: been a guest of Mrs S. D. Smith and we D 3' mm-uin wiuiher daughter. Helen, a student at - r " ' ' ‘ 3. Aincziption ‘m be new at the “Ill be given the person submitting the b st name for the corner store at 9th and Elm St. -;'~.»3::;1#=irsé;w1g..s<"‘rs:;j .i*‘£‘.S_="‘~';‘€"’»?ii‘i7-éfiz . -' - ' n . iii?-E§ftt*f:'.' :6 n or "in ‘ * i i i i. .1 v ‘p ‘ = T 5". 1,”? . . . A i " .,l....,, .. _....-..V. - l..- I . H . . . ' 2’ ; ’ ‘ _ ‘ , I ’ .7 ', v ;. ‘ . .p ‘ " ’ ' i > ‘ _ ‘ '. F 1,} T . . _ ‘ ' ' ' ' V ‘ 3 .. EV ; . . . % fi - . . » _ - _ THECO T MISSOURIAN, .WE Y! OCTOBER 21. 1925 _ 1 ; . Pan: rants?’ é -éj ‘ i ' f ‘ . ‘ T T‘ . ’ i lyn,1)_i'E, T}w,,m 4 ofxhe College of Aer:-liieaaom. ma representative of we tines DAIRY ttmcii Erma as for the proverbial no».-‘ens E - 0 z . .11 «. '.oI1lhIre will he (nests. ' the department. , _ ' of the earth. . . 7 1- j _ ’ « . i Entertain’ 1 i - "—"'—'- _ . It was announced that a reel of ‘“°’“' ‘_' 3"” 3 P3“ in“: 11,“ um mg). 5,, ma mu-nfi’,f¢'_ : .. 3 ’ y ' ' _ . ‘ i 1 ’ -.__ ; lira. D.4E‘..-Thoniaa willentertain’ Committee 5 pictures from the Po Cement Ora" bah‘ 0'“. " Fwy“ ' Later in the ,dxiy that same 5' ..- _ —. 3 _ _ -. } _‘‘~ ; - ~ . . X " .1 with a tea Friday afternoon honor-i goat‘ B ° Dance 3 anutactiu-tn; Association, would A puppy ‘atrayedlntoa local qiryn Md «,5 M an (M, . o . e e ._ . O O O I , . o ‘I ‘ , ‘ ‘ ' ‘ - C : ‘~ 1 : . . . ; ' in: Dr Helen Stafford and lies ve enefit’ { be shown here Nov 5 and all men: Lean, h i cold just a wee liit of‘ such 5:} pi“, :on.do,g,{,:‘;:¢-rm _. .i t ‘ - : < * & M ' B:l°’;lw°‘§°‘: " 6- D- '{;1lh 3°‘ 9"‘ :"¢“’i""°" "°"° ‘"‘¢°d aninialdom, but apparently widiout nnent home. It refuses to bridle ' . ‘ lll8I:3|lI‘I" ermeyer a - -. ~. % . T , . 1: rs. wart wi , I. 0 W939" - ffigndg wing on, one to 4035 Ai inch from the doorstep, so ' _l-‘rant: thin, whotuctobeinu .M _ _ I T T . in me maMn‘umw_mltheh“_ Booneravernfromsuntnlzoelockg , _- v d. , T.“ _ st h m an ._ in the Galvaay Episcopal‘ Church at ’ ‘ " i ‘ i : teas and thexueats of honor. 1 $54!! hixln t-oi raise money to do‘ n '.‘,,"?,$§ 1%: P20 swig.’ :\i:nnii:’out" ad: tiiomldelirlemz . ‘$ ‘ I130 ngdocktmzigit havi1;;liosen.as 'I'h0sIc9m_ an llrségfrk-_ ’fg””n°n";° bu °l‘pfm°."_ma to I not whipped cream? The iocal foods. ‘ _ Ill‘ _ ra o t e _ party?‘ man an Mrs. aon c ; _ , T‘ . . D -————-—o~----—»-- p _ ii his-3., Hc__K§tn matron of. Mrs. w. 3. Williams, Mrs. H. l..§°Ph‘i’”°“, “um-kl‘ _ f,"‘;i,f",'iy,,.‘§:,":,',,",‘;‘§,§,,',’,‘.'§T Carnival at the many night. » - 4 i\"°”“" m” "“”‘5““" E‘§""" ""“".’ :‘:d'"f"f°"z:?,;' E"‘g’°"~‘ °“"“""i necizefisr and Mrs Franlth liar I oi?"go:1'.gE:iur;hflloi:rihil!‘in“c§& °’°‘“" ‘°° °“““' °““°‘° ‘“‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘T i“‘‘‘’''’ ' iipnoi-’.xiui'.o 3. ii’ in v .nilI* - - - '8 or has n- ' ' ' ' 1 T r w in... u..-, cnimuiis i;io:,n.:.?§.,; . Virginia Babb, oft”-ii?’ "1'- ‘F: 138- bx ral. who was in Columbia on brush __ __fl _ — --— ~ - nudity now“ no 309 is tn‘. . * o_ Belen Bradfield. Evelyn Boar, Lil. u .- ‘FL rim nrgifi dflin . ness. left yesterday for Moberly,_ _ T ’ he the best man. Ushers re Virzllf‘ ‘ 111" Hubbtrd. and llarcnret Jane C.“ . ' ' ”' ' L G‘: m” R°“b‘l Bmm’ ".“i°”l m’ i i 3 win“ of onu,,d' ‘ _. wanna; ; “om” gym .1“, mm b l W! NP. Ind 1111. C. L. Brew-g specter of Alpha Delta Pi. who was ’ ' [ Green at Kansas City Clifflprd His.“ : l Guests will include: Hrs. Stratxon "" “ 2‘ W!“ “ W ‘M1 cluvttr how ‘ 9 ’ 4 V . ' ---———— A - . . . tad of Kansas City anailiauad .1);tq, ; D. Brooks. Dean Beanie Leach Paid-,v The A Duwhten 0, habeu‘ win. ;‘1“1'"1Ll: “*9. Weekfllde 11!“ Mltbrdh) of St. Louis. _k.. i. 1‘. i dy, Mrs. Margaret Chamberlain.‘ h.vg their meetint at 7:303 age wI"nSc¢’.th “#301 b. ;. ‘ Mi” D°r°u‘y ‘saint’: — Chfisli in"; Albert K‘ Hake!’ 3"‘ F‘ F’. o'clock tomorrow eveninc in the an-i Km . Ct?’ '0 rd u-m "1 went 4. B‘ flu‘ cdlegeiis to be the wfloixt ‘mi stgpheng’ gm 1:'_ 3_ unmf¢,d_ .- dhofiumofum Klan.“ of Columbus‘ to . I ) _}este 8) on 1! tom . 00 .. Mrs. Charles Woodland, of Carroll- )C- 5- E“W°0d- 311'!» F- 5- T9461. swag, - 3 id” bmme” . ‘ i an "ton. sister of the groom, will ping. Mrs. w Curtis. uni 12.3 Bram} ." °'”°’ B ”"° S~ L “°“’°“"' “"‘° ’““‘ - Teta Pi will BOP comm,’ Club ton.“ h . ere- _ -r_ J. Rodhouu . mi _ gig aid 3,303,, .3 530:: _Christian College, returned to Ham- . mm, a the dumb’: "‘ ‘ _° Mrs. L. M. oe. Mn. N. '1' Gen.‘ °'°1°& 9**W5¥T"=n1n¢ 0¢t- 31 It. "‘9I3;wY;:e“_ mi H" mm of Fm under new management. Come in and look the in honor of the. ; ton and the Rev. Mr. Baker of Cen- ; Qunkh but L L Two. 1“. Lud_ -————-- 1 tralia were here to attend the cor- -la_ St. Clair lion. Mrs. J. c. Babb.§ Dean and Mrs. Anion K. iiecioiii g§"‘°1’:° """“' .°‘ ‘*‘° ’‘‘’‘’‘°‘“‘‘ . Mrs. Sherman Dickinson, Mrs. W. F.. will entertain with a 7 o'clock dinner? um try. Mrs. M. T. Haw, In. ‘L Li the chapter house. .. Hyde. Mrs. G. v. Head. inn. J. 'r.; ‘ 31- ‘ ‘ place over. Each poison may submit three names, with a slogan for each name. Bring your answer to the corner store at 9th and Elm. The winner will be announced in the Missourian Nd. find Mrs. Fred '1‘. Ckusc, 305 - South Garth Avenue have-' as their‘ knest. llaj. Cruse’: ‘mother. Mrs..- Thonns Cruse of Atlnntiéjcity. N.’ _.-gun... J.» Theywill entertain wit.l'ynbut'!(-t . ch 1- ’ H J ha K . H". J.' ‘among - t b - h i-'; Dean Kiri: of Fresno, Cal.,‘.A. B l . supper at 7:30 o'clock t'night in ' S.e;l:ih:ard,r§dn? 0llV¢y!'d Trabei-.15 Gleitwtoag .1333: "11-ite-r-em-iii-e°'¢‘:,c'},,‘.: ‘I6, was recently announced winner Tuesddy nlghti the 27th- " "°"°" “°i‘°°””” b'' ca‘ ‘““’°" ""' “‘ F‘ "°"“‘"" "“-’i""°""‘*"“°“" "" ‘‘‘° ’‘°“’'‘’ ‘°“'" °°"""‘ “°“’ “‘ Get the old thinking can to working and win lgtonroe C. Xerth,‘ ,'Dr. Jones. ' Mrs. O. A. Hoar. . ficonnection with the California Real g5 00 _ Id Clpt andpfls-3.‘ V B. Tarren and 3‘ 1.; ' 3 1'3’ 1:-mg] k_ i ‘, _ {Estate Association convention at IS .. . ill go . - Li?“- alllh 3- ¢*it°i'- Mrs.usR. B§:Cleezalian.u§Miss Befiifii AGR.ICLLTUR‘AL BOD‘ MEETS ‘ F"°5"°- T , ' A -' . ‘ T 4 . . »—-————-+——-———- : r ; bgaegh-«gr; i:.$.'°i:.‘;:*.t...t‘*.:'....‘;‘.‘;"';..;f*::*::s '“‘“ ‘l‘.:°:"."'.i'.~.’.:.:~.‘i*°°‘° 5 CHAS H- WGHN» Pm» _ men 5' e P a c _- -~r0"- . . . . ' . ’ _? .m,,‘- ' * .~ 1 r ‘day ngiii in th “Y”. moo.) ' , . _ t)‘. Xonday in honor of Miss Roszr ifilexg §‘:ld6nl,g‘: gltéhfiion lergrfi , o'{c:mp.t:ur“:f fibre: Aimmn n ._1__.._:_ K, _ -- —-- - "“ 5911* 3'0‘?! 0’ T“"““.‘- G“-~ “‘“’°"‘ L C'be.;n°e,e Me Nixie,” ,,an°:,d,. :nht- 1;, Rm”; Exclusive Agents for Gilberts DH, __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ T _ -i-:-r in Alpha Delta Pi. and Sue e M ‘ Ch .' t. us’ an cuhfihl En 1: 1; Kn'§('hoco1ates. ‘Tavern Drug Store. . _ W ---1 ' ’ Mrs. Linda _}1eysenber. chnperon of i“p_°“°"' 5’ V“ ‘"9 P°’_*°':"v "- d. d in lag 1:‘ ‘"3 ‘ adv. 4143 . we cup“, here,‘ Those present 3“ . Illtoti C. Towner. Mrs. Gwinn Hem yflcllf. an arm: te p ns for the ______,_______ . the butfet'sup'pe: were Miss Brown. ' ?J‘“Mg:d:3:e\‘M?;bbs’;i:‘;"sD°” 1' dnlu ' “"1. _d ‘ i_ th “Eat.s" Friday night at the “Y”. A an _ ) f h . ' . Min. HIM pres: en a e‘ ._ I G I*u°"«°i""'-'5' ""'""’° ° 3 ° 4 _____.T _ _ Miss Hazel Hoffman, Mrs. I-ziiu sociemin his . .- -’ “"“ ’ t ets 9 local chapter, nctnea and pledge. . |‘P°°¢h , - _ * ‘ Gibbany, Olrs. Eileen Beasley, Mrs. coined the old men hack and invitedf'”*~ -‘ ---- -4»:-kj V Dinner guests at the Kappa .—\l- . * ”‘'‘‘" ‘W ""'°"’ E. A. Mcliay. Mrs. John D. Law- tlfie new men to apply for member ; j T , ph. hguge this (afcning .will lit: Mi.» Sailirn .\'i¢-dermeye “'1; ‘ . ‘ u is . k 1- r f C , son, Dean Rose Lisenby, Mrs. E. L. 8 in II! the organisation. .‘ ‘ ' . ‘‘ Talkies Dex Ellie. Helen 1‘1US!h<'-‘- rclltun uill he .-'oIcmni7.(-d atr theJ:a|:‘“l::‘n:iK;::ifico.pa|rggurch“I " " M0’ “o M‘‘‘‘- G°°"K¢ ‘''°“‘u°o 3573- Short talks wereigiven by Pro!.° , Stir your stumps matexs , . ‘ I Margaret ljarks, Betty Miller. and T ' . .T ., T __ \_ ' _ __ M 1 1-‘. L. Johnston, Kiss Katherine? J, c, woo]¢y_ dui,-,,§.,,_ ma ;__ J_‘ 19 ; ; , 3 Louise Stcphensnnd Rachel Irgirl-mi.‘ E7‘! at (W2 ‘) if . i The “LY mum if P0,‘ n } in “dd Johnston, Miss Minnie Braabea:-,1 ; t‘ ' , 2 or stevhenscoI1exe- ‘J J’ ‘ ’ 0.’ '35 U,,;,.,_.,,.,.. H. ,, ',.;,’,‘,,,i. ;',,,‘;,,,{; ,, Mrs. Icon-rd caddum. .1“-8 AM: "**“*~-"i, C < - a William Kingsbury and A K ~°i1<‘"<'€I‘ -4NN0?H10<’d at n iiniiqo.-f fist night nt iii. °‘‘‘‘‘‘''’‘'' W“ W"‘°’"' w““'°"'! 1101* CH1LLE ‘ A ' ‘ . . ‘ A ' ’ . . i . . Miss Clara Louise milieu. : : . um, 0g Boomqne “me todgy to The engagenient of Miss bnrah Presbyterian Church. .\i!!~‘:! Lang‘ . . _‘ . p : E k V ‘ 11 , >g{figd fig}; wedd1ng.gf M155 sgbm Spencer of \‘ Joseph and Maj.‘(f Stephens College ;:n\'c xi ro.-aiding, l’ir;‘sG'M‘::' I;I°"E3'-‘?e1;Ii' 1;'lresdaRW‘i‘lY 2 afl' HOT HUSIC P i a ‘ . - um Ti +., .-or -. ‘s - - i -‘ . ' ." : ' .' ‘ ': = ' medemcyét and F3“ T=“u' at‘ta?l:i((~ ...rmixiiti-u1i‘r:nc:"::iih’;]:;‘§ii li:}(in'l‘ll:I[!llim\\'lli?£P!:?i)Il‘ in 3”" W” ’“"°“° “°’‘'v”‘'' 3‘: TEA ' J .. ‘ii - ' » - ~_ 1-.,.;.._; _ ,, . . 3 _ ,» - ’ - _tha Eitun Mrs. H. C. annex-a L]; .”i — . ..:‘::*:..?..&.ff.°3.:.?:l:°:.::::i5‘::. D 5 F wee ; ~ 1 i ~ ’ Countess Kédita. de Beaumont of in the 1-arly winter. ‘ rs‘ aw _ obncu‘, 1 09 A“ The A] h. T”, omeg‘ f,-“ernjgy. """ "a”"" ."‘—" —‘“—' " _ 1 - .Parié,probably next week. .\ii.~.- Spencer is the ;:randdaugh- “"13 °,m°'u'" .5‘ f‘ 9"" an tea; at 5 o'clock gwggmi . . . i N ‘ ' *' ¢ The Social Stnd-;—CIuh’met with uircmi mi.’ “““o‘["‘-‘ S‘iuimiiT°m°r' *:>l::'cr<>f‘i1'=‘r 0":?;f“'F?‘9:§bn;‘%:t :"}"‘ er “"'";id° “ml ‘mm my ‘I l * 1 , f -o n um sin. . 2 Ir? 5 t ' D ’ ' . _ . } * , . mm? s_ T: Simpgom 3'5 _‘ neg Of Mm R. w_ “inum?a“.:0 foisgfi: nett, and Mrs.‘ Rohnett of Bnrtow. Elle zuests will be. Hilisaes \'itft:la: T T E R I E S i _ A . A'°”“e-.01“ ‘fur‘°°n°.Mr5' 1‘ 'A' tiiiight in the Sdio-.~l of Law in the There “'11 be about any °hn,°n.' Betsy Worn Lou xi - i”. 1' ' P *3 want '35-“ “"799 °‘ th°'Pr°‘ l'ni\'«’-r.~'it;.‘. Maj. Thenault. ‘mi of- ‘."h°"’ Wm be Mr‘ and En’ Lqmsc Thoinpsom may Johnson C0. 1' P i ' ‘ _ . . f T . _ _ .m,'__!, in (M air “,n,ic(_’ was c0m_...:gs. Donald Fitch of Independence,’ B:::;ck.“Bu°l?e.; AMnilcnws¢rCfP15)f:hlI; North 8th St. i ‘ mung, guests qt'tho PM Kappa 1:l:latldt'l‘ i_.-l the 'liafn_\'ctto escndrille ' ~ qnoughu’ Lmhn ,r'ed"‘ie.° ‘V, : our. In _ Fe 1 L i T 1 - - .~ . . “‘ U“ ““”“ “~.‘“" . Professor and Mrs. H. M. Reese - ~ ' I ' , thaws 3 , good ; E ~ a n P‘! 5”” um‘ °""‘"‘“ « “'11 b°‘ . i_~s Spencer Fnd her mother are “-11 ' t rtg' g b ' to Ihnu’ 9° z“—r‘"°‘i and 80 18 our service. Misses uuriei Smith and izniiiy M“. in .._.a_.,,ing..m. m}eni°" *3‘ t;:.‘h ’“‘¥° Ed’:°:;“f Piiymr, .cme- Wilmer, Lillian, J_ ‘ Kiiualmryland Dean and hli-s..lnme.< __________ , Avemf ‘i'n h°:1‘;r°(:;‘°;1’:_‘ ma” Mm Hart, and Dorothy Whittaker. and! Phone 96; ‘ = In Your Homg A T. Quarleari A i . . ‘ V I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Hovey and pweuon Bah, Jr_ Mr: and M”: Mr and Mrs. Francis Early. A - . 5 llrs. H.-L’-Dutrsviii leniennin R9:,,°"'§:i He?" Dv';',‘’‘’”‘.‘ ‘"11 Bain will leave soon for Florida for ‘W’ M” ‘lbw K-H°°k°1“'i11 Chlrr C ‘ ' 38-50 Set Of It I b*W8"fl"‘*“‘7 8fi°"‘°°*‘ 3‘ ifiilolee ihiifsnaiii ntufnrd tiietizizif: "‘° "‘1"‘"' B 9 " _._._ - K ’ I A ' 9'16 h€T 1-mu.‘ co;“,enti0’ of the . Mr Mrs. Ch‘r]cs C Bundschui: Mrs. John Goode F‘rmer of h_ F ' ‘ . 'u“".u_"' gun“ L05 An’ Men‘: Christian Aissocintion of North D of Independence, h(o.. one. e guests} C'"”‘l?¢- ‘V50 b” b°'~'n Vhiilfl 3173- Thursday _ Z xeles. , ' . America a '1 her sister. Miss Ca.theyine- W. 1!. Stone, 1310 Rosemary Lane.‘ ' ' ‘ F R E El | ’ ‘ —____ ‘ ' - v i returned to her home yesterda '. ' October 29 ° ' fir‘ ‘ad un‘ C’ H‘ “fiber “"3 The Dauizhters of Demeter will Ohm‘ for n few dug‘ ' —-L—--— ' ’du":::"c.”"“'°fu3:fk::3n 51;: have their anmial informnl- dinner Mrs. Eliot Alden ‘of H3l1ywood.! ,M"" C‘ 3‘ R°nim’ "°“ aw fir“ G91 5'0“? “C335 ‘WW $3“ dm .1“ Gl°m‘wood A“ at Harris’ Saturday night. e 011., came today to be the guest of P"”'° 3‘ 3‘? C°°’'f-‘'5' CW5 ‘“"°h°°“ from P 1 am‘ husbands of the members of the or- Mrs. Odon Guitar, Jr., for a few 5'9’:-°t’:‘5' erldd ‘mi’; M"? 3‘°K°° Student Council Members , = . ' -., .. . v - ,wo e s on r . - . e . __.._.__ . aiiigaiti n haw be en imited to at days. I J___ Dolitld and’ ‘fit: 50-_‘_‘__1.0o E 4 Mn. ‘Gent:-y will entertain “ -- ..._..... Members of the Alpha Gamma‘ The Dauzhten ‘Of Demeifl‘ ‘jlllii Iuzaafl oalluion.’ I _ _ _ ' 7 » at h parties on the afternoons Mrs. l-Ithel Burns of Los Angoles Delta sorority will entertain at n 11015 N1 811_1"-"3 dime!’ It filth! 1"", 3 ‘Duke Paddock IS in it. ‘ ~. 3 l of ’!’r' y. Oct. 30 and 1 Saturday. arrived this afternoon to be the _ line party at the Hall Theater. 58“-11'd|}' mlithti It which the l1{|!'l HNIIOCB T SHOP E 16 N_ lmh phat, 52 - 051,, 31, T _ i guest of Mrs. H. A. Dot)’. Thursday attemoon. ‘ blmds °f "’°mb°"' ‘md m°mb°" '3‘! Pk“ 7” ‘ " “"15 “u'l._,__ """ o ‘ 3 - ” °* fa“ 1%’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' B’ ' " " ’ ' B DH" . ~ 1 in '.. E -—._.. _ . - fllagicbqoiacfl ° Load \'_V 77 21:‘ est and f‘a:t¢_:t to f'1orxda ,_ .. we _ I c ‘ ' _ j L _ ’ve Novun& 1at.The Floridan-the de . lnxe u-ain— runs P-o-=e"5"a-v--an --ml Butter is one of the most nourw dailyonafaner ‘ L «Egg-%""" no ,_ , . .s.. ii... , c ishing foods we have. There ' I-ci..nnvniea»soitin.r.i-ii-ii.-Bassoon-,1!-i1°J° ........ . ” .V._ ‘ ; W “ e 0 ‘ ’ U‘ “"95, \ should be no skimpingfl on the. . i 7 The qt _ - - § ‘ T-) Danube: In buttei bill if you have ever tasted; :;t36-i--- White Eagle Dairy butter. 1 ; ‘"""“"“"""" There's no use to try to serve a E C C C r 1 _ .5 small quantity of this butter With-. 1 3 , each meal because‘ it is the kind ’ . 4- 1 . - ’ i n ~ 5.. that you help yourself to three j or four times. ’ i 5' Specify White Eagle, Dairy ‘ Pasteurized Butter when »ord.~::°-T I ing from your grocer. ' White Eagle Dairy r Company ~ I . 3‘ :,'_'...-”". . .‘.".' . 3 .' _ ‘ . ‘ , ' _ Z. I _ _' ' . < ‘ i . ‘ ' V. ‘ I t '." I . 3- ~ ' MI is 1. +1. i‘xeu.n.~r~. . 1 _ ‘ L‘ : ‘-' ‘L -‘ ‘ ~'.' - ' ‘*'.‘--' 4; ‘ ‘ Bleep» :_ . F ._“. ‘ «V ‘ Q o ‘- p_ .._ '. 1' 3:‘ 2 ‘$2. . ~...7' . .34‘ -’F-. -5.»; ,3 . V,.lfa . en» -' ‘. .‘ . .. ....‘i5 . ..A - .' -“tr ‘-«.~ - ..A ~ r~;. . ‘n ‘ '. 7, -_ .-“O ‘- T _ _ ‘ -.- -"v“‘ 1-.“ i 2* ::!l'I’-i‘.v=...«,-1-4» .?'.~.-.1‘!-‘§d§‘.,4'ht.fi..~.‘..-'....‘*.““* -34- “*4 *’—“- ' “ “’ “ “ ' ;~- : .. ' - - . . i., ~ Qw...)'u ‘.i""