7 .. ..T a . ._ 5 ._ , .- .~- -'.;-'.- , ‘=- ~-.- V I _. ~,.;.~«.;;~,~; 1:2. -..-,- 5 - ._ '~ ' ‘L ‘_-_’ . - 5- _. . a ; -1 . ,. , » y _ , ~ - z ; -T ~ 7. . : .-j.';_; .. 2‘ ‘....j_l.'_::_:t,-..-. _ -- -,. :1‘. ‘ ,l ‘ :. 3.. ‘W’ ,2. lg.“ L'.(4.”"4“ _ §.. 5.1,. oz . _, . _ H “ V V - .1 : ‘,. _ ' ' I ‘ ‘V _ . _ I . 7' -1. .v_v_‘.’ ' _ _.‘ :‘ ‘ I ;.-.T‘ '. ' . -L. j. ‘Q - ‘., :4 - .a . ‘ ' I "\r ’ ...\l.. . if Vt‘ W i v ' ’ - _ : a :» ~ > ~ ‘ ' : 9 ~ . . , . . :‘I'_ .2’ I '1‘-.‘ '4‘--" “_ . l . 2 I . - l_‘ - . >- . V J. 4‘ .‘ 1.3. . '~‘ ' . >.V V . ' ‘ . ' ‘ ‘.V.‘h V V . .- ‘ I ‘ P 1 . ’ I; ' A.‘ . 1 ‘J1 T i . oowuntatmsso an AY NOVEMBER 1925. -as A +~”~*- . ~ :,_ v 3” . 1‘ 3": '. ‘V 'V_~_ '2“ - .: .' ;‘_‘ ‘..‘ 3 _, , ' l; ‘ . ~ ' ' -‘~____‘f"::’:’___ '_' _ ,,- ;- ‘T ~ ——-—— ‘ _ ’ ‘ " _ « .1—l—7—-— Y ' - N M I. w X In ’ +~.- ' - -- .. .. _ , . .T - . . ' .; ”"'”""""* ‘.-.‘~T. .‘ . "C _ u _ .. ‘ ~ - ‘ ,5‘ .'.3“‘k"{' 5"" ts; ‘at Novansbrr. A. i ‘ . . -. by V‘ __ ‘E . I A I ._V ._'_J -. L‘ _ V ‘I “ _. ,. ‘ .\ o _ ‘I __V'__‘ . V -. . _‘ 8;‘. ‘ n D. mm. A . « " " ' ‘C ' ' ~ S QtIart€t?ReP’f3S311t5 ' ’ ‘S « ,',...u.;.a;u:oyuinuIne beat. my .._.._..——— T . ., '-‘ _ _ r T T. . s - »; 1 = ~ s 5 o . r : . ' B ’ . ’ - ’ will appreciate you .':-enauba-ht» wmoow vzN'ru..A'r038 ' “ T‘ ~ ‘ ’ ' v=’;- ‘ 5 " ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ~ .; ' ' ‘ llosr C . €- ‘ ' ' T T» ’” " '-'- " .- T I L ’ AnUt1common FOPITI Local larlneta. 2 -Butter-creamer: extra. ‘soc: '3” *9 7°“ m. use window vontuaton to ~-.« 3 ,-;.;'T-_;:. " I‘ .1 ‘ ‘ - . 3, ’ at quoted ct.andards.47c: flats. 41:; 59 5° ‘“l"""P" font mot, Dirt and Draug - =‘-=a T T 1 “um I“ °* *""°“l*"'l ‘°.°’.;.‘:-=~.*'*:.*:°"*'*'m"'..*§ = ""“""“ ‘“ M e _... ... .......,.~ ,. ..,....."* ""”.‘.."l:.*;-....~‘:":.........’°°"" ""‘s«~««To"° M “*° 7. ......o :" Jim " », ._ ~ ‘laertain tistobc -0 ‘series 604: nude:-St.‘ Poultry A em.1 '33 _ . T Price .ccn an . g * ‘ ’ . - ~ T Jnhuhiauznnec 4 when the 715"‘: ‘"8 P'*'°"°°‘‘ "7 "“ 5‘''‘.’°‘*‘’.' ‘'5' mIdcr.8t. Loulaiv @31c; sprinan. 20¢: ducks. 1001*: (-neon‘-9?-°”° ‘'.‘'.‘“’u ’ New-an 3914'!" ' 6 . T : .. . -l 7A:-tathis year. mound cm ,5... .gd|.nha,31to$2 .geeae,8@l5c;ooch,12c. “ ~' B ’ . ounnaua-o-.—P|me2u‘‘ :" " fit . b¢‘f¢~in3€‘UW~ . ' Lot the few of its uoo,.boia¢ con» "91 Chase-.Norbhci'n Twins auto; .“orrIm T - 2 T-_ %=,.«'} fill-.’ 0...’ ‘'‘'*‘''‘-°‘‘* 9* °“ “Vat T0 1"” ''‘U'«‘'°?‘ C01-1-E93 ; Posed o’imfour;tl:;in.nd “pad” hens. 19¢; unlit‘ Young Amarlca. zone. ' l y W" _ ‘ , ““‘- -' ..1'F|I|tI?II.!NT.|*'5 ¢*""¢5"‘r‘ 5 -T . ' I ‘’ " ' """ .4.‘ ' ""° "‘° '- ‘ °' ‘ be 14:; he-vy am-ina-. 17c:‘ L T "t y ' ‘ ' "I‘i“.7 ~ is»-M---t~o'l*---=-=**~“=o::.'.-*'~'~'-V't~*‘~=-««'““°«.».-z»_,«»,;’;""°‘°~‘«?‘3r”°?>?'?’~‘?v*“=3,,,'=;'=-’» ..**~2:-‘*°'*t.:*=.*;..°n.=*°*=*-=-**" us‘?-1' ..8'~.,*:.:-*:..°-::.:=';'~......_ ...,,.... -~v-=.....mc-.......:« ”"..’“"‘fio ' "39’: W" ‘ " ~ . l ‘ " g The Presbyterian 8 members: w .m y -» V “ by hehs. 21:: old toms. 17¢; younl ' ' " ' 74¢. on’ do 11”" “lg ‘ ‘ ' ‘B e. , Daanfihlmu. _ . L . 1:3}! baclo. . ed. . ‘L ‘cup: hm “Gk; of it: kind holding {duck 12“ on cock’. 8“ “cu. ac, May, 78%c. July. ‘Mite; Dec.. ha.‘ "R fin“. ,: y A, in an w _,; "13",; ‘mun 9! 3,” Y. m Maud! with ms ‘.-t . mto mla;nt5oo‘om for the ‘Sr-‘ mt?‘ -E‘"‘°’° ""1 ‘ma ‘- E¢x'a—46c: country butter. 40:. ~: “'N°' 2 ',"'h“*' ‘k’ N°. on nadaraiaaul;-0 °' ""'."l ' H .- f I v 0.3A..’rQd the Scriptures. - V band p of Bart-.2 Wled 3'3 _ v The . F the memkuhgp 91 mg «gut... » what :4. 2 "_‘9@1_m;: whiu, 39y§_@39§ae; No. 1 white. hm.”u_ 5, an ‘rnlnhta Court or Boone. - . T-~. T I . , ' modical Collere at Fultom - “ . - :.- ‘ . ,tn-aaul.» Al! v-v!°I.""'*"' “““" . ;‘_ {ll _-:1 ‘mun. 53;; what kind :1‘, a CR. . v phlcr on; )9‘! is to be enlarged in the number entirely European ‘H . mm 3.383“ Pom’ 33990,; 38 c- _ I ‘ )___x‘ ;;_471{,- 33: said than he nook-on to exhibit ‘ 5 f. \ l -a’‘'‘'’ min ti: ‘ ‘fin !lou¢laas' ‘n thth 56? its fu'"">' m°*'**"-’” “"4 "‘ “"" mm tfelnm l‘ them ‘ ‘na “ ‘——-1-1 ls. . neg“ §'1‘s.§." m ' Y’ ' """ "' ‘”""""° ” a" fiL"m:«-.'w' ’ ' ‘ 'aaythew ‘cnuI'." - _ , um race 2,. .ubef‘tuam Omugcourae ~auseo - _ ngggsgnonia veatoe V ., . V. , uguoaaadurtuaau : l - ~—W --“T . -~15, ggnguj impression of Kitcflicrs. a loanli team -’I‘huraday= "“““°"‘ "id 7”" ’ J . < 1' its composition the string 9 P : what (n¢d)—No. 1. 81.70; ho. 2. 5., be wwclldad no. any oooern L . _ _' 3’ concerning "Joana ia‘an nI- ’ afternoon they? 93‘ “FF” °f B"d'°1°' °t Ami It. :2! clnnot FY9890‘ 9* P'~""""’ T.’ ll:"l“lONAL SIOCK YARDS. I11-.4 $l.67@(l.69; No. 3, 31.63: N9 5' 3 gin: and I! we! clum be not. sl1P€o’13‘1"'3 in $33131?» ;_ - ‘ octic. paleoiacad '1:-ophet; a picture will meat the‘ Lincoln Institute elcvo‘: "88 decided; _ - Th‘ no of a great mass at tone. lN°"' 9‘—'O.me‘8“eipu' 7500: "'60" A gftuuzo within 4:; gum; aka: thcyworld-famous 1:. . A L ‘ineffectual sort 1 man.” 1 en It the 1Ii!.I"°""d=- .1 -5.. 1”“ ‘'-'’ °°‘°""““~‘°“ ‘*7’ . mm depend entirely upon h-"'9! to d -; tiv beef stem.‘ Wheat (hard)——N°- 9- 3‘-59@‘-6“ . 1.. r o. . S 2 41:], wt.“ . fight ‘*5 not 50 ~ T - T orgxieatminster College was worked out‘ melody. ‘and form. In thee naqnir_o- 3-;.5o@t'9,go;. ’¢g'1"]‘inge steers and No, 5, $1.58., M” an mm 01:"; no-caoucn §n:tace' ’ to ‘Him for Jesus was a OONCEQ1‘ BEAT SALE LARGE -whereby an mtenchunzc of facial)‘ m,_.m,g,epiom_.1¢,~.n1g;3¢ggw;un. “Hen “G M. “men and cm; ;,__.,_.__._.. r. ’- atnoat man. aoclmun: to Dean Gm-.. J B1. Qua”----~8_” mu (mm .,,m' mT;‘Qmb§{i*1“'3! b:'Z:1*:*:Mb°;i;llm"1:cz:-:. out equal. A¢_l9:‘dinK_‘° 3 3”‘ tors. $§@3.75; calm, $12.75; stock- a cam Mciioago Produce. attest‘ EL“: com _ . , _ e A‘ . . , . . . ,. ,, _ _ . '=-"L 3* W“ °" ‘° s:;°‘$i cw-e mm mm :1"... ;.°....:u.. m..:.*:°;.:.:::;:.. ...°.:::‘".':.:.~."‘""....».. *-"';.""",...‘°“’°....",;.i“‘*”.’..'f§;. “@‘*’°‘..i. ""';*:':- W W '* gm" we and . ‘ . v . 0‘ . ‘ ' " a ' ' ; s . ' M03 T8. : ‘ p ~ m we mew “W W‘ ....'“’° :‘"':.°"’..'"~“‘ °»"‘°' “" “E “P "W ”'""°“"“°*' °"““°‘ '°"'°’*?“"° case °§aoo— no... ......@mos §°°;. ‘::':':"‘........ rs@18c- ..*.:2;'.:.°=.:' W "5'... .... .... °’.*°".“*"~ i T lnto__the open eta O!’ t E IIIWTBIIY COY|‘C_P!’t- ‘ ‘,- I ‘H I‘ is interesting to not‘ flu‘ _ .' . _ 30 DC ... o 3 0 7 Fianna-ua.a.pa;rd:l. 1I.% ‘ ‘ma ‘;:]‘!&1 -- ‘M . has been unusually. lame " said J. ' “ J ph Em“. Orgnniuuon mm‘ down u mu“, 0, medium. $ll.75@l2.05. lultht. $11 _ {or an . deraicned executor at tho Ea to o! . 8. Rubber cu.ta.p«¢.u. 1.29 _ ma I.‘ 300333133 _ ' F l . r. an rs. OM‘ . . ° 0 ; ' ' ha, ]1.85@l2.2':' uki UUSBTIP W713 Co decuaad. will make final t of _ ¢.‘.’t.vl1dmhn. .: 318 e ' 7' Qu"lu' dun of School ogir-.0 and Mrs. Joseph Elliff of‘ lens for énllflfmcnta ea year as @l‘k".25 1:2 :1go@m‘5o, ‘figs sf? .1 23"“ "Tc": anon go, “.1; “up. |,;,‘,,,,,‘,.., .;,_3, “kg hag. ., “,1, 3.9.‘ A,,_.,,,,,‘.,‘, ,.,_..d,cm .‘ L ‘rams it is important for as F"'.°~"“'"* ‘‘“‘’i' S‘""‘ °‘ "“?“‘. l-Ivurmton. m.. announce ow birth?of it accepts. conaiderinz e hit“ 5:235 5bulk' 8l!.90él2'.15: ' ‘m K 1 will appreciate your drd" ‘°' " "" ""‘ """' " "" """"" °‘’‘'''’ ”°“‘‘‘‘’‘'‘''’‘''‘' .1 - tofnuuk oueaus interns or human’ f"“‘!"’ ‘°' “°'E°“’ *"“ 5”“ °‘""""' ' a son Wednesday. Mrs. mm was‘ opinion in whicjn t _ 0* sh ’ M‘. .3 ‘mm. ,,,,,m .,,,,d ...m ,,m pmmpt service. Miss °' "°°" °°""’~ """"‘- '° '* '°" 3 gu-“gm, it is not the impartantf :33“? ;'°. mm ”“T'f{"“°"' ""5 xi... Harrie: Boll before her mum held by the mU8_I¢I1 W°Yld- lbw‘ IR’ 1‘ bmz’; ”:,'|‘e’r_' mes ' “@150; hung, gm-3., 1405 Anthony Street. 2:1 .....— ——- --__._~ - —~ - —- — ~_-o - - -- ~-- ' '3 5', ., ihllil “Wt 3531-" :13“ D“”t§”'f Ponce or rue union‘; . th. 'Ti8£l‘- Sh? 1'”’"l°"l-" “‘“’“d'3d ‘:9 gminangc here is . re‘! rm“ r cI?l‘l‘l:T8‘I!ld cutters $频»1' wool (second 1100' - Ph°"° 1845' "- hail.‘ “Wherever 9 wont’ 979' r.c°nFe ‘"9 0 “We” '5. U " r.'t_ nd '5 :1 member of t '9 0 Um 111- _ . ' ‘ ' ————-‘-0-*-“‘ ' ' ‘accrued to flow from Him health of ; V683’. the fin“ 'v°_t3*° Dllcc Dec. 4. K::;,;,e,1|:;h‘; T11‘:-ta sorority. Mr. El- ' The sale of season tickets for the hmhsv $13-35@15- ;’ . M;-;'rAL "1-.ATflI-IR S'_i'Rll'S . - K body. mind and aoul.”. :'“‘°'“ "°“"“* “°’“~“" ‘°’ 9"“ W“ um: the son of Prof. and Mrs. J. 1»; four University concerts has W“ "'+:7.Ta ° B Ideal metal Weather 8"'P5.“°?."’ “In the afiatless Christ we have urged *0 P1309 thflf Slllllitfltfon in; pjmfg, guy, Ma,-‘wand plm-..,.a,,d mg \:(-l‘)' large, exceeding all exnecta- Hd PS“ l‘°°“ out the cold. saves fuel. l-lastly in» . 9. ‘,,u;,“ mincje of tho N";-jthc ofliccofthe School of Fine Arts,; A 3 ‘ad B_ 5-_ dcgrcavfi {mm the nuns of those ll‘! charge. Mail or- B.’ V0 V0‘. 9_.Egg;. '.v.tnlled. install it yourself. ._ "rest-merm The mimic of the m°*- *" “°°"' ‘"3 W"°P “““- 1“ °"°°- vim-érsiu» “"5 ’°' “‘“°" “°“°" "“’ "° “' mm’ count 3 ;...'.'n;o l7@49c- or- new---n H we 90-’ 11100}! I la mnsdohmeu of the Lord Jam ig; The mail order sale will continue '.In-_ - - ccpted up to Not-.13, the tickets be- dimry fin‘: ‘o@‘3c.' ' B 904 3roadway—I’IIo!'te 234 —ad\'. - gun ‘n, of the 015., "fig-g-“.lll Nov.‘1b3. cl.» Pupnls Ennllt-d in C. H. S. mg placed on general sale Nov. :16. Don, rwork it _ dos," Dean Graham said. “Whom -——.o———-- . -I-M. ,,m.,,dn,m. at 1}... c(,1um1»,1,-. A special discount is bemg allowed -——~ _ T“, . t 0": ', you decide whetherltio take tlleclhilhl Del‘): “SE7 ‘° T°‘d"-'". "°'~'”“3- High School numbomzl 745 this 5‘~'-1d€m5- ' I‘ “ and cfio ' or the law View of i_m..ltoep eat»: an ssie Leach Priddy will? morning when liydie Long enrolled __k_ _ _ - _ be me‘-ls. ly in mind the impreaaion of moralf leave Wednesday for St. Louis to at- in the junior class. ” his twee’: - ‘a d.tcdth M’ ‘s’ .he:, ~—+—+—————— ° ’ ~ "':'f.fill'..B§o?.':d§£’Z'nm£'Z "£33.: Araociateion '§cl§’33..s.n”.§§.s3§“§.o-C METAL “‘EAm£n smrs - ]. Guy MCQz¢ftt)’ ‘ 8 Try WRIGLEY's -. e - id lMtl\\‘> 11- .t' l: .1 ::::th:‘d$ture.ttl;c::d am! (£3 3I‘:r:°’l::anndf::ig:'5 v;:’ll|{p;r!eea1;f(e:oi:,:,'nut cold? x.\_:‘:lf::-Lfi rIl:l;m,eei’: Better nting-— d Broadway Whtn you want “juit ' ' ' .' - - - ' . - o ‘ ~. Phony‘ 2249 911a Broa var mat” was strong and able to make strong uhtch she I! president. ““"“d-_ 1”‘ mu ‘t -"""“'”'_ _ . M. THP QT"! E CENTER 3 ~ 3 H- H cl ' b .,g —_....__..._____. IN:-wrnnn Hardware Lo, 4 * ‘ ‘ _ ‘ _h,n°°" ,‘;’§m,f,,"":',:°, ,i}',",,,,°.',,':, b:,;,._: Viaduct on No. 2 Not Opened. 904 Broadwa,\‘fl'honc 234-adv. °""" """' ‘ It will soothe and and spirit.:' In conclusion, Dean: The’ opening of tho‘ s-induct ;,¢,...,... __ _ _ Satisfy you} taste Graham said: “-lows stands rusted: :10)“; '5 Stttlon. on State Hurhway I -—~ ———---~ -o o--B" "W "" 4 . . t . t craving allay thin: and max and it is out -on or ~- exam The . — .. ... BICYCLE REPAIRING D t F00 wear ' Jam who “)3 n3 to try higygylduct was to have been opened today. 5n'nCE' ‘[10 ('“‘\"'RS yr wy-. - - 1 gnd month’ of life.» ~ _ .....__.._‘_.____ We nre making a special price ‘Ltkfj _3_bJ ma hm ALTm ft Am mcAIt\;1~o-s_£1s on rzutomobilc rcpairintr. Let 0‘ A" KW’-G°°‘ W°"""""”’ For A ll Occasions T -; T 5p[’:I1;Ml/ .7 calm the stomach, mscusszs “lDLE.WORDS".in oullaaig ‘:nas:r::::ab:f,§8““'°§3 :jxf":_I;‘a ‘;::b“‘*'m“*<‘ 0" sour Expert Lookaumu Walt. f L E‘ 3 cageyour and mag. ' ‘i ‘ . J ‘ _ , ’ 7 7 _ o J‘ V , ‘ * _. , . . 1 ~ Spcaiér Point; out Em Canned by °"‘*~“ ‘P4 “P- MODERN .~u'ro co. . I ‘flu, Gadp, Ramon-3, gfi ; 9o‘h;'m‘:. Huggfiw . 9th and Ash Phone 530 ' file Co‘ _ ‘ *’~v-I-"1-'1‘-"L I ’ ""‘ "" °"° ‘*""' ——' ” "'°"" """' SPECIALLY mucun mu - A great deal o! the evil in the!‘ o~—~ - ~ L — T. L... - . . ‘_, _ . , ___ __‘y __ at _, __ _____ - .._... _ world is in idle talk rather than in ‘*’ -- . - T o . . TUESDAX .. _ actual deeds, 1: mg to the_Ret.s" T- . y . ‘H her, who spoke on? ' " ‘ ‘ g , “The Terrible Joogxaopt of Idle ‘ “AHZI meal” for cfigeation pm Words” at the Christian Church L yesterday morning. ' ' ‘ ’ _ ‘ text was: “Every-idle word . . . _ ~ that men ahall speak. they shall gum - account thereof in the day of Judg- ' L e _ '- ' V , ment.” Thia, however. does ot mean ' to forbid the light pleasnntriea, sto- ‘ . ' _., fies johea t tunes amuse _ C 'h A and entertain everyone: they are not . ‘ _ L 9 M oatmtooy rfil; éamhm I Nothmg would please the whole family more than _ _ ; no 3 o lsble, aua er ' * _ . , ° :, a ,, ,,,,,,,,,; to see a new Studebaker AUt0lllOl)llC parked at your Mam, Om” am, Satisfied , £tointh' paaaagcareth thtlf= . ‘. ‘ . . . . ° ' ' B ' .:.y ‘Mum’; mpnmTd_ m§‘;mfp_ '°: floht gate 01 1n.;»ou: galage on Chnstmas mornmg. Autumn -pm, pump “Tm, ,, Swag Included ' . ~ .,I.: ‘ ere are those who would not; 4 smart Spani heel. - ' ' This 18 the reason why two out of every 5"" - direct lie. and yetthtey win: So come in andgive us your order early that" we may .be sure to have your new Studebaker here for dellverg on that morning or on Christmas Eve if you prefer. - . < 5', ' g ETC =1; will do neither of these things, but. . . dig. wm apend al their time ' idle go:-‘ :4. aip. ‘flan will not estab ' V ‘7 has on rumor; yet they will :5 W of mm’, mt _ Remember we have a\*few good used cars for sale _‘-k humanrcharactcx-.” A SIZES } -2; three families in Columbia use better I-I-P Flour. Columbia housewives demand the best, so it is mighty had to get them to use any flour other than H-P. Won't you line up with these discriminating and satisfied folks by saying H-P when you order flour? We believe you too will be satisfied. Boone County Milling and ‘ . Elevator Co. "I'll: convenient place to trade.” ’ I ,.-., _... -__.~._¢—— COLUMBIA THEATER , . 3 with the Studebaker guarantee. _ _. mg .1 ans muons I , _ , ; _ -1;. We are otter-ingla number of} rug. at 1-4 to: ' L ,,,~;. B. E. LESLIE & SON Bu” !,,__ ' “A CAlmN:n§cI§:le-uwmfi 15‘ So._ 10th St. .Columbia, Mo. Telephone 919 L tii.é-.;.-.:.-:. ......... as McCollum 3_O§-Bmahay-Phone zu....a_»~., - ~ __ my __ H M M ‘ _ g V W W T H . . o L y 4 I ~ Sees at 1.. T . 1 . ' _ L “Butterfat not only yields energy and heat, C: ' ‘ - '_ A B but it contains something more vital than ‘ g"_;' l ._a V L ’. fats-—something which supplies the ele- I ' g L ‘ ’TrTcfits necessary to Growth and Life itself.” L We are these especially for the homecoming game next Saturday. * ‘ Ihese Ghlwsallthelnums are now growing in our greenhouses at West Boule- Don't be fooled by the so-called sub- ’ élid Ash and we invite inspection . . ‘ T 0 :1. gnaoo your order AT oucu Orders are coming in fast and will be filled in 3"‘““‘?5 ‘°" B“”"’"’T“°"° "-"9 N° mtaléluoirlasé aléggédoaanot comc uojtheg store—fPHOI\lE Us and your ordcr will be % y S"bSt1tu*eS- ~ F _ .' y 3; " . TT11~‘rAYS—'I_*0 BUY B nonugonown FLOWERS -‘WE HAVE Truurunu Orde" F”°’“ Y°“’ M°"°"“"‘ T°da”' . L TGREENHOUSES or mum __ x t~ . L .Flora.1Co.Inc. - , L L L B u .5 “—"i"‘°T‘3“8‘° “W? tl» - ” e 1 ‘ 1; TONTGHT AND TUESDAY. VA UDE VILLE JOE and ELSIE FARRELL "(gm-:AN1:n and pmasscn» CATHERINE REDFIELD and co. ' A 4-llEN—3 GIRLS ,Op'eratic Beautiful V \ A BIG AC'l‘——SEE IT! - ' . TONIGHTONLY \ '50, ‘t, FLORENCE VIDOR F 3 -._ Malcolm MacGregor, Bessie Eyton‘ \ L . =—tn- 1 ‘ “THE GIRL OFGOLD” ' ‘, V‘; with \ .~ ’ '13‘ i 1’ .- g ‘ I l : J . . !r_3..l, M. < ...‘a