ’ , g - T i_ A I .par was coming :dou'_n'Collego replacing his uncertain throne by ‘a bit of nice . . ‘ ~—*- “‘ g ' é ; As-ernac. 1It_‘.was a _li\°e-paaaenttorgcar _ . gran}; ' ' - — , g ‘ - t ; ahout ~thio‘¢-‘times ith normal load. I-It-erythirg The cars were not injured, and the only charges ' N E L L S _'. 1 ' from to the ~lop‘was used-t'ora_ seat‘, w were filed by tailors. ‘ ' ‘ ' » ’ ’ * r A -_ A A ». ' ~ ; g A . ' ‘- ._ glyjo‘ ’ » l t {‘ . ' ' 3‘. . -1 ° - ~.- ...—.~-....—q.--...¢.....¢..—< - a . Ipanuve-as-no -up-.-0-o-A-—a-4-.4, — ~ 4 Ivxn-m -V‘-'tfi‘~“-v-a~ -or- ....-... 1.‘ .........-...~..v..- . A