. 4::-i."'_ . ‘ . : H I . - .A .’‘:L.‘ .. Aft p ~'i 7 ~. §~,- ‘. -17.. fit .1?-.ti.ii‘.:—:.‘.;.* .. .1 I _ ,. ; .,;, g . . x: -r . - r; ; it ~ *7"- “‘“"‘.*"‘“T’°. . ’ . . Y °VE“BER7‘19W:i~ 1 . -"3 - —‘ M-.uv-» . he : " « i -' .3 - D "l..“%“,,.T ~_~..:%.-f‘."7.7“..‘”....”‘i'..':.*".’.'.*.1::.'t.'.t'.'.': ~ . ' ew m t - oft» wn.o..i’u...i..-“«.ac.'.. iJ--«---u--‘-~-- , .0 .% . . ‘ t ‘ . . . - . 0 .eIIh‘§Bt,..lnfl;Noi.'ll. - - ~ A-V MWWI . z. 9 I - . .‘ _ . _ ‘ " ‘ yr ‘ . . L AC0 '.A.xx‘4n‘_ - e ~.FUL’l‘ON ' i m u . i“BEilT MIZZOU” ‘~u~.v~.--m~a «=»--,,.-=,.,,.,.5i.....-=*i**°-..:.t*:'..-*:*.'.i..*.**- ,.....-'-w-*i..........=-- ;.-.2-~ °-- TG-E. H 1 I. ' 3' IN a VALLEY ll " Twoooxf tralnwaiheadayeuen-in¢.:l¢ov.":I’:L_% '_ .4 _.___A i_ ‘ u.EvENDowNs: . « ~: REETSTIGERS -.~.... .... .. ........ ..m..m-.. 1...... -~—. . m . The to.« , (hassles llavelidgeoii IV|II!590P0fi10l-h6_ltlIlIbll¢.!DdVmg '- 13,IIorn=wwillbcthetwut _ -'_____. Geargiafaeh. Jbedenotedtoflueationarelatiogtog ‘ ‘ ' tuibeiveaaihetwoiiauiutions, Or: umni Give -* ' earl seaso ti ‘iii "°'*U°‘¢1"“°fl— ; . ’ i ighymu ‘h:h"'-'b°flIDlaY0d uief quet for MAfi"‘;,‘:)]o2a“ :lie'1‘ulane'Graenl’esis " ' '3... J rs.‘ mm m .; "- ~ ‘a era u-won ’ and - . - - putstio bei [gut ° opof s-.' ‘ _ “,3 DIIIICSII SNPS Three of lost seven, and two have been tles.f on a partith tliengt :.:§..“i,, {fig so will give the invocation. Put} r . :s".'.""""'.i-iua"'.i s...u.i 5 3- 3 N 4 Gallows)’ Touchdowns gnu rear .0k1uhom- mod. hither! . ’ South At present the team *C- A Willi-us dirwug of the Ex-: I 4 s-.' 3l'¢IIIIIFflIIlltI.fu'ahlIad. 'erun- . . dntheconf ti thanKano‘9! Iianou-n....4..;, ha notbeeudef tadtliisssason*¢'Mi°!!D*'i83°!| Of |1iVI!'I1l!0f? . '. ; 1 _ ' 0 3 ‘lII:Ihifl.»W.0.Bei¢|Iat. Standard by Bnmmt jsaa. and .i::i':i°°.; w‘ 5 LOUIS. Nor. 7.--A andis onooftliefzir teams with an‘ ’"“°“” “"5 “"9"” °‘ """°“' ; : ‘REAL 31 ilua. Asa. Phone 3&0 or (81. ' Runs 1 Th N.bn..;.....§..._k.; ';iiumher of alumni and former stu. unspoiled in the Southern Federation. cull o rgzdiaa-7 --4-r— ' “ f‘ ..————— = ' \ ‘e usrs -, " . -icon: - Purpo W 1-‘ - ‘yon SALEJINO. ‘win win. in‘ ‘ALB 4 V ________ ‘Med ‘O ‘nu one d that‘: con etiagffiztfigazersibwtzf Missouri uune::D¢:t.y‘:‘;iC:'I'r:lil:it'::3&S were lion and se of orld era is. Avenue. take in well 5-nun. F 135'!‘ 140$ FOB.C. H. S baclcfields in the United sign; In what: same here from coin”?-y . - -r J. Walhenedltoroffielsool and ur span: lot. Weatbara‘Réa_lty,'Co.; “£103 8ALE—Canaty birds. Phone _ . -——-——-— _ iaddition to Locke, who equalled the at {base} lug night, The pgugfigt: 33”“. gm “,3, with the out,“ Gomnainity. will gives report 0 the riiose err. y . . ~ 4. i . 1157.59. Gilbert, Edwards, and .. reconii onsao seconds for the ioo eluded: Dr. J. c. Jorzs. in. and the can um. i... .g.¢.,..¢.¢ u,. conference of Wcrld Fed- sAi.i-:_is'uri room non "RALE-—Globe ‘Werni.-lie‘ 2. Turner Star for ”"' 4"" " "” D “by” D” '"' R°"'" L mu’ " “d ""‘ """i"””’i "'i“‘ ’“''‘'“‘’‘’i' ‘”"' §ir:fi$:ii::: uTa.s.:lhieer¢.lelctIte iobti. . NR . » . . hath. iirlxia and nrsse.¢25o0.north‘ Iecticn bookcase. class doors. Dark '°" :3: ’‘'.‘’'‘‘‘''> "'3" '"°"'‘‘“’' 01‘ Cheur 1» Brewer. new Incper men. Auburn i nthcir own conference and 0 0 I , ‘ - ‘ac’ Wm “he in ‘.'am_l““w.“5_ um ‘am, Co“. ‘a ‘fly ‘Quin’, K8Wpl% In 9'9 ad YIN N38)’ ‘um Whit?” Phfllftflvbefli tliirif-three Mia- .\'crthwestern in an intersections! °°'"’°‘_'u°" 9°” “V 3“"'""‘ 5”“?! 1] V‘ . ; .k , he “'30 P18” 03 the Mlle .. aouri Tigers and more than fir frame. A rdi 3 . l ~’ 195 ue(~ era Be-alt) Co.- Phone 272. 50-81., column :6. Phone 995 red.‘ ios Defeat. ,;,.,d., ,,,d D,,,,. “R ,, h c it to rust pcrform- . . e . . v N 4. Iisomh 0. stud. 5%”. _________ { , be ) ' so mun- undred students and townspeople ance they should win their games 30 3- Ulrike. f0Tmfl’ 5°“'°° °f' ICIKS T1 I-‘ORSALE-!-5-New6-rOoIn45lannAf ' o The Col b_ Hid‘ sch 1 { ‘ TI 01' the Winning lsebraska mile who came to attend the game bg- \vi Sewanec and Louisiana Sum,» the United ,States Suprmne Court.l . '. I .m¢a.hncdq'_ ...kthaodu.. 1.. F03 sALE_Pn‘h dun 3"”), N" we 'Ilm'l:’ Va ogidottiu: glrymbtegmme lnbvthe game here at tween Iilsaouri and washinxton. to finish their season with a per- will live a of the evening: NQVQI’ 3ta1nS . every ‘VII. 08* fl00!'I- ‘H10 Ind} milk 7c per pint. 12¢ per quart for N“ ‘O thh"c'°ch..mp‘h’bm°m of Cum‘! bfclkla . a 1;t\" the liuzkerl More than four; hundred members feet record. on "The Mora Duty of Our Country , _____ _-___ ‘ ‘,..mQ, .3"-.3‘ M “och f”m.{om. “mm we pa. ‘ant phone ‘Emmi P th F I b to sturt at u speed was it of the Ilissouri alumni association Tub",-. wide magi" of 264 to Paittlcipatoin the world Court of. -°»~~—» — -.-_ school. Price a:aoo.srnan payiaant‘ use ".1. ;_ 1-_ p...;,_ 12 gut to 8 3‘°“‘"“!’- we H‘ ,U- is fnctor in their irround_imniniz. here at the annual banquet‘ over the Mississippi Aggics cmn- "" -'° 3 dawa,baIanoe by the 1%. file-. wgtnut 3:5‘; 55_6o_ n“to°‘n”‘“Th"°"£P¢d_°fl Fun GWPIPA. in addition to the backfield men. and rally that was held at the D' -nu cc-lebrIl1zd"£ho-u 5.11" which x_‘}'”"“““’" "°""' "8"" m"°"‘" ii s 3.37.31- . 605-37 Broadu'ai'- ' Phone 576 WA1\“l‘l-2D—Emplo)‘mait by mid- °" °"" ‘- °' °"'°“t' ‘ to -on all the rac- “"3 ""‘ "'"‘ “'"““"¥ '°°"‘ “*5 ' " "‘ S“"‘“""‘- .- 534!‘ ‘"9 32'‘! V0133“ 5!’ 1111' h°‘-"' urine held’ bug ‘ b-d punt “V. Columbia lice‘-.0 orublissouri \':llev been ‘ow ‘Dd ‘he wuhingum Mn‘ : 2 W 1* P“- + '. {of chgtdnn 0, 0,5,,‘ with ho.” 5"’ d|39°¢ 91¢ 309‘ ‘{0}’! "CM ‘h 15 V” d(___i“_d b_ Ammo A’ * cils think that several thousand Hereford .... . . . . . . .. 4 0 1.000- 583 THE USED CARS ‘wk. Phone 1.“ :hl’0l-‘it'll the line for their first cou:i- " °° ' . ' ‘ . V . ' will have to be turned iiwa' a’ the ‘lia ' b ‘ ‘reen. 5860 _ ‘- , ' I _ l p ) - ; rns urg . . . . . . . . .. 4 I .300 ‘ Ford ‘outing "ar&r.”."‘65V _ L 1 be _____ :::'. 80:1. T§00n litre . V N ¢ b H D . . . . . . . . . . . ii 3 .500 .2 Star touring; .............. .. 250 D-0 a teeth. we _ 3 I 1'8 P9 M _ "Mfr _° « . 1‘, 9 Noun 11 :4 enry Amhlnnd . . . . . . . . . . .. I . 1 .500 1 St” t°m_ing_mu__” . . . _ . H 350 9., hits, “ 31° fa. hm Rt‘ Don.‘ Craig, placed the hewpi-.-s within. ‘° ”°"'m P’-°"'°° tfif.‘ d" V Depping and the Rassers. and sev- ‘ U. H. S. . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 .1 .400 1 pa“; ¢,ou,.;,,,:._19-24 _ _ . _ , _ _ _ , , _ ggmmatter if broken. We buy crowns, "0"": distance Mt!!!" 805 TU"}¢’ _ lows players nre leading the Mis- oral hundred automobiles. loaded . liullsvillc . . . . . . . . . .. 1 7 .125 V] 193 paid can , _ ,___,_,, V325: brldites. Western lit-tal Company. "em °"""- . G'“’°“ “‘k‘d ‘° Ck souri Valley conference in me num- with Tiger rooters paraded the Ccnzraliii . . . . . . . . . .. (I 0 .000 1 spntmodcg supcrgg, (Q33... Illoomingto L If 81 The 3?‘! Of the lame C0lUm- be, of point, “and in the present downtown business district this - The Sturgeon H:gh School basket- ' ’ . . _ . _ _ _ ' . ' . _ _ . __’.‘,’_‘...‘-75 —;1—v;ED—R _. his was on the offensne but virus ,,..,0n_1'hc1¢.d§ng fin scorer.-. are morning. The Missouri alumni hero . ball tea mdefeated the University 1 Bab). .0,.(.,;md__. _ ‘ _ _ _ . _.i'___._ :90 i i _ 00'" “Nd B_°M'd bl‘ lN'IIb1c'10 9¢‘0!‘¢. the frame. cndmk, disaribuled smung Drake. Amt-s,: have asked that they be allowed to c High School team ycsu-rday 15 to (R0-(,'lUR‘s GARAGE :3“ Sudan m ‘mu! !‘""'13''- ‘‘‘’l‘'‘ 31 ‘_° 13: _ and Grinncll. Moran nf Grinnell is crowd the Tiger rt-0t('!'s into their 14. The game was pziyi-d on '.h:- 10- « i ate. _Addr~css Box care of Jimmie Turner. Gilbert. and Ed- the 1;-gding scorer. with 20 points; can and take them on is tour of the : cal team's court. The game was l922 Studebaker Speedster. $100.50; “l“°lmlD- 58-62 wards l}lII)'ed E004 fooiblll for ‘he He is followed by Spears of Dralu-f city. iclosc throughout. the Sturgeon team ,, , _ our Conan! ..i. ‘.Ax1ED.__I‘ «fie--~ C°'°"‘b§‘ ‘"9 7“ F“"°'‘ "°‘~"h and Cory of Arms, who are ‘tied! _~Foilowiiur the game. the entire ; winning the game with a free throw. - -15 K‘ as St. Phsae .83 Phone mu mt P5‘_66"°’ ‘° °° had trained his men to keen: cIo2;e' win, 24_ 'n.;- lutding Missouri; team will be the guests of St. Louis ; Moorbcad, Stu:-in-on firward. with ‘ ‘ i ' “’3“'h W‘ T“”‘" "‘d 9""? ‘"“° “"5 scorer is Jackson, with 18 points,‘ business men at I dither at the St. E three field goals, was the outstand- ’ ’ SALE ‘ ‘ WA.\’TED_wor§ by boy ‘nyfime _ P“??? 20‘ ‘I915 0f We 58" 3'» '98” who is closely followed by Captain Louis City Club. The team will re- » in: player for the visitors. Waggon- 1922 Ford Sedan. Bel paint, good .,,d.m.,_Mng ooufidemd “Mu fi_N I 07 N19 FUNQB Plfl)'¢"5 “'°F’ld Whiteman with 15. The Valley play-’ main overnight at the Coronado cr. with four field goals, War the ~ Ul'¢8.1iD¢ mochflnicll IIIIPG. .433.“ in ‘mg. {°‘mui;, dc“-"lg" , ‘NP 917002?! flit‘ ‘"19 ‘"5 “b h"“-3 (rs who have scored over 10 points Hotel and will leave early Sunday star of the loca ltesm. 1924 Essex Six Coach. New uni; 1' I-:a.m-.1, played with it bad cut over. this 30086:} follow: morninx for Columbia. ‘ 9 line-up for Sturceon wast P'P"'3- .d"5"i!1£ tfllckl. janitor work, 1752:) can mnrinns . I’- I ‘J . balloon tires. 7 1920 Fort! Roudstcr. "32 Ford touring: j]\'ash_Sii: 'l‘ourini:—A1 condition. A ‘.1924 (iii-yrolet Roadster. c... o a Du ’ f ‘ iio.i2 sfsui St. Phone ioss iiaie lB_2I rm Coupe. balloon .a.... _-;-1925 Est): C_oach, fully equipped. 1923 Built Touring. fine condition, ' mash @133 COUNTY AUTO CO. v T tires away. We will make a llbt-j W9“ .”'d p‘i"u“3' °°““8 Ind .'al_on l¢W'A§l'iI. ' §""“!l"‘3 5°‘ P" T’ ind HD- rnocroirs GARAGE :5" WW mm-at-ed Phone 2420 15 mod“, Pb”. ‘as “Ed or call at 309 W’. Ash Sufet_ ‘——————k 1 ‘ ' 53-59. 5 xurtoi-uizxr lit-ZLP \\'Al\'1‘i-ZD—-linrn good ‘-HIODC)‘ 8‘ home, clipping new-5. - l‘-SP0 ca ; bio e_x\perieriee cr canvassing. Pu- ,ticulnrs free. Zeno Service,-60 W, }Wuhiuirtou. Desk H-301. Chicago. —-58 MAN ivnxri-xii-=-(Eii',? or ciiuif. try) old established company will A sioosis roii iunrr. V ma-iir::."r—onc nice room in Nowell Bldg. :10. See this room beat audilight furnished. Phone 170 in. you will nvant it. Hot water. ateam - ' ll-lPPb' cstitala lid tuft you in your ‘ "i§i'§r7:'iTs"1T.Es“iisx‘:/sis_o “ON”! and CXPCDIOI Ielllng (Iggy-;_ d b Experience not ' ry, S93 ' f sddroud. mpad envelope for information. National Cigar Comp-us. um: Point. N. c. -5: M‘ w ha ‘find c ‘ '3 843!‘ orthup ,._!Pi-open; at too Dorsey St. mu .'m 8 mph pg L We (lose. 7115- smart football men in .h parative value of coaching and mm ' terial. - Because he had been so successful in developing wonderful teams l- most over night. Knute Rockne was looked upon as a constructive genius and the one couch to whom material A was not the main essential. When Notre Dame finally lost a ' claimed by ' another example to prove that the wisest football coach cannot succeed unless he has the right kind of mu- .‘L . When the Notrc Dame _voungstcrs went to Minneapolis the week after they had been downed by the Army and defeated Minnesota. some of the Wise birds had to sit up and take ' notice. The material that was green , game was not so green Ndre Dame breaks out with year world butt in 192?,‘ credit will have to ‘-it i W‘. on ‘hC to two Garage. by the Curators of the University, of Missouri at Columbia. Missouri. until 10 ii. in. Tuesday, December 1, 1925. Plans and specifications may be; obtained by application to the un-; dersigned or to architects Jamiesorr and Spearl. 1116-26 Arcade Buildinx. St. Louis. Deposit for plans 810. The right is reserved to reject any ' or ali bids. EDWARD 8. BROWN. Business Manager. Columbia. 0. Last insertion Nov. 18.. __.__..___. DREAMS _ Come true when man doe iflfl-I tar, After the game Dr. S. T. Brat-. t .' Makins" in the Geology Building. decided to abandon the old plan. i This year Kansas has scheduled. two games with every other Valleys team and is giving up her two cue-‘ tomary nonconference games. ’ ___._..___. —8eaats Play Basketball. Two teams. the ‘‘Shirts'' and: ter has advanced northward from the; Scouts of Troop 2 for ii basketball: game last night at Rothwell Gym-' inn! ' ' " won with a: on Jectured to the ‘boys on “Map hi‘: See the used car bargains offered ! part by industry. good habit and. . .. , s constant saving, when men ‘learn; wd” Q” "“‘ ‘ A Mafiiieiie sfi -4?- -‘ COMFORTABLE cmodaranacostina 3*: Ihouel of wide lune. . . ‘_l..‘j_=,7, convenient to the ‘kc; Business district. $2-wand up for one person; upiortvo. ‘ FOR BETTER SH . and pint. Good condition. , . MS 1'5’! ‘filth h3Y'dl<'3l’P°d hill 051-‘ l'la_-rir Tu Y: P.-.t. Pt-. _ ‘ _ . ‘ . .\locrhcad and Watkins. forwards; ‘V 1922 D95‘. Touring. fin. ,e.lm.°°fl,ynfta‘h:nd' 'm' n:":;h:§ ‘Jen’ ‘ was a tower on defense and scum. .(;.-mu.-its : 3 : \Al.LI'.\ EDLLI-lh(‘BA.\GEI) -1-}.h.,_ “.,m.,. Mud and Woods, ‘aim .35 fin. goo¢_ ‘.fla._ C.‘ ‘he “fame” M‘ when required to use his toe. dis- «(‘3‘i-";r‘~U:W . . _ . ‘ I ‘ . I .: ‘ 0 u m;‘ K. U. B.nké"'" Tum ukdy ‘o guards. The local ,l.OBlh',; lino-up Ilisaourl H010! C0. MP8. Gun. 1408 “La phyed hi‘ mm‘ ‘k L ' J llehm «Ame-u : o 4 :; B‘. only on, '0 pl". .3 L°‘..1_ ' ::5r&sB’'i:3 :95 ‘::lll?_(l’_:3);-b _fd"7' V 5.17‘ _ ,————~ ‘ ' —-—-*——— - '. stew.» «an nrlll : l s : - -_ ' : no . con e; ' r. gt 1 N Seventh 5% 15°" 333. m.;p_m,mG Am, ,u_.,.ERmG__ nocxisi-2 ruovi-:s Auiun Rhoda». ..x.n..-... I . .. 1-I _ Thf_b';;:;""‘ ‘;,’"'j °‘ fl}: L"; and Griffin, guards. ~ '0fcl0tlI ‘ to stun: I-‘OOTBALI. max Juwn ' L--our“ ' " " ‘* ""“ ’ ° W‘ “""""” ”’°.' Hallsvillc forfeited’ its aim to es for men women and chil- . . . 8 STUDXBAKER GUARANTEQ -dun no ' ,___,_. _ .~. mm-.. ll 0 4» 1. gb, be the only basketball team In: Hufisbu ,”u__du, "'8 USED CARS ’ ll” R ;h‘°9n'° '2 we saw" sh°P' When . re Danie Met Army the “""" ”“""‘,"““"f"' ~- 5 ° " ‘f’ the Valley to play a double round- Th 2: ’ ‘f " h 1 1 ,3,“ Coupe 1 0 th St» nbone 148 red 6. W” 6"“ but V0“ p Ihitruian Ilisaaurn . I : : i.. robin schedule _ 9 M _xame or t 0 och team - l DR!-2SSflAj~.1N(; dam. ‘t ,.m.°n_ , ‘ 1 uruu «Not-ra.i.ai .... .. 2 o in l- ' t . mil he with sturgeon next 'I'ucs- . stq¢¢hkfl co,” p :; ‘bk mica’ Phone’ 2138 red .207 U U reek Showed Skill. I sisndm 1.\'s-bras r 0 o 1: “On the Entrance o. Okahcmii Aaé dun ‘t Sw,..ge0n_ . lfgdgog fig . 5 ' I I NIH ’ _ ‘Surf’. iGrinric'li . L‘ O 0 X: . into Q 3 confcfgncc‘ i.-_ ‘-35 g.‘ I < Chandler Touring‘: Polzga Y0§:_‘u‘,"":k_l";:n w:‘n°":‘ "“'*"” "”f“- 5' " """.‘_*_‘ ’ ”, cided that to compel each team 11’: _ ‘-6- ' V e 1 E S a " 3. ’E. LESLIE 5 SON . FOR RI-I.\’T—Gara;-e, 5 W 1 . . "Pu ' , , , play every other team in the Valley Y 5 _ fin ,1, 15 s_ mm st_;,.,m_w mm. mg but Hajgf decisive‘victory over lsotrc Dame.-. .\OTlCE‘I000.\"l‘RAC'f0RS on 8 ,wm_m,_hom, hm, ,.ou,d 1,, , . . .__.._——-+ ' ' mum 30"“ ‘am’ ‘he "1"" Sclled l'"'0P°5_ll3 {O7 the °°“3t_"“°" necking too much of the players. and; 1] DON'T THROW YOU3 “ed FOR ROOF WOR.K——Carpenter “"5” ‘"3 '‘95‘""°d “Wm 93¢‘ Wm“ tion of. a Stadium will be received: V R . UA VELVA is a new prepuradon A created to keep the newly-shavcn sltiniuelvety softall day just aswilliams Sliiwing Cream least: it. A trial will.- ptove that its daily use pays big divi- dends in faceooomfort. SOC for big Soounce bottle, enough to last ‘for months. At your dealer's. AVING-WlL.l.l.Al(l., \Vashina!nnat1&lI.&.I.ods that surplus _earnings are to be, . kcpt-—not spent, and invested in as lumbia. Ho. ‘ ' % on 8100 or any multiple. paid: . i semi-annually, withdrawable the 5 first of any month. Office Cen- 56- tral Bank. phone 855. 8 Ba ......._..__.__._._. 2 plit the 13 big plates in the Ford. tasty and enoutli lead is obtained- eheap batteries. I-‘ord_ Batteries sell for 816.50. Clinbeales Iv. 58-tf. ’ -.a. as‘--Oo»4 nan.--.4 ~_ ... ' ‘. ',’ I ‘vi.-s-~. isaaw-i an-sees-u ltepwuhllvdflil final , , . . ' —. .\‘P ‘ .A- a 1 ‘far (and value Oudflil. ' , °:'.,-<'—( ." -. >--rs «. - .~ .. "“J..I3. «~rs.?-.t--:- n « 4."‘f- "_ . ' ' ‘T _'.- . cl. 5', ..J