’ 7’ T- T . ~- -V . T ' e .. . ’ v ‘ re *3 rr°r.‘~'-'1tz*’.~:"r??—"i-ff-.n:=:{"?fi¥"?:‘7““57 3' ‘ F17’ ‘:3";. . 1 _ T_-T . -‘ A . T he ...‘-0-o-Ur. ’ I la‘: 1 . , . T. ~ ~T‘T T ’- ‘ . T T T T _ T? - . _ . T. _T ,. ' ‘__.' ’ _ ' j T‘ “T T. T". " __‘T.‘ ‘ TTT ‘ Ti‘ 1._ -“___.t._ .1 ‘.:_\""'d‘.:_ . ‘T5: _ T‘ -o-1'-__ '-”____,, _.T ":f,T T . T _ T 'v ~ -‘ o l trams . 1 - ' 2 raiuaaasaliagtorltm '. . do ' o '. . a '_' ‘ - , 1- =-- P ’ 1* ‘ 14- a 1 1 A P . 0 SOCIEI ‘Y ~°-*-"-:- '1 no'5’5fi‘oe"'”‘- -u:.a""’°om'o'o..‘uon. yr THE HOSPITALS - : . . ‘ '..-1'...-' ‘ ,m-3“ ' z “W Y°‘*-Chfistlm 98- orcolumiaa Uhapfier No 11 8.5. 3 " “*'~ ‘ "3. . ‘*4 ” l °' " ,_ tho” N I " """""“‘“" Baa‘ J . 0.. £°"““,”"“d'¢"‘-‘$95 in 11., Thursday evening at '1 p. m., V - , '.'-fl‘! 5-, ’_E' . ~ . 4 .T ._ mug.‘ *5. Rd“ p_.3u“n.p°Wfi,,, chm. (boauaaal a-eqgfl-to-.T ) oneiexcluaive Fifth Avenueoatnre poo; 17, 1925, . T1 jlalveraity. ., T‘ ' ‘ 7‘ - _ W'_‘l'."“d $1335!“ .53 3““_°‘ u‘“"‘"l "l Christmas tree and colors. A peo- ” or ‘I’ fm" “L10 3150. Past Masters, Most Excellent atas- Ralph D.‘ Walker. Mrs. Helen f -- ,3 T - l ‘. 33* 73".’! d‘ I , S °'“l‘l Swaflu (fill of mlllltll 833308 3115 .803!!! Zeta Slain Gives Christmas Part tei-sand Royal Arch degrees. 'Cl1IWf0l'd, Jot-:8. Colin and Margot» ‘ I 1 1b.lV3l"".“7-°‘ *7 7‘ °°"““"°‘ ""1"°*' Vi” -"° 5*“ 9‘ was followed by dancing. Zeta "sigma, inter-so:-opity~o,.‘""i'_° '1'. as. w.u.u1-:1», ii. 1*. rite Judd were admitted yestt-rday.. : ~ - :,;£_. “ 1”“ .'”°7a'* “ a” ‘mu '9' m" D°°' 29 ‘° Jw‘ 1' -——:—" nation held a Chri ‘ " 3- ”A"5- 5°°5’- Charlotte Lawrence was dis- - é. o’. ' x ' * "'4-‘--by (hm. J’. 3. spoke are an assembly of about Mr; U. E. Pematen, 1504 R.oae- mu“ W“? 3''‘ M" 90.91 2 -J ‘T. T _.. as-wow-u . . . . ’ host”. to th tertlay afternoon for the ohildren of ' '. charged. Joe B. Colin, Sally Ander- _'T_- 3 . !v0¢l|HlI.Illaaouritotaledll60anIl75OatndentaatK1rksville Osteo-niary e,willbe ea“ . _.___._.__ , . W: n_mk_ ,_, tixiccol lastwedn Ila rn- idle Hour Bridee club tomorrow "°°“‘ "W °f ‘#9 School at CARD or THANKS *'°"' "°"""*' ml’ ‘*1 ‘ml ‘ -- lv , Ymkmfi wadmt 197 i. - 5 E. - kt. . ".1 ymo gum”; “*9 Pi?“ 3lPtist Churdi. Miss Mary We wish to‘ thank our neighborsl ““"" ”°9’°' "9" di‘°h"‘°d may‘ i ’ >353. net or isaourIu-5- ‘ 1_ - ; pun cm."-3 . . . 3 . ‘ - » flfileifilibces Goiaiioeuwbo shot the in the afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. ' mud.’ K‘--C‘;-5'.r°pehT K chmmmmud g:”t:-‘;' ':naS‘c:;‘ "‘::‘d“’:;uf:’°:;:! WAN'l.'l:.‘D—I'ouD8 man wants ' .; " ‘got, Hichigan' , ‘made Bartonaddnaaed ' 1 ‘ 1 . ' . 1 ' - = te 1 n xt mester. mi 1;; T I “mu .5“ ‘M Y W G A "g:'nYu§'!eEfigT‘ KT arrived today to be the guest of his dges to the children. After each (lath of our wife and mother. Weggzgmgva ogmoem 18:88 muck‘ ‘ - A A P . ._ I. , mu.‘ ' H‘ an ‘ kc brother, James, at the Alpha Tau C 514 hid fa-‘elved a present, games also with to express our apprecla-' .w9o_.J.. _~ T 3 , '21 polntaTTT1'llTgher than IQT that. e spo ore. fl! "j om,“ hm,e_ T were played. tlon for the beautiful tloral offer-T‘ "' ‘" T ‘ '., ‘.- 5"‘ . I '55” °‘ the N°"“’°"t x‘.“°"" - --——-— 1 . . —'—°--—-- mgs and or the use of the airs fur- ~ ‘ : The was find I1‘olnT prone State Teachers Colleze. .;At etch Mrs. H. R. Jackson will be'hB- To Talk on Building Materials. nished us. 1’ 3'“ "W ‘° 5" W "9' '°"'°° P . jt- , '-‘sf : ON! ' . POIWOM 3?» ¥i¢l38'§"'8 K5001! rronlofion chnimw *8!‘ tea: to the Clover lea: Bridge Club A representative of the Dickey 1). w. FUJL AND 1-'A:u11.r. i”‘"‘‘' "V ‘ m“°'"i‘"' W‘"‘ ‘U ‘ -,""~ ' ' 0; § the am! ramomcozfis 3?;-°‘:dt° «"7 of ti; werkdfn '13 tomorrow -ru.-moon at her home. Clay Products Company of am... - .- ._--, - _._.__ ._ ..._ -. - . ‘ ' * prone Jitnnx. pt. I! . amuse or e sen ‘us 317 North Ninth Street. . City will give . .1. mg 1, - -5 , 2 .1 ‘._ ' plansto include flringtrom delegates to the conference. T Mr. T E haw d_ ‘t 3 °-clock tomongtnfifmrfifionex T ._ ,.T K positions next year--:pron(*. sitting. Barton returned to ColuiubiaT'Tl‘nurs- Miss t 5' at W88 ‘G "m" permanent building mate;-1.15 to '.§- In order to make more playground for the Lee School “"~ ’; T . kneeling. end-. stsndmx. T W 50”‘ day morning and left for brnnizfi-Id fine“ 3 "2; K‘PP‘ KW?" '“'"“"ricultural_ Enzineerz and others in- the Columbia_ School Board has ordered me to sell for T» T, 5 awarded sweaters for plums 011 “"3 I! P000 Pl'1dI)'- . 3 0"“ 0" 3'» _ terested in farm construction. The them at Public Auction what is known as the Lockwood K T ' "‘ ,_ ’ I ' lb’ "1' b°”l mm’ . 5‘ SP""¢7"~‘ld 311* 31119" ‘POM Dem Upmon “noun”, awmertinz will held in the Agricul- residence and the Lowery residence, and outbuilding. CWS Our Hair Neat-— 3 » 7°‘-“"3"” 9”‘ 1”" h"? b°°” b‘f°"° "' “‘°’‘‘l’l5' *0 “'¢l‘°d"°" pledging of M03350“ comm of $0111 Enslneermc Laboratory Build- located ‘immediately East of the Lee School on Locust ' . . 7 ' ' "m°"‘"” ""1 C""' C°‘hl"‘ '-“ M" hm °f D"""' C3"’3"' ‘“ 11 °'°‘°°"' Bartlesville Okla. mg‘ ‘ Street Am le time will be iven the buyer to wreck or 3 ' h d O ‘V ' ’ h yqvision 1 h ’ ' -—--—O—-——-— ' p _ ,g ° , ‘C - ~ “Vi” *° ““l‘° ‘ ‘’ “’'"'' 9 " ‘ ‘’ ‘“‘"'°°'‘ 5° "dd"““°‘l ‘"‘ —-—-— - . move them and someone is likely to buv a great bargain. ‘ .- for title » - assembly at the Southwest ‘Missouri Mn 5- 6- Chrk 0' St W‘! "' E"“"“'? °"'." “°““ S"°"“"-. The sale will take Dlace Thursday December 17th 1925 F vour lmirlaoke naturali:lu~~’\'~-wlilu M «-1 r S _' -—-*‘—‘—" _ State Teachers College in that city. rived today to be the guest of Mrs: Th? Enfllneefl Club of the Uni- at 2_00 P M the und " 3;“, ‘mm, or is dimmm ‘,“:;,, ‘__,TT1;_d ‘_,'_\,_,. Q11’ " '3“? .: warrizs REGARDING EPITAPH Saturdliy moraine he addressed an .1. 1:. Hawkins until after Christmhs. V_er:itl' vtll bold new smoker in the ' - - °" 9”’ - _;.,.,, 5,, ,,,m.’;, i. ....,.,.m... .., If ‘. 1, , ,,‘.." ', . £0-‘T’ - ~ ' ‘ 1 . b t Ce al M‘ ‘ 3 —-——~———- cm ensmeermz t v t ":30 . -. - 3 ’ .'- - " -0*" . E‘ A‘il::tui1 vamw ‘(.30l1e1:.-‘rat isfjmbulife Prof.‘ S. Brody to olaoctui-fl Tonight. o'clock totgzlit. ‘;I'he?e O;-lllabe‘ .1’ A’ STE“ ART’ And‘, §f'..‘.1° ll }:.“:‘l'»'~'- ‘-Hill‘ WW1"-ti" "“ Q , ’; . ~ . . . uel Br 5' Vi give an prolrrlm 5' am for engineers. »- - - ~ ——~ ~.—— . ~ . — —— 13.11 to .11’ ed ' ,: - ' " “ ,1. t Mar 50038)’ IDOPNDE he (file a tall. T PW‘ 5"“ “A 1 . .. u,. .1] be _ __ _T_ T T T .1 o t. -1:rooin_ men. ,.~uupl_t in«-ow: ,__.,, 3" - T IT‘ IT..H. Gam_l>l¢. P089118-3V~'!'3 before the nude,“ division of the illustrated lecture on 11 Ana ysls W1 served. _ . - .,.. _ . Just rub a 1.1119 (;1o,1nm;w:m,r1"_I-wt ,_X.__Tm , IT 1 loo, has received a letter from Mrs. uethodiu ch b so 1, -d 1 of Curves ofcrowth and Seneseence" -—-——o————— a 1};-(ugh ‘rm-1 ' t _ , fl ' . _ ‘ l I W. J. asking “tor ts! "93:’; .dd,,,3,,_.d $3, 93%,; '?S,,,$:: at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the lecture MTSln¢§I_Ilt&relll. Goes Home. ’ . ti:\‘:’(‘k,j;(JQ:llll'l‘akil.l:(llll:ftK?l‘llKT:llfl '::.'!.” W‘ 3%‘ .2.‘ °‘“”""‘o ‘,‘.....‘.il *°**°°*~ In the eveninr "r-13"“ "’°"‘ °‘ "‘° ”"”"“ ’i“i}"’“" ‘E?’ o.. ‘6‘.’....'..;. "1§§.°‘."..?..f.°.§“i” if" Have You Placed Your -"°‘;"****€“"‘*‘*°;**?‘**>'»‘=*°"d”>’~ . . ' " "‘ ,; Q; _0nK_ 1')’ -» ,p°k, began ‘ union media: of the lecture and those to o ow on e _ Y. _ e 0 ct‘ T Jug‘. as _\ou comnt. T V 1 _J' Tllil ¢11Pl’"18 “"8 07 the f9“°"' pmsbyurim’ Cumberland 3p,”by_ subject of growth are given under home in Kansas City because of lll _ hllmtom softens the hair and p I ' 58! epitaph 0'1 the ¢T_3"°'}°"° 0‘ “,5”, ‘ad éh,;,fim church” He the auspices of Sigma Xi, honorary health. Miss Scott is a member of lnalu-.=itTpli:1blc. 'l'li_cli,(-va-l1stl1_h- '.f., , ‘. ‘In H._Nori-is, who is buried in Audraln remm’ed to Columbi‘ ,est'erd‘ gcientific fraternity. the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. . horn hair will stayin place of lls County: morn“: 3 y . . T (min accord T T ,, . . . Id beh-ad. ‘ ‘ A . '"' " P: ' T_ ‘ T t gives yourllalr tlintiiatllral. «o’5:::::.°:3.'.:::. Brs'- .. .....~—*--... ........ ... 1 as . Chrzstmas Brick? e - ‘ ,, ‘ . . . . . 3; T. o n 1-avliig it sli an nnilicial .- T I _ an. ~ - Leo Bombs, son of Mr. and Mrs. . 5'- I‘ k- . Mt T 1, _, __ 8 . :T_ . ._ nn.TG,mu¢ has asked that any Olcr Bombs, eight miles southeast In and Green) T Il(l;flh.;:(\.\n:V;\lIL)Lk;:Il)1£l;h(‘‘1‘::::?b ‘ Audraln COIN)’ “indent wh° (‘nv °{ C°lumbl3o 1'°°¢1"9d 3 775307“ E ‘ :; 1-Ull..'ill(l the ll.’ll!' llP:lltll_\' l)_\' rwl “, :toItfix1nbe tl.li;i Tstaitleni-erlt sol bthat S:::ltWlfl€n he _fcll d0l':'Tfkt:}° 31;?” attractive 1 pound boxes with Missouri University -' 5; “ ” T - : 1-;ul‘i;i1:Ttli3 ll:iTtllr.~llnil.~i l’ m‘m which _. t memoria log- is o a Chung, o ui ing ur- - . ‘ 1 :1 1 - ; . L ", ‘T fig; “silk” c dun word "caved hem indium sealazfindhold goldhand blackt l'lbb(()ill. ThV;?el‘)vo8g)}():l£‘3B{l8t9 § _ , Home Of Frozen Gold _ T £'»T<=m,wd .. °' ti 1 poo... 1 1 1 M 1'» SW we - A on» or om. » o 3". :3. b “?.§.°.;"“.ii1’.Z.I.‘2".l°fo’.‘»"’ =1 ' ' - L. ‘ ‘ l 1 ' ‘ I r ‘. - 9 : o o. o . 4 -' ‘n ‘ lg ‘ l Window Cards 2 .3 ‘la-iellnll 1 ran a--to...m.u _ Ihlaa (via our.» ........... ..m.:2 if . . T ‘ Station 5: 0 p. m. Saturday i':ioc"§n.u..- illltlli 1925.3 7:. 2 ;_ F‘ral:ernity‘PublicatiohS m"'.':‘.. .....;"::?:'.'::::::: :2 :"..:..*:."...'!r.'.'.'.-.':.’;:::::::-l:.‘:. i » v 1 1 Boone County ‘ a Special rrain to ‘Kansas Cit)’. S » ~ . - - v oaafiaaa )IavaIa)...;... I riana. ' ' ‘ ’ =. :‘.-‘ 5 l r‘ ; t ' T ‘ ‘ --!- A ' , P-'-‘'* m‘ ' ‘ ‘ 3: ..... , o ' ~‘ _ L o._' _ IS ' train consisting of coaches. chair cars.» din31_ ‘,5 - : ;Yov.:-on imam. - M U- Wm - 8.... ""‘°::::::::;;:::::::::.... ......""'.",~,;:::;;;;;;;_-;;;;;;;::.° , Natlmlal Bank ; “‘8°*'°°d Pullman cm