.....__}-j 2 _...-..... ‘V " ‘**n C —o I ~...-.. __ .4.-o—-.w.-—.~gr.. .,.o - g - = U . a - -. _,‘.’.- . . l>o-— v i .4 .. v. n - .- '21?-rr -<‘ -.-~.-p- -.—¢*f."':, '.': F ‘_'.‘_“?:t_ . " - . 1.‘ -': - ' '\ _ 7 941$‘-as-¢:é2a~ 1 .-._-- — -o-.—¢- .. o ,1 2: _.._.._.n I I ’ -_‘.Mi‘s'souri 'Victory Means; If Drake should win and Hissouri -' the plays he has been th ‘ . {Second Consecutive Conference Grid- . iron Title. . Pticuns TOP-PLAY Soom-ms‘ Outcome of Ames-Drake. O A Game May Have Bear- f ing on Cham- pionship,' l\'alley Gaunt: for Saturday. . Missouri vs. Kansas at Lawrence; Antes vs. Drake at Des Jloines Wfashington vs. Oklahoma at Nor-. - ma ' n. -' Okla. Aggies vs. Arkansas at ‘Fayette. ThQ.TlkEf-JQYDRVK battle at Law-j rence Saturday will be not only the Valley headliner this week-end, but also ‘one of the outstanding games in the country. The Missouri team has come into national prominence in the last two years, and the eyes of the nation will be watching the Tigers in their attempt to win a sec- ond consecutive gridiron title. Kansas with a long string of dc-N feats behind. is devoting all her at- tention to defeating the Tigers, and the Hissouri team will meepits stif- fest oppositi 'n o the season in the Jnyhau-ks. With a line that will-cub weigh the Tigers, and a backfield. which. with the addition of Zubcr. is one of ‘the heaviest'in the confer- l encc. Kansas offers a real threat to V; tt any am. <. 4'5 .5 .. ZGER+JAYllAll’K is .AT'I‘I.EIIEA;DS% ‘ -‘r a The return Zuber .1 5, . g of Harold» Zuber, 21 I1 " 0 Oalslandirzg Kansas Star théariezdiiofi 3.... 0-pound triple-thréat"Isan.“ifi made the Jayhawlu-rs‘ pnspects for Saturday much brighter. Last year Zu- ber was one (Y the outstandint: backfield men in the Valley. Although he is a little slow in getting started. his weight gives him a great advan- tlc ll lint plunzins. Ind I8 I Plfier and punter he has few valley ri- is who can surpass im. has been out of the line-up for this year because of a brok- Tl"'*'= 3"-‘M =K°- ell" m”°°"_¢-n collar-boo: suffered in early practice. He was able to break into the had struggled through an unsuccess- Gfinm," “mo. howfifl. ful season. old Tiger players came to be ‘ ' ‘last spirit of the old players. the Tigers} rose to new heights to own the in-f wading Jayhawlrs. 9 to 7..i3I:ne—of _! the most thrilling games t has- ever been played on Rollins Field. of field goal from the 49-yard line, by- Al Lincoln giving Missouri the vie-l WT)’ i been caning back her’ old captains and stars to try to in- still the spirit of victory into this brood of Jayhawks. Mass- spirit that will back their team to the last ditch, and the ' will meet afoe that will bc'flghting more desperately than any team they have faeed this year. The flissouri -team is working if the Titers play their usual brainy tratne. they should win. Henry is hoping for a dry field so thst~his pnoteges may use some em. The Tiger forward pass attack this year has been handicapped by the wet fields that the to at has played on.»and if it is a good day ‘when the two teams meet. the Mis- souri offensive work should be a fea- ture of the game The championship of the Iowa schools in the conference will be de- usnal showing against Nebraska, but if Antes plays her usual fast game. the Cyclones will have an excellent chance to win. . should lose, the Bulldogs would {in- ish the season with the highest per- centsce of ‘any-Valley team. it. how- ever. the Cyclones win, they will go into a tie with Grinnell for second ks will ashlngton in Danger. . There seems to be little doubt as to the outcome of the Oklghom... prcctate red by thc§::“' ~—~- VETERAN Ted Sanhorn, Kansas guard this; Year. will play his ‘last game for thef Crimson and Blue Saturday against '- the invading Tigers. 3 two years Sanbora , wing position. but this scaso h ‘ Coa-chGwtnn.5mhdm rd " "'“ ‘III ..__—..—..__.._Z_._... _ M. U. (Continued from page seven.) -- ~ did before." In closing.\Ppof. Wnench F said. "I hope that next Thursday I I won't have to buy a‘tttrkey——1 q-gm -llihtwk meat for dinner that day." Crowd Applsuda Bwofford. “We know that there is not a bet-i '. ter ‘ the honor of the scho l and we ap-? the support that we get,‘ ' rom the student body. You um’; say too much for Coach Henry--we; love him and would do,anything forf h"'‘- ‘W9 {N31 Rood over the rea:rd,j but the team is not over-confidentf \ athletics of the th - been in fifteen years.’ “Dian for man and team for team’ . thete J AYHAWKEB _.... -- '—'. 1. E 25 Forthelas been at ai .o --.. ESUPPORTL is no reason why shouldn't beat us. but there is one reason why Kansas won't beat us- Phone 681 _ Week-End Hot Shots 13 Bars of Ben Hur Soap . . . . . . . . . ..50c 1 peck Grimes Golden eating apples. .75c 1 lb. Ginger Snaps or Fig Bars . . . . . . . .l5c , No. 10 Sailor Boy Cling Peaches. . . . .65c A Fun Line of Groceries and Fresh Meats Phone your orders. We deliver. A ,0. W. Boutwell Merc. Co. find his Presence in the line-up Saturday ought big help to the Kansans. Kansas Corner 5th & Hickman ithifis the hear: _they are good. ‘to see us win." of the team, of the alumni, and of the student body. Kansas never had anything like it." “We have a team." an- nounced Fred Dixon of the Y. M. C. A. staff. “Every one of the three teams that Coach Henry has on the roster has enough fight an enough sense to beat K. U." be con- cluded. . Janine Rents-hler Talks for Girls. The next speaker was tne only mass meeting this year. M Janise Rent‘:-hlcr. publicity manager for I-lomecoming at‘ a senior in the School of Journalism. stated that Saturday ‘he girls of Missouri would be on hand. “Kansas is going to hit ground with a thud when they the Tigers‘ stone wall, and we going to be there to root for champions of the ‘Missouri Val- Conference.” l.ieu:. Hugh B. Hester made a short talk in which hc,said, "I won't say who is going to win. Our team is good and everyone lcnows that I am going to K. U. the hit are the ley Bob Hill, alumni recorder of the L'niv.-ersity. cpcncd his speech with a poem concerning certain members of the faculty and o-hcrs wellknown on the campus. "Do you realize that you have ‘H-re at the University of Missouri the man who is coaching the finest team in the United States?" be “You are about to witness the championship tearn—-one to be proud of. Will ycu say that you went to K. U. and saw the championship tcam in action? i am proud of you a"d I am proud of your student pres- ident. Do you realize that you have one of the fines: chaps in the country fcr president of the Unive-mity— this man Brooks? You work for a common purpose and for a genteel success."' Depping. in closing. again asker’ INSURANCE - of all kinds. Thurston Insurance Agency 200 Guitar Bldg_ v ll'l("f WY -uusnns-vs rt-wmn in. the lt us. 1Wc play forl rewer. director of University, said thati . Missouri = ———o~—.~ —.._. ._... l .v Wllltinaton gauze. nfjé . Pl '3'‘; K. U. ATHLETIC HEAD ; Do No food on earth can equal these for health builders. as 44% i of your table expense go for Dairy Products? This is the figure set by the United States Bureau of Economics :3 ltzractical for health and pocket- 0 MILK BUTTER CREAM ICE CREAM CHEESE \ BUTTERMILK { II V HIV 0 .—-—~—-—._¢-:-—-_- s I I ""TnE:coLUsmIA mssounuu. ‘FRIDAY,’ NOVEMBER 20, E19%"-<-**'**"l " that as man cm as ssible be membersof the squad leave h’a5re.to- at the trainytlttliesnmorningpoat 11 o'-f'morrowmorning at ll:05_o‘fcloclt for clock to bid the team farewell.‘ -The; Kansas city. and they V111 N" 3° team always remembers the sendgwpportaaity *0 P110003 939!‘ 93“ off it gets at the station, and I wantfday.’ ' to thank the stu en‘: body for its'_ cough Henry is satisfied. however, ¢°*°P¢1'lti°ll It In 88 meellnkfi l-llefthat bk men will be in the beat of for their assistance in mlk-lccndifign when 3-cure: John Grover ingdthese meeting: s;:cccsts}ful:h_lll9}blows the whistle Saturday. a d ban -"6 are P700 0 ll: 1' C 9€'f;the t-hirty-third annual game an leaders for their hard work: and the . sending an-in; 3310:, through the Quadrangle Orchestra. It all coes hearts of the many loyal fans that over ' Twill park the Mount Oreagl horse- "*“*““" ' shoe. [EST G PFOSGIC plans call for the play- ers. coaches and training staff to arrive in ‘Kansas City in time for dinner tomorrow t. They" will 1 BL GREAT TEST stop at Roclchill Manor. an exclusive '”'"‘"‘"- - If ’lbotl‘ the clnbdi- coach nenrysansnea Men .5. Will Be in Best of *l;°"Hl*fl it 1;“ brim} 111;, . . a 1}‘ mm c stness Istrtct e Condition. him before thegame. The trip to ----~—~-»- La ‘ll be d ‘ Missouri's football team fut-cs its .,,i:::: 3; S,m",:',,-:_°,‘;"".ng"°°t: 5°"9’°5l ‘€51 0f the 59350" Silmlfda-"3 Union Station at 10:30 o'clock. Coach Gwtnn Henry of the Tigers faces a test; the Kansas Jnyhawks * r face a test; and George ("Potsy"l Clarlr, Kansas coach. faces a test. All of this testing will take place In the Kansas stadium at Lawrence and there will be some 25,000 critical rootcrs. partisan to the core. on there to decide whether the Univer- sity of Missouri football team will again be the undisputed champions of the Vlley or will drop into a tie for that honor; provided of course that Drake wins from Ames. Failure to work outdoors on Mon» N’ day left the Tigers only three days Used Car Department, of practice for the game. since the __ '- FLNE CONDITION ON EASY TERMS a O m % Chicqgo Pu rchas S A L Men’s and Young Men’s 0 2. Pants $13155 ‘Boys’ Long Pafi; Suits—2 Pantgf;-. $8.95 .__—_..-.... .._4.._.__..._ Men’s Suits Slashed In This Chicago Purchase Sale $25.00 young men's mu‘ suits. Collegiate models. round corner coats. lnrgc b:t‘.0m _/ hi. Al)!-1 from superior leathers by i the Incxrt cxpcrt workmen. The-_v disregard the ordinary limi- taticns of the avcragc_ shoc’s length of lifc. T3103.’ have that air of re- strainctl smzmncss which men like in tlILlI':~.l1(.t:.. “Members of Rice Leaders of the World." Sold E.\:clusively in Columbia at Heberlz'ng’s —1-,_,- —-~—-—~—..;~\.-.- - -—--—+--.—... S H O E S O F VV 0 R T H HALL THEATRE“ TONIGHT AND SATURDAY CECIL 3. DE MILLEpragrIl: %oI)mLA ROCQUE with Jetta Goudal and. Noah Berry INTRIGUE! pants, new greys, blues. durl: colors . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . Young men';-- suits, light and dark colon. in the new fall shades Men's suits, Marx ‘made suits. finest of serge. makes-—-fine quality all-wool blue ‘{Alp.'.ca lin*£—— 2.“ e'.'.s*r? to any ‘>40 suit ;n th :::.'.rx¢: today . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . ..... X. n \ ‘Heavy Work ‘Clothes ._ Beaver Collar. moleskin coat all $ 15188. $7.50 value. blanket lined Men’s blanketylined coats, whip cord outer El:-‘face, khxzln color. large ccrduroy calla:-, . Iczgo Purchase salt- Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meals and boys’ winter Cirpn, heavy m.e,._ °°“U’ll:"lll1_'t!’Tl_ll8. pull down or flap, 81,54) value, Chicago Pllrchasg Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-50 !_nen's plaid and checked shIm,.n..,,. nel shirt, brown, black and Chicago Purchase on - - . - a - o a . . . . , , ._ - 1 . $2o.oo—$22.5o. MEN'S OVERCOATS $13.95 : Greatest tube that v ; You'll have: t their values; 1-0782 convertible colla: plaid lin . lg » Pitch pockets. loose back. belonged,”-0;; ;‘.“...'1°’.‘7‘_‘. T’.‘.°?‘: . .3". .‘.”.’. ."."'.".’ $13.95 We have ever offered. to see them to appreciate- ' /‘ *1 3 “From the Cradle to the Grave ” - - ‘ is - ' I ~ “ ; . r I Blended and intermingled with I ‘ . 1 ~ I . - ‘ 4 . use more Dairy Products from the - -. . '°'“l"."’°““‘l °°m°d! C h C - -;: = 1 home of - “‘ mm“ l”'°d"°t"_”}- d“'°¢l¢d 5! Paul Sloane tinder a8 a the personal supervtston of the screen's master pm. . ’ at A f ' I I idueer—C-ectl B. DeMille, _ I ~ Sedalta--Moberly--(0 Iolumbiahg warren 1*’ I Also “WAITING” . _ 3- P . , . ' . wrm LLO HAM ‘ oi, I ‘ in 3 A f I . 7-15-9490 YD . “‘° ‘wig: 3 your doiafhxig l.'§.?'tn‘le"§""£'-.;'° "I'i"°:“l'fi -. . ~ ~ __ "L - . ' ‘ V I 9‘f.ctiedjtpl+:?uslncé(;sf}C~m?‘-: . T , ~' ' 3' ' . ' 9 O S ' ' " . .—-.¥' '" - :4‘-... ...'.‘.*.‘ F, "7 " i _.' ....v\..n~ «-5-» . V‘. . . S . . ‘ ‘_: fit. V ,r ,3“... , up . .. .. - .¢.8$_z"; ‘J ‘L ‘ - ~' ‘-Av.-*-‘-«.~.-.t .2 ° .; . :