I‘: .Q‘ ' «E- r A W _nAY'S‘NEWS-— .' Ix‘ ' . shah of Persia A‘. oi. 53' _ b xzfi. .' _, ;,.,'_ _ I .L I ‘B; I“ ‘ :4 «- l; ‘W 1 1. ’ Roosevelt W10 Vandcrliilt iI\'ill.he, , - i " ‘go ‘ i ' s has been a guard’ for ror_t’y-six years , has L ‘ . I \-.'ith death in Paris. ‘-:i- _ it~i.~--‘oi’ gbjcaso bait _.:‘1,oéo,tl)0tothe\.M.C. . Joshua Rey-. ‘ii. Lwaon has ln.-en raided by _ g ' d’ Sonora. Mexico, is ‘_ i , ._ with,Reno in making di- al“ the f*.u2.'i cotton "op pissed the‘ 1924 mark in has arrived in M .':9 -' ‘TX - " "i" "PA_GEB--SIXTY-FOUR ‘cor. , .. s \ . “COLUMBIA, msso, . uni?‘i~'*"i€i;n”iIif;"nEciaii§'Eii“n:i§§s:‘ ___...______._'__.__»:_ 'LAST EDITION 1926- C‘ ‘- f, I ,1‘? V :i g s: it; for Two .’ ‘A,- Played-.-— Five Are in ’Valley and Three Intersectional. 4192: Football Schedule. I ~M..U.gl2()MPLETE m-,,_-»- Booloéd With ’West _Vir,ginia_ and M. Mmnoois-rs -coma Hm: Eight Contests will .Be 2.—Tulane at Columbia. THE WEATHER \ T i7i‘(";*R1c1ILTU1i.lL 1 Gen- J-‘or Ooltuufls and vicinity: and Sam For Missouri: Generally fair night and Saturda to- y; slightly colder tonight and southeast portion Sat- urday. ._S_bippers forecast: Within a ra- ‘diub’ of 200 miles of Columbia the lowest ternperatur-es'.~will be 82 north and west. 88 east and mouth. a I l . . - __ . ' . - - - Oct. 9. at Lincoln 1-‘ ‘.“".‘ "’°‘°"‘l" ""’°d'"°" if . Oct: 16 --Southern iieuiodiit U 1 " I533‘ A , It Columbia. .- '..1i Phil film‘ l’l‘"’_ ‘ ‘9‘?‘”’ Oct. 23.--.-Iowa State at Ames. l «'1 ‘ - ‘“ celrbration °‘ -’““°"°“‘ Oct. 3o.—-U. of West Virginia at . 9-... . . ‘_ ‘ ‘ - rgantown. '. ‘ "’c¢ag;-' R pid._ man lIi_lS Nov. 6. cuts at Norman - i A I , .. suit for divorce afilllfil 515 Nov. I3.-— hington at Columv i 'ng. . .- 5 T, 30;-ah introduced ‘a rcso- N0“ 25- “.533 Cl Cdumbhv 3 . ’ - _ -‘ 3,‘, gem“; proposing the ._____ : " ‘ . v 05 Ru‘-‘l3’ The two open‘ dates on the 1926 : §;fi¢ Department of .MUlC“ll“"° football schedule of the University; fi““d'1,w5.000 liales to the 1935 hgve been ‘filled. according to an In-. » an M estimate. nouncement made today by Chester; . nuficnaa of Chicago proposes L. BNWCX, director of ithletics. Oct.‘ :&,‘yjg§_telebratc its centennial 16 the Tide?! I537 $°‘l‘-537‘: 1 Methodist Univenity here. and on -‘'n,, _;,.;ga'or 1937. tigaliroow ".5" abolts ed. ‘ . A‘ ou.flaiae fiddler has Henry Ford . _. . figneighborslsldilance steps-. .' , ‘ 3. of Quincy, --« ‘Swift. Jr. son of the use i-dri-is We N do you do"‘as a . 'ock to ' been ‘hm 9" . , .~ ‘ . 14* V?!“ ‘°° ’P*“°““°"> ' i~ ', press scucrilly €99- ‘nascent Coolidge's message as being liberal and odsrnists there ain't _. fundamentalists say the g ain't." -‘P U . WON-‘<1. , ‘lcldefsitI‘\\'aahington. TL’ that Britain has passed fpeak productivity was ma Ides. - » ' ew better -known II! translation ' -. of which tells .,.‘,_.., gone to and — _,A V ‘ dd-ggd pt-cfidcnt of Ameri- ;c't %Farm Bureau Federation. I ' Chi- ckcr. is working Dcirvcr. - have abolished ,tiimi~. ' .' .- i \’orlePark Commission to allow the’ erection 0 statue of Buddha in New " l, a sa, ' ' ' '~' said thc;chaplain of the House, Ulernbars of the legislatures of ten ' ‘ states and Rhode island pc- ngrcss to repeal all inher- es .' Oiairtaan Shaver of .the Demo- . ' I g . ‘ - watts 'f'l8lt0lll_l committee has con- krred -with national- Democratic sraiiiipmi things that Col. Harvey's recent declaration lay- the Christ- _ g of the birth alt (heist-child vin wholly mod- - bee me has ’_ n- .; allies Moffslt of the Univer- . Va. “The schedule has been comp after the most difficult reasing of c iaunber l“-- to the schedule jam in the tractive and well balance . T“ .93 k. . open tbeluson try this year dud also one stroruest. the Southern o throng the-seasons-itliout “P The fact that this will in tire A country-wide attention. The other will be with West This as very no fourth in football and ninth} in national eta g The game will 8|‘? 01 hell be play est Virginia's new, stadium o_ Virginia Day.; which.wi also be Dads’ Day. This; eastern school shows its streugli in the, East, it includes such town, Pittsburgh Allegheny. and hington Lee. A two-year contract has been‘ he!’ made. assuring the appearance of gies next year. which is conference. The schedule, as final- ly arranged. isvery satisfactory. , is a difficult schedule.- but it is at-%m”‘7° T a." » a defeat. he first new stadium sho gameiwill be one of the two b , hki , traditional Washington and Jeff_er-3 son game. The schedule of the team for, “um ‘I! l nity. on “German ‘ad European Idea" at 8 o'clock at the The game is , dist University, ‘which will be played; considerable at- , Th a year their tea played three Missouri Valley teams.‘ losing to Oklahoma and defeating1ve"ity_ Waslington and Drake. The Tigers: will play S. M. U. in Dallas in 1927.; Five conference games have beenl oheduledfor next‘_year. in accord-l being dnmd prove," Oct. 30 they will play the Universi-', d 1;, use us‘ United States Railroa 3; 5‘ W"‘ ‘”'l’*'*‘‘ “ ”°"8'°‘°‘"‘-, L-hn. Germany. will I leted ‘. students to go to war "1 year. He -2 and 5 _ wuw-nl Wblcifil to of professors as well as students be-- It! the three interseetional 6'3"“? 7”” here ' the most colorful teams in the cotin-1 gnu,“ h be, years ol '5 is similar to the .Bhodes Scholarship They were champions in ,0; gn‘1u,d_ Vir-i team seutative ear. ranking change inn 1'9‘. . . e _ in is especially ml s sngdzwitgn amrfiwwrvlgz are interested in the fellowship of u e ' gameafrom six to five. This made ‘ it impossible to play the Kansas As-! I A H I 8 8cho0l llwlfii day morning. 3&5 “I 8l1nPIU1l' ‘fill! 9". sincerely. Relations with the Ag-3 501' m°V¢m¢nl Vm ties have not been severed. howevesu; ‘ ‘flu “3 lPl’011’10¢¢ 59°75’. Relations wifil till I Rorty. one of five-llll° have been very friendly. Mr. Brew-‘ be called the New ,, nu - g l , ~ 5:‘ The two conference gamm to ' ._..- .___ played at home are with Washington :. _lND some Human and Karissa. Authorities of the Uni .- 86¢“ _." of'her story and then _br uyintt -- - Louis gazed with awe - n at his teacher.. and to break the silence: ‘ »=- breathless interest the class "‘And then I yer left or yenrigbtl” he that the Kan- _-.290 con- . -—-r-e—-Q-——— and we-. faci I531! G1 I. On Iflublanufi s 3 . day ppened contracts for Information. Tour Cluli." or- benefits otmotorists I the total for the year to 885.0oo,ooo. l cliilrs over t e state ask- their are [ were slightly improved this morn- ,- than’ $2,125,000. The contracts cow'- 1 I A C ‘Delegate " of of University work are eligible for 59’ the fellowship. J. ii. iidrrsisu. so. ARRESTED Charged wiui vvoimaiu‘ His Son- .-in-Law. Wesley Ott. J. H. Hoffman, 713 Costa Street, than 00 years old. is in the city jail charged with inflicting a knife garind on his son-in-law. Wesley Ott was punishing his little daughter. it is alleged. when the grandfather interfered. After a short qua it is charged. Hoff- man cut Ott in the left side The wound is, not serious. » ' Hoffman will be tried on a state ‘WILL ARRANGE SCHOLARSHIPS Germany's “Rhodes” Plan Here ‘ Tomorrow. Dr. C. J. Friedrich of Marburg am be here to- new in the interest of selecting Germany next is secretary of the Stu- dent Exchange Bureau of the Insti- tute of Education. the purpose of for the exchange tween the United States and Ger- Ten or twelve students will go to two d and gets in touch with the students to‘ a com- mittee in_ New York, which makes ' The students AGENTS HEAR A. B. GRAHAM Representative of partment of Agri- culture~Calls for Leadership. “GET ATTENTION FIRST" Speaker -Says Confidence and Interest Must Be Created in Pupils. Extension workers must develop leadership, A. B. Graham, director of the division of subject matter of the Department of Agriculture tol the Agricultural extension workers of Missouri here this morning, 5 'ng on the types of appenls tha must be made by extension workers.‘ The meeting was opened by C. W. Campbell. county agent for Pike County. who demonstrated proper methods to—be used in hog feeding. Mr. Graham's speech followed. Four Types of Minds. Mr. Graham said there are four types of minds: The initiative, the _imaginative. the imitative in the in- telligent class and the imitative in the instinctive class. im re is little leadership from the imitative intelligent class. and absolutely none from the imitative instinctive class. “Tl-.2 imitative class that is intel- ligent can follow other peoxflc ' some degree of intelligence. Some- times they can improve on what they copied The imitative class of the instinctive type are people that generally accept things without much reason. There is that drive within them to do something that someone else already has done. “If a community has 10 per cent of leadership in it. it is considered a lucky section of the country. Only a small percentage of the. people have both initiative and imagina- on. “Genitn Not a Good Teacher." “The' instructor in the ch-sronm De- cording to the l honorary educati¥unl fr-teriiify, a will take him on ‘ possum hunt. 8-.- who is a genius is to be cannot show his pupils. for he is too should have a single This is the first time that a repre- from the Student Ex- Bureau of the ‘institute of Education has come to the Univer- Missouri. The fellowship is arranged so that the holder has considerable free- dom in choosing a university..One is selected-in which the training in the subject that the st“i)i:ent is interested g . Tgmorrow night Dr. Friedrich will address a joint meeting of the Uni- lversity Faculty Club and Alpha Pi Zeta. h science frater- Ill - 0DOP&l’}’ SOC y and club. of 1923, he came to a group of stu- Last summer tor’s degree Since Dr. Friedrich will be here only Saturday and Sunday. it will be impossible to have a meeting for students.’ However. if any students 2 Institute of Education and would like to see Dr. Friedrich. they may make arrangements with Prof. J. H- Rogers. 203 _Commerce Buildiniz.- 10 have an appointment with him Sun- Only students who havewcomplcted the first two years Contracts for Roads Opened T0118!- ny United! Prue. ‘ JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Dec. 11. The State Highway Commission to- “road im- provements in Missouri totaling more er work in eighteen counties In which there are forty-one road pro- to Three hund received. The bidding today brought ._.__.__...._—__ Mrs. Crouch and Daughter Better. Mrs. E. N. Crouch and‘ daughter. Billie Jean, 704. Worley Street. who seriously ill with scarlet fever. ’ to do ab.-tract thinking; iiicchaiiirzil as follows: carried to an advantageous point be- fore being left for another idea. There should be a singlcness of ' to pre- sent your point." Mr. Graham says create attention first. then get interest. “The next step will follow." he said. “Get the desire into the minds BUSY DAY PLANNED ITOR H no 01-‘ PUBLIC scnooi.lPlOIl€€I' Of Daniel B00116 IO 3. J. ldaddox of St. Louis wan Hunt ‘ Pouum With Educational Fraternity. J. J.. Maddox. superintendent of ‘or the St. Louis public hot: in, will schedule prepared to r him. ‘Between 3 and -1 o'clock in afternoon students-in the School Education Vfill give-.3 gen in honor in the Home Economics Build- ing. At’ 4 o'clock he will make an‘ address in the lecture room of the Physics Building on “Problems of School Administration That Arc of Interest to Teachers." the ofl his 1 at 6:15 o'clock. ‘lie will address the club on "The influence and Vnluclinm of Scottish Rite Prc-Masonry. -At 8 o'clock. ' Delta Kappa. They expect to return from the hunt about 10 o'clock and ' conclude the the McAl1istcr Cafeteria. The hunt will start from South Ninth Street. home of J. F Montague. president of Phi ppa. ‘ TRIBUTE TO BE PAID WILSON Democrats—‘E.—Colinty ' to {Hold Coniniemoration i Services. will 'tri- l of Woodrow ‘ Gill '5 a committee for Woodrow commemoration program of sum: kind to be arranged in all parts of the United;Ststes. In Boone Coun- ty the Democratic County central. committee is sponsoring a program 1;-ai1_" ngvef mached by to be given in the evening. and dill men and worilcn interested in paying tribute to the memory of the late‘ prolident will be invited to attend. Definite plans for the programl hay} not yet? been arm 1 e officers of the Democratic co ,oent.ral committ are: C. B Sap chairtna g i n; Mrs. H. M. Hun.‘ Thurston. treasurer; M. F. seer ‘ tary. ' an; 158 essay, or from these in May. . _. . he made from metal taken from the affair with a real possum dinner at L.‘ S’ S. Mfine‘ which was “mad, 211 ‘° Delta; is 'I_‘licln‘.n Rum. Be Retraced by Modern Highway J. Hampton Rich, managing-di'rec- Highway No. 2. from St. Louis, ‘of the Boone Trail Highway As-‘through Columbia. to Kansas City. ' hive a busy day next Monday, ac-l"“°°"m°"' pr75°""°d ‘ b'°“‘° high’: I Th! 30009 Tffiil Highway -5580‘ way marker in memory of the Amer-. icnn pioneer. Daniel Boon ‘ Mai. Rich said that "B one- ericnn pioneering. pt-ting school the six best wi sent -to headquarters at Winston- Salem. North Carolina in February l 9 The Final selecflionv will made The medal . ~ ‘n R '. I.atin:;_‘rsolo by loi Lucile Zimmerman; reading ‘by Helen Hnubv.-rt; so by" will Miss . —.hat is the purpose of the Boone? Trail Highway Association. in three years. if the hopes of the den a-aociation are realized, a Daniel Boone-will run from ccpt in his dreams. souri. the highway follows 4 M Id cintion. which is fostering this work, ‘ _ ' 9 was organised in Winston-Salem. N. Columbia High School at its regular cu in 1913 “,5 was ¢}.,.u"_.d undu- £t.'lr~cnll)l_\’ this morning ‘ Mr. Rich also told of the prize es-’ the of Winston-Salem is ....r.:.;:.-.:.. y contest that will be held by the redo, of the Boom Tm! Hurhway.Assg>ciation. iWalter Williams of the School of _ _ We 300!"-‘ Journalism is one of the directors. Trail Highway Association will give - zi medal to the student in a junior ‘college or high school which is alongl e Scottish Rm» Club will en- ‘"9 R1 . terday. said that the purposes of the . association are thrcemld: First. .to h. ._1""“f“’°‘_’}'1“‘“°“t:‘li 7??“ sf bte '’%build a highway across the country tertsain him with a dinner at Harris‘ W‘ ‘"5’ “ ° w°"~ ‘rm’ t ° 5‘ in honor of one of America's fore- , °" ‘ th"°'°‘°,l,p1‘y~most pioneers. Daniel Daniel Boone and the spirit of and to imprc" upon,“ boys; In each com- ' n beégirls of the schools on this route the on outdoor life. _‘ The Boone Trail Highway Asso- ciation is ‘rig ;of civic clubs and chambers of com- merce in all of the important cities ‘are located at S.t Louis. St. Charles. Wentzvillc. Boonville. Columbia. Sc- ;dnlia. Independence. Jefferson City -Montgomery City and Kansas ‘City ,.;o1;n'Several of the cities V ,, ,gu.o,,g and 5010 byirrinemorial highway, but the tablets ave dd trai 0 Missouri has a particular interest letcd. will start in North Carolina in the project because car the graves of Daniel Boone‘: spent much of his life here am} died parents. where the pioneer started here. His old home is in St. Charles on his we-~tern journey and will end County. at San Francisco. “the end of the Wentzville. president of the Daniel Boone cx- Boone Memorial Association and a Through Mis- descendant of Daniel Boone. has ac- State quired the home. ..-__......_ . 'Ilhe idea is to tie the old Boone T0 00!1m'Ct l1II!~51W8ys and hll‘i0l')' trail from the East and the Fremont endcnce Where the two expedi- _ raps; tions lcontlncntal highway-—a memorial tolls the longest national highwa '. be- the ing 6630 miles. . .migI'r.y East through the sunny of the road east of Kansas City has comniemorationflscruth into the golden West." The already been aved Wilson's 5 trail, much of which is already com- birthdiiy has issued a call for alp n 'W1i’O”T1i,R"i' CLUB GIVES BANQUIZT FOR J. (1. lI.~\l.|; Guest Suggests That M. U. Scholarships Be Givr-ii by Clubs of This District. laws of that state. J. H. Rich H: organisation. Dean MANY ‘A'lU‘I-2N1) MEETING who was in Columbia yes- ference to Be Held . Here on April 6 and 7. John C. Hall, governor of the four- teenth district of Rotary Interna- tional. graduate of the S,i-.~.onl I) Law in 1901 and pI't‘t-'i(l(‘lll of l}? St. Louis Building and Loan Avie.- -‘lotion. was the principal .-pi-:i‘xi-r ll'. the formal banquet given ‘in his honor at the Daniel Boone Tau-rn~ last night. Boone; 89°‘ and e rector of the American ~pio- receivt the c; 2:“:-tic" » the work of the Rotary lfliCfI1aliiin:ll in relation to‘result.< of the prac- tical projects that the Rotary Cltlln‘ of this country httveunder way. . Oustanding among his rt-niarks‘ are not on-the pnl desire. as governor of this dis-'~ been given for other reasons. twenty-four Rotary clubs in this dis’- trict to offer one or more st‘holiir- I from the West at,lndcpendence,.8hlP5 70!‘ UFO lflkll-N‘hOUl -"ludt*M—=‘ " Mr. Rich said. I was at In- rity of Misstiurl. He said that lit- had decided to make tliis~tho miijur work of his fldlnlfllsll"RIlOIl~~,‘I‘|0(‘lluSt‘ About three--fifghs,_lhe Clinton Rotary Club of whit-h S. met. The Daniel Boone Trail , the idea and that he km-v.v of moth- 'ing better that he could do for R0- tary this year than to get every (‘lull lip the district to follow the t-xiimpl" set by Mr. ilnysler. and the ‘mom-' bcrs of the Clinton Club. The Stt-plit-r.~. College Quintet sang during lhr eour.-o of the ban- quet. Prof, Rogers Whitrnorc. tic- i-ompanitii by .\lrs.,\M. P. Tello. truvt‘ Daniel Boone Mrs. Jennie C. Foristiell of MRS. GEORGE MILLER $ Funeral Services Held at ""“i..il OIL" COMPANIES ate. vice’-cha rinan; Miss Nell I-‘islrl fie P" h°’“° °“ ""3 F“"°“ G"“'°l‘ ..____._... on ‘ct quit-as This is Mrs. George M. Miller, who 5 esterday, buried morning in the Columbia Cemetery. Mt.l this The funeral servius were held at NEED!‘ To our men MILK lthe Mount Olivet Church, ll. . -————— _ _ !o'clock. The Rev. R. C. Abram White Ernie and Central Damesgiiie not-. M. T.‘ Haw officiated. it §)'ith Welfare Society. 1 The White Eagle and Central dairies will git-eskimmed milk to t-hose in need this year. Milk mayi be obtained at the Central Dairy, during the week preceding Christ.- of your pupils. Action is the ulti- mate goal. Many people start to- day with desire. forgetting _ t the e sold has not 5 t had is attention centered on the object and has not had his interest aroused. The great object is to build up con- fidence first.” AGRICULTURAL TEACHERS HAVE Id QUALIFICATIONS John Boyd Gives Vocational Club His Conception of Present- Day Education. "The present-day conception of ed- ucation is the production of desirable changes in the learner as regards kiiowlcdge of things. as regards skill iii doing tliiitps. and as regards the itutlc -of t ‘ learner toward things." said John B. Boyd. state su- p(‘l"\'isnr of vocational agriculture, in his talk to the Vocational .\grictil- ttiral Club last night. 2!’ Bl .\lr. Boyd": subject was ".\l;ikim: Good on the Job," and he told his lH::trcr.~. who are the prospective vu- rzitional agricultural teachers of the state. some of the qualificatiuti.-r they should have to succeed in their work. There are three major coiiccptioiis of title work according to .\lr. Boyd. edge of his vocation. Sccmul. all :-ul>jcct.- taught in a vocational course must have direct and specific valtics. afml third, the course must provide for student participation in the voca- tion. , It ‘is Mr. llo_vd’,s opinion that the prospt-t'ti\'c vocational teacher should lizive strong mental ability in order :-.bilii_v in order to maiiiptilate the iiiccliaiiical part of his work: and so- cial ;il.ilji_\- .-0 that he can meet peo- ple and gctalong with them. He be- lieve:- that no matter how stront! lhcsc abilities may be combined in one person he will not succeed unless _hc has a purpose to use his aliililits‘ iii the right direction. ‘_ ‘ hlr. Boyd listed fourteen major points that the vocational a€1'lC"ll‘“" al teacher must consider in his not ‘. He must establish and main- tain co-operation with the superin- tendent and others connected with the school system. , ‘ He must attract boys ‘to the agricultural classes. "8 al situation of the community and ‘plan his needs accordit|¢l)‘- . "4. He must set no reasonable and-_v_:orthy objectives. ' First. the teacher mtist have a l£ll0\\'i- > He must learn the agricultu1'- . mas by anyone who obtains free; milk tickets from the office of the‘, Welfare Society, Exchange l\'n:i.~.nul‘_ Bank Building, and presents them; at the dairy. Milk may be 0bl.11l".»('fi at the White Eagle Dairy by any-. one calling at the west door of thel dairy building between 10 ii. in. and 1 p. in. from Dec. 21 to Jan. ‘.2. _,_,___, .____- ASKS SUPPORT FOR BONDS 3 D I. Oliver Urges Parents to Vote ‘ for New School Buildings. W. I. Oliver. superintendent of‘ the city schools. asked the support‘ of members of the Benton School‘ Parent-Teacher Association ‘ thcl high-school ‘building. school building. and an addition to‘ Douglass School. Six little girls sang 3! Near East song. A collection has |7rc\'iouslyl been taken for the Near East Relief fund. During the business mcetint! it was decided that the Benton School association would ward a scholarship to be offered the 5 highest ranking freshman in Calum-‘ bid High School who’lives out of t0“'n. ' .—._-_Q.———— Isiblade Manager of Basement. . W..C. Monroe has been appointed? manager of the bargain basement at Estes-Parks and entered upon his new duties Monday. Mr. Monroe for- merly owned a store in Fort Scott. i{an.. but for the last three years he and his son have conducted a painting and papering business in Columbia. ...-—v:—--O-— '-- Talks to Jefferson City Bohr!- Prof. F. A. Middlebush. acting’ dean of the School of Business and1 Public Administration of the ni- versiy. addressed the Rotary Club at a luncheon Monday in Jefferson City on the subject of "The Busi- ness Men’: Interest in Our Foreign Affairs." ' ‘ .;._.____ 8 Arrested for Disturbing Peace. J. W. llfason. J. W. Wright. and C. P. Paddock were arrested W nesday night on a charge of disturb- ‘ e peace. Th ; touuuiusaaraeuriii ,_ .. -I. Mcilarg. W. P. Dysart. Jr.. I d William-, I 1 (‘ainpai of scouting in _ effort to present scouting to par-g .ents is being made. l!l\'° 35 W‘ | this is to the money at ’ k ed. home. 611 N cond _ ey were tried yes- Methodist 9 . at the University A. G. Harrison, 11-, and‘ of Humble. Tex.; and three brothers, C. B. Payne of Shelbina; W. Payne of Chicago; and L. H. Payne of Miliivaukce; and arson and wife.. and Mrs. Raymond E. Miller of ' Mr. SI. LOUIS; “TF9 hene T0!‘ the funerdl. Kentucky the Teas Compan). und miuee be Iator ‘“ dead” Mrs’ Mm" 1‘ ‘I50 survived by like whit? E8819 '0“ 53 R€flnlh8ldef'initel)' on the Drosrrnni suflltt-steal‘. her husband. her mother and two I Company by N_ T_ Gehm.’ nwm(.)._ly":e “, . other sisters, Miss Narcissa Avon . - Pallbearers wore: R. P. Reid \\'cgener, Henry Sapp an T SCOU'IS_.USlNG PU BLICITY , W. gn on to Aequaint ‘Parents. With Benefits of Scouting. ' l 1 l Payne, . l n I i What scouting will do for your son» is the keynote of a letter that ap- proximately 250 mothers an as a for member.-hip by the troops. Columbia 1, 1 record in this time will be 35"!“ 31 . . . —-—-—4—————— A e trip to Daniel Boone 9 old home TRYOUTS FOR Wong“ JAN. 7 near St. Charles. _.._'__._ .....__—.__———-—- PAYING NEAR EAST PLEDGESI Sections Not Complete. _ Almui 51000 has been -turned in to .\tr,-. ll. ll. Banks. chairman. the .\'car liast Relief Fluid. The re- ports front the soutliwcsl and north- “est sections of town have not yet been turned in. , ’ ‘persons were missed during l any house-to-house llaiiks asks that they the I‘-an . . Mrs. David Fox Buried Today. Funeral services for; Mrs. David W. Fox. wb I1 o ucted at y. ‘Die toda Putt!’ of the Wilkes Boulevard Methodist ' . Burial was in wastn Columbia Cemetery. ..__.__._.__—_.._. School to Omit Assembly Friday- ‘morning assembly Elementary School was omitted toil! "3 ‘"0" 0* d'il' dren to spend more time in prepara tion for their Rcxfilar Fridl! umbia received yeste asked them to vote bonds for n novel!-Ml Will)‘ 57°?“ the 10°81 b93dQ“”' V355, a deposit their Columbia Say The object of‘ acquaint parents with the_ real purpose of the Scout program and its benefits to the boy as leis- 0 Feb. 8100 Has Been Received Wifh Two, lcollegiatae Debating lUniversity will be held Jan. 7. in for T8. ings W ortli sixth Street. were I’ Wtlkes'Bod'levard "”“"""IFILES .ic.i'iiféT' 1N. T. Gentry Charges Four ByU J Charges‘ "of violating the state anti- trust law were filed today against the arts. the Standard Oil Company of _ , general. ‘ and Mrs. J. 1.. Common of 30: Price: The chutes were- med “um” ‘ousting them and confiscating their .property in Missouri. it <1 flu!-l heavy fine against them 9 misuse of corporate The former suit against the 'Suin- D ' ‘dud Oil part of the present eampaignipany was Columbia‘ Jesse W. to tne For the first time in the history Order of the court made in 1923 sus- ' . ggngral pending an outright charter and as- sessing a , ' ‘In the suit Barrett had asked that the ed. ,The confiscation of all properties in Mis- souri. . soustcd the company and forced the’ {sale sponsor of the Women's Forum the more will sign up before A . _ - several violin numbers. Other speak- lcrs were: "Mr. llaysler;.,I-Id Cain- 'cron. pruident of the Rotary Club of Brookficld: Elmer l.. licnrlt-rson of Fulton; B. M. liner, pnesideiit of the Boonville Club; of Boonvillt-..— Leroy bu . for- mer president of the St. lxiuis R0- tary Club; Dr. J. W. Hudson; and Joe Green of Centrnlin. It was al- most a 100 per cent attendance mi the part of the’ local Rritariaiis and their wives. T Yesterday afternoon after -the meeting of the visiting Rotations :1 tentative program was outlined for the coming conference of'this dis- trict to be held in Columbia April 1‘: hand 7. Other meetings of this com- With Violation of Antitrust. Law. nitod Praa. EFF!-IRSON CITY. Dec. ll.-- Standard Oil Company of Indi- . The visitors praised the wnrl. of the University and of the colleges‘. ‘the four companies after Gentry ‘bad They said they were expecting hun- asked dismissal pending against the. Standard Oil Company of Indiana. conference’ next April. The suits filed agains; the _four """" icompanies are for a qu or ouster decision. It asks. however. that if the court finds the corpora- ltions guilty and of a single suit dreds of the Rotarians and their W l 0 Wu-,-‘nu, ALUMNI WILD Ii.\’1'ERTAl.\’ ' Dr. S. D. &'ooks to Be Guest of Honor at St. Louis Meeting. dead" Alumni and former students in against assess a n for alleged rwha tonight which President Strattun . . Broo will be the honor guest A°;°!:nde“n£e;:::; and principal speaker. It is a cus- ’ Y’ to St. Louis organizatiain Barrett in 1924. in a plea ___‘ _ _ Supreme Court to vacate the :E’ni}:,:::irty :t“‘£i?’;::;_"'° of U" Arnot M. Finley. president of the St. Louis’ Alumni Association. will preside. E. Lansing Ray. e itor and publisher of the St. I.ouis-Glol-c- Democrat and chairman of the exce- utive committee of the Board at’ Curators. will be among the guests. oQ<-.o a—:-. eavy fine instead. Supreme Court order be rescind- whieb would have automatically '0? all properties in ‘this state. 0"!" will" he" b'°“8hl 'b°°‘ Nrr. Gentry Gives Books to Library. “Th Centennial Biographical History of Missouri from 1820 to I92!” and the “Encyclopedia of the History of -Missouri" have been lent to the Columbia Public Library by - TSCVCIISW “IVE M- N. T. nv“. h)ok' uvrhe U’ Ddnfln‘ , Romance of Madame Tussaud.” by. Tryouts for the Womens lntcr- John -"mode", -rmwmd and the sqlnd °‘ ‘he. “Reade-rs’ Guide to Periodical Lit- Annie Pool Awarded 8300. Annie Pool was awarded $500 of _ in probate court this morning in a case from Centra- lia against J. R. I-Jdwardsfexr.-ciitor of the estate .of Artimitiallarner. for services rendered. Th a tried before Judge without a jury. ‘ N o———--——o—--.---—.o ‘ v,Wateb Found at K. I’. fame.‘ A letter has been reeciv d by Or- ville 3. Barnett. acting ' ‘of saying that a watch aanliniatersity Jan. 7. be cbosen.The« ‘ the selected.‘ Ill-It ‘cg non. ‘IBIS unfit? .¥llll9)' Falls. by proving ownership. -A-4 Suit his 85! Account. ‘of W. R. Traigo against Program Outlined for Cmi— I was the statement that his primi- 5 ‘ii. Hayslvr is preiiideiit. has ;i..m-.i- _-an account uf :52 _ Gov. Hall in ltlf iiddrm rim of - trict was to get I-\‘cryrnn«-'uf the who wanted to come in I‘.'l(‘-~l"l'll\'(‘l"- _ Lon Frazier . l ives to come to Columbia for tho . 1 Q 3 H. A. Collier V ‘ Kan. The owner may have it ......-.-... ... ...........-..'.4......’. --o- 4... ,.,.. .,.. . . - --_‘.*. fl.' .....’ "3.7&'aa--" "'1 4-‘Sis.-w —- . - ...¢.........-- _.f.-.J.-‘-. .~ .. .