.coLunBm mssounim. 3 . 7 i Cheese-—=Noi-thorn .« :'?'onng Amedu, 25¢. -..,.’. ,1} . 1‘ L’ ~_ in ~» ?' ; .2 1 f- I : l.L \ i‘: , =4 : 1‘ -5.‘ A l ! E 1 : 3 t . ;,- ‘ - x -_ ' i , j . ! ~: ‘...I- K ‘ P? " I .1 r ‘ 1-, .2 on ii I ‘C 1: ‘i! .' is it‘ ' 2 '4 ' .1 .l 1‘ i- H ‘ l ' 0' Am arhr like the one any Assodltlon. 1 AGKlCl~'l.Tl'RA l. TEACHE (Contlnuvd from Page One) i; luv 1. J. - it_v of students. ll?» filth! |l('.'l¢‘vfl)l 1-:':'i;irxii no Ilifl School tlila inorning byll. llinipton sliosrifliei-0 ‘tram preu-ntéd m;ee oftbe than L ‘ta! toast:-mg‘:-rs,_ carried amounted to HAVE ll QUALIFICATIONS 48300 it; the .\'l-ill‘. a decrease of 116,3 from the pr{‘\‘l0‘J.< year. "The lilecline in nrerziting receipts lie must plan conr.<.~.~ 4-2' siiidy was H1611‘ L\ based upon farm c:i:crpri.~c am.‘ nl»il- !!lalnl(‘!F.l’l(‘(‘ costs and _ ' antics. :'A reduction of 3-I47,-503.1 was effected in the payroll of (2 road." l A g". 0 .i:t‘. ' 1 ‘Cln§-!~f00l11 lll.slH.‘Clt0l3. OF SHOES pug-chnsgd we 1 9 U: ~ ; “t. : mu.-.i iniiizitc and s.i;u:rvi.~-. . ‘ _ . _. , rg ‘ 3 . ~*»~orum—m:c pr,-»n-c:~ n.=..-mus. on C°"“‘“" ‘"9 {wins FR?‘-E 8 Assortment ‘ k "5. lie mu»: nicrt ziiiil \‘.‘n.'l~' \\lllI .. 0}” Dal!’ Of Beautiful of Newest the parents of the piipiI_~ and other Fe“ Comfort Styles ii farmcn of the coiiiiiiiziiity, and niiis: . ' have experience and >~_\‘lllp.'l'.ll}‘ \\E1‘.: larm life. ' ‘ A He lllu:-l rv.-acli the lm_\' (1111 u.' — school and on the farm !l‘.!'i»l.l;.'l'i pari- }; jtime projects with adult :i.~:~c~ in evening school \\url;. F R E E * . le mus: x~‘.ur'-.' wit}: cuiinzy agents. cxtciision \\‘url;(~.'5. and lIlfll‘.- -3 1-rs‘ nrganizatioiis. 1, “ He must partit-ipzitc in cum- :s'nunit)', county. and state lillfs and 9 ‘cxhibits. ‘ ‘ -, "12. He must develop proi'e«,~ion~* lilly by fcildlllfl. attcmling (‘(Hlll:l’- it-nu-s. ind coining back to scliimi grhrri pC:.~.~ll>li'. .: "13. Hr must kccgi ormipictc mil ifarcuratr rt-conic zmd make all re- ,..._.._....o..._4-..... .- . _ 4. . ..g.«.,. . . ,..y-....,....--._. . o..- RETURNS 11) KANSAS CITY ‘s . -..-. l i " .3 ports promptly. 1 hi’-JAmbi3’3 3 3 ~ if “H. lc must keep l‘.l.~ depart-‘ area-test E - ment clean and nrdcrl_\-._'' ; ' ‘ 3 -: 3 At the am of the nu. the 9;»-' Shoe Values v ‘ponuniiy was given the im-mlxr.~ oi’; _ the club to'asl: :i:i_r ¢|l!t‘.\llI‘lltS pc.'- _ ‘T’ § I linen! to their (cork and this int'ur- v ’ f Ital part the im-ctiiig \\‘I|s v::ijn_u:d _ g $ 5 paijtieularly by thaw vxho are doing‘ ‘ l [ 9 ’- practice tcacliing now or \\‘l‘:0 cxpc-ct! _ ,_«—,L—/ to enter the \‘UC3ltunZ1l cc uc:iti.m:i ' ‘ field soon. A 2 . 910-912-914 Broadway _ I ‘ i In, .W. H» Slpp Tells of Mission ' . 5_ Worli'With Allen's There. ; . % Mrs. W. ll. Saw. a mission work-; ' in -Knnsns City. under the direc- ... .... . ._ . . - a -....-..._.....4_... -0.-_...—_ et a visit here with her sons, A. W._ ’ pp,.G. B. Supp and William Supp. - rs. Supp is connected with (- Iiiter-denominational «Home for In- ; '1 nocent Girls there, and also dog; = g Ainerlmnization work in the di or- C "foreign sections of the cit_ ‘ ,3 . Sb; is on English instruct cm of the schools mnintnined , E I r I E L I purpoog of educating the oi -n q" to} American citizens‘.:ip — works in conjunction with the rlous charitable and social we are societies 0 the city. - ‘ ' Hrs. ‘S899 says that there is a lame fieldopen there for work of this ‘fl would like to urge ; . every-ctudent in the University to -;.j ‘. lnvbtlxtlc work of this kind. We ;" lnvellitnnbers of graduates of va- § f I-loos college: throughout the coun- try working -with us. Aside from . the thought of resllr doing sorn - ‘thing of. unselfish value to human- lty. the work is very interesting." i '13- 319‘? said that to step into some. and sections of Kansas Qty Wu like stepping into" a for. elgn country. Mnny of the aliens . abandon their old nationality for the I‘? one.’ -- _ 1 3 scbbols maintained for them {_ Ilia crowded, however. at night,'witb 4 and women. boys and girls, who . l9 lfilfll. the lanxuaire, bisto . I ‘ and customs of the United Statz, I , ANNUAL RT 0W8 1 C4 ~ ; ALA its mu ADGAIN j _. mind: In 8480.001.” 1.... not , That of the Previous . nipgi wish c-any-on a-— - ‘ ...u—a. Central i _ i. :)ti#n¢o:cd:t;:*x:.:a=is'.;x;-::::.x;:i';NAL srocx r:t:1Dsi0i)i3..‘DRESSED GEFSE, DUCKS and CI-IICKENS. C: ‘ cm“ new , ; I . _ ‘. I . L"e:;k::;e;':'°:dei;,i:: :.'£“°:nd"‘;,:§f. Delivered to your ’hoine-—wliy pay_ for dressing when '~"-’? °°“'"- 3‘-5"@5'5°3 °‘""’°" “"4 we dress them FREE?’ Let us fill vour next order. stockers and odors, $6.50@7. cutters. $3.50@4; ,calvea. $5.50;' Hogs-———Rcceipts, 18.000; market.‘ H.‘R. LEASE '.meve:i. l5@40c lower; heavy. $10.50 Phcnc 916 Black . 610.75: medium, 50610.90; litht. $io.7o@1i.4o; ugh: lights, :11 108 I\. 8th St. ..._... ~v......‘._...T...... --- ,.._--.._.. _ _V_ V Gift Problem It's awfully hard to select :1 gift that's suitable and yet costs a nominal amount. It's hard to choose something that is sure to please. The solution is found in giving some nicety that .is also ‘ usciul. We have just the thing for Mother, Dad, Sister. or any of gifts for. Toilet Goods Ivory Sets Perfumes Stationery Manicuro Rolls Candy Pipes Cigarettes Beginning Saturday until mus WITH EVERY PAIR . The Rexall Store Phone 1-114. the rest of those you must get i , - Cigars . Cigar (last-s Cigarette Cases Bill Folds Hopper-Pollard Drug Co. Haden Building The Solution Of‘ The Christnios Gift" o-.- T Fruit Cakes » FLOUR Country’ Club PEAS Big Value, . DATES Bulk, lb Price, No-2 Can CANDY . Glass Jar Pancake Flour E,v€”3’0ne Will Appreciate » A Luggage Gifts No rnatter how long your list-—nor how particular the "°°¢'"31‘8 {MY ,of_fin¢ Bollier. or Hartman L“88'88'8 .18 your surest bet. ' . gggnfllfielrdhairéiyse or gtguncli handball--' .3!*73oxés' 85; Hand nit; ' ‘fiat $5.00 Fitted (lanes , ‘ :1‘:-an 33,50 Gladstone Bag! $20.00 3!“ 5350 Graham’ Flour 95 A P Avondale No.3lcan C Avondale-No. 3 9129' _1i1eapple 1‘t2.’f":3.“3‘.°.."""f"° .S"?e 25¢ K3“? Syflli 5 lb. Blue Label’ . . 25¢: KERS 3% lb; 1303;‘ SEAR Pure Cane 25 lb. B "Standard No.2 Can, . A 10c 9 Mixed Nuts New 1925 Crop, 15. 30c Raisins Seedless or. Seeded Package 10¢ Pure Kettle Rendered lb. 180 Fla 3 lb. Fancy in a Fancy 2 lb. 75c Tin Box 3 lb. $1.25 ‘ 24 lb. Sack $1.24 48 lb. Sack $2.34 98 lb. Sack $4.39 C Standard, Very Low P€flCll€S _ Standard Lzirge Can Country Club ' .5 lb. Bag . . lb. Sack 23c ag ‘$1.55 « . 96% C. 990 18c ‘ . 280. . 47C 1 a T . no-L——A—