_g‘-A 9. iii s__w if *2 .-_e i - t l - 0 i ‘. .. «-.-.is~«.-..n...._. _ -. | 't_ a‘-y' ""4“l|.-ll -. _ _ . ‘N ‘‘_._‘‘u._’.’ ‘ . ,. . is - A .. _. - to gun - ~ - ‘ ‘ V . A 'q1fi_..—,..—-.4-1o'EF.\vr_"_'. .—o.».. .. .- . . . . I - _. . .; ,~,s : ' A o.-.' . C 4.$§$f-.'~'e’f"'T . _ .7 . . - rt .. o*‘ < I . - -«»<_.po~g—--v-v4,r'sua- -‘ A ‘ P: - .‘.;'§ I _a A. ..'-_ A , . Williams of Stephens College. "returned this morning from SL ‘- lam Berry and Garner Groyes of Kan- . _Mrs. Lzn_oozn,H'i7de 1a., . historian. - _.Carey D. Crews. Mrs. p. .1‘. Arnett. row afvemoon _ and Sylvia Ragon. - Webster Groves. ' ';thm'll§?ll' ~‘ » 3 '§.Plil::n';ci18l880:_ ‘2 ‘ A A 9 ., 1'2 5. Ninth‘St.“‘j““ ;‘> . I ' V‘: L. _:‘.1, o . .. .' V . E-400‘-l'94£'”o??-@'IT§Aa,fi.I--tn.‘-.-a.-—. ._. . '. .- a.:V‘_'-(Q!-:; ‘- b - Delta"1'heta nu; Kin Louise; Mrs. D. c. Hunt, urn. F. c. uunt,3 .\!cAfee of Christian College nndvslirs Anna Burroughs, and Mi-s.< arr)’ Keene. 5 . , L A ' l he will be‘ ’ ' Smilhv 5¢“”5'~‘ 0°‘ R“°h"1 “"' S ‘_' by F::.1es:?Tlll:‘u8’tnOn,rJt. Mrs. son WI'i8hi- 59”” m1d'~’b““d' A1’? Robinson will read her essay that‘ 59713 G.°°d°k°" ‘nd “'5' J‘ 5'‘ won the prize at the state couven-; ition. Following this, Mrs. Carter: will rad a paper. \ : Delta: -Misses ll Blake. _ _ Phi Delta Thezaz Misses Ruth Burgum, Virginia Robertson; and; ________ Clara Mas‘ "‘~ JChiId P cholo to - Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Georte. . 83/ gy . p . ,Be Discussed Tonight “ ; sas City. _‘ A f Pre~School Child Study Group B? Sigma Nu; Emily 1*"‘Kabur>'.'Dez. will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in: ltllin Marion Lehr. and Mary belle Room 9, Unive:-sin‘ Library. Miss,‘ l Our batteries are good is a member of the Pi Kappa’ , , ' ‘ and so is our service. and Ralph Walk‘ A '{ 1 Alpha fraternity. Mrs. Parish will W '" '" ° °‘ ‘' ‘°' re 11?! I-hunon. Part Lots 28 and 29.‘ O Other AT CHRISTIAN Co1.i.ml~:ll$'°7' ""1 ph""”°"’ °°“"”°"°‘ ' engineering. fine arts. journal. i ism. ' j A A ' ‘_‘,"_"‘- -“L t A 1 ,_,W,_d-g_._,_,___ , A _ A A A ‘PAGE rnnizn ::' .5 ‘l.-. i .. ‘‘-‘.3-3- =.':*: .5. -- .' "5“-'.- ’;.;'e, : 3‘£'.'.‘f_‘ ‘. I '0 _w» ?o-!' . * 7 ' ‘V ‘ l V o 4 Eli} ’ g‘ 7 _ ~N ‘ 3-, . \‘- _‘.l L‘_ ,.- ‘ ml ‘ _ _ _ V m Wat, ' .5 A... . A _ A _ A . ~ -A. . aml.0ogr"8sbu.mmuGm.'AVe'Mm.k V0“ College org:-ta and Science win again. o:.At.,s.¢;u.,-,§~nt"mA';(“ndSAphm Md” my Oran.‘ runes ‘ roa *...___f= 0 4 T .. s g’ ' P . ‘_ ’ nndnoroldwnnorr. ' f . 4,, ""'°“'m7' .. ‘ '‘"'°‘ . '« sowing mass. Ltmcuaoou -- ° A in ~ ' l - '- l - °""'°"”'“°""""°""Y“' Do:-anysartet lt Th ' ‘ .,_Fmt3,.mtg Dinner A t A .Mi'saAmla_,Burroug_hs . ‘arystsyrqand , stir-or Josephine Smith, Eelen ti: univeimy Kansas Real Estate ;Tmn.8fem A In ma‘ooA.'§;!;5 ff: 2:; 24 bea1‘a.;ds7 I” 57 ‘ ; ‘ §IiGilests ‘Y_esterda.y f ~.,to.E'n.tcrtam U. D. C; j ‘Hammer Parish Marry I=”°“f";n'L‘°“::n':";:‘I‘;"_‘}':f'u:'.:';';':t$:.mod by tbeovbfiodirt i.=:n;§.:.p:} A 1 gswst 18-50-12. sisoo. . 3"" _ ' , -nit iouowineroesb we ¢=W- -11-e Coluinbh -of the {list ll-U Strum miorfn the,‘ .:churcb.: soon. by tn. n.u,.¢,,, 3, A_ 3,,“ “E C A,_,u"‘,m"n At 0- C. Silver and wire- to R. 8. ,___.__,__ fl M .a;pal atdinner at hous~_United Daughters of the Confeder-H University. -and Rs _ . Parish of ootball. tamer . _ J Epigcopg chug,’ ‘mg by an Chum ‘L Lot 2.,’ arm“; no‘ at A Stephens. S. part Eli’; Nix.“ 3-49-ll, ¢, 3 - y: _ ' iacy will most Wednesday aftsrnoop Kansas City. represents-l . Miss Ella hctsrla auovl ber of Commerce of’ Ka City. of Columbia. 81500 ‘ ye °°n“‘""“ 29'“ ’°"*'" ‘2°°°- A ' Acacia: Mr. and Mrs. Wilhaln at the house of _liss_ Anna Buro tiveifor L. G.‘Balfour & Company. ; ciate professor of industrial arts in! The university proposed. which will John A Stun” ° . : . '—_-_.'_‘°‘ swwart, William Oliver. and black: roughs, 106 Street. llrs. Hugh jewelers. wereimax-ried_.at 8 oclock; the University, went to St. bouisl be controlled and under the admin. W stun’ not 63'“ “E.” “ed, T" ' m”°""”’ w‘“"- “L B A T T E R I E S c,,,,,_‘ A -_ Baker will assist Iflas Burroughs as last night by Judge John s. this morning. she em a nd the;.lst_:ation of , mid” C.t“- Hill No. 2.. Alpha Gamma Sigma: Miss Yol-~, hostess for the meeting. nell. , } week there attending the isaourij numbering seventy-five. has planned Job ' y °{ c°"““l1“- _31- l J h B tte Co gndagxilliau of Stephens College.) 11", w,'J_ cu-(gr gm 1,". Miss Sayre is a member of the‘ State Teachers Association of which to open one school, the College H in C. Sehwabe and wife toC. IL? 0 nspn. 8 ry . "Elmer Sh:-out, Mort-el Cowaer. El-,'¢1,._,ge‘o{ the 3.93,,“ of Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Parish, she is president. .Arts and Science.in Sep\ember.l927. em a‘ ""1 "39- 9130 lens. 8., N011}! 3th St. "bend schmid. 8"‘ J." C‘ "°"“.‘.°*- ?the state convention will be read by. ‘“°"d°d W U"1“""“7 °‘ K'“"“v’ ' "-‘ °°l' *0 teach medicine. W“ NW“ 2"‘3“2- *35°°- i main in the University until she, - itecture, education and Re- mllelldfl 56¢. City of Columbit g1_g '°°°i"'-" 5" deflw : j Presbyterian and Baptist girls stl W0“! education. are to be added as _C C. Jennings and wife to J. 3.: ; Phme 96‘ nobrrt Edwards of Richmondpvs-.'. °""“‘"‘ °°“°"-'° ‘“°”‘l°“ ‘ ‘'‘“'‘‘'3 9° '“‘?”°'T‘ ‘"°‘"'. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’"v '’‘"C‘ °f hound 60 in N. I ' travelint officer of bile sizmn l>lii¥"""”'.’ 5““"“". "'°""“‘ " "'°‘ Tl" "‘““‘ °‘"“’'‘‘'‘ ‘°’ ‘°’"*'- —— Epsilon fraternity spent lug omit‘ """"“ Chmh 0"" bi’ “"3 3- Y-l-‘W’ "m "° ‘°" *5-°°°»°°°- ‘fill 5! A ' ‘“‘ —-W "' -- A —~ *7" in Columbia. ’ ‘ P‘ U‘ . . ~h°m {mm J”“’"" t‘° Jun‘-' - A ' An inform“ racial ‘A5 given I.-!.i_§ wifl the actual establishment and 3 Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the} day evening at 6:80 o'clock at Chris-'; .phy"°‘l .°"id°"°° °_f ‘he ‘}"l"°1’3lt}‘ pledging of George Cunningham of I tian- College by the voice pupils of 1 u‘ I‘ behwed 9"‘ "'°"°”’"i‘ ‘"9’ Joplin. . ; Mrs. -Margaret n. head of the; l’°"‘ "m 5° ¢'”“°d- The university . —"".‘."' . ‘department of public school music. R ‘:51’ E‘ H‘. 5“'";h. 140-.1 PK?" ' ose taking part werezl Miss-es June' ' ° '.’'‘‘°’"”.'‘“' ""l"‘ ' ‘“"dF°"‘"'1 Brickell, Mildred Clark. Margaret ner at_ berbome F‘1_'1da}’_.evenlnx.' g Bed”, Mun". Cmmp_ Lucme~ ._..___... ‘burrs saos arm: won} Braqy. - - _ _; Janet Davison will give a short talk‘ Sigma Phi Epsilon: Miss Maxine on 4 ' of fi.bit_ 'l‘_raining." There will also be a dis-i lcussion of prdblems of obedience. training of the will. and punishment.’ . Study Group A will meet minor» i row evening at 7:30 o'clock in Room? 9. ;I.'nivel-sity Library. Miss Eva; Davis will discuss “Psychology of I Child Feeding" and will illustrate; with the methods uad in the Merrill' Palmer Nursery School where she. ' Zeta Beta Tau: Lester Sack. Nmv D. A. R. President Mrs. A. Lincoln Hyde was elected rcgen: of the Daug and of, the American Revolution Saturday aft- ernoon at the home of Misa‘.Eliza both" Spalding, 901 Virginia Avenue.' Mrs. Frederick Dunlap was elected _________ N °d‘~'i§°'>'_ . °‘*"~"= 91"“; A dinner-dance will be held Sat- ‘l‘:"“ F"‘‘ d _ 1 MA; urday night at the Country Club for wson: seccn vice-regcn , . f_ ,_5_ Th Qua _ Elizabeth Spnlding: recording sec-E °‘"’° “w” ‘M '3 ,,e,,,,;‘,,:. rotary, Miss Alma Wilhite; corres-; “cm can 3’°"‘ju“3 ‘°°’°“2'l'_‘”“;§‘ dinner-dlrlince Thankagtijving night. ' -Tb‘-‘b 't. registrar. Miss Electra Withers: is N e__.._.._..guut "3 Mrs. Henry liaviland, Prof. D. E. Thomas of the Bible King: assistant historian. Mrs. G. College will speak to the Fortnight- A. Bradford; and librarian. Mrs. J. ly Club at 3 o'clock Wednesday aft- G. Bpbb. 'm-neon on "Are We in an Era of Mrs. Joc Estes was elected to the G!’0Wifl8 Atheism." It Reid HIIL board as a representative ‘of the or- """"“’_ ‘ ganimgon in gem,“ Mrs. Stephen Smith, 14 Allen officers of the Daughters . P" d‘“§m"' American Revolution and Mrs. .W.: Igfim S‘h:d’?“;;:“d°f°l{:]d’::_° .' Stone. who was the representa-_ _“ 5' °”“‘° _5' ‘n ‘ ._i‘.¢ chosen ha yen. to ‘er... two Ila, to be her guests this week-end. ;years', constitute the board. , "” D. A. R. will celebratelFounders'.- .",’§*- 1* 9- 3"""- ,Wh° 5” 5*" Dav with a luncheon Dec.|10. 5 ‘A";"t"‘3 :;’B'?1:er' n'" ""7 “cc; ' . _,___.__ ‘ ‘ ' ee, .11 o ‘us Street, returne Mrsosamuel Riley of Moberly,_«a’ to her’ home in Harrodsburg. Ky., » has stu ed _ part ' er -5 ‘ -—--~ ._ ?{2T.;'.:§’».’§?i‘.‘°.“‘.?.i..“;°‘“"*”;*’§‘i’f"*~“*‘“"° -; hm“, 3.w,.d.y A3,,-,,0o,,_ M C 5 Mrs. D. I-. Arnctt, Beasley Apart-: ’ mt-nts. will entertain at 2:30 tomor-f with two tables of Jzlrs. 0. (.v. Maggard. and Mrs. Blair bfidiri‘. - Kellihcr of Columbia were among ‘ "”""’" . . . aw guests. Mrs. D. 1.. Thornton of \ersa1lles,! ______ 0 --Ky- who has-been visiting her sis-l ._ Miss Helen Karsch. 15 Allen Place. ter. -‘ii-is ‘Laura Matthews. for sev-l icritcrtained at it dinner last night. oral weeks. returned home thisl .A color scheme of red, buff. and m0!'nin8'- . -r i ---—-—r f5it:ec'bn:vear;itPcfe'li‘h:::‘Ele:(t: