‘I- ‘.5 ‘ ‘ .i.‘~' _. o '4 _,,,.__ . ‘ I HEM‘ .' it “of 'orld Court is nottheonly "te nor war,-" said Hrs. A Morrownpeaking on "The ‘_ nrt"beforel;’%Leagueof- ' piers ata ‘ at_Ic- , yesterday. “hie .. [immediate fun&ion of the I:-» not to prevent war, but to ’:. «- states. - _'.I'lI¢_ urtcsnnotpoicethe world ‘ ' ' tjwar alonejand we must ’~ 5 ‘in: faith to the court as . aid final agency,for the ' 1 = not war. I ‘ . - ajgue of Kations, the Pan- ‘ .. Union, the Hague tribunal. . stween nations. the forces - ' ion and arbitration, the - . o if d’ lomacy, international ‘i ristian miasions,vthe. ‘of that science whl flag. an unprejtaiiced and V pg press, and tremendous. u]finlOn—-U158, ITO which must work together. . . tmaybc-.to prevent war." " . lihory of World Court. arrow gave a brief review 4 ' :5: regardless of their na- -'o highest judicial ..-iseocsults of ‘ . c -in international law. - pea are not the represen- their countries, but the and Court has. 5l1l:isdic- uj._and determine cases of e"on five points; The in- n;ofa tre_aty;_any ques- erxutlonal law; the exis- y fact which, if establish- constitute a breach of in- obligation; the nature of reparation to be made each of an international and the interpretation of ' passed by the court. . ,,,,_ . - . . . . _ ... ' .-1 __ . . _ _ .1 J,._'.’.: :1‘ v . 3- . J o r . s, ‘fig?-;‘E.%E§§’ J ‘ ‘T- .. I . V. -. ca... ,._ .u l’ l‘. temporary. E is cons: treme. two or forty Meanwhile, « . e ‘ . depression of fo es ' 7. th Manchester. is busy trying change new industries _for old. ‘- I ‘ - '- ' . . 1 14.‘. Sr...’ . . been hit badly for the same reason. 4 This depression, however, is only The matter has n fiously Iffected the slow and steady‘ of the Lancashlre cotton indus- iii gal’; O E?“ a“§— ii; 5.5% E 033' iii’ :3‘? reign exchange. and decline of , great China and India markets is‘?-“'“»*-"‘ “'33” 0-‘ ' encouraging in the ex- serious - next year -will be the best since 1913. ““ "' ‘“ ‘‘°‘‘’°“‘‘'" Big firms such as liollins um and Company. Joshua‘ Hoyles Ltd.. and Richard Haworth and Company are making money; all have dared dividends despite the pres- . ent slumps. _ Fine grades of cotton. ' wherein Iianchestey always held the world arlcet have never been depressed even in.the worst post-war years. The general impression is tha Lanchashire‘s cotton -industry is far too big to crash owing to any seri- ous depressions; whether they last like Birmingham, otse- de- to es With- . than toxin has been used in Columbia for broken into ‘so the postmaster h made the above rule. When packages cannot be left on sent out to the person to whom the package is addressed notifying him! to call at the office for the package. A carrier cannot make a second at», after receiving this notice the pc!'-; son sends enough for the second delivery. , hir. Woods said that it would it considers this the only safe way of assuring delivery. especially at the Christmas season. ' p _ ______._____ SI-TS INCREASE IN COLUMBIA Dr. Norris Urges Isolstizm. Even for Manchester , believe this Mllder Cases, During year's moderate ‘ c has helped to at Holidgys, stabilise industry and indicates that Scarlet fever cases in Columbia are ‘increasing, Dr. W. A. Norris, city health commissioner said today. There are now about twenty cases here. Most of them are the milder forms of the disease, however. to the fact that so many mild cases ‘have not been reported to a doc- tor. and that the individual, not ac- » tually sick, goes. to shows and on the sttects scattering the disease. lie says that if mild cases remain isolated during the holidays. the epi- demic can be checked. Scarlet fever is prevalent all over the state. The symptoms are head- ache, fewer, sore throat, vomiting, - and an eruption known as the scar- let fever rash Scarlet fever anti- the‘fir'st time this fall. liithertoforc it has been in the experimental .cun.namrs soon ‘mscussm. Round-Table '15.!!! .at '8:-oadw'a! ' lletlnodist Prayer I chl The Youth's Companion was ‘ influence 5% ca. 2. 3 9.. I E . Itethodst vb ed tlI::c;";1iglrt on the general subject 40; C on P " mnttar me. large ‘enough for fourth class mailneng lfllndjsion of books and magazines for forbheho mphasis was placed ‘on the discus- dren. ‘5 place ‘in all lists of home reading matter. It was urged that parents read the lfleldeofl-119500!’ 91¢? life like" ‘more children's books in order to back to the postofficc and a slip is understand the thoughts and im- pulses of youth. VK C Death Car Case to Jury i 17..—'n..sI ;"'i<’.'l"r3‘s’.l'§“cnY De “mp: m defive" ' p‘°k"°' “me”? case of Lynn Boucl1ard.c1.6 years old. - '-, s 2 =3 8- E read-A .1. int Booth on W Court. _ Actinc Dean 1-‘. A. Middlebush of ege the _School Buinels and Public;Tuesday night and will belnstruct-. *.°°°<.Admtnistration of the Univereityied in swimming and life saving. 3 ‘P030 to the mernbers q! the Rotary? Club today on tiIe.World Court. Rob-lfirst-class swimming test of swim-I crt Monroe of Lexington, Ky., andT_ ‘ Luther Nichols of Fulton were guests of the club. "‘?‘?Om--— ‘heater Taxes Retained. Etllnltod HWASHINGTON, Dec. °“"~‘ ‘N183’ IPPFOVEG Pl'0V35i0n8 Of? gsrding waterways development was the federal tax reduction bill retain-~ made today in a bill introdurcd in ms taxes on sdrmssxon to theaters the «Senate by Senator Runsbcrr 0! except for the spoken drama. ,A1abamg Scouts from Fulton were pres-: 3‘ ent. . ’ V " of Columbia ‘was ; the only one to pass the merit badge‘ test. which of swimming Phone 72-! YASSAR CHOCOLATES in . ‘attractive 1 pound boxes with Missouri University ' seal and old'gold and black ribbon. Very appropriate to take home with you, or to send where you can't go. VIRGINIA PHARMA chart; ‘hoop’ Tnlton Troop fitlinn Troop Troop 2; Harrison and l 2; 3,. CY E 109 So. Ninth ¢.:....E.‘ z ‘Robinson it Berghauser. _.4_ tl'l'eChristian Coll pool every" v—..—_ u— —v .—.....—_.._7. ..._.._.. .- _.. 7 n..» _. «-1 ,g,, ,.‘. -_.. -5’ The following Scouts passed thc§l . Wants More Waterways. i Br United Press. . 1 WASHINGTON. D. C., Doc. l7.~—?" _ 1A demand that Congress "ralt tho; I 1‘-—Th°erresent “parsimonious policy" re-; p°°"‘° ‘° p’y.people were killed Oct. 28. wnsx turned over to the jury this after- noon. Dr. Norris atiributes the increase ‘ 7 no Message Delivered! We handle the best candy ; made-—Mrs. Stover’s Bun- galow Chocolates. I,/3 lb. to 5 lbs.--80c per —“Nuf Sed LLIHER G STORE bone ‘[77 K R E D U P lb. ._._......n u.- ' a a-'u:‘\- oo'-. '.o'o 9‘: I . If You Want Something Absolutely New Buy College Time Saver Postcards Have These cards are new and very clever. Come to @ 4'-°‘lllisoo:ui Store Black Wonder Coal _ Guaranteed, clean. deep shaft coal . CHORLTON COAL COMPANY Lenye Orders at City Scales. Of cotmscc you like tonremcmber your, fl-io_nds. you been to busy to write? Saver Postal Cards. You can take them to class and check them. Just the thing to send all the time. with you to send to your friends during the holidays. ‘Writing cards will save the trouble of writing letters. 1‘. * .: mm x;.~:.lx:)¢~:e.sru.n:l1nrsrsr).«;;~ ": Phone 1045 or i l J I I . ‘ 3 l . -‘ml. Buy College Time Take some home r.'.;‘:{.(:i;t i(‘:'.'lt :: .‘t‘‘.. . !.’i:":. ‘:0: ifn’ :1 :3 3': all is ’:(¥H(i¢' :1‘-it Kl1'ltll‘l.l{_.Kl' nm in " (J rnnnx ‘rum: PRODUCTION his linost A Christie Comedy . COLUMBIA THEATER T .FRiDAY AND SATURDAY ‘J r will/' _(‘!<-vex’ kissing comedy with Adolph Mcnjouin role. It's a real l‘l()l of laughs. 511 1455 IN ms DARK AOOLPHE Mcmou. ull|'Al4"nIcH. AILEEN Pumctt Also “AIR TIGHT” I The story of a young husband and wife wh take a vacation from one another to see -‘if absence makes the heart grow fonder. I 7:15-91 :00 T. I - 1 t 0‘: (it ure 20¢-40¢ ‘ "x1