:1 t a - _...—.._. _. —. —.~ -.e~o—-O-<'~§-o-v~ -_..--.. - - ~_-e 4 ll‘ -. - -- ~ — - ~ ' ’ l “ W *1 Vt ’ " ' " V V 1:..- » . * "Q..‘?.'. 0 ' l‘ l ’g_ I f ' va, -f “*~ * ‘’~ ’‘~-. ...-". 7?-;’ ‘ ' ' . I - T ‘s “to '~ ‘..-6.1 yr. ' _ " =.V g g;_ . lfi .‘ ‘ .. ‘ . ' h .' - . K | . t f ‘ ’_."_ .7 . . '‘'''' ""' ‘ "C ‘ " « I wmoamoninsraooanu _;‘!_Q_,l)}§(V}l_J§I.-.l".a_t..Dllv'§. —. 1- .- - - - . — V . ~ . _ . , ,. ...-. ....--.,-uh-1--V . - - .: t ,, ,' C it ‘ "‘ GOOIIWIII ‘L Wm” """" *4’ 5°. . Pm3°"‘“‘ Imus -~-mnanan-weetvwu 8-Meet ttH- IL Goods: and It 6- W or _o _ :. e W ~ - V S ‘ t &:'.°."- S "'rouiIdedup._ g V ~ #——— meesuxtlnluntpe. Attaodh:IIeethuat«n..s.n; V :'I".«.: W .1 V’ ’~" t“'“ ' ‘Of Indiana .'I‘nine to dodret-U=°“°°‘°" h" P. '1‘. nun; went toCentralia yes- 1;, “Education Week" procrw 36'!“ &C°'dw and B-o1iaq.; -. ;i ‘ ' "i" ' .9‘ . ' . . . ,V - "°°°m‘ ‘ “mm '9°"' °-‘add’ 'd" térddy on llsusiness. was given atthe Junior High School Williams of the 'M’iss'_ouri Faruguf ‘ ‘_'_ . c . . H ». ' i Y - .»,,,go.g1y-doyo o goat number of tinss—oou¢- There are about 800,200 Per-.. 3’ D; Wlflkgr went to. MONT]? assembly this morning by the stu- hssocistion left yesterday for mu‘. £_ » . i F? V V ' n - 4 . "' L. .. 3 in is told by Col. 3. times as high as the ceiling would sons who “play the lame. ' intenw ’.u,u.d”. on bu,i,,e,,_ a den’. in wcordmce with pnsident ,,°_ g,.'t,,m.,g omce” or the mat? . 4;‘ 0] ‘fl Q ‘ . “fig 3 . ‘W¢t Goodwin in hk sketch ahoutuparmit. . tioosllr 0!’ OWOPWN ll l3 °.““"“‘d'; -Ilsa Jessie L. Burr-all of-Stephens 500543;’; proclamation setting asidefloeal farm clubs of Audrain Co ~ '-~ 3 ‘ — T5 5'? ' 3,‘ Boss of Haiti. In 0113333305‘ “Old Daddy Time has blotted out OM onlyhtsbout half of all EVld¢1",cou,ge will return Saturday from this week for a national “Edncatlonj tend mains?-rsi of cxehnngen, clerp " "‘ V “ , - ="““’a“"' - .-- V». which nrhbed there during the nu. portion fmem tablet 8'0"“! A . - K asasCit'.' W 1:." . _ ' on on s 11-‘? n8 Iwocmttons. _ i_ he H § 9150-Q-Q’ '. M . ‘ I ‘ mu am‘. am #0.“ I ‘En’. < onmfl of Income: ‘Prat. H. ,1‘: Kempsur wednc‘_ gehc of s¢An,‘e!.jcv the! The f. {(3 d‘.:,_‘.A . cg . L C L . " ‘ lucid $15!! 03 5*‘ -0.1 go he is called by call a few of the stunts enacted, but d¢nNi“¢*' "@394 “P ll“ i”°°t=:3d.y for the American Royal Stock enfife .._-hog] opened the program. idiscusstng plans relatwe to the If. :._i-_‘ 3 A ~ ts 3,1,3;-(onus, to years old and lives enough are enumerated to show the fl!’ 15°" ‘ ‘“‘.51o- finite, ‘Show at Kartas City. ‘ gum aortas; Estes then gave sev-Q1’. A. contract drive In Alldl‘gig.. ,,, 3-mil? 0* 3“ at sauna; where for man!‘ run under theastentottbe s Imp tgm “dz: *3f:"_*;'3“*1‘,;;* urn. Cartier naxxacnrneté m:sehr- ml Bible selections. and dmafrtgi i°°“"‘V- ' r ‘ 3 ““ A 411;; Bogoo" order hseosae true of - mmv ‘ da to h hon‘! in nsas ity. e A Rid recited “Prou o e “““"“"" . V mflmflairln ffifldifllfl M’ '0; ‘gum u_ “rm “Man” ,,,,,f,.,,,,,, . remainioa two-thirdsemsde errors (in. mi bee:!-vigitifng Mrs. A. G. Speu~ pazy sew" . p‘; Athenaeans to Debate Manszsr.‘ . : ..' Bflhvm‘ Enflam Ttie1““E‘“Who bloweth not his own suitable reeruitto attack Cubs. "'“°" ‘° "““'-‘ 9‘? cer. . roe talks on were xiv-3 “Resolved, thatuColumbin shonfl V - .. . V e ; - V . ‘ thrsame shill not be blown.” An- “om mm: the order old was to mm m._ ____,____..' - Mrs. Rebecca Riggs and Mrs. Don en Vhy Richards Barnett. Bessie Pow- 5150311 Bhfltlf-mflntker form of gov. ' V 3 . "' ‘......_.n.__‘ ' ’ ' ‘ ’ ' ' other eompellink caption states "lhtpgg-gde ot midnight, garbed in black L311-[,3 noxxfi ASSN Carter returned _to Sturgeon yesto_r- ell, and Elton Light. hiaurlne Phil-l tlzlranmegzt ;'1l1:9h‘;h€ 8001;: for do-Q-~. ‘T.’ ' . Ahydro-elsctrletlsodeentro 4- R------'' is “For the People Now 0!!-dominoes with s,hood attached to mo agar A-r cgN'm.u.1Al day after spending a few days in lips talked on Health, and Caro-I "3 2' ‘ °, ‘, “““"‘_ my hr 3 V 1 L ' aim he emu-ueuduntaoslnea ‘.‘;S_ :2.-..-..~.." noun. the features or the wearer. ———— H M i I ‘s. . line Stevenson told somethxnrot the; gt°m},Jn"'°§'*>',;n *"5;1‘§- 15*‘-l 0. gt. -; ‘_ __ ~ L -*- “W W "M °‘ "°""' mu“ *"=***°.....°°"“'**“"" *" ..;*':‘*......."" WM W“: *“'*”°":.'.’..3'.:*“'*' *° 3° ° ": wee ‘ *“:::'" "* 222.2; ‘*::t;':..:;*.°';t.:‘.*.*::.:;:°;:: °' ' “ ‘V " °°* " V ' ' El 5 menhennial lehration at yettae. 3 338'“ the University. lcf; yeste y to _ _ ' . —':' ‘ " 9-------3--- : ' Yea N°" 2'49‘ d the week-end at her home in H910“ V‘-‘“3h“v “’h° "°3’t°d “The. _ _ _. __. . __ cardiac Ekhtyom of ti. “man” ‘In had. that Col. Goodwin wrote this crowds of‘tbe populace, whojta _ 80 F A spen . ,_ o -- n... - _._. __ p ‘ V . . . ~ In some manner he heard of out of their beds to witness fie an» ‘The Little one emme sso- Ewemm, Smnz5_ Duel... ___ . I o. t°°k—a"."‘du Ocwhfl the celebration and wrote to the tics of the OUIDKO 013974 lG'.',”“l’ °“£’°" ‘"1" h°‘.d ‘ts. 'fi::'h's:"d'3’_ Miss M,,.50,.;e n,.n;,_.1s.,,,_ 3 _-mg- Virginia Shepherd of Stephens“(‘.ol-A MOTOR CYCLE PACKAGE. . __ ' - “JOIIIDII and Collflfl" It Lafayette lly, It flit tail end 0’ $91013‘-pro’ w°¢k‘9nd meet“)? W"-h t 9 9 "Km . - h U i. e ‘ . R,“ .‘.,,§u.r_ logo spoke ta the gtudcntg on The — . vaued hm "mum at and‘ L - L statinthis intention of cominx to thelcssaion. was something ‘in thewsy 835011 0‘ the C¢flU'Il58 Bllltlfilo gfimfm it: C ‘ 21,29-Y,;‘;€.',n.mg ‘O \';;]m. of Educmion in the Dm.c.1op_~ DELIVERY . V. .-. am‘ M-“Lino ma” main“ ‘man: Willi 80 of celehration if at all possible. ’ ,0! charity. . ' ' Church. Nov. 27-29. Services will, 3 dorh er, (;H.n:1 I ' mect of Per-sonnlit}'." Rendinzsf Puhfln Ddhud loom 25‘ L V- 7 4?“ '. “wit h” m pi, ‘ “aural "Owensv‘illns. last became 'the The Iketth f0“0"l!= ,' Older Poor Pafi. hdd F7543)’ Hill“. Saturday morn-f spgfiss‘ firxzm M;,,n,,d(.f, a mu. were given by Jack Chancellor on V V PHONE. 3°32 - ‘ 1?‘ ‘"5"? °fib°“’."' h 0" 7" father of s hshyjh-1. born to his W88 I 3¢I|fl‘°,| I'd¢!‘- L i “I recall apoor ismllyin the out- 333- ‘“°'?’°°"’ ‘and f':i‘ht' nmd Sun‘: dent in Stephens allege. loft _ve.’ “,"“ L “RAB”-‘> *2" ‘W °'"'‘'' ‘°* - -M" . ‘°' f "V ‘. ‘ ham 2 N ' ' . . ° ,- na dropped from the clouds for zneir The devotional service in the after- meet for their regular monthly dxn- . Rea Fee of 8: a any. any buck d_ i to: it It 33311.9; "m “3 ‘ 1'2 ° ff’-P1l¢':h¢elI¢’m1fl°93. With I hood‘conceal-‘,u¢¢o,' and 3””; the ;,.1a,,cc of me noon will end the meeting by a dis-gm, at the Ingknook ‘his m.(.n;m._. 3‘ '3“? THIS A KNOCKOUT fiction and some non-tzcgcn. if new and __ : you 3 Am‘ "G nrrfin‘ can u “E. S. llattaon, tax agent of ;:°i;£'th”d' f;t“;:‘;m'§h‘i’n‘l‘:§:} ?_e:3niz1’}thcar$x far thcigegmsislions. cussionmofthchristinnitsirnpplicddto{6 0-dock FIG ;Z’;'“:,',',, 3:" :31: «;;‘u.._.'.:'..’:::nl::f fw » ‘ T __ _ _ om-oo County, mg n - . , “ ‘e 0 er ourls in t to east- VODDR: e. c meeting: ing un cr- .5; 5. yo. .4, .,. 1 3c .1. 5", mg 1 v h"‘k' "62: ha . fur‘! the mogt yu]n.b]¢ may in {he ¢ounw4p°mp' not The mt cities for 3 ycaf of two’ ‘ad the the dltegtion of D1’, Kenywth ~— ————- - ' ' *” ‘ ‘ ; “']fipp¢d Cfegm 'NeTefylhill‘ ‘ _ the-p be-okci.nri‘n you: ypoos¢u.iur.. r . ' plat ‘ } .’—--.—-~~-—~" l_’_"- I ,- b,1¢mu,,, of pu.i,_ ‘ §F’°f“‘l'” 3; em:-i-nd 9* ""55 {hfimidnight parades were featured and Brown of Stephens College. ., i THE JUNGLE 1 - A or: 3 ‘ _ m . ._————. 1?“ ' “F W mvrwed 00 hlmlillustrated in Frank Leslie's Weekly -‘“—° ADP1cs—Ph0ne 19‘-0 E"-‘°“ = g t S up We ‘I Ii!’ 51“ '“°°h “' ‘'35’. After 46 years of hlackamithing,‘u'°_ "0 ‘W “'0 MP in WI! abwtgat the time. 1 aunt .; flu. ,,.,u,,,,,. Split the 13 big plates in the Ford. _ _ ~. —-~ ~- best I ¢C3"3‘m vb tossed p D FROM ‘ma LIBRARY 5 R. M. MORRIS . fin"-°'k hdd‘ "9 “"3” -V ' ¢._l I9“? uri apple growers." 3 .'v“§ .. THE JUNGL ' ‘ It-:~:-'3.-‘.s co V O95‘ 39”’ ' F4 Put’ “lI:ItImh‘tdour “seem” done is Ri¢h.at:let n°:.I.."."‘1‘€.°‘;n‘."§.":'§}‘:.:‘ The Virginia Pharmacy = ' 2 9!!» 133 USN» 433 "" . “- _‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ . T ' . ‘ ’ * finbectlouoftheeountf! unctty andcrashed intothelizhtf Thestore rtenreuuusuunu] G rm . t ( H. J GBIBBLIBV ‘~- . - . losses at Sahgf . . V~-~——»—V- V ~ « -- -- . - F. . . ‘ ‘ Call us for an hln y € ‘ . P‘‘'''‘ 34’ 34 8- NI . curthohse lawn eeensr 7 3° ; - , h 109 So. am Phone 724' at '1‘=8tinz-Lens Grinding " : University Beauty Shoppe ._ - -’ .3 . h ve your oyo, examined Makes Your Car ‘l mm W‘ - .- em.‘ ““‘” em :3” bung , University Run Better 13”‘ a hour 3 _Dl'€8cr!1-]f>tion_24. J ghsmpoo and round cur-l..$l.00 “'- OTCHHIE service pe gctfjtfi : let.-true‘ Facial ........ ..1 , H cu teed. ' M’ John N Ta ]0 % Plain I-‘aeial ........ .. 75¢ . “"‘ and nor smalc . Dr L - y r { unnsenu .... ...... .:::50e mm ‘-1. x _' I . R. A. Walters . Dab in ; unmet .. ................. ..75c 11; THE 8“! and WK] W 1 sh‘mP°0 and Hareel . . . . "$1.25 ‘ :1] 1 . Phong 306 nub.” at 8“. V , For Appointment _ 19 % Motor Cars ' i Phone 1413 T; I C ‘ . TRIBE HAIBUBGEI8 I'll " /\_, T. ,. .. SQUAD: Italian LUNCH 300'! 30111! have no In I ‘ » 2 E‘ . ‘"9 tfltllle ' RESIDENCE _AT AUCTION 2 ".3? 24 I” _1 m 1 “ I d th - S 3"“? 9. . ‘WW morning. ' n o er to c one e estate of the late Cyrus Lon I ’ ' ‘ hm" uh‘ L‘ L I wolhrunnm AY NOVEMBER L ' MC e B“? F‘: - ’ V V ' 2181‘, AT 2:00 P. M. l 3' M H ‘ ‘ V 3 . o sell to the highest bidder a very ' fin i "ff: 7 ‘I. ’ 77.1‘ V ‘$5 ' ‘M ' ' ‘Q . Q ' . K ' 7-A. . V l‘ ‘ - .. .ne*.&—..~..~ ¥*:.»~V ~ I _ . . "' vi "'1' C * once ” i in .‘ '_?g-‘‘. I. l ‘ ‘J -3‘: ' 2 ' 0 4 ‘ I V ‘.1 ’ I ‘ C ' ° ‘ . . ; 3'4. .4“ F \- C : —- ‘: ‘_ _;__:é.__.{s;.____