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I ‘ 0 4- .‘-' -___..__. ..—........_;:'.{... ."\4l ‘ t.‘u‘._._..,-,_.-.... .-_, -4.-rwo --~ ~ , .' ~. .. ' \. ' ... ;-.« V-4. - political, but that they are fiscal. Why 100 Columbia Men Favor A R Adoption of , We areconcerned only with the best interests of Columbia. We ibelieve that the most representative, the most democratic city administration will be obtained when all of the people participate in the selection of our of- .ficials. We do not believe that the affairs of Columbia are Our city problems are business problems, not political problems. The present 'Mayor-Council form of government is not fit- ted to .,conditions. We want" the affairs of the city administered just as those of the University, the public schools, the banks and other business affairs are ad- ministered. A I p Welwant to forever prevent the possibility of dead- -locks between Mayor and Council and the consequent loss in efficiency for which thepeople pay. Wehave no criticism to off_er of the present Mayor and Council personally, but they are hampered by a system of government unadapted to the situation.. We do not favor concentrated authority so much as concentrated responsibility. We believe that more efficiency, more harmony and more economy will be _ secured when the Police Department, the Water and Light Department, the Health "Department the Street City Manager Government Department are brought under the authority of one body responsible to the people. Such an organization’ will be efficient! It will be democratic! It will be representative! We believe that the City Manager plan will an complish all of these ends. Because, such a plan has proven successful in scores of cities throughout the country. It has proven successful in banks, factories, mercantile establishments and particularly in our pub- - tlic schools and University. The plan appeals to our business judgment It will result in the careful study of the problems of equitable tax assessment and tax collection; the problem of health protection and sanita- tion; the problem of law enforcement and police protec- tion; the problem of the economical purchasing of sup- plies and the employing of labor, and the problem of the duplication of effort and the consequent expense to tax payers. ' Why? Because, under the City Manager Plan it is the duty of the Council to see that officers are selected for that purpose and the Council’s authority is such that it can enforce careful and intelligent at- tention to all such matters. We call upon the citizens of Columbia, laying aside all prejudice, personal and political, to give ‘earnest and unbiased study to this vital question. coups-nee -1-. .20-~ V 5. * 1 W. B. Nowell, Jr. A. H. Hunten John E. Sykes D. Klass I ‘ U. S. Hall G. D. Crist S. L. Slaughter E. D. Baskett. ’ ”‘ _ E. c. Clin les .1. M. Short 0. F. W. S. Whittle T‘ ' f W. IL Br ton R. E. Lucas R. H. Jacobs 101“! M- Alexfilldeli 1, John F. Tehan E. Sydney Stephens . F. A. Irwin George C» Helm ‘ _ Hg 4 ~ N. T. Gentry . . Lucas - G. P. Simpson Gm. B.~Orton— :: - -- -- -- --- -- . A J. J. Oppenheimer John S. Ankeney J. F. Ch ° James Moscow ‘- 1 ‘Q. J- A D0ll8‘l88 L. M. Defoe Jofe Hendrick R. H. Hill . J. A. Adams L. T. Ralston A. L. Jones Robert 1. Srmpson , L J. B. Cole B D Simon J. W. Candle G- H8111’? P “*“ F. W. Smith J R. Richards T. ton N 13- Wade _ '3 J. G Long F A Dalton H. L. Jennings H8173’ 3- 1131181118 M: A. J Estes H. O. Severance P. . Reed . ‘ ' G€0l'8‘9 1- Goldman . . J W Bernard E. J. McCaustland ' J E. Armstrong ' 101111 L- Flatt *1 ‘ T 3 i - J. W. Simonton T. J. Rodhouse N. H. Walden N- H- Co_Wden To ~ Thomas S. Barclay L. W. Berry E. D. Barton C W. DISZGS m- Jack Taylor ' G D. Edwards D. A. Grun John Qllarles H. M. Craig x Edgar D. Lee S. Ray C» 13- Gare)’ n~- T. R. Taylor A. A. Millard V. G. Hawkins _ . L» 07- S8l1f0!'d ,, E. F. Thomas ‘ J E. Thornton H. I. -7811108 G-0!'d0n Zr °. Do Mllfbhy C L. Brewer Edw. Simon Paul H1119“? is A -A , _ Pearl Smith J. G. Armstead r’\-- W. N. Simon W. R088!‘ Hfllett 11- ‘ § A Charles Jacobs A. L. Ferguson C L. Eatherton J» 3- Heberlmx ' , ; A Chas. ;H. Burr I-I. Walter C J. P. cBaine - Byron James . x s 4 l , c. o. Heibel E. Pa Shields 11 H. Switzer H. G Baker d._ ’ T 3 ' A‘ .35 1 - *5.‘ -— ‘} “ §: > _ J (I! ' "1: f 1 ’ - V 1, 1 : ' I 0. V : .; _ 5 ‘ g A i ‘,3, A . V 3.1‘ I ., c n‘ in M ‘ ‘ V 4 . lid ’ C « ' f 1 “ ‘.~ 93 . " .a- - ——.¢.g% .- .......--.._-.-. . ‘ »