v-bfir . .7 “ H . _ . , __“ . ,_-. . . - .._. , I 1 —‘ .,.....e'~. fr _‘ {,6 fv, ‘ ~v-,_.-_ I ‘I _> _ V‘ ;z,.-_... _ .-H, - $‘ . -_V ‘yo ‘' .. 3‘-‘," . .. ~ '1'.‘ ‘ . A . . . ,.: . ~§ J . . l V , , 1 ' - '- .- .. ——.- - ‘ ‘:‘‘'''' ' ‘ .' ‘ '- ‘; -_4‘V:. .3 . ‘ _IV‘ T,'.'~.. .—r 3 ., “. E.‘ . . i N ._ ~. _ I l 0 i 9 4 C 9m'ssérUatai~i.1sATuaDAY tNOV:riEMiBER"14,i 1. _-.'- .-___....-.—..... g. . ;. g ; ‘__; " f ‘ L g_, , W _ ;_ t t i V p A _..._._._....-_..—-,——,—-—--—,—.—~—-——»---e ~- ; . .’ . .~ . ' ‘ '- ’ i . ' . l ‘ 1‘ 7 ~ . .”1-gm-W TODAY Is Bummer ~ I ''''‘f‘' "“" ""“"""”” _ '{;,”,$,_‘;',‘;"‘,""',_,,,_,,""."° ‘""°‘"‘°°"; """.”""l","§.'.."." """”"‘ 3 . - . i u_ “' K . f " ix. » ' ' ———-—-——-—n. I . . . I _ , e . . . ,. . or"W.Esmn'rrSm'rn< .‘ an v-- '.......-t”" “‘”‘”‘“°" .;.“?..f‘..”f.‘:." ."......“°"..."" ""“ 'i‘........."°°°'* ‘:f.:.“.=:.f.::.‘.“'““'§ - I ' t ~-' - 4' A 4- p .‘ e_ yisyear. . .. . ~. l "2 -' K p.G i..aauaii.i57§i"...ai.";.1'i’°t..'£'..‘§ -'1-my win we ‘«ormtn2=‘”§°'*'-E. “'53:; 3*‘ velrlmroiaiinsttlitaooovunisedfUg;,e?;i:,°::';‘';::;fl:?';::“ °‘.3;;{ i The WTCCIKS: Of Time . g - g "— '-'< ‘ ‘L ” "jg .o¢a.3;_h'._g, .53; 1-33 .1 the ‘puni.birthdayofW. Emmett Smith. casiI- 3”“ 0 o ' C°'P'_ in Columb for the Near East Re- hi , , ' h "M" £5 V _ ' ‘ ‘ l:' . . .4 . and it _ 'n~‘°f °‘ ““'E“°"""’ "‘“°"" Bwk‘ ::ckl:’?n;”riVIte Ro7'K .1“ & "h °°"d'3°"°dl:h£‘:1oiii$s;ii:iiui?imiii:e:tigate tlie: 1*,jne.f];cg vet time“ is always here. Time build. i . - _ 4 . ukjggifpgigucfiuuaggcouu he llnsmithhssalwaystalteiian - -o -under ipofCol.Vi.D.i ‘ .,,, CH, _ -- _ , . _ , 3‘ =« . — . -‘ in 5, 5. ii and iii. city. active part in‘ the life of the town, 3-ttrrv 5. 5% 10¢“? ?'‘'“¢ 5'' Vandiver, Xrs. H. B. Banks. and Na ’°"‘_’"‘ "‘”“"""" "‘ C“"‘°"», "5 and time destroys. His pathway is strewn with wrecks -‘.1 . . . ~ 1 » °"'» ‘ »J:ansxer °°-m~ °' t and has been entrusted by his felo ‘W ‘?-'5""“‘v "°"‘°" ”“‘°'""°“*~'_~ D. Evans. . :"',...-Q ii." ‘Max:323 ‘aw’. °fC'".'I°'°? of homes. palaces. temples: wrecks of sydems of theol- . ’’‘°'3i«.» I 9 Attliiu pohitheuu again hi-sken‘°"-¢3“"°' ""“‘.'”‘°“' P°““""' §,°:imi':f ,'£‘:“gi'x‘n?_nfi”'”,b Y3’ REuGm'_‘*'"""‘Us Amwu’ NAME) 3 in‘ . £30 ":3; E ogy._ad_r_iiinisti:ation. finance; wrecks of governments and :1’, . 3 - - e i""°" “"4"-“P°“ "Y3" °''*'4*’‘° ‘"5 "° "f """ “d ”°"°"’ m h” hm the 128thi“ieldArtilIa7ofthe tin] .........__ gfifcd upon “fl the island ofshanicen, °“"1"3“°“5- Hum” “"'°°“‘ *1” °‘""b°' “‘°. “WY. ;: Z . "To the fiI'8t.l!i!3=.instned standing. llr. Davis said: &'*”}""" °‘ ‘h’ . ‘"4 .c°"" ,,,,,., .N.t;,u, and ",3 to ;._.g..*1\enusstis” ls Title ones for ' ,5. .A,,,i..;3,.,,',L.1, ¢,,,,a.,,;,,,, in C,,,.; Men and women they are who have lived only in the ;_' 3 - "i’”“’° hm“ ‘’'l‘'1 “W 5°“ ‘ °°““°“""" "'°"' “mu chm‘ ‘M " mm mm“: M’ ferson cay Wednesday when theyl 8. R. C. ruhnestiou. i ton I 3 present. who have spent their productive days without ’~‘-‘ é " ‘ - °!~‘fl" fimd“ l}‘2°l”"fi"tw"“’“'~' "3 mum“ ii:.mtwieeu‘mhei-ii fooxaltedm Ci-iiiuzrtydr tfii: will ulna the competitive eniaiss-' “The Rosetta" is the name chosen? ‘the cominission to investigate the? any attempt to make provision for financial crises or F’ ‘ . " : !"in~‘~““.5”.’ "'i“"':.'.°“.‘ 33583:’! repeatthalt an ' tion for entrance intc the United Uflllllllolliliy 5)’ the board of tdif-Ofllcause and responsibility for the‘ for their declining yell‘. Wh0 ‘NW9 Wt 31!] Of their " r ‘c . v. ‘ ;wer veahcusr than Ewe» . l . - ‘ Th da Lowr. . ° ' ° . x ’ ‘Disc of ‘many inter!‘ii>tiom'si¢'ir Sprint! ever had?" Waving his He nepresams the third irenera- 39”‘ ‘m“"" A°‘d°'"’ " w°”:fi:,£ fi:,':?,::,,, ,:1i°f,,:t;,,,u, £4 m"7'°'° '”-{°m?d “ the “quest ‘mam ‘ind "ieans ‘pm 3 made bum“: ant‘ 8%-‘mg ~;.. :, «. - - - 4 ‘ ~ - ~ " f-Boone conntisiu in his fam- Point e . . ~ .°f“"HIn N"'»8°"~*m°f of KWImr- pected financial panic has left them penn ess. ivers1- - v. . ah" 3" 3'75’ 55'.“ “W .9°'"‘:~arlI'it 1lr.Batea. he said. “Why d0l't‘°" ° . th 3- ~be published this year by the Stu-V. mm, “d W“ co!-npoged cf Rpm- - - - . t 0; considered km‘ *9’. that ‘mm .. come down here to m. to mnily. fits father and mother were About thirty men from e 18-‘ “um Relifiou Count“. Robe.” Lawq “nu-fives of “me fin . im mm: ficatlon of imestmen was it . . show here, and have lived here sonri National. Guard took the cx- . 5 P0 in Time teats an thing‘ No sygtem ‘or pong. an I w i ill‘ % relieve them \ll;VhU: we should do? Your nus-2 , beta"! "M. Linvine of "07 pmuin Av”: “nine!” ‘nd education-I organizw __ V “this ddebt. _Nr. tliat",talta are not our mistakes and Yogi ;»i1Iv!::1thl¢{3il;1 the ntieltliogfi wu’«’.¢‘i,~en the; me. i‘ ‘inner of the Prim offegedi “on; The report wnuim the 6.3,. endure which is not based on the principles _of Justice ‘._ C ’ tine.‘ " mm ti '8 in "mcli”ii,t‘;.‘u.l'!!P¢at it,!:'te he‘:-uerthepi:-si5bari}'in this count)’ lperit the arrest. thirty». three will be aPPOinted. 4° "'° P°"°" ‘°‘’''‘‘"‘’‘‘‘ ""3 “""'l deuce wbmitted bi’ we-“'itnesses-.~ 3"“ "gm 3"“ 5‘f°‘«"- Al“‘°°t ‘mm! the a"§E‘i"‘ge:f‘ ~ I I‘ i . e . _ ' . ' i . . q , ' . I . ‘ ion Eeonp min. I But. .‘ gait)’ in the state of Missouri." Mr.-C!‘ DI“ 0' “*1? 5'“ 5979- The men from the 128th Field Ar-' n".;.‘h”'m° W h f ‘S . _ € ma includes """'°’."“"" of the dead !'°“3’.‘d°" “me hails .secured by heve n ‘ ‘ 10”,“ mengndked out of the mom; 3,[,._ Smith W” hon in cohmbi‘ ‘mew “me tc Cohinbh Tuna.” O a name as c osen or I all! and wounded. , in high. favor. Within the last half century t 3Y3t€m 1’- - ‘ ’ "“"°"’°° "‘ °°'"’°“’°" ‘ml’ "1"? '""‘*' Oi issuing first mortgage real estate bonds has been so "““--;‘”"“'“.*i“8-"F34 “W-’ .e a N’ - 14 18"9 I-Iewaseducated he 1 n! with C01‘. . _ - . '“- . W ::;t:.““ ' :.'....' ‘"“;.::.:‘..*‘*°°.. tot??? "33--naere ::::.'.'.:*..:.".:.'*::‘;;:.*:..‘:‘:.°.::'.:::.; r ‘'11:: is 2: f::.‘.;':;::.-‘.:::"::.::':: imsmvea as to approach. nerrectim when to this he 3 m». ‘h u.nh~'Ao!.,1'3-‘x'am 0: gwgg dwoffice than , ", mdmwfheu. In' 1902 he entered the .x- the regiment. . :b we‘ “mm. may .houm. of‘ J. Meyer of the Miumm Comm} 0, added the_ house behind the bonds, the greamst and 1 W 5’ 91199; {mm u" Uniwnay in 1907' 'AHe"‘:h‘nge runoml 8"“ u " dark. 4 Y DK3 Cl Worship have rose windows that cf 3 Akriculture will attend a meetinz 0‘ Strongest m Amen“ engaged m this ‘me .01. lnmuiess" l audted in iuhsé ‘Be quoted this? l'€lP¢d *0 3'8“ 991' P559!“ °"'b“"K§'°d m '19“ h°.b°i°.am';9g'h‘ern“. GOLDEN RULE 8 ' E Rheims Cathedral measuring forty: the 81001115 07 “*9 U"i"01'Fil)' of Chi- the bmlds may be bouflht by the _mVe3t°}' mth Iracucd‘ ’ as follovis: ’“Our esamination‘81'1 53' “'5”! “M” “m7 “"9” “He :33 m;vmd:fi. “:0 h‘: Day Will Be Used to Raise feet. Then there is the Rosetta: caizo at the La Siille Hotel in Chi-J, 1)’ the Same 838l11'3"¢9 Of 33f9tY 33 Umtd SW59‘ G9“ . books leads us to believe that? ¢'“>"'“"“3°" ‘°'"' °{ ‘°v°mm°m'l¢_ M 1,114 0 mg;-the .15 a ’so ho. for Near East Relief. :Stone which unlocked the vanished’ C820 Nov. 17. ‘ , emment bonds. They have stood the test of tune. gwicity 5, 1,55,,‘ ,,;,",".,d on on. ‘His §nu.,.¢,¢ in big). govemmeng. wo c_ “boo! .wd. Fred?” .1.“ member‘ of the c°iu,,,bi.[ splendor of ancient Egypt. On the,‘ “ (. "““‘*"0 l '5“ , ' I shall be glad to confer vnth any one concerning . economic!‘ W“-" mm "‘ ‘ ' ’ ' Ne ‘ "" "°"° "‘ B""°" ‘°”“"""-‘°' his present holdings of stocks and bonds which may be p~.gQpo~—u-«ac. pg.-.gu.oy——i—vuso~—-up‘.-—y.¢¢.—._—......_4_.:.‘.¢...__.4. - . .... -i ."‘f‘ — . - p - - ‘.. ' A: I e ' . ‘. H *- \' s x. ~ - . -.~ . . ._ “.- iwas first aroused when he, was liv- ., u. Eat 3,15,; arguing," mcp cover of the annual will be embossed. mg) the ¢3gy.m.Mg¢,- {am of; ing at Webb City. Iiere he be'camc."' ‘M "°‘°_"'h ""d°‘ . with 31,... n_ 3. 333;“, nu,m,,_. the print of a rosetta. with a petali li‘_fi‘d”;'n ”(‘i]i’ed“:T;3’r';;::r!:I sold or exchanged to advan . _ A gdvfnimeri‘. was adopted .in Excel-' 3 M93359? °_‘-‘ "?"'“'”“’_"" _d°"3"°d[ Mrs. Eisabetli Si Dias. and Mrs. E. M. Keuver of St. Louis,§ ‘Of Cub 0‘! tht numb?!’ 0*'lZlml3'l Jefienon Cm. m' the how, ofher j -sic:-I Springs. the city fire depart-‘W hell! 431198 ln_ Pllblm lmP"°”9" Hrs. Elizabeth Rickey Sinclair. assistant field director of the Near: 39"‘ 0‘ the 3- R» C- ' dmgmer Mr; Guy Chin“ Fumml ~ A men‘; was in such poor conditioni“}9f'¢‘- 7° 5° 3"‘ ‘h’ s““‘ "._"‘lfor manv years a resident of ('30- East Relief. Monday afternoon at 5; 5°m° °T “"3 °fb¢’ _""“°3 ‘"5" “,n.ices ;,,,:.,.e'hc1d at 5) 0-(.],,(.k .‘.¢.,,_ . . that the equipment had to be soldl mews! Iaemre ms formed ml hfllziumiiie, died yesterday at her home o'clock at the Daniel Boone Tavern.‘ mined -r¢= ‘M1-sour! Chronicle “_.,d,,. ,,m,,",,,,, 8, ‘W, ,,,,,,,_; of _ . . - - - - . t : .- 7 . A 3 _ - ' . - _~ . ' ':°'*‘“- W, ":24": 3‘~“~i-f?~?£»2°i:’i 2'; ">.:,*;.:";*::~.,‘.’:.:;. “:.'::.":" :‘.::;:.:::.“ .:‘°:'".,..,.°: '3-.::i:; ..':,*..°'.v..:‘.:.‘:.:"i~..E”2:’:*.::‘:. ’:~'.:. = M wen wen , ~ - - " . i ‘ ’ ‘ .. ' ' ‘ ' . . ’. .' ' J it C‘ -. sh 2 is 9 - eralmther forms ‘oi’ economy effect-g tfmdtnz thew meetinirs ‘“'°‘_“".§ret, and Elizabetli. and by her niece. Sunday. Dec. 6, were discussed. P|.,n.3_}’_1?°Dl|0t. The RIIBBOW. The Ml3t‘9(‘0.; igveg h:,r:o:0,,n;.~,.ed_ (ff Thi: ed QM,’ we c-m.,m.n“e,. .10”, of sat: ii? problems of various Pu“ Lydm of mu ¢,;y_ ~ and othra. . ' - i ' red: 1 e . ~~~——~~. -- ......._.-- , - . _ . - ,-_- V gay‘;-nmgnt, I t . Bates became Int? K _..———-o——-— ~ . ' ’ : ' . " . W I P‘ 0 V4 I 9 an condudin‘ he “id um’ ‘heTil‘1‘(ffl['mproveme"‘ of mtyi‘ gown ‘lli‘rs§‘:.harlesr galmgmtif ¥ ix . cf‘7Tm‘m'er form .0!’ ‘°"m'"‘'"t* ’ ' -----—°—*-f''' . Tiiarg nnncunce the birth Wednesday . 3" . wutmn ‘ Democnhc "or ' R°pub'.P'¢“'3""’“" &"°*"5k.‘““u"5 night of a son weighing eight and Iicail move anywhere in the United; an" 8 pm‘ 3 “5 ~ '-'i '9.'°m__h‘lf pound, ‘ - sistm. ‘rs show how this form has iof the Pm'_bym;_n N - ‘ x : . , _ _ _ 3 - - _ _ A; R _ A“), t 1899 Tiger Here for R int. . » V "°”" "° “"" W“ .°‘“"°"m- has :§{.5f:,‘:,',",,,":,',,, 3,0 ,,m,,f°:,,,,, ,. ,3; F. c. Bohart. of Fayetteville, Arlt.. ‘ ..,,..__.-....-......,.....__.,. ..< ~ o~ ~ - ‘thirty-oife cities In i form.;h . not been decided upon wmrmwbo was a football player in the -_ _ M ‘'3 h"’ "°my:i"‘,'r Michiia" .' t:‘eC1.'fl’I!‘Iil8 tomorrow afternoonfi U"i"""‘l‘)' 30 1399- i3 3 3°“-3¢<‘°miD8 ‘ ‘ " ny'’“’"' ”' en" “ - where they will hold a session of the‘ "i55t°!'- C ‘ :3 thhqyeigin. ’ V - , .- a. , __.....—_._.._._.....-.—o-¢o-~.- .-r- . _ _ > _.‘local Presbyterian Sunday School A‘ “'9 ¢°"C91‘1°" 0! M‘? 3”“ ‘conference. P. S. A. will also have’ I \ho_”l'3'- ‘M93353 ‘€305?!’ 0‘ 5°‘ ft-large of the regtilar Students‘ Re- xo1~[c}'.;_ A1710 owxggg "81 IFGGMP W 5u‘Pll¢M C°“€K(‘v;ligious Council program at the (‘cum we are mfldnx . ‘peck! pfic, queated'ho giidt ’ w lnfirm.P' sm.df)" on automobile repairing. ~ i questions to address them to Mr.‘ Ships Car of Dairy Cattle. _.‘ “' 37l“° Y°" '" ‘-"“"““ °" 7°“ D R ' ' Batet. . - G! n G Davis shipped a carldid W“ "°P‘i" 3°!’ _ e . - Dnq, hue 5,},;,md that M,._, of dairy cattle to Jefdersrn City.’ AUTO C0-' Bitet had ndt answered his ques-é -"°‘“"d”’- _ ,1 '1' 95°” 53° ‘ A ’ tion regard’ how the city manager} _,,_, _ ___-_ __ _‘ _ __A_4 ‘__ _ __ __._O_____‘ _V R U i at Excelsior prints had saved ‘ so" I much money the first nine months I v;_- . :‘:.'.i:.".;.°I:.'°:. :::.':.°.::‘ :.f.f‘:':.';:§ : . v -—i FIDRIDA “*1 "' *"‘* '"""°?= I = :1 3'33‘; %“.‘!«.'.:.”i;i1Z.‘..’3;.’;.‘i".C“..“°:.'.....“““‘..12.."‘:;“ ~‘ “ . ‘MI ‘hlV;i;J‘ec!&cif1:r ::i;t;il]r:a£_ at 3;!“ ~“;‘;:“‘bk; Re“ Ed.“ 8 ' h bette ‘ _ . - an nvcstu tthat will - _' Q, s;m~’sn;. gm,‘ __,, Mvpmy. MP3; “mm M nwgm M . good, sound, long lived product. i,,(;;..;,.,_,,, It ej ‘:Ie!!’I’I:'I;is:lda.sl;I:‘oIf“.y;nsneonln;toF1uidgIwm “ . 4;‘ in can . ‘ :1 » I - . * v ‘ ” i . Ff‘; _ minded .ur.p°di:nniiistn'ii:ym:; 3 e Wricor See ass. mo. r. PLYNN i have never built yearly models and ~ e V .39} I'M‘, °f gtmlzbiashould‘ 1: an N. E. First Avenue Miami. Florida DCVCI‘ . assu . r.« we smp- —‘ ’ ‘ ’ ii » .9 to , . ' i t . _ ‘ . _p.i~:.;..¢...i.;i Transportation They do not rnakefrcqucnt expensive changes simply to catch the whim of the hour. I i p On the contrary, they devote themselves steadfastly to the improvement of a car that Ins been good from the very beginning. This process of improvement has now been i e ‘ ‘i if gfing on for 11 years. i: M, e * ‘ e ~ 2 ~35-s ; , Qfii‘ * 1 . , it _ Itsinflucnce on the cars appearance and, 5'; - ’ , .3.2@ C‘ \ ‘C fr» ‘ . ' g “ ii , . « p g» __ ‘_‘“ ‘ . . performance has been nothing short of . s remarkable. . ; ; Always eminently dependable, it is now also , h an exceptionally easy riding car. ‘i : Always up-to-date, it is now strikingly ;.s ~~ l.....s....i.......-... ...,,,... ..,,,,,,,,, ~ . . ~ 9: :_ . c:lmplete_protec» ‘lake the jars ouintii 8ttT8Ct1VC. i - we . 3 Afdd ‘° 50451? gomfort the safety . C . . ._ i -.3 é Clngivcvou that. ° "ml. "'l°;;';:l::5¢¢d1;in: and C Style and smartness stand out in every line. ‘ » V ~ I . 3 . The Chevrolet Coach body is anccofa momrthat aiw-.$....... ' - ' I. . G, -—-gm = 7"” “-‘-'-"»°"°“;",‘; ic.,°"",,”,,.,' V°f, °;,gn';'1i== whfi v Sheer logic never made the choice more . , i e i " iv e n““D°°n,,,'§,m”:‘:*i>-§td°"win4fi'm'.i’dmia'°Y In m "§'eadi'=§i.i£f”nod,"“ ‘'°C.,'‘‘’'.,,;,' at - °bvi°uS— i » l ‘ii ', _ . ‘"0", ¢8.flDDtpcnetrate Laugh, ,1, \ i l u ' 1 = pg; 3 _ n_Jdi;im._t.v gzopvgae wins in... o%.i.:’§‘:; ,‘§,‘;, 4 "a Dodge Brothers Motor Car for those who ' "’ '.‘ .3 '. 18 _ ' 0 v « '*"°°‘“‘ Ions-en» onethiswincer. "°‘”° really care What their money buys. JOHN 3N. TAYLOR C ’ P5”? 575 605-7 Broadway