’..- . ._.,, "Q... :1 ~ ~, ».- ._.. it .. 3 A~ ~.’;..- ......- ~ - l ,.~‘ .r.v";‘—*-.‘;-.J,——_ )....‘.-.0-_.‘f‘ _.l._. .—_:e— _. -':qf~.‘ . . J.-.'. .?' V - .. ., ,.. ' -; --t. t I . .- _i 47:’; 3 0 ' " 3’ ' °‘ » ..‘ ' ' , ‘ v ‘ ' ' ‘x. . -. ‘ ' ‘ ' “ ' 1 s “ . : ' —,- 4 s - . V . V" l I- \ p , t I A . """ ~ ‘~ ~T—i ‘ p "v , ~ 0 ' " . ' _§ tncnt ii the Conrt':iou.-(- ‘. .. . 5. University, at the Williams, mo, of Columbia; N. 'r.] suNiusii. as-iivicm , POPULAR - ‘ A CR-A , BE. , nigh ,{,,,,.,.m,,w_, W M, S . * --— N PLAY~ Illflfl ‘III night in the Gentry. 183. of Columbia: Frances. . A . _ p _ p ., , ,, . G § the committee frirzm-‘d i.-y Colum.} ‘- . . - KFIU Program Broadcast Slllay . .. . . - . . , .. . . .V ‘ ~ v,callins,1924,ofColu1nbia:li‘!'ai&‘ . ‘O o . - ' "' -‘ . 1...} ,~ , g. . ': , - ,- __f‘/ _v _ __ v the plan. .\_‘t.C.‘iarlesf ' -d¢*i-I3°°¢nifi°°“°- . "'5' °‘ ’~‘-"’-""' '¥'°.l;‘§.':"““"IlA Iervl --manna‘ ‘ 1E's's‘t'SL‘l4oiil's'Lir‘ss”t'5clr.7“’ ‘Y n—-—-——- _ . .. r. - . . —« .. . émcemly de-feared the nrowosea’ -2.-. -' ‘- """Ib21 bfiiipaizml “Sn” "3 ' “ i=’-"""""‘ - '- - ’ " "w“.‘d‘"w°’ 19‘ cu’ ' of m S 7‘30 o'clock Sunday inoniingshy Brtlaltd Press. . -- ' ALUMNI GROIW I133 Mutfite An‘ “me home {mm change of ci.y goiernment. 4 ""‘ r . Uaioiund Stadium I11-=11!-sflitrle-<‘~3V¢"» -"~192‘s5,m{u stem... .g.,u.,.~ .g.u.,,,, NarioNaL srocx Ya-nos. nL.% ——-———-——. ‘ma . mm ,,,,_m,_,,,. - .. .. .4- l * . 1". 3"“ °“ “hm °f K”"" c“y'.u°” ‘nd Pony Fink‘ seems to meet with more than pop- N°'- 1“-"'c“*""‘3°°.'i,’"- 75”‘ led‘ can’ can‘. nu‘ “ Iritbleatltonient. She began to talk guy"-,~ m“'m‘;'h° “'9 3*” “"6"":192" °f m°°mf'°m‘ M0‘. - '~ ularifavor with “listeners in." Pres-i mlhfi 35° “°""3 ~"“i'° bed: ‘ - I on niinita she emored the house. - ' - '1‘ ‘ . . -‘ 1. . 5 . mguogfi any 1,,» Eu) Nola, ‘J. William Henderson. president; id t J M wood n ma. ' guys:-s,‘fl.60@l0.50; yearling steers; The Cole County Alumni fianciao “oh «n . _" at in tn MW Cit} axes u.x .'l'.1'. ‘r .i.« imd pa}._ _: . - ~ iof the Arts a science School and °" ' ' . "' +! -.... ' - $425@tion met Thursdayl night at 6:80 °“'“. ' " 3° ‘ ‘ . able at my Offm‘ zn 1:» = x:_.- llali. sort. torniar prasicsnt of the St. , an - 4 Mfg; Nellie Lee Holt will xvvpcw ...... heifers, $6@8, cows, . 1 '1‘han‘ksgivlna' P1! and Miss — v - C0 tion. ' Elaines Jarvis, on the Homecominghh I“ Sand‘ womb‘ with 525; “an”. md amen. ‘3_25@;ov¢;°¢k 5,, gm 3.,g.g ‘t 1,1. I ' r dc “air is in m 4th and Walnut Stu-e_t.<. _ selection: by theicommittee. out up the electric siznp‘ °..,.h‘°'§ W of the m,,,'.. -5,. 3.75; calves, sia-z5@is; stockermferson city. aw. ,pn_sidenti-7°30‘ ‘"3"’ ,, ' ‘° it Come early and‘ ;.vnid -.5.» mi. Gii ‘ UniveraityQuhi-tat. and dances wcreéin fmnt.of Jesse Hall. lt is the.‘ 3" 9 P00“ ‘ “J ‘ad “dc” ‘$306-,.5o_ log the .”‘.d‘t5°n' P331593’ .3‘ Q be in It?‘ ours. d w h Grover Lanham..F:t:.' Coll(~ct.0l'. 11 » - ' -‘said ' ‘Arts nd Science sign and says? “he” '3." . ‘ I ' ' - k t 18-E. Dew was . . i “‘°'’' °"' . " ~ariv.4‘»4 - .°i[ 'l‘igerv.eoach. on the program following the prc-‘ s . " .com,.,,;,_.d by 34,. 1",... “day. Hogs-—Reeeipts, 5000. _inar e . ‘Y _ math“, sag” your dinner ,.4__, _,__ I vu. ‘ “W ""° "‘°‘ ""‘“°"2 ' ‘“W"°°"°° 5°” A""‘ 7shseen willrmeni a musical oro- 639°C hither: 110"?» 311-°5@12=""'° ‘“"°°°‘""' °‘ ‘'’° ‘—'.‘'!'°'‘'-‘‘’‘-’’' little core" I l " - '1' n Missourian Want Ad “*1 ‘ ' v - ~ » - i H. Burnliam 1352,‘ ' . -' . ii . - 75'b.u teanio{1896"aisdsome ‘ *5 '°‘’’- '5 . i . the sum Iiiirlt it 1"‘ -ssoo since on Frolic. The 3°’ V‘ . . i . gram at this service. medium. $11.86@19»10. light. 811. ,_ o _ «ya no wmnm Hagan, Am,‘ _» ll If shown, «We don't -know The gout“-mm‘ celemfinn ,.,,;Unlve:-my of Missouri. was the first} The Bum” Bible ch” “n,;“.,@12_1g; “um 1:31“; ;11_s5@12,1o;.ing personalities of each player. and Jim". Sm“! is wing to be , . . _ g .3‘ f ‘ V . ‘to win." ha‘ aids ‘W at its ,niei-riastlast night at tin.-gtogiizn tine rexisw of “"3 5'“ ‘"35’ will be broadcast at 9:29 o'clock. . so sio@io.7s; pig»; The sneakers were: Bush Ste mm fiuazh ‘M May is ,,,M,,,' - 4 e . we I ~2 this uncertainty is whatlnakes !ot-t- pm”: .3 Roawéu Gymnuimm -rbe:SClEnCc'3bClI00l. lie was reared in‘ sand”, mominm um Bu1'.r‘nia“1.L75@12_1o; Mn‘. ;;g@12,qo_ iphens, Dr. S. P. Hovrard. B. 8. Lot- T.‘ at Tom ‘re Indium’ beau“; . Q1 EUBE R1. . K.‘ :.__‘L.:.O 3* t_ ; ch. game it is." Hr. muomi wk,“ of buck ma g°1d.Asliland and now livesin Columbiai; subject win be. «stun I Drink wdi. sh.ep_‘Re°e. ' 250; ?m3,.k¢g_‘_ter, and Lavirson Price, The ptinci- flu’ an fiuuumd ups. ‘ma miss. .4 _'T_ ,,._\,,,_ F Am. l. ; 3"‘?! 919 roux! '3'“ ”'°"‘ and Oklahoma’ colors at rod and’33_d '5 “ B”"'“ .'"'"'m"'° 8' Why." , nominal; ewes. $808; canners andilill Iddreu of the Weflin‘ '” ‘iv. 65”“ "in‘wdeccnu the kinden sTAaT”"3 31J‘.‘u_-._.‘.' “CV. is we ’,_ . til. rover mum mm in 400%“ white were used in the decorations.iM‘“‘_’'' *9 the Presldm °‘ "*9 Um‘! KFRU will also broadcast me cutters, s2@4.5o; wool lambs, si3.75ae9 by Dr. 1- C.-low of “*9 U"“"", pm, mm my .. .,., going to WOR.i.D's v.:.. mu--_-n,-. 3 nan ‘ A‘ 35“ b’“m- »Stmainers extended from the‘ lixhtsi"¢1'83tY Vb?" M" B""'h“"' wul Sunday evening services of the @1550. .‘":7' He 'p°k° "‘ we d"°l°’”‘n‘ ‘h. «H c,;mgn. -135 of Thee‘ we ' . {’ tweii '‘ h’ “Pun” l“ 5*“ °f the Ti’ of th colors and the 0rche8t1‘l3"d°‘"°d' {Ba ti t Clrurch Guests of honor at -—-———— of the University during the plot y .. ' . i ( . may .3, (“Page”) gackson A “E ' l ‘--*-*"*"" -P 8 » -' i 4’ lyear emphasizing the work on the l”‘°“”d .t°d'y' “d‘‘ C” ; - - . ‘ "”’- ' ""‘ l“ ‘ ‘°"°°‘m“‘ °""'°"“’° °’ W’ ' l ' ' ‘0\"l‘ES'l‘ "5" ’‘°’‘'‘“' “"" 5’ ‘‘‘‘' °°“" 2 st. Louis Produce. v . . . «what Plrt will you take? asked’ " . .. l L. “f” ‘- : 13359 V13“ '3' “la *9 1”" um‘ colors. i LEADS 5 C’ S’ (' L ‘ ‘staff and members of the football,u,u.,;,..; p,.._ Jieinorial Union and Memorial Sta» b th w “hi h d h 1 p e--. --- Miss L 4 the longest speech of his life. fie . _-""" I -. - = gr D0013 3 x - 14 ._1.; tdium. the fine record of the football °’ "‘° °"- ‘ "3 °" “V "9’ r-.l'~" I i A A platform was constructed on Class of Pro! B I Iluininell HIS‘ team of the Uni\ersitS‘- . ' °"~ °‘- - 33‘ . who was usually rather slow am‘ I 4 "um : . “id mt unmut‘: the north end of the K)'mnasiuin on. Score-‘of Points. i '———'°"-—-' ‘ t’ °°“”"7 °‘”’dl°d' ‘9@51°3 °":wam':?: tgggfieérgfilgtpfistizn? qui - .4 . "1"" h . T- C flu‘ “um x - * 7 ’ v ' ' ’ ' . ."“'8¢ r ‘. . so ' ' the South ‘ad But withamfioeeinz . which stunts were given between The class of Prof. B. L. liummell.. ENTERTAIINS CAIIPDS CLUB Illliatrgt ff» ‘2@55°- n" 60* _ ¢ed to the alumni usociuion ‘n invi_ “I, mother, and Margaret Ann . . I "nit, which ‘upmm R.‘ dcven’ “mes. spanxhts were thrown" 0? fomlmg one (if the tcal:‘e1s‘l(i"Omp‘ct-‘(.hrixt‘ i.-.n Church Group is Guest of‘,stan‘dareids dliflglrrgts edlcfsecondzlfigcn to attend Homecoming’ loaned wry phone’ “I am min“ to . bLDr ‘ ""“"*‘" ‘°""" “ °°°' “‘”°“"' ‘hi’.-”°'3"i"°'%‘.-’.§."~"‘ "‘° "§’°”‘>'“ 12:‘. ":.‘.'.‘§fi;‘;..“.' .‘I‘.f.§"..={; :.".f.‘;2i ‘lira J Bryant y..... it . ' ' ' ' .ew omens were enema so» we 5° - m HEIDEI.-Bi;TllI‘l 5 and b om“ N Homecoming mass meeting to be are: W. H. Burnham, 1862. of Co- is working for the water and light the ,,,;m. today. I, ‘ ' J A STE“rART . pl~‘0Ill0t£lS come f0l‘WIll'(i LO :'l1QiI€S'l \\'I1‘\’S 5‘;-t;~,{f held on ‘Rollins Field. Next year lumbia; Mrs. Sue Stone Smith, 1902. company here. by the Auxvassc ~ ; Pb _ - 4 - .- s.‘ S -- through which- shy can invpst h(_;_‘”fm|ds_ ‘If Fmf" E the first unit, pf the Memorial Sud- of Columbia; W. E. Smith, Engineer Bank for collection of a note for ;f you want to buy or sell some-_ °'“‘ 31‘ 2054 Eicilllfic Nth Blllli 3548- ; her inheritance R "M (.~.-.u-[mini 1.», C-,p31,],. ‘-\'- Fang } iinn, which will seat 25,000 persons. ink 1908. of St. Paul. Minn. J. 8. $400. thing, try a Misnurtan Want Ad. ' I ' . ‘ '. " " , ’ ' — t_' f -_ ‘ ‘B I - - l 7 * perienced hands, ner estate me} be «iuic..l_\ ms. «on. i will be available. He said that the in in i_,_ J H S _ . _ -. W _ _. _. Ci“. 8 Memorial Union Tower builders are .* i ' "'- ‘S ”’"” A H S H S ‘ ”' ‘S ” ‘“"" ’ '°“°“ _'_‘”' 0" _'"_”"" 0" C’ ’ 3,‘Fated ‘ind Sh‘1'_ ma-‘ F‘‘“‘’’' ‘’””O“‘‘‘*‘‘“-‘ l’”“" , 4" ( working now upon ast unit cf ' . . tion and hardship. - “‘(’;“‘m mu bummg‘ H°.”k°d tho“ w-ho ‘ ’ An easy, safe and practical niethod of s;if«~-. Mr.» (‘ pledged dmounts in the Memorial ardi ' Np‘? fin“ th ’ N\_ibiH\_ M. “.aua“ projects to redeem their pledges at gti ng ,\our L. .1 . agu _. L p(.. . i _ 'x'”W once in order that construction may ' nusmanagement. and loss. is to name this cnm- JO-n;““A _not in dghyed, Hg then announced l" pany Ill }'Olll‘ Will 83 _\'(llll‘ (‘XC‘CUt()l‘ 1lll'.. ll'll.\‘li‘(’. Okla)“ Your Wife will then be Wlit-\'0d of all \1'(ll'l'}' and _ responsibility and your 1-state will l‘¢*CUl\’L‘ the ‘ Mar,‘ same careful attention and nianagoim-in that ~“ the beginning of a “sacred tradition“ and taps were sounded from the me- ' tow O . . "9316 W5 5'35 9°l‘~‘°“°“-'* “'9'” you youmelf would give to ll were you living. /“"7" given between speeches. V ' _ __N i AM ,_ Alaaini Honor Dr. Jones. . L . _‘ <‘H’wr1u A gold gpectjcle case was pro- Our officers will be glad in fast ihi sented Dr. J. C. Jones, president , ' eaiplalll to you the Ncrvicc-5 of _ , R‘00m. "_._A . T T _ >_ ' . - . 1 is company 1-; ('\‘vi‘lll()l' and alumna . ‘ ' _ _ Over $85,000,000 sales in 10 months-—With October, mm‘ I ,,,T,‘;‘;’ Gm” Th“ S“'sf” ’ ~ just closed the biggest month in Over-1and’s history‘ 5 “°"""‘ Eye Testing—Lens Grinding _ _. ’ . v ° ~ _ ' 3,?" I; Have your eyes examined ‘ . . - . - -. B00 C0 t T t _ bee cl‘ him or brin8.1Zni*'e*8it¥ “In all the world no value like this” (5 ne ‘H1 Y . rus Ioc-Wu‘ Doctor's pmscnption7—?4- _ , ’ . A_ u_ hour service, perfect fitting ie-'_};o‘l:":$=c5lL°w_mos: 5 $215 SI;itINGs.mo:l_m :Idc_!usive o_v- 0 Drinim . guaranteed. . . fidbaownpeopc P an a \antocc—ea.sicr Ins. easier ‘ Jchmc ( Dr. R A. Walters I .i’i..’.c‘lru[ht-car classic Wifi 91 modem A Ct'¢‘;n¢r1cc:i;£it4’L:"Za—:ito::1ep&>‘cw¢r engine, (2. E. 8th and Broadway _,_p,;,,,d ,,°,,,,.,595, laivrlxargcr: :iiehiii..m-yii¢h':onguo. Member of T Breali w, “'°'"’ 3°“ E““'‘“'°° ‘“ 3"‘ I5xuuBi¢ Dooro—cxmwide... , '1', . sm. 6 T American Bankers Association . Mont1ian20squaa-eleerofwindowspacc iaission. at the price ever avail- —- ' " -|9n¢er.decz>e:windomme.nunob. ableinaclosedcar... * ' - ‘ strncted vision for everybody— I’ R ‘mm “dd 1’ R V laaestone-pi W‘ ‘ . ."pp°’"."‘°°.7°° _____ THE TIGER -o“c?un-»a:og;‘i:»m... ;:':‘.;°;.:‘.".".*:.*.~.°::*::..".‘“'*'....,L:*.,*.:;;°:‘: M or-ii“ . __ CAB. CO_ §.‘.:.f’:.°.?.“‘Qf.°“““”. will .s...i"“."“"“"i.-i... ¢i.“l".‘..f.‘.{ 3‘.f..i‘.“‘..f.,°..‘.‘f’i.‘,'.‘."..‘°’.:‘,i“.,.“.,‘.,"‘ .,."°,",“‘,.,, 1 ., ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 30' I I ‘ummobu "' . Ncier before l.n'all your ___ one 2300 ..........***'°:"'i.::.*:."*..*€.'z“;:°.:.-.:.‘:°.i it l‘:.‘§..".‘.?.‘1iZ"‘.f.'...‘$2,"?‘°"“‘°""““""°"“‘ an New Studebaker ' N Prompt Service . l - C. L. Williamson ° , (K ° Easily-—tlie fines: car I ever owned” ., ‘ MVISIT in St. Louis - » need not involve ex: travagant cost for ‘ " accommodations.’ At Houel.,Marquette, you will 8191178 find’ mmfort and fillolubxtial... . .;;€iaucailale‘ofspeccocularbeou:y"— Ama¢nl6centblgSim—beantiful.pcwc- “An Engineering M¢surpiec¢"-- fufl ‘ 38-horsepower to call 0”’ V Fireplace yvood. stove wood . . * kindling Best . ne i County coal. We will fill d deliver your order an ommptly. - . Phone 1379 & Richards 203 N. 8th St. ' of gopd service. The fly din -01 location of Hotel Marquette 6 ' within sight of the Union Station in the heart of the w diarict and just a few ‘is ininutes fromthe retail center t€Tms—sma' ll amount dog .m.'..52 well 5 for the ban men‘ = . " fiwwwrwdiw emwienoe ' ll} rairriw xiii-_n'g&'r a dung: prim cal ¢aq'fian'uu wiahst ' , l l m &' Imus‘ ' ~ Rates. 0n§P¢rami.-$2.00mulup. p _’ - 'I'inoPersons,$3.0_Oandup. I l I _ . WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. I . S - Hari Om Burn & Co. . . . . . . . . . . .Perry. Mo. u . . . Jefferson City, _Deany's Service Station . . . . . . . . . Pacific. Ilo. ' '. es» e s elsville, o. . '. ' G. A’ Sum‘ mow’ Ca’ ' ' ' ' ' ’ "M°be'fl” M°’ J. H. Macliens . . . . ‘ moon” & Phg°""“" ‘ ' ' ° H“- C8.ll8W!)' 3010? C0» ---------.--l"lIllon. Mo. R. W. Oshner Ilo. Langford Auto 00 ' i Wigagu, no,