fur‘ if ‘ Fnofastudalit-‘£owai~i:{ul ,‘£er.'ttotI_III,ia‘t‘¢s,Ii3t»tIi‘tlie€.hPI-'3 rlofwo . . J . O ._,_,g....-——--u~—. ¢———- tr‘ ’ _, . "’the idea that they conveyed, that 9-". 94 i OTHERS sat’ 1 EARLY MAILING OF ‘T, wsu. run tse'asIu-u_~ean.'- .not\aoorn.t:hose.Ir . asi- notecotntbosewhodrln 0 I .not.ber-aostboaev _ ‘sweet, ‘who drlte oarr ‘ When a man not aeorneountryfollt. or live in a village and than city men; . _ When a man can-dotve on religion t _ "Taxis .6: tea caused the Ameri- . canlltes-elation, but taxes on water _ are beinifltollected in Columbia each. month." . p I religion and notaneer at the devout; “ ‘a man can eat what he likes and°not yell "crank" at those who diet, or live on pins ,- - ‘ ' ' vlrtuously superior to heavy eaters; I925 .ANCES'l‘0R WORSHIP "When a a1Ia.r.i.canh:n;i’oy'nm::sti‘<;‘:e::rd ;Among the tri\' ob tions . "-°. “P” W .° ° .° ..:.... .. {he ....:.F.2i.......’2‘. the -v-:6 tag? ,°;:g;;°",=':8,‘°=,;1':;;°_ cil;y-manager: form of government 2: no‘ m m C 0 e S p in Gilumbia none is more shallow- miided and ‘superficial than the coataition htat “the government tllathras good enough for our fath- ers is good enough for us.” . Why don’t the admirers of the goitcrnmentl. of our forefathers laud . the other irntttutlons of the past-— the,cave home, the covered wagon. yellow fever epidemics, impassable roads, ktrost-ne lamps.- stagecoach- es,- sailboats. huopskirts, powdered‘ avigi. Eetc. It is obvious that age cannot be Considered as an accurate indiéator of true worth. booking backward with too much admiaticig ckvelops an attitude of mind which maltes progress impbs- sible. ';Chlna‘ and many other Ori- ental xaitions are cursed with it. The western world owes its supremacy- to a gneat’.degrec to its forward-_ lookin;:_ attitude. ‘ ‘Suppose Columbus had com-.idered~ the country, that was good enough forghis fathers. was good enough for him? ~Suppoae l-‘uTton ‘had been convjncul that the ships that were good rmough for his fathers, were good eadngh for him? Where would we be if Edison had considered the lightsithot were good enough for his fathers.’ good cncugh for him? ‘Lowell. the-great New England poet. has expressed the necessity for change in five lines. New times demand nor measures and new men‘: ’ - .a man can enjoy sex drama and not scorn those who dcnoucc it, or avoid it and not denounce those who give it support; ‘ en not acorn pacifista, or be a lover of peace without‘ hurling epithets at those who think war advisable; When a m_an can believe in evolu- tim without scorning those who cling to Genesis, or think the world made in seven days and yet not hate the evolutionists; When a man can envy the rich or be rich superior to the poor; When a man can work and not resent the existence of idlers, or loaf and not speak patronizingly of the “war ' class"; When a man can fail and not hate or succeed and not acorn those who fail; ll'hen a man can be with the ma- jority and denounce the use of pow- er, or be with the minority and not complain of “mob ru ; When a man of good birth can'be- lieve that all men are equal. or a man of lowly birth concede some are superior because of the blood that is in them; Then at last the millennium will be here, but nevér~ until then. On -Advertising a City. from the Ihltimore Sun. be poor and not and not feel ing a city. The first and most 0 - _vious way, perhaps, is to regard it as s ely an aggregation of shops and factories and to count its vigor ,3 .n*.wm .d‘_ma_" “an an own". and growth in terms of dollars. ‘The 7 The la not in our fathers’ dcv were best: Pwple w—h° uh’ um “cw .°: 3 cu" 3 And clout-¢_¢i.a. after Iul, come purer .cboI'ic ‘r"‘n°55 enanue every time 3 new Will he sin‘:-ed out by gt-or men than we. 'i—--—-c-6'--C--—v common one, is t\r‘ju fanic by the men who live in it. in the nature of things there can be but few outstanding men in any community. Nature doesn't provide an oversupply of such humans. Yet they do more to advertise the city than a 1! ap factories. Balti- more is known to the outside world. not because of the factories here. but because of the in Johns Hopkins,- as an advertising force, is a hundred times as potent aalany business organization. “MERRY cunisrsus ‘ AND u GOOD HEALTH" Tlie_mottce.~z on- the Christmas seals issued by the Anti-Tuberculo- sis Society have a subtle waylof em- 'pbasixing: some brutal‘ facts. ' When people ‘stop you on the strect orgcome to ‘your home and _ ask for money to nurse ftubercular residents cl "Boone County they do _ not'usually meet mil: an‘ enthusi- Y astic response.‘ ‘Meet of us do not see wot-sh En: tubemulgfis to amne- ciate _it.. There iaienough in the pl count)’. hobever,‘ to :fllIkG your fi- '; nancial help a factor in saving lives. ‘ A welkfiosen motto has helped already. The seals have been no- ticcd on the back of envelopes and Refuge. from the Baltimore Sun. a ‘All things come to me at last. as come t'o’the grave and the ull-de- vourin¢'worm. They have their little hour or two of glory, their moment in the public _eye. their season of ministering to »_ I . someone mkht not have a Merry 1. Christmas because qf physical suf- ; ?fering, has iiade its impression. 3 Get aomelof these seals and think iabout whabthey mean. g’ §‘li¥ne to Visit some of the tubercular ; -homes in. duiumbu, and 5.. the if hardships. Then buy h seal or two for every letter you mail. ll and oblivion. . The ttusurea that were doted up- on yesteryear and counted of great- er importantc than any other thing come to me when their reputation is lost and l‘give then: refuge from the world's ridicule. ‘ Things that have sten battles and the turmoil of conquest and inspired .1, _ ~ . . he cheers of victorious millions f EWOIIEN s'fl3DI;.\.'1‘$ Ann) sflox.‘ now rest with me in complete obscur- E; 1, »_.-‘ :11“; ity. It is the orildon of well-known ed- Eettmtors in the Middle West that .' smoking by women students will not ibelpermitted -_on' campuses and in fidlormitories though Bryn Mawr WE rctd aside smoking rooms for :3 ' stu eats.-, C "- 1: is ‘lb be hoped that the imaller “institutions throughout the countiy not pattqrniafter ryn Mawr, ilfor one of the ‘essential things that ' ’ V woman student should learn at 3 late is the giaipottaaoe of having i.h':ItI‘0l18 P557503 a strong ta‘ ta! character. i:_'f'l¥sts made. us time to time Ihave convinced run that theme to no 1 dgsobediesz place in athletics for-‘use man who Imp awkward secrets from hus- ifarnokes, and we ate‘ knoir that b’ands:l connlve with men to baffle ‘ oking decreases the.‘ ahl|- Cleats of the law. , gm.” ,._.1 lute figured in the intrigues of lnotiarnhs ‘fidencel. and I conceal them from the prying eyes of the world. Men value melittle, but women dote on me and praise me. confess- ing to ‘one another that their lives are more.pleasant because of me. The lazy and the ureless and the indifferent trust me to hide their ‘shame and do not trust me in vain. I an: associated with the most in- timate experiences of life and know the poverty andthe riches of men- the measure of success-—the degree of their triumphs. ’ Ln)--- - BIIIIIII nu, think intoxl-f an evil. or denyhimsett andrpostmasteris When a man can drive a‘ car and cyu-{gums season. cm the! or walkand not bcrate thosé _' bcc ' . ' “ jam 9“-“"9” “dl-‘r_‘“d~ Mail your Christmas gi' not feel more righteous m ere are two ways of advertis- vanity. and than they come to me I 7 '. . packages early! ‘ the slogan, Uncle Sam's are broadcasting during the That is Ithrozxghout the country The following instructions have men‘. to the general public: 1 early as to avoid the rush at nu . _ Avoid mailing goods of. n perish- able nature to points which cannot ‘reach their destination before the; contents will spoil or depreciate. ~ When perishable parcel post 50 . l 1 ‘day or a holiday, place a special-; .,dcll\'er,\' stamp on the package in ad- I fdition to the regular postage. -I r All addresses should be correct,‘ flegible, and complete. ; { The use cf standard sized en- Tvolopes mikes for speedy handling ,and delivery. , j All parcels must 1 be properly‘ wrapped and packed. with sender's ‘ ncr at ‘the to . Shop early . lCALENDAR TELLS . : US HALCYON DAYS § ; WILL BEGIN DECIIA; . V If the prediction were made that fibcginning Dec. 14 peace and tran-1 iquility would reign over the Nation {most persons would perhaps think Khat an astrclogist. the weather imam. or a candidate for office was Ispt-:~.l;ing, when really such is mere- %ly the annual announcement of so lstnid and reliable a thing as the cal- 1 icndar. For the halcyon days begin: :.on that date and continue two weeks. i 3 Christmas shoppers. particularly :those crowded around the greeting» ‘card counter. no doubt consider the l A - nut: tel ‘on days as a paradoxical illu-_ Om}. on ‘he dc”,-_5 of per5ia_ C3 isicn. Instead of rest they are in thcv unidst of a riot of buying. an in-' .s‘.cad of peace they find push. But! lthe calendar refuses to yield. and :two weeks of quiet are almost upon } us. The whole period centers around 1t?*e shortest day in the year. when lthc run starts south for the winter 4-—ju.=t four days before Christmas, ‘in fact It ends at a time when {everyone is wishing that a period jot’ rest vm d begin. M I-‘cr this for’.nigl1t of happiness ltite world is indebtori tn the people: - latter, once called the‘- halcyon bird. hatched ;hc young on itlfic high Seas. and had to have :1. lpcriod of c m The ancients no-'. ticed t'r.at the kingfisher‘.< brccding' season began seven days before the. \\'lntr‘r sclstice and mded seven days ftlltwing it. and they lli{i‘Wl."(‘ ob-i served that the seas were safe for navigation at this time. so they made an institution of the two v.':‘el.'s of calm and coined the phrase, “hal-. cyon days." . , ’ l l l 4 l E’ C. A. JOHNSON .Fine. Tailoring Cleaning, Pressing arid Repairing 8-ll Nowell Bldg. Phone 2277-G w B A T TE R I E s Johnson Battery Co. , North 8th St. M Our batteries are good and so is our service. Phone 96. THE Cowman mss QPOSTMASTERS ASK . ‘CHRISTIAN COLLEGE . CHRISTMAS GIFTS‘ a drink aadi your n issued by the post office de-A p. and mail Jflfiyl ' ..__Q._.j._ -r-- v -Y. W. C'- A. TO GIVE’ CHRISTMAS .BAZAR The Y. W. C. A. of Christian Col- lege .w' give its annual oazar in Missouri Hall the evening of Dec. lfi. ‘Ibo bazaar is iven every year t e last Friday be ore the girls go home for the Christmas holidays. Gifts made by the girls will ooths or auctioned off. The candy bootl.-furnished by the ,_. 1.,;g home economics department and the food booths always prove popular. Faculty members will give stunts and charge a dime for their pro- in Mary Corner has charge of the untx. Thelma Mills will provide Warren is candy booth. Rosalind Géntemen has charge of the linembooth, and a Christmas toy booth will be man- aged by Isabelle Marriott. Decorations will be in red, green and white. Helen Whitmnrsh of Kcokuk. la.. president of the Y. W. C A., stated that the proceeds of the lrasar will be used to defray the expenses of l min an fIlVi>l' W8!’ 313d I return address on the left hand cor- delegates to the annual summer con- ference at Estes Park Colo PERSIAN STUDENT CONSULTED Abbas liahn asked to Inspect Sword in Capitol Museum. Abbas Kuhn. it Persian student in the University, was called into con- sultation by museum officials at Jefferson City to help solve the mystery of an Arab sword. believed to be the oldest object made by Capitol museum. have been used‘ in the Crusades and was presented by the St. Joseph Lead Company from its museum at Doe Run. ‘ Only faint inscriptions along the ‘ blade give a clue toward identifying lhis historical piece. The scabbard s to I alligator altin. Capping the hilt is a claw which ap- pears to be that of a reptile found They were unable to read the etching. but ‘said that the inscrip- tion appeared to be a quotation from the Koran. _____._.._..__ You have long wanted a painting in your home so take advantage of the Ankcn:-y sale. Good values for little money. 75-80 adv. _:::-— I USEI5 CARS USED TIRES USED PARTS also. NEW PARTS nd . NEWaTIRl§5 and ACCESSORIES G. & G. GARAGE 7 N. 6th St. Phone 2185 SHELL G The Best in Groceries at a Most Reasonable Prices ’ Makes Your Car We are also offering ‘ Run Better Lettuce ' ' ‘ ' Cel John N- Taylfll‘ Craiirllerries Dealer in and Dodge Brothers Grapefruit Motor Cars . Delivery Service, OURIAN. I .llll.'lllfllllllll'llll!!'!lilhf!fi’flN!!lilflflHflIlMIlfllIlIIfl|l'lfllflmPlflllIMMNflIIM|WIfi|MlflI|flIMIl1 stantlne will ‘Du- atantlne will have ‘a fdrmal banquet at liar- ri-'. llarr ‘JIIMIBIfllllllfllilfllflflfllllllflfllfldllflfllflfllllllflllllfllfllflllflflllflmlfiflllfllllllllllllllflll'llllRlll?|lillllYl|lfl|lllllll‘all . . - o o | FRIDAY, DECE . -',.._- -4~..o-- Necsho has nearly completed paV- Q N ing all sides of the public square, and has installed a white way light- l , ‘s ti mg system around. the square. ' :Te';;"_ . _ . Doc. to at G p. in.-—-Pro! Gears! llalhrft LA -large gray eagle was lulled by will address students mm-u-1 in the sa- Contest in Room 225. Jest Wade Anthony who lives near Pop- rhtm 0|’°1°"°'l .}‘l ll. '1“: Bluff when {,0 saw the eagle ‘Dec. l0.——l.uncbmn at the Daniel Boone U'Y”l§' ‘-0 C3‘-Ch 1135 tm'k°Y5- Tavern for John C. llall. governor of t ‘fo A contest to fiiid-the girl with and the the "Ozark Smile” to represent “the‘C‘ - I ‘ so ' -- H‘ land of a million smile: is being '”°‘- 1’ "‘ ' "' "" D" c"' ' F’ .crlch. associate-‘director of the Institute of °°"d“°i°d by an Ozark‘ Playground v lntcrnational Education. will address a ' lot the University Club and Alpha Association. _ , meeting Pi All November snowfall records in . . - f th 1 of I the won‘ or the United SW8 ‘.'.'.’{3‘.‘.° §’».‘..'?.2‘.".§.2’. .5. $§‘.'.‘.' . 3.... W ther ‘Bureau at llannibal, estab- _ “mm, .1 u.. u.;.....ig, cm, ..¢ A1,)... lished thirty-four years ago. were Pi zeta. oon,o°r;ry malty. . 2 - Dec. I4.--J n ox. auperln ent broken las. month when o.8 inches 0' we BL Lo“ mm sdmh. “H .4. “ms recordc ‘ drcu studen in lo! Edi: law requiring a report of all ncci- wtudeau dents to the police department is to; c started all ‘Webb City. There AA 4. ' 4 Fffmcggggewn the Qriatlaa colleae A'odt- '’ v IN mo or MISSOURI. mm. o .‘ . ' 3 “Dec. 9 and io.-c-hem.-.ftsc annual _. liooraailun why. will be sivtn in 1-50 9°‘ urteenth district of Rotary International. Board of ltota Directors of the r1 uh. ry social science fraternity 8t-bool of Education. ‘For members only. ' "Admission charred. All others free. gone-y.,aud nuns and will IPP°“’ in __ , a .- .____, 7 - __ _,,,__ ,‘ -b were fourteen accidents there in No- 'ember. Today. t F» p. tn.-Students‘ Religion- C-ouncil banquet at the Knights of Colum- Student-' THE CALENDAR \ Dec. 1 7:30 p m.—Athcnaean Society will debate the aviation question in c Y. H. C A. a itor um ‘ t I: p. In.-— ed Cross of Con- rnect at Acacia llall. t 7 m——Red Cross of (kin- F Ifeek Th . at l p. tn.-—Slg!r'.a Xi luncheon st 5 ‘Dec. is'. This No it... 7 at ( p. m.—J. . Prltchard of St. "ill week 0n ‘'.\c‘- Water Supply in the Engine;-ring Building. 5 ll. In.-— rluw l.icurancc.f I'll I. Haircut 40¢ Shave 20$ IF YOU ‘WANT A GOOD TRIMMING Go to the BIG 4 BARBER SHOP Same Old Price . .' ‘ CENTS “ ;.5[,:]”}‘v;,1«.r§? I} Sannm: 7} Price R ?'0V€7‘ ‘years wHYPAv'-WAR pmcrs 1.’ ‘ ‘7{z’lli¢'ms ofpouncls i used by the - gaverlzment v so ‘«'.‘_':_r;4fif" id! Four Experienced Barbers 24 North Eighth St. . .__..-..-? STATIO lmlmftcdl or Domestic Embossed or Plain mus ‘Tissues. attractive Christmib select. and a .0: C owan Pottery Iloycroft Bronze Other Novel Boxed or Packed in our own Gin package‘ wrapped attractively in our Imported Chg-isg- Then too, we have many, mun). cards Dmmenoomim GIFT 705 MISSOU NERY! from which you Unusual Toys Bunk Ends Gifts AVE. Phone 1591 Black We are making Snow White Grocery High Grade Coffees 5 _-. ! a specialty "of 1T’S TIME TO FIX YOUR ROOF Inspection and estimates cheerfully given. R. M. MORRIS hones : Day, 12 Night, 433 I University Beauty Shoppe Palms Bldg. JO 3 , l. PRINTING That is Just . Little at-oer" Seems Necessary _ Stationery Posters gWindow Cards Fraternity Publications A ; ‘I-Jive aided lovernl 1' my“ if “pm”, _ “mash adventurers‘. E mpoo ;:§urousu. Let Us Figure With You , 1”‘ ‘NW ‘1”,°'*'°§'§‘Di|I°lI9 .3... ' '55 '1, . ,1; ' Faci ..... ..75c ‘ . “'''”___.,g,__,__,,‘,5''‘l‘“-°°'''”'‘°'_‘’ guu! g‘ - - w a way rom ta _ . .... .... .. ~~o- _ , oohmu‘ u‘. as those who visit me to at new Shampoo and l CO. Vi intarsstadl cltft We are. '7’. p ‘ or £8? anal-my trggam-gs ‘:0’, MW‘ ;G'n.r W Pjpai «I _ - , .‘ gmiaeao of. ab. Phmuls ~ .-“F95 3*“"¥‘.||=||¢lth Ttlveioassttnorphere 'r- - -- . ‘.9=t|I-allotted‘ 4, thtmsrbrwomen fnumofoldleather. of dust '--- - ‘— n,__,_ _ 5 ~ ' ‘ . ‘_[eni_a ct. J Lu. . , . . ' ’_ . ‘I3 ‘ s T s.~fl****=.*::':':°:..+.:.-..':-.22! . Drown and see euoa ‘at. at flluoiirh C L .. n . -g “ _ ’ .l u‘ I . . ‘O , 4 . _ ,,_, ,. ..-a.—.d'.a..u..a.""" .”“°‘°'- At “*3 "P“' lbcfilioh In the Boone Bids. -3""= "«'“-"""l°‘; Acroastannith '- . "_.5f,A H. is... l_ ‘ 2‘ . v.‘ . . .3 .4 .‘_ 3- . . i I y. _ . _ '.. ..-. “‘=-.;2:.;.:;?E’1?2:...z.:?.3¥f*f??77,f.i€!Efiuirv... '. v T ill . '-.'.- .. — . ..- ..-. _ . _., .. l ....- .-..»——-I ___ ‘_A4..........a.__.. , . . CHRISTMAS GIFT Colorful Vanities Chiffon Hosiery New Bags and Purses Novelty Gloves fi 0ldman’s G91 0-912-914 Broadway Silk Teddies Jewelry Novelties Nekllted Silk Gowns . Imported Handkerchiefs Luncheon Sets §illc Dress Patterns "Corduroy Bath Robes Slickers-—Ncw Shades Fur Chok Dresses—Millinery—Coats SUGGESTIONS El’! d ls" u ' e". ‘ O Q 1 '9’- . . 3 J C O 9 .2 9 . V 0' 9 a ‘ Io‘ 6 a: Q . - 3 e '6 0‘ 6 N ;.'i I‘ I 0‘ Ora Car:-w ll'rcr{ng a 72-inch : Double Rope cf .‘\'at'crrc Pearl: - The “Gift-of Gifts“ for Christmas — 4 3' NAVARRE PEARLS 9 S U . ‘ e . . I -' Of course you wish to give ncr ‘I ' . as only the fines:-—-a gift of pcr— S T g fect and lasting beauty. Such : : ~ 3 gift 18 Navarre earls. Our stock is now complete in all styles. ll ENN l.\'G Ell’S .1 ‘v. - _ . ‘- _ ' "ts co,»-c.ve'e Q.‘-:3" 9 o_ f »i; Week-Endi Specials C in ' ifs‘ c 3.” ‘Frozen Gold” - \ Fig Nut Brick 3-‘ Princess ‘Brick 2 Fruit ‘Salad Brick 7 (A dozenothers to choose from) You just have to taste these C White Eagle Dairy delicacies once air-a “aREsH _ LE VER Y .M0RN1NC t. Chrysanthemums, Carnations, Pom Pea8_,.Calendulas, e Pops, log out fl-om _ as the season 7 ‘ CCLUMBIA FLORAL co. ' “Home-Grown Flowers” Clint Bateman, Ninth " st. - ' ' . 18W-ttfilvfia-.P.h°neaeo to be ti pconfirmed “Frozen Gold” patron. The finest ice cream that P TROSES” . tc.~ are now be- "éther flowers . can » be _made——from -the most mod- ern ‘dairy in Central Missouri." :- .._QA4iIf Wl1iteiEagle‘ Co, ° 360