) ».«-.-..— V - '1' " ‘ " ' . ‘ ‘W ____. _;-- 3.‘ ' , . .‘.. 1," e’. '._ ' f‘ " 1 : _ ._ o , ti ..f}-Xi ‘ ‘C o. { .1. ¢'%_' . . V‘. ~‘ r. , ..-"_ . ; 7-‘ _ . ‘J : , I ‘.‘~‘‘'‘~‘’ ': ‘ ‘ "'.. “_f_"....."__..._ ’..,_,__‘.4‘,__..,...,,.. .. .._,. -,..., ., “,_,,,,____r_ - < 1-!" -17-it-it 7.3: “'3' '--.‘-#=---9"‘ ““'.-.*'%~i--.-—.-*;*.“*yr--.- " " 3? "*'~‘.'."".‘ ' ' " ' ' . ' ' " ' M" " ~ ‘ ’ _ ' ‘V . .:._’:"" I. -‘ 2 ' 4 ..‘ ,‘ ’ I‘ ‘ < . V t ' _, ' 3 _ ' , I g’ 0 1 0 me do“ ‘Luna " 0 "'1' russn AY novsnnnsa 1925 i - - f t . 7 :5 "* is e ‘ ._..._.....___._....._..‘ ‘ ‘W ----5 i ,0 i * 0 o r U ' ‘ V. . . ..;.¢. — . - . _. .1 5 v . ‘ I -. :_ ‘A ‘ _ A - . 3' 4- ; p o,‘u’N°. 2 ywhi“, 421,3; }\'o,_3‘ Chicago Produce. ‘ 'Butter--Creamery extra. 485'": -5: 3. _- ‘l .: ‘ V‘ " ' " ‘ . . - ~ - -'_‘ 0 ’ 9 ..standards, -Me; extra firsts. 15x,g@ j_.~;’ : ‘ Shortage dicted bY TODA Y,V’S NEWS I wi‘.;;;‘itit‘c‘uu")_Dm M5%;Ji.0§;.3AmG0.;nL. M 2‘___Mm mm fim aw“; 41 ,; lo‘ a. , . -i o “' ' ' 4 ' _ ———_" i - M . .aa; July. 31.43 . .. . -1’-‘owk,.l7@22%c°vapringo, 23ssc: @4l’.sio~ t .~«-:.g 0 i Throughout the C0lll'lt1'Yy ha, ,,,,,,,,_, ,-.t,.,.,; ...., $8@8; an era and 3:33: Redl--No. 1. 31.73; i~'o.‘2;‘:iumy'., ‘toe; roosflere, 16:; ducks. E¢xs-I-‘ii-st.-5. ssqizsse; t»l'dll’1a!'}' ; 3‘ ' -- .. ' , - - ’ The prevailing prices as quotedlciiuers, 8l.60@(.50; wool lambs, ;1,73@1,77, I18@2lc; geese. 16¢. firsts. 48652. ‘ the Puritan fathers; took; t the weather _conditions and _a _ 1 “rs 15.50. . A ». o . _ ' - ‘ 1: . their rlfleaandooncittihte-start in settmz tho‘ 9?: h‘;"ll-fig [fi;,go¢k..Bogs, 50: under St." ' 6 ——-—~—- ~~ :7 -7 .~ ~ . . g . _ . , it . - ,- __._.3 .. .-._.A. o : fr. . ' X" . i ‘ ~ . . ‘ ; e . .oot' vfldhrhro in the N¢"'*5“¥'i*°°l’.i'-"’"‘ ‘'.°'’' '’°”’‘ cf :1 ill. Louis top: cattle.50cunder8t. Louisl 5‘ W“ cm‘ Gnu 0 . in: J‘ “ 7 0 ., "'—""" lllId_10!'lItI for_the first Thinks-gquality that is expedtd ‘T h my sheep and “mks. ‘1 ‘ml 2 “-33: Un!to3I£!;ifi-. M V 2‘—C If ‘ . i w_ .. --» . - s-. r «. e . civhllfeaagthey out .a custom: 'bcard. _Of course. 0: dc:-SL Louis mp _ ; Sf. IS. _o‘.._ .03. . arn » , “M as ‘xi-veuvtveeou-u~eno«so*it~-no rm n-xv-hue w-ovennwthos-rs» om no 3» ‘°’?‘°>_‘ p...m..ii....i i...... 18¢: lizhtl:'1‘°'.‘Nwhdtell6;9]‘):;R335’?8)r@ 0. 0 o t . o '1 4' -j “ Jlyonght but which ‘re eleln am‘? hens. 12c: heav)" sPflJ1tI° . 18¢: lichtvlg,/‘C’ 0' ' . C’, I 9“. ‘Y’ . " Gal 4.’, -——..- no we it we go», We; ,;v;¢;;;~;;,;'g;g;;;;1:o;::.:,‘;*:,“:;‘:;;..::; :1, springs. 12¢: ms. me; am.» ’‘°- . , y - Ne] ; .""» - A-~ . ‘, . .- . r~ ,‘ ~. - . . ii , 21; 1:! tom. 1"c: >'ounz‘""’—""”"'""‘ ‘ . i -0’ i -' "‘"‘!-"“'° §.-‘"4 “'° C“? '”°"“°°“““'°!"°" “"”"'*'°"’"‘.'B°° °°‘""’ ""1 b° "h‘h"’ b°l°“ digits. 12cc: «lid cocks. 8c:‘8eese. se’ rwo ASSEMBLIES xr c. H. s. ‘ - ' '-“ failed to make tlieiieeeuaxv nuholid-rs will probably be her. ‘nbrinal. _ Ex“ ‘ . _ . __ _ . ' ‘ . M " 3°"""‘*i°"'°‘ ”" "‘”"’ ‘"5 53”‘ b°f°"" ‘""'h°"" "w the °"!cr'.' "" ‘é’“'°u.’°' dfuer pmmmt’:-@43°- ‘ {Kink Lee. Roy 3",,“ mem-Den of ment in 1}-ie United States are changes for the city manager out ‘ll ‘want it uh to be ‘fined R did” i’ ‘mew’ ' ill": 5° "ll-"‘°" "‘““ ‘"‘““l- 1" “ ‘hm’ B“"'°""'C'."‘"°.”' ext?" 51°‘ the boys’ tlee club. Crystal »Matlie- plan. It is neither new. untried. nor an experiment. it is ' "" \‘ u .( ‘II. Grgyfizaeaflsw. 131230 . In thenoainion at ;t1ie‘lglr:lenatl:!;.3$‘i’c.£ the-I tl';l£‘!’:ll‘:l)l§l J'(:tl‘i(;C8.:b0ut; ggacndards, «tic: firsts. 41¢, seconds. um, rel’ Mmsmdn and R0”. older than many other forms of govemmem which American 3 """-' """°"d°'"~ ‘V 3'''‘°"‘" ''°‘’' . '.' i““°° ° I .. lidMPh - " - ’ d d .t'f't ' 3 had paid accounts from this fund, berof birds on the market this {nll._'Chr-istmas. czllsollflfl. the hnusc- lotlltfl-"~liens. _ l4@21%:c. tut-k "A Tginfigitiing numb‘). for the ic:1tel§.siml1:n\te tried and aban one as unga Is at on Loan’ and 3“ ‘g to we council the re. ‘#77 H '7 \\'ltll th(‘ 8d\'lC9 ‘C111 1h(‘r9. ~0.@34C; 5.‘DI'If.llIS, d‘ck3g freshmen be tornorro“. aft_ '1 . ad b ' - t . . . ' l .“ -v ': celvfl for the moat‘! paid and had . . would be more and better ones at l4t¢i..0c. 120080.446. COCKS. 12¢ emoon Students “ho in The D an ‘S 01’ °‘ one 0‘ “0 me 8‘ Flrst’. b5 a . 1 q . wow“ by the council in or pairing paved streets out or the mom am time as the immature birds of ChmC_Nonhern _-1-“.;,L.,_ 24;“; on the°pmgnm any Me"‘1"bus‘:’fl’°tf; vote of the people; second. throt_igh_an cnactrnent or ordinance ‘ 1'’? Q 5,, ,0 M" W, mm, mm,“ to es’ giertv-‘ed (tom U’=('285°11D9‘l3X'- Pu,“ mom, maid be mad). ,0, the Young _a.,,,e,;c.,, 25;“, “ms. chow” hue‘ Peumm Ne" . by the city council. Of those cities in the_United States h8,$‘lng , -2-: ’~ ‘ original uno o 9 “m” “M “"‘° “‘° "'°”9"’ °?"‘."”lmarket then. i —-—_--—_ . ' , »the manager. form, 261 have adopted it by a vote t e “‘ ll 03¢» 31 1009- I . , Henninger. Lorna Dawson Dorothx . .- . ~ .5 llay. 1925 Mr Gray presented re- h“ ‘mm s1'000’00o m "“"""“§~ If the bird‘ "re ll("'l until after 3"‘ 5“ L°'"‘* 1-"°"“"l“ v 1; cs.-i.i.,-, an-,3 7;,“ ",3 people and the rest by ordinance ’ Of the 261 cities that ’q°" p o r . 1 _- - 3 as at . 3' Ah” ‘fl ‘ , ' ' I . . ' . ‘ ' och-ts I04 the council. allowed them. f:;f‘;c:::::'(, 't:,”k:c‘;, ;the Thanksgiving: iioliday.-. ‘the price‘ ‘\.‘_ T“'l"'0_\".';E STOCK yARDS_ In" Jéinné 11355.,-4, ,. _-. have adopted it by populanvote only 3 have abandoned the " Hm” fl” '’°''" ’’'‘'°‘ '”“"“‘°" er condition .\'ow repairs are no«“"“’ *1‘-"° ’‘‘*'d M" W “"° “““" .\':w. :3~l.——-Cattle-—R.eceipts, - plan. It can thus be readily seen that among those citiw ,z . "p "° lb’ n°'o°° “'i'." An‘ ticeahle ‘on ‘most all sitccts. 'I'iie""‘“'l"°°*' -“id 0"" ‘‘‘i‘‘' l’“-‘'" “'5” lna!‘lie1.l(JWt'!': no sale on native beef " which have given the plan a‘ fair trial the overwhelming ma- win ' ‘"1?’ ‘rain °m:,:nf::u:; gasoline tax is paid by only thosefhficnfkf 183:0 "L""fl";lr)‘:’:dl'“::°i-"5 steers; yearling: stecrsand heifers. I jority have been entirely satisfied with it and show no in- to“ NW! . . - -ea *ca . c am 5 ( ' s 15- ,. , _ , . - - , . - - ,‘ 0'? “$00 in am “mum ma for who tine lthe{:t!'t;i.s age: ltscllafifbgerliititfi which indium mm the .I.h:mks_ $.i?:i.5o,m:ou$i;. ‘$0d駧«o5..2c5a,h$‘!'|lI:1!‘; PHONE 2100 dications uhatex er of abandoning it. ‘V _ 31] ::pt:u:£cn‘7::0 fitgouttm 3:; glzllin: streets: pl apt: eonfide:t;Yl“i‘l¥hm:’:‘:d ‘:'li‘un:’:n ‘:31’; :§ii?l2.(5‘l)': stdckers and feeders. ‘$5.75 Q‘. Gama‘ . . wh~ - . . ;us er ' . ‘ , _ -- -_ i . ' no on our on we «me he ii..":‘.:i‘°:i::“°.'f";:.° ’.:.:"...‘:'° ‘:.’:mu in wow .‘i“:;°' 1...... ........, we P---- no son Make Your Decision On Facts "2 ha 3.0‘ l”'°'°“t°d the” ‘°°°°"“ M and repair ofpoilr stlreets 'I'ht?‘t)~ounl-)2 00° 07 ll‘? '““l"- “'"~‘°" {W ”‘°;stend'\z'sto 10* l1lK.l'l(‘T' he-a.\'y 81125 W. D’. ‘it out ‘ ‘ A "A :34 . “'9 ¢9°fl¢ll 103' 9193' CPPNVIL P0353‘ C“ has 31.0 inn ‘M the. nu-€55”-‘famine is that Missouri had an ex-if“ 3-. nfedium ' 3'1L25'@n W9 Ana’ 33‘ R9131“. - , . l .h R’ an“ W‘ '"° ”°5 'p°"di“‘ oouivmentlto zrifde and cinder di;-}¢:cepticnnly we; {all this year nndllgfbl. d.$ll.35@l1.6'0: iiizht lights: *1] xi“ °' Wm’ . t T F V "ll :hy';”°“°y °”.'t °‘ um ‘°°°'"“’ s.° roots. Certainly this is for the‘““5 5“ 5°‘-’" 3 590°"-‘ "”"“"‘~”“ ‘°l$ll.‘.“0@'l1.60: packing sows. 89.6o@ '5‘ W“ W‘ D°- . . V ' 1 ‘. - -the ‘ndnor came ‘"6 an and" beg: ingerggt of Co]umbia_ ill!!! WIRE)’ RI‘0W(‘!'!i. The WC‘! \V(‘8th-'-‘10_20. ' pigs bulk MI Lib NCW. _ I ‘ . ‘ gpq $24,000 spun on par, [)¢p.;1m¢m,it‘!‘ has resulted in many tui-l:c)‘shd:~'- $n,.1'5@11.6('). ' " The Work In All, ‘ l g ' _ ' ' wit for ‘web check’ ha been given sglgshslvfgx t1}t‘enct;::8:i‘f:ért:nlc)l01ril‘g0}:\tf;:§;‘>l;l;ia1tll;ippitgnlglnthc S.".€'Cp—R(‘(‘(‘lpIs, 2900; market. We Ask at You. Y '9,‘ not follnd la the 59cr9t3ry'5 0{°,,d9paflment?" I wih ‘nswer that by magic conditicns, and are not x'na,--‘’ ‘ " ' " ‘ ‘ "’ — ' --—' - Ai" "‘ T ‘“" '"’ "'"" '""'”_" ‘A ' ' ' ' : " 135 fit.‘ Dupllate “cap” V373 59°l,.aying that the tow] income of “.9 zured as the-v should be at this time. g.n...a.._ ._ -_ - ‘.9. A A f°r.b]tb°t:‘ 3 wan”, h"':illy ‘city last year was less than $70,000: 01' 3987- . *3 _ _ . M ' Z l 1 tin; ' V m pm" '’ “ r‘ "L w , °l’and the council saw fit to spend‘ _ _ ___ ‘ Beautiful Sl'lO€S f0!‘ B€3‘llt1fl1l GlI'lS L tin ;'”d."&.e‘ “.5-°‘:lnkb°”.g;h:'°°ld t'_‘°° over $24,000 in the fire department. l ’ “m° ' "“3g°‘m°" “’ but as the fire losoes -this year are ' ' 1 it‘ °'n ‘mwen ‘H 820 000 less than tum vears ago for E N‘ ‘(I “Z ‘Dd In Fund. t_;"_c' samg period’ I h:-:90 'not ' 0 *0‘ _Conlldei-able stress has been laid anyone criticizing the council for p l i Ch? on the fact that this 87% worth bufinz the fire equipment and bor-; G7°wn Pe°Ple 0&9“ (W391 ’ ~ ' M“ ofuntshdtbu-l1ed"'tl1-' h'l° ‘ .. ' - 1 ...~i.::...,.;.::..:..:.°..: .'::'i:i.:.;"i:”::::;::.i: :t:::“§::: “ids. Predommates . « ~ " ' 88 council allowed this when it “Can you give ii list of tho ci'._\' run - h rt '‘ y a e - H A ‘ l ' } set aside the money to pay those officers and the salaries they re-. mug 5 0 OX1 energy. . C 2 4 ' ‘bins, buttbe d'tn ‘d '~. ld '- 3" A '.’h ' 11- ' -. :‘ - - .. -. ’ ‘ , , ,'° ‘ be hater b00k:gP‘lB;::1l'fll‘tlll:o«:tl- :2:-fited carlnsgzrtl tlllislilnl-strmlitildln , I i Mgtftg :rh'nn:f:"° ‘ Count” ° C i -'-1 ; Ill“ to have these accounts allowed from Mr.'Bicknell and Mr. Barnett. " E . _g {nib elie Fancy Tm 3 M. ll_I¢l turn the whole 310.000 back both public officials: so it is not - . . '6 “°"?°?‘ O ‘ . A ' ‘ ‘ ' R0 . from the we’ finension mud into “away”, for me to do So. energizes and uivigorates the 3. M “THE PATSYn .- fastidious and discrim:-_ _ .1 _ ., 11; wgtu-‘find light tuna from which As to the political points raised, l. body through lls power to A A‘; illustrated In pawn‘ Kid mmng _u”t‘eS °’" be . - ‘ 3’ ‘,1 itvraslirstuken. This accountwas do not have to T9503 to any v0- nourish Re-ener '- ° ‘ - ' " "l°‘“°d "‘ um f°°‘“'°‘”‘ ‘ ‘ handled juttas the enie!‘t~'enc;- fund litical maneuvering: to induce the!’ gnu. 8 tengfif’ I Black’ Satmt Ta“ Ca"' of their desire. " 3' 3." i ha! been handled {or years. P;‘3Pl¢'t;l5ee as .1 do. I with to see keep Sco’u. » . ' Tli ' . ’ ' Now as to how Mr. Gray handled 1 “' p°° ° ‘'°‘° 1.” ‘he’? °“’“ ill‘, 3 . ' - l l ’ “co M, f th I t _ terests and the best interests of Co-1 'El!“..':.’SlOn. ‘ ‘ ' ' 1 tension llmd oin hi: fitfens gt lb‘:"’bi“' gwarddlefg aw p‘"’1°).::.‘°"r avaeeennaaeaioeaseid. :v.i. 1: ' — 15? concern me. as he was under $15,000 ,°“3 °' ‘W "9 ‘m ‘ ’ ‘"3. " 2 Z - ‘ ‘ tot ‘mi 1 . faith that they will do 50. Respect-: ... . -. - . . . t . . - B . . ‘ma InY‘l!l‘B:1u;:!':.:ln(l:l:‘l€01lli'|‘l: “my ";’:l;’I’:“;-‘d- .‘ l - . . . .. -. . -. ' ‘ ° " ‘ . , F account wlien'lie was in the office. - TT -lCD0-\'3\'ELl-. . 3.7";.3'§.?.‘i‘"$.';’cI.'.'.f.‘Z.~'{"lii.'.'2'i..‘.’i‘ 4:: . Exquisite Hosiery of Avondale NO’ . ( E. ' 3' .‘::.“:.:.‘*:.i ‘::.*.':..''*::2;:';*; ':.::.:*’.t2:°° » chiffon from i 3 can ~ ’ ' 0 ‘e 7 o l I . ' ~ ‘ 1,.-,,,, 9,“ ;,,,,d_ . ’ . Golden Arrow and . - - 3;, .~ Next. “How truth money has been "1 ' Mccollumfinakers of l 0 ‘ ' ~ ' ‘ :' «. collected ‘for th‘e"gasoiine tax. and f incompara e hosierv . e . A d I 1 .- j m . 5 ‘;"h“ “‘,;_"”A:‘|”°°" ”"‘:;'& I Pocketbook? l ——in newest modes. I . V011 a e Non 3 Can C of 1- tool! A to to 46 . ‘ 3 , « g ‘V " This ‘fund firitinrtsd in 19 ' " . 1 V 0‘ ‘, . 24, and i 4 " ll! 193‘-“_lnd 192§. to date. there ‘ ‘ . ‘ Mauve Taupe Mauve ' ° 7 . 0 ‘ml ‘_ , plfilitdflftlfs {ut:d_$:1:’w1.;§4;u{B . . . _ ‘ . Rose Taupe Gun Metal 1 S C‘ och‘ 7 been 0 ma I'll III! D i . A : _ Rose ’ . . C «- . Ind. 109811’ our pave'd streets. $689 . vi " ’ 0 * ’ - ‘ . ~ ’ ’ i ~ ' Wl ‘ paid for a truck‘: 83500 for a 'trac- ’ 1‘11]erT_e-xluic ' _ __3‘ Hi tar; 87700 to men for work on paved . ' ‘ . a $1.15 to $3 a [fl Mi atuet. ' In this department four 4 0 / and ‘ i 2. * . ‘g . . 1 l l R men are enoolored ti 1- K i . . ' 4‘ :- - ’ . . ’ - 0 o C ;‘ rush‘. maintain :l’t‘:)illi:)thc: = 1 Lalger V0lUm€ ; V‘ .. , ’ 0 “ ‘l*" t strains. Alltnaterial dlabo a» ; i - . . . . » i “ e . o ~ t ‘E s ...~...ii...i.. ...... ..:.:i;. o " In «om balm:-:s— . . - . i t = ii « e » ‘ i t omm von a e No 3 Can v =~ « "situate. iert Paid for out of this ‘ , S P ' ‘ 0 ‘ ) \-« . 3 .° ‘- - ~ uipfuna, ‘ T i.“ ' , _; ~ A j ' — _:;.’/ . _ l, oi, {Withimtlie last two years the . for over 35 vears :3 ~ .8uperior shoes . , . . ; “E “~'-""“"' “”“°"‘ °""' ‘ v 0 S’ Our W‘ d ws I ' litter llllt ‘ Ill) d F T- ‘ i Oimces for 1: ‘ e9 In 0 _ ’ . C iv‘ '_ . . i " :‘- ' ‘ 1 p . _. ,;_ 0- irornrinsoinz 1-, q - o .e i ‘ i '. .. = , Vi inocmz; - V- Q 7 ._ ‘ C 0 5“ 3: ; s.umwicii—ioe ‘ 0 o ' . 3 0 p . Ii’ . 2 -’ - e ' * « _ . .- . g _ I i - ‘ v V‘ 4; if .‘i THE JUNGLE I ‘ ‘ " __,' fig- ‘ ° ‘ ‘ “ ’ - A » - B ' : lo‘ :4 it 35- 31- -‘A0033 Tliis is the time of \ I .\ ‘ . ‘ 0.5 P - - ’— it ' ‘ ag . +~— ’ i is 1 . ,,« ‘an 3inde.of_r9phiru on ‘ the year when you ‘ . e ‘ ("'3 New YOI'k T ’ 0 i . 9. m ~ . 20055 A 5"‘? 53115108. ‘ can lose everything A Buck - " '- ‘ i 7 H ’ ._»- i. . no you. have. finding A ; - - -3 ” :-. e A 30! WI!!!‘ Sm-"=1 presents for all for _ V * - T - -A ‘ _\; ' - Christmas. Stop _ . .. _. “' _ . won-rial: 11:0?! what Nothing could please the whole family more than , ’ 0 . ' C *5 , _.” ‘... . r . -- ‘ W . ‘ l ‘ I L . , , , t : ii ii nor: nnoooumas ?\ . m ‘ge-‘h“"d to see a new Studebaker Automobile parked at your ~ * - e - yo ; l) 2; n 2, .; - or _.,nor srorr Christmas Cards... front gate or in your garage on Christmas -morning. ' i ‘ ii 'i TRY one 'DONlGIl'l' 5'00 an send one to ~ 9 ll 1 l: 1 . . - . ’ < .. O H you i allyourfriendsand , , f. V 1 , ' T ._ E iunqm htl;ey'll llltefit. -we So come in and give us your order early that we i ~ . . . I l . C - ‘ _ . _ . . . V . ' . ’ ‘ . I A 0 V _ - I I 2 e ‘T »~ --- - ,,.,f.‘.'...fi"' °' °‘""’ may be sole to have your new S ebaker here for , 500007 Club, Quick Cook, Large pkg 20¢ , Q: S l I _ ‘ 0 0 O ‘ _ ‘ e ' ‘ _ ‘. ‘ *‘ * ~ _ . ‘ Q _ .i A , p_ delivery on that morning or on Christmas Eve if you , . . ' . ‘ - : . ~ - om CRACKERS in i i ' :" .- 0 ° em _ » ' 3. - - -. 0 Ibo ‘ F ; _‘ ii Remembei; we havea few good used cars for sale ' ' ’ . F i j ' 0 . i i « St ll - c i it ,, i‘ 2 i. . . -, - A y . . Cp CBS ; with the Studebaker guarantee. . t , . _ t , ,: * s; i "omit 1 SALM N i ~ n -=-m+--- 0 B E LESLIE & SON i ~ lllll . 7. :. . . l . . 4 V; l H‘ I ' fl ' ~ .. Vx‘ ,‘" . - ' '» *.,“*' 4 v. 4Da‘elei»