ISSOURIA "M f'c’o"LUMB1A, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19,1925 LAST Eprriou C ’ "‘ . -———-—-—-——-—-—- ... -. New B0ylSc0ui1’CIzairman _ VTAX REDUCTION lchfimllas St0l'Y Will 36 TOM VTRIP OF CL-EE U ~ . - , A - BILL SENT TO in Special Services at Churches CLUB CALLED UPPER HOUSE i... 3"’...§"t’:‘.'.’i‘..”.‘..‘t‘.‘..“."..'.’.'..‘.‘.".'.'.. "°s."I?l‘l.l"..’}‘?i'.‘i' .‘I.‘.‘.’;2i.2‘. ‘.?.°ii‘i‘.’§f.I‘éiff.§‘{:. “BIG SUCCESS"’y 7 . ‘ J _ mas services Sunda' evenin instead 1’ th 1 - ' All 1' li- . 'rflEDAY’8NBW8— . —__.._.. . 3 I _ 0 erelr}l-recr*m==}-- mu m bpawnas V“ tubpuud by ‘it. Measure Passed without ::U:';lc1e:peW;l£lb:el:Ci‘Cc::8I9d for Christmas and will have Christmas -trees M. U Sin i"ed En- A Change by H0059; 390 :- i we, "f:::., .:.~.:;. - , ,‘"““’**d °{ ‘"9 *‘,'~‘l~’“‘" 5""d"-" <“'°‘ thusiasticallv on Tour 9”. an of i to in Session 'ning vesper service at the Presby-~ ' ’ nit; _ _ 5: 56 Chainnen L 9 t N h .tcrian Church. a Christmas program: Prof. H€l‘b€l'l. or 5"'°‘*“ ’“““3‘m°" ' - - 3 as i t, _ I ‘will be given under the au5pit‘('s if . i ' ‘ . . 8 BEING RECEII ED. the sundunuhml at 5 Quack. .n‘“_, Reports. I J: g London journal says thht Brit- . .___.___. , fl|"‘3'9{hil”‘ are manned by w.:-:- GILLETTE GivEs REPORT ' mists. ‘ _._.._...._ ‘ ‘ President Coolidkv “"5" “W4 9" Says Third of Columbia. §':'lptu°i-*°'ii.§'.'.'t"i.’3.'.'§T‘"°’"i°"." Pk". 30318 Eligible Are Now it Spggpy ACTION EXPECTED A will consist of xi number of - Th l 1 T] R £01125 Reroadings and an adilress - . e oca pos l¢ecPr’S are now _» u, _ y_ 3;. M d. _ A . _. Leaders H0139 t0 D1SI_30S€ handling mail addressed to the choir emadtf llp rm... ,‘..r,,..i,., Sang in Flat River, Ken- of Matter Before H011- l\orth Pole. choir and a chorus of children will nen Caruthersviue i PROGR.-U1 i.\'”l-“oft: TOWNS .. .. - - ‘Irvin and Jake Maddox 8 L‘ol~ sin -s v 1 - - A h‘ th 32 5“ prune‘, can In ‘he d - . . ‘ . _ K .e era sang.-. ‘ t t is st-r\.tt . ..“:I!3l7h;<;l“ “ugh ‘wen muwhc. T 3)’ . RGCGSS B8 15$; A:-liliue, l;)ave wglttenhto. hunts: new nicmbers. many of them chil-. and Cape G1rar- " E ind in the United States. ' V90 1‘00PS>- A gins Tuesday. for Ehrmlglis. "“Th:ir3lMlw:>s :l‘f;n(.){\{I(:linl‘:’e tinzsfltlntgmcngiilxi dean . 1-156"! 100 ‘Ch"‘“".‘§ "*5 d°°°-' Dem J. P. Mcagine wlgs dectedl Br Uuiial Preaa received at the postoffice yesterday. up and given in the pm5b_\-;._-.‘;—_j;.n. WASHINGTON. Dec w._“vm, They “la. Muted’ ,,mmp,_.d_ am; orphanage at Famflnmon. The l.'t.i-,-cr.~*l'§y Gl((‘ Club returned the tax reduction bill passed and dressed to Santa Claus. North Pole. Each of the depm-gmems of u,(.'-“'°t""’“5' f"’"‘ "" “'°“h.5 ‘'5!’ ill sent to the Senate. the House today The return address was also given. Baptist church school will take part muihom and S"mh“a‘“”" Mi"‘°“"i began consideration of the ;57_§52.. The emwlopes “.059 ,..N.). much worn in the sped“! (fifistnlzm pmgmm after it .su:~cc.~'sful series of concerts. 000. treasliry postoffiec appropria- as if they had becn'ctt’r_ricd in littlefsunav evening at 6:30 o'clock. The Prof‘ ".°rM‘.‘*‘ wan’. di“‘“°’ °f the tion Bill. the first of the regular po:kets for several days befai-e’Chris.tnias story will be told by one cm" "ma fin‘ m°”"““ ‘h3l‘lh° lfip ;1 WW “"3 “*9,” °f C‘""‘n". 1"“ chairman of the Columbia district." xiiinz it 8 h°l““*F ‘PP°“"'"°'~'- Boy Scouts of America. alt the an-‘ :Tht- rim civil inarri8s€_lfl '_I'urke>‘ nual meeting of the bonnet Coun-' took place ThljI'6d8)'- This UC Pl_'°' cil at the Commercial C rooms, wiles W105 ‘ 5' $9’ h“'l""d "id ‘ll’ last night. The three vicé_-chairmen am! both in 1 V~'0fh 10!’ I ll"5l|8- elected were Congressman .W.' L. E cr liccause gshc would not help him Nelson. C. L. Brewer and 1-’. Card 3°"°"""“’" ‘W915’ '"°33l"°5- dfoppinl-I in the mail box to start’ of the classes. and -*‘<‘\‘¢‘T-'31 *‘°"¥"~‘ waS}~:ui?i‘:v.:s{.q1 t::"owr'wwsp-°ct'~ _: ,.,".k a cm,.,._,,,,,.°,.d puu1,_._ ’f]-Eeodqfc ._e,»_ p ' tiers hoped to pass the big ap- on their long )OulTIC)'. _ _ Wm be mm“ by the classes and :3... m”; “_‘h‘;r“"‘F’h(: ;‘i‘r*:t"ll°'“ "1 “ll W -l xqcrncr or New York shot ms W“-(.1 other officers elected were: Tray sroprlgtion bill before next Tues- The le:.ters_ follow with spellinxlentire schocil. The boys and girl.-' ,.;\-on 'j‘h(.~(.iub Wu (onicfz " fl . anil killed himself. urn, Ale; B1-adfog-d; dim-in com- T?’ Y! in th9_fiI0lI¢l&&' recess beirms. and punctuation chanced. of the Junior dt-partnicn: will pi-t-- :1‘ “(M dud ‘{ mt“ '."“'° "9 I“ .-.' _ . _ . - . _. . . ‘ ' . ' : gout! ‘Jr l . ‘ so , ¢_ ' ' ‘ 0 5135311. - «Gold Pieces for Christmas KIN‘: ml-“#:3071131”. Dl'- G11)’ L--\0.\‘9S: Chm!“ us; 3“: ‘:;,eMc°:‘§net‘ht° CSOMIT, l‘l¢-use in-mi. me In :3 r toiami w:ilt‘sem na pageant. entitled , M” in.’ aril .\'tt«l;c.-: ll -oluist member om ." " totaling $16,000,000 have been drawn man of -the _court of honor. J1Hli.'t'~ bins “am the" are nan oueged upp 5 ......~n a trail'- - prinlinl uulltt. ii lit-l§°"_‘°h, '13:: mm“ °f "W ’‘°‘’‘ *1" t-lull, wit; thy {M-,.,-ju. Of the c..w;nK_ "‘ from thc_l\cW N-Th P0593‘ R‘-'5_°T"° A. Collier: members of the exccu- Scum’ Sm-Om Uuh Pfié I-m. tic uczu wt of t. J . um thrub¢l- ;Gi_i;_it ~ V !‘l‘~;‘ll_18<"~lOl‘\. will be A Hm mwr wan” W make the Glee ' , la. ' ' tive board. Ben Nowell. Thomas Mc- , ,' , ' p“ cm" "“" “' "“""°"‘ ' """"‘ “’ ' "°_’. ‘l’ ‘° 3”‘ ml?‘ G1“-‘ “ill 1"‘ (‘T i .,, .. , . '. - - be 1, id t H. "5 0 R Johneom porn». and other administration leaders 1.9- "' ’'‘l‘ "' 'h"<‘°l-'.' °|"<'>' ‘W’ ' ¢"”"'ibrought forward in‘ T(‘pl‘(‘l~‘(‘Xl11lll\'('S "U" ‘ "‘”t “"7" “" ‘"‘"’-‘*1 '~"'°"‘- I ‘Md B‘:lL uilidlxtled ' t\\?as°l'i‘u {ivy E the . o{.tl1e Columbia Di. day laid Plans for a 6 5' 35320 “mirth 0!! W?‘ fhowmr ‘M mm‘. °"""“lof the bc£inn'-1"‘ 'l)l'll'll8l'\‘ ',lllY‘l(lr S"“'“d (“"“’¢'fl ill Ktnflcll . ‘-9,; .’ »- , - m 2‘! ' 5- 'v.> ' , ‘ _ "". ~' ' ‘ . ‘ _. ' " i‘fF- 4“ :1 t 'hl;mda;- ll‘ln his iii‘: trict Coxllncil and twenty-rive min--‘ ""°“‘~‘h ‘ll’ 5°"“’~° °‘ "*9 3395-000" (U M in-an M-«M-»~. Jr. Elntermedwun and lilizh schnul dt-p:irt- 0“ Fm'~~dA=:.~. tmacluh went to Ken- . f-‘"3 ' .11. year ' ' - senta'ives to the area council were" 000 ax r°d"°ti°" mu whidi “'“"' I . ¥"‘°"l'»". the Steiihvns Cl-'1-‘-*' “'<>m¢'n'= mi.‘ {M “‘ “"“’"d l""'{°""‘3"°¢ .-‘iv ‘mm ' . ' ~ ‘ - also iiamed - passed last night by the House. The ,""" ‘”":w 1 oh." hm" ‘ "mu “'."'tUnion. and the church. “' “ll “"*~‘ 5P<'"5~"‘|‘~'l— ll)’ the Lions - :5‘ . ' mi °’'''d"°" '" “ “est H"“°'d' - ' matron was adopted‘ Without 3 :l‘l“)’:.iUuu :'i'"iM.:'.i.t'T".").':.:o:'.'.".‘iz:l The l>¢’§.'lfllli’l'-‘ d“l’“’1"‘-0'" ‘H’ 9"‘ 91”!’ M ‘"““‘ "l‘“"" Tm‘ ’““" 5" ""3 i ' C"7"’*' "°h°°l we’? “we t° h.°" .1”. A‘ J'.G'n?ue.g'“° " “P?” _"f ll” change from the ways and means -Ir ’ ttlr ‘IVUCL. . Tiger loot-iblethodist Sunday's.-litiol will give '~"”l‘ “'”'t‘ *‘?l~l'Tl4Iincd in the homes ma:n"’.°f a machine’ . combination Columbm disuwt fin. mei l.fl..{.'{' “lmmlflee Dlln hr.’ it vote of 390 to bI1l- In l-lhrul-<-. - in-ir of minaom l‘:lDl‘¢'l’-'-‘lls Christiilns t-ntertiiinnicnt at the °{ ll”-“‘ "*1." and “'1'”? ’*h"“'ll mll'l.\' l . pf g-gdiu and phonograph. ‘teen months. the p{'l'I0d Glut!!!‘ Rlllfll 9 . mic candy. and tonic urarl;-n._ nut: and b:i- church Suudu}. a{u,,.:mo’n at 3.30 0; (‘(lUr'.(',.Sl(“_x_ ()1-xjlka zjmme"-.13". ' Officcm and crew of the Levmulile has 2:331 asbscout exticludluri. , Hearings on the bill before the M:-:,:,', ,,i,.,,d_ ' clocl-t. A tiitzlcziu. "The Chrlstiiias “-luinr.-.;n‘. l‘-Ft-‘idem of Lions Club ' ' thin 23"!’ -'90" "7 5°"lh‘"‘P‘°"'5 9 NW“ “ 3 am one U" re Senate finance committee are Jake Hidden S‘.or'l'." will be the lirinciptzl f(-u- “'“~‘ "l ¢‘ll1U‘l-"‘ Of nrrallimmonts. A ponmtcltildn.-nu big Christm” P“” fnd ml’ b°"‘.' °’ °"°°‘.h"" °‘ "’° planned for brevity and will ,open The children of Columbia are not lure of the l'l'0iIl‘11m- A num‘i«~i- or "N “T -“3='~='u!i alumni erected the after the holidays end, Jam 4_ only the only ones writing their wishes songs and recitations by the bt-gin- "léh 3“-'—'Y-'ll’i’T='- .'. _ ty Monday. . , _ ._f; _ Excessive movie-going is etri- ';go:l:r2_oo°”s'°ll$he':: a few witnesses v.-iu~hKh_eg;-d and no to Santa Claus. The following is an ncrs will complete the pmizranl. .\lu- Aziiong the alumni who welcomed it mental to the mind. says Dr. 'ger Gmcue came here tbs?‘ was but one‘. attempt will be made to cover all i'PlK‘al from the Public Library: sic \\’ l be furnished by the l‘ul’lllfl}’ ill?!‘-l avert-: Yernon b\'right, Pgu[ Brown ll, chairman of the he lork - the ground covered by the ways and 9"’ S‘"‘“ C‘'"“ *‘€h00 0l'°l‘l€'-‘W3 - T-R05. rnd ll right. William Hemp- . State Comniission on Mental Defec- "°°p''"°‘;;efh°''° 31‘? fife‘-’:!.'!l,;l1]id two? » . . means committee in its painstaking ‘ "';T’r;_'":""b:i‘::; ‘° ”“"' ""' "°"‘ “N The children of the ('oiigrt-giitinn-“hill. and F.-*:iiilt Maples. Before the _ ‘ more are "1: o!.g‘n1z . ere ‘S‘ ' . V 3] V,-|[]g1\'(A 3 puigrnnl zit l,()\‘~‘- (‘lull ltfft Kennel‘. Id- ‘ ~ '~_ tlve—. . . " sune). l mi fl . d i Rh‘ t . _ —_ i V. llicut Reginald Thomas United one negro troop m columbm‘ ' llcan J. I’. Ill:-Bainc of the School of Law. President Coolidge is (.,.p¢_.c;,,1|,- Tunbriggti-ti u;‘in:iur.:(-fiiunr:'ro:3:_\ 00 r_v Hall Sunday liilwiiinc at 10:45 o'- (3l‘('&~'t‘tl the studgnts of the “boot. . ' “ “:0; '.\.m,‘, offi flu; 93,000 Scout A A _ _ f H anxious mu the hm be placed in In (an. Dear Santa. there should be clock. A (,:llrl“.n)8s t-iitcrttiinnicnl‘there. through the courtesy of Su. ' » . ‘ac, 5,, 1922; an 7 :5 hours with. M“ Gillette Peld mbulfi V’ the ‘ ‘ i " i ' ‘ f‘; ' v“ ‘ “ ““ his hands 9 ly in March so that he fi,,f,"°,,’,,'}"“,,.';j“';.’.’,'}.fi,:“‘° ‘°' '“° Will be 8”?" for the <‘l"ld'<'n “W P<‘!‘in’~N»dv-‘ht Jcnninsrs. _ _ out? any kind of accident. _ This is 37: 3‘ mend mlznflteg irbeSl§°t.n~ THE ‘VEATZHER it Q icanaign it ' March 15, making the vi'itli' the late improve-menu dc. ’1‘)°5‘F{3);l_t;"<'h|nfl;3141h_fi* l:f>IY}t‘ ‘.'\l".l."I“.'l’-_ Prof. Wall rays that all the seats .' _ believed to be ii world's record. w°' u]‘:"h:f‘ “by; t f"' I k°:i°. . -. k extensive re uctions applicable on ‘£3:-o‘n*r ‘_;::"r"'dk" '12:"-no“. (,‘;l"',‘:‘:' ‘ ";“‘“‘“ -M‘-‘1“h°: were sold in hennett within fifteen ‘ " When John Rosenbaum. 12 years 6 C-0 .. W ' Y .’p°’° ‘ ’” . ‘ « . . ' I '-l‘‘5 5"~"“"" "‘°°m°° Can do all thing-. ’ ~ 9.. n‘-my pngmrii .’ , f.m”"""‘ “fl” 9"’ b""°m°° “"5 09;‘ , . ‘ed 1. ho d weaned Pei-ship. He then butlined the ac- P C I ,_. 0 d ., __ P ; t l . ._____._____ pflnlal) and l)(‘Zll'lll('l‘.~ tit-nztitnttnt. (,m.d‘ - °”-1 5“ '°"‘ " °“ ‘’ tivities of the Columbia routs or "F 0 mgwm an \'ltl‘.llt_\.‘ .:i.n , , - - of the Christian Church will lit‘ lit-id “u d H _ . he - - c.~,;i.viq-. . 3 A e fl(3:..l.'|j. morning the club went 2 . . . f ‘ . 7 ’ ' we . —---—— CHS DEBATERS - .- .. . was‘ on is en -aev p . . mg 0 mm‘; on at‘ turn :1)‘. cm»: _ ' - Y - - ‘- At“ d J ' I.‘ ' “' k e o o i . . .m b ’ . f h, I'll , “' — ' . . -‘ '- I‘: til en across the Atlantic. 3:: gacmfinpfifrflfs‘ L" Cbigbmlperltlllc built 32 lull-‘tonight, to 20‘ Executlle _C0unc}l .of Ce" 0 u 3;‘ D:i':rClu£r::nLf_ at t _ $3: $9 pr °. ‘“:n°'i‘s (lifmtplietfiél ‘ "” lttlrtli of Mcmphw. I . fig.“ ‘rib;“—firing reporter» of 8 “.i"i‘m Hinh‘ ‘dint of the Mishior lower by Sundx1.\- rllflll. ‘ tral l\I1SS0l.lrl Area 1 A;-(bur Chgppue Of Jeffegfon The enten‘inmt_nt by the chndrcn Entcnained gt Carufiyu-.fl||e_ D "".”‘ NEW 3'0"‘ YN'~’W"l’fiP°T 33395 35‘ ' ‘n 5 ° g ‘dam, ~' 1.‘ ‘- 1' -9; 5 1-.-6 y.-. t Be H lccu. ty ha: been judged brittle dai- ' ' ‘ of the Trinitv Lutheran Sunday’. A.‘ C‘“'“u‘.‘"‘~“'m"« 707311" lllldtlllfi C ". —« i. ft 3 . f" “7“°"° “ ' "9 "" “V "*"°""‘- 4"‘ 3.159 ~-'-l}~'- - 0 GT6. - _ . - . . , -‘_ _______ _- ' - . "l land alumni of the Univ 't et " J 1”“ SD“ 30" mg.” O ‘on’ mdorsed the Scout movementats “the-and Sunday prubziblv rain t-liangimff """“““" 7-‘ °xt°n5'°" specmhns °f the Ln’ - - - S‘'l‘°°l “'11 l“‘ m""“‘l'm‘“‘ E” 3‘ ‘-30; d . er“ Y m -‘i’ 'b°"lf"°”d“ °-"I m mc" ‘“;"',?t.'°:fi great hopeof maintaining the kind'to snow: ctilllcr Sunday and north-3 The executive ’ council. Qt-ntral "°"3l‘~" °f Ml55°‘"'l ‘° b° “'9 '"°"‘ Take First Place In Tn’ °'°l°°k- an entertained ‘he dub ‘l “R h°' I aufch ' t ' , . . . . . ' . . V . _ _ ._ ' _ ' . ‘_ - - . _ 5 I t lcl. Prof. Wall addressed the stu- iocgg; “Yo?” m“ “ "“' of citizenship this country inustleast portlo.i tonight. . .‘~l.s.~otiri Are;-.i,'Bo_\ stouts of A'mer- °““f“"d‘““ “ H D‘"" Chlm me?‘ angle by Winning From Chuufies .1§°rb(_t.h° tafrgg ’.f“§‘,d,.,,t_. and i,m.m}m.(,d the mcmh" ...__ . h ve." In speaking of the dangers -— -—-~—r—- ica. will hold its annual l)u5lnES8l 59" 1" l-he "tine 33 3 "~’““‘ °-V ‘ ‘ “"° “" 3"" 3 " °" "‘ . A;-kn’, "the cum flu" . -,. - - , SlllDp('l‘.~‘ I-‘nit-i-;i.-:: Within n l‘:1' 1... ~ - - - icontest eponsored by the dairy cow Mokane.‘ ‘and 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. °f ll"-' “l”l{ M lh9m- At the C0!!- the country l. facing. Mr. Hlrth ii.t.-tlni: and dinner at Harris at l “W”? , . . . temporarily withdrawn-“id. «I think mi, movemom offersydlus of Zllll lllll(‘>. of (‘.-luiiibla th~ 5,30 0v(.1m.;‘. _\h,,,,;;,\. (.\...,,i,,‘,_ ldcpartent of the Purina Feed Mills C _ _ ‘The evening dc)-otions will be held Fe" ‘hm "ml" 14‘°M|’ll 3101!?! Ind - ’_i -C ‘ 9,,“ London sage. to 1,¢ 1-,- we _1-im,“ backfire against thpjlow tezilrcrzitlsl-.-.~ wil l» :30 “um ‘M film”. (Jwmm M of.‘ in SL Louis_ The (‘uluinbia High Sc-hool_Tciiin at 7:30 o'clock. and a sermon will fol- ti‘-"~"“_"' 533450‘ W"? lht‘ T8\'0!'lt98 of - mmgghin 195; gr. ic ‘ad - .- - . . I .. -,. north and \\'i'SI. 3;,‘ «Biz»: and zwuth. . ' _ ' ' ' - . l The ix-in will be a {tee tri . vul- “'01! the debating Cl'll1mPl0ll2lll[I of low each .-aervice. On fhristnins eve '9 UV“ . tmd thlwtoncert was very 8 8 things that “ill certainlx \\l’f(l\ thi. ;, ...,._ “ it 1... i .11 . Nd 3 , .,m-; f I P . . ' 19-for the C)"-igfmu pa‘- country if not an.‘ uu,d_-'- . \\'t-atht-r (‘Ul‘llll.l('Zl:-2 ‘The pi't-v::il- 1 Lmq: “_m,':,(;:__f ‘:;_".. 1’ h (:1 lued at $25 to the annual Junior lhf‘ lrlllfllrle in Which it is matched mas: will beisaid at‘ midnight. There-:(‘f‘9l ‘:‘°’?('«'_3€‘¢0TdlllK to Prof. Well. :- ‘ ,, . ‘ . in: fine t_vpl- of \'o'('l|ll‘._l‘l' is giviili: . ‘ ‘ " ’. ‘ _ ‘:1.-a,.me,.sv week to be held b‘~ the by defeating the Mal-cane High will be special l'n|l!|l(' for those servo. 37"‘ '9"-‘lint’ 3150 Wanted 30 filth . - __ The first thing I would burn in: .. y _ _. ; l'ht- prt.«:i-am for the year 1926 willl . ' . _ - .‘ , 3 contra‘-Q ’m,,,,d; pi . in o. - . . place to the npro.~lu- .\.w. it .. un- . . . .5011 { A , Run. of we Um. School team last night at Mokiima 3.9.‘ 3 3 t 5 10* "0 the enjufipcrs sold for 31. 32. 35 the heart of the American j boy is Wulpd _md “'i_“_ in ‘"3! (T: (..Xi, l|(_- uuiisltltgn-J untl tho npplicalmn 10! ‘ff? ‘;M,grcu_ d . th R on the qug Lion» “R¢»gg,|y,-ed that the: --———-6--" '-—- (‘lull l-'1 1! C0llCl'!'t again next 3-"; h' ' pg ‘ - - ._ ‘ _ - -‘. _ - ~ 5-. "--‘ .1; - t , _- ‘. L.’ _ ..versi_\'o lssouri unni! ¢‘“'°“’ 5 ' _ ' , . ,. . .. . ‘ “W” "‘ "' '°" ’°"“’d“’ " "°'l°"}3' “°‘ "°°‘“‘“'f “. “ .‘l‘°..""‘.‘ states. .\"t0riily Ill lie l-v.vcr l‘.‘:tlnsr ."‘_ 'f“"3"" °‘f.“_" ", ‘i " 3° lof A 1.3125 amendment of the United States noun lliomii SE.\'l‘E.\(E_' Thursday found the tnenilim of _ -. Mex 3- Gl'°?5b¢¢l‘ Ind 131079‘ policy but because it is right. he . . . >c-.iu.- ml .~\n~..-mu -nlll be made for: P - . . . l , - _ . '2‘ l .. . ~ » . ',, . and Rocl-;_\' .\lUll.“lI«‘tlll.~’. snowing: am: .,. . x ———-—o——-— Constitution enabling Congress to . '—‘.""" . the club on their may to Cape Glrar- l- 150 -he“-8108 mlnned 39%‘ said. We have about become a nu- . . . . the l'.t..~» ('!l2l?‘li,'l‘. - lllill Introduced in Congress to Rt-— . — . .. - _ . _ ‘ colder in the upper ."ll:~‘-lll."l \i:llc-y _ _ _ ;S_ R_ (_-_ To HOLD 3 “EB-“gas Wgulnu. the 13b0,. of ‘)9!-$0115 um: _ _ 'denu. vihcre they wenr met by Don. - rs In the Inmlll Old 59”’ tion of thieses. : . . . , l - - Tl. --mu -1 i. ‘) 1)(l~‘.~d f s‘ -t -' . . store (‘ol. Mitchell to Rank. l, ._ , . . .. . ‘flood =1: H . F“ d» d i The - _ _ _ and 3(lJ1l('(‘l‘|’. it-r.itur_\. :tn.l rtilnlng -9 ‘ ‘ ‘ll ~ “ "l -'- 0 JR 3; tier 18 _veur.~ of age should be rati- B_1.Mm”."_ 9 .-Illl Black. on iilumnuc of the Uni- € _ H39: ' ,-n 2 -O‘: C: - tn:-“s'e'cheer “The 5°°°"d l"'°p°~““""_ is lhahon the Psicific (‘0a>l. ‘air al-£l(‘£ cun- ““"‘ll’°’j- ll“ _~.'~"‘”‘3' "f “’h"m 870‘ Will Have First Session at 6:30 P. fied by the _.m.e,a] 5mu.5_~ ‘ ’“’.ASH"\.G‘—D0.\-' Dec. m___A ,.(,s_ ver.~'it)'. and escorted to a hotel. A E: inane.‘ flgfldrggng ris ‘Dy boy ghoupd _¢,¢'c idea notpqnue u.n,W_rm.i!}. in Miflouri (.a,.._ front ((iU‘.'lllil-£1. .~t-veiltcen from. 3!. Tomorrow in M. Church. 1),-_ [.‘,--_m1.; Mgcluer, coach of the-loimion to ask pmsidem (jooiidm. weplendid 3:.-ogmm was given them _ P007 C - ' _ to-work-scorn the idea that. thelwm. . Jl(?\"lt‘.) mu: t\\‘(‘l‘-LC. from rulton. ‘ Q The first of three ‘union ineeunvgs debating Squad of “oeuminswr C0I_;modify the “meme of COL wmimma,-‘d_ p,?f_ wan “,3. the dub an‘ : ;Altholl¥l'l requested ll) Presiden tlllmt to do 15 get the mono}. no‘ It i_ ..' M 12 ..'..L,,.e(., m;}.]L.1. in ‘ T.".('I_Dl(‘.*l"1:! uifict-r.~ £U‘(“I‘ Prenl-jgo be had by ‘he student. Relm- loge. was the judge. Haw] Caseylmnchcll by his jurv of generals und.b(.tu.,- um" any Mb“. phco on the 3: Sidney E. Mazes. to do so. the edl- matter how you get it. The man the 1,,“.L._,. Mi___.(,U,.; \-_...U...}. and "lid_.(Tt'!ll. I. 1.. llrcw-.r. Cnlutiioln: nee-zious Council during the holidays will and “-81”... Dalton tookithe neg,,-'u_swre him to .155 proper rankjtflfl. Again. Stokes and Maddox , r: “ torof The Campus. student newsph who really sweats and works thc‘c dip plains but H (.;,._;mm, 1,, Cnldu. 3, V]lT(‘:<'l.d|-INA.‘-. Tnoliiiis .\lt-Illlflf. CO-‘bc in the basement of the Broad- five for Columbia The Mokane d,_._ wuh ks proper pay and an other v_.(.n_." on the evening.‘ per... perat the College of the.Cityof l\_cw days is considered it fool. ' ‘in sight {M _.-u,,dn). and _“U,.‘d-;._.._ at.-nilu_:i. st-n:i'«-r .\. T..('.a\‘c. l"ult.on.i\\-ay Methodist Church tomorrow haters “.e,e R_ ‘La. Master, andgemolumenfi... was introduced in the forniancc and the quartet was en- l }°Tk Tlelu-59d 10 Wlnt ll“ kl-tar ‘W’ “The third thing I would -try to Iliitzl for Ftilualbiii: liiizlit-st ‘.cm- “ml \_“-‘l-‘~’l:" Hill“ -‘l""l“"¥ !‘(‘C'l‘f3l»1il'.\‘.,l evening. . . Thomas Bu,.{o,.d_ ‘House .toda.‘. by Rcp,.,e“,nmu-W,‘thusiiistlcally recei\'ed. Lee flonL._ 5 fl“! the mull 07 1h€‘_lfl¢"ll)' "°E° °" burn into the boy’: heart is that he pcraturv _i-t-st--i-tl:i_-t~ \\'¢'l.\ .t=.:; lint-.-.t -‘-- la hu_hlm:m: treasurer. Bent; Ralph Barton vi-illl. preside. Dr. Columbia defeated (;,mom;,,' meiglach New york IZ0lIlf‘F,\'. accompanist. played all the 'l°'-’5_l»1°fl- b¢'-‘SUN? h°_ ‘W3 P"°"““’515' one elsc's sister. but of his own. Our __,_,._-,____,_ _ _ V_ ,,,i 1, . .:____- c l‘Y'l'.‘l‘lll nwml-ors of the ex- abeth Pnchartl at the piano» “fill 4. 3;.,;;,,,,._. ,,’,,.1 California will met-:51}... pu,....h,m.m prescjihod in uiclvtl to ‘he lflllianci of the concerts. forhrdden 9" mention ‘ht? ¢°°"°. motherhood today is in danger." ‘ "" "’ .<‘(‘ull\‘(- ‘-in.-ml. \\'lllL'll is composed of lead in the singing of Christmas car- .0 w,m.s; for second plgce on J..n.!(..,u,-t mum-,1 «-3,. goo ,-.9.-N... and’ um Gwen in Their Honor. ‘“‘""' Council Dinner Medina Monday. (‘R A\'rQ 'rO ‘ilZl‘i;'(' -l‘l.l(_-ll. from (‘nlumlii:i. ‘throeiols. Miss hlarizarct Boswell will plax 15_ ' i will impair the militzlry defense or, That night. Palmer Oliver. presi. ;_.__.:_.y_-.:.r.;V 1 7.. _,:__ -_-__:._:_.__,_.___ A dinner and meeting of the pm... a. . 1 , i_ ,, from .\i.(~,‘Clt"li. find one from l.tiltorl.|a _sx3(-cial piano solo. Londonderry" we wun",y_« dun of m, Rout}. Club’ "1 damn“. . VD SOME RUMOR Itral Missouri Area Council will 1... p O I) -A. ‘ ~, — - urn: V ., ll. .\..t\..-ll. .lr.. .._ . (‘ar-;Alr. by Percy Grainger. Ur. l:('l1- G-055 To “EH30 D[.;(j_ 31 uwnmd Pr" ‘ and g.,i,..,1 01".". ‘ad Edwud , ’- "" '- , held at Harris’ Monday evenine. ter, 0. 3.. .lnlln.~on. Cnlunibia: Rollaineth 1: Brown of'the faculty of :tte- ' 3“'_ASHl\j‘G-T0\. Doc 1,. __Fir_t Drum. also alumni, entertained the "9-’ "Th!" mile b"°fi‘°" °l 5'°“"'lR,p,e_.,en¢,;;‘-es Wm be here {mm .\l-sliilvrc. Turrii-r Willianis and Rcv.,phens College wlll tell of his \'l’?lt Dean “alter \\llllllll8-to Lecture at: o - o - -- _ - Gm, Club with ‘ (“nee “ the mum ‘Q is . bright be)-_ I-[9 me: i. ‘ . _ ,__,, -._. I‘-_ _i_'- T, __v, “ . ;,_ _ H5. 410 Bcflllehem _‘.tion.| Unis-¢fgi(y_ l!'|'-'l€l'Cl'lCl.' 0 Kl"? (‘0Ul'l'lll3Tll0l ‘if , . . . Fulton. Mexico. and Jefferson Cit}. . e... HM» d-Mt ~ 11-4». 311') - P _ ,_ . . . _ . try club there that night. Ca l V - ’ - - C l \\ ll 3! tchell vi 2» made in 9° ' l hesh°uld expect‘ q“n°“f““”°d At this time officers of the central Dlllll9l' 1” ll‘ (J1\'L‘ll 011 Iii-~iv.~r. Fulton. * ’”""‘” D93“ “ahcr ‘‘'"'’'m’ of. the: 0' 1 mm ‘ n _ » . Girardeau also has asked that the A * . ouf _ ‘ ‘"8 Wm be defied This “Na in_‘ B; . 1 _ fvfi _ ————o ; DIES OI-‘ TYPHOID FEVER School of Journalism of the Univer-.;th‘t' H0115‘-‘ l0d11Jv' 5}’ R‘~‘Pl‘¢'M‘Yl1lll"1"Gh_c mm) "mm Den 3 " ‘ 5”‘ "T*“‘ 5'°"““ “"'°‘°"i "°" 1 d C ll - - B. it (‘ole ‘Nu ‘*3 ° ‘" J. 'r Harri’-i sum \‘l-gm for :25 ‘ . . -—-—- . sity of Mi.-eouri plans to leave Co-?T‘”m“‘» -‘-'l“"m- D¢"*°°’_°‘- “W .. .- ""' 7 ' i didn‘t give him anything, did you ?" C“ M.‘ " ‘"8"’ owe’ am ' I-)“L)Qi(iLLI1t 1 1;.“-rig. ‘C19.’-k.0f the (-.,um'.'Bl-"'3' °f M” ’”d M"" Ch'°k"’ 3' lunibia Thursday. Dec. 31. for .\l('x-;ChI!'K(‘d ‘that the sentence lm]V).~('d‘ _R¢‘!'fl1‘<:|ll2 the VIP Prof. “all 39. “Y” I ‘ave him 31 in ad. °°“”“"”" ’ L ‘ ' (-' '. ‘...'] “'--I1 I ,. . .35 Y‘-""'0ld "‘“‘l“°" T°""°"°“‘- ice Cit). “.h,_.,(. he '“.i][ dam-gr 3. on the flfing colonel was “an insult ’*~“‘"l3 hlufh of the success of the g-“Mel” H Th? lll‘fmb_"l'*‘ "ll"-“°_" {Ur ill“ _C°' Tm, l,,.".,,‘_,..\ 0.‘.-“—r;,,,_,,,. (1,. ,1“. U_(;_::~:1'_ ‘;.I'l::(n‘(m;‘ .!"::}’:é’fu:1:';f§(;0'\u(:'§ Nancy Juanita Chick. 8-year-old series of lectures on journalism 35.“, gm‘. Ame,-;¢,_'° fiuman cargo‘; trip W8.\‘.¢ll3€’ tn the cfficient dircc. . __ ______W _ n___ _p__,__ ._ ‘himlm dis‘-PM <‘°“"<‘=l la“ "‘Vl“ Wm ham .1 ‘.,',“;n..;.., .,,.‘.-,\I‘, d5,’.:.,(.‘,.7m,',‘;kN},8,r $.,'.,'damn" ":0" wtddaughter of Mr. and Mm Porter exchang, pg-ofosgor {mm Miwiuri-that the court-martial was c0m'em‘o!i El '«'.\Ei;\" ititrllt. ‘Dec. 2?‘. 1..-1. li‘e uni Riven lll(‘.llll!'Tllr.“:::8ll(l: falter 8‘ 9 O'clock hi“ night at the ‘co. .— . . _ th(:mF.h' and the tnp “,3 ‘ huge we. ‘ 'r‘ .. ‘ if you want to be the most per- t°l‘5bY- 5- 7- B"3“°"- ‘V 1* 3"°"d' . H. ,.-_- ' g.» 1. , ,,, i . . _ Boone County Hospital. — “ugh,” Gordon of Columbia Wm. To Entertain Foreign students. . costs. . . 3 , V. ’ 9 _ ' _ h F C 1 , C t J J all .l.ll. . s-I (..Xl.3p.( 1.‘ lb U1’) composed Of. . _ _. | F _ . ' Th t‘: R 1' ‘ Council ” , . . , 2 .; ft-ct pessimist. soak yourself in the ufst. ran _on 9). till’ - l - - (, _ . t ‘__ _ _ _‘ ;,, M . , .1‘ D \litt-lit-11 ,\ T iiam,-mm Her- I-‘unei"al $c!'\'lCt'e will be conduct- acconjpany Dean Williams to Mexico, _ .9 en . e gous . . r. “all said other trips in other ‘I um“ mddern m"si°'—H' E‘ worth. Corbin!‘ H. “' Crow?’ Marshall Tall Lilo‘!l:l;~ntI:"$‘:hglYflY'l;\: 43:: FX: llrvnn. (‘. M‘:-.-1-lpin. P.'\\'adci°d ‘t 11 °'d°°k t°m°"°“.' lCl1>'- V lmfkmg minnccmcnu for the wt"- "um; °{.”"" “u” “M i" °"h°' “‘l'‘’‘ :-*_.V_;:: “L Clark. Dr. J. 8. Cole. F. A. llalton, 8 wt} {H}, “.{ “‘.m°"m:i:. work”; a‘. aha J.’ W‘ Rmgowmv. Jam; emm_ed- Burial will be at Red Top Church.’ ——.—+———-— ltainment in the homes of the chui-uh ?,...,.. bang piw,,(.d but an; nofl). 2 ’ War is it gem rarv i unction in. H- 5- DOW. Frederick Dunlap. ,U?W|-‘N "‘ ; -‘ ‘ , ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘ _ . ’ ' . .. - l "——"'——‘ ‘Onl ' One Church Paper in Ilolidayn.7P¢0Pl€ 07 Ill 701?!!!“ 5"-_l' l“"""“‘.3*","' ‘7”"‘°-'fr”m ‘‘°mmh'3 ‘" 'S° m 1”?’ E"! MCCW." l"j'"°d.b" m“t_-‘dents’ Religious Council in place oflretary of the Presbyterian Stud:-iztifl ,. A +__._._ ' -. come‘ . ' Rev, John P. L)'ncl'i. Dean ,. B.=t*nt at the maniac: )1rs.‘l~tniil:‘ Hill‘-4,b1l1 was nwiirdi-ii D0thmS.'- Hams Taken to Hospital. we "win church orgmution p._;Auocmion. .1‘ in chm? of that ar__ 5... “-0,.” cw" ,5 ..A_m,jc”.. .. _ Mumford. Horace M.jor' Ira: 3“.-’,\-hp, .‘vlle=..s "RoflkI{ord_ }frg,.1i\~Y_t'il as his mvn_ l:iw_\'(-r. Earl McC0$\:tfl.___8 laborer, work-. ‘rs (“ch as the “Gr‘«n ,, the ,,Ch__.r‘ngemcn,_$_ 1 . .“ASHl.\'G'IY)N, [)¢~_c, ]9___‘fh¢ ’“~”+“3“?*' ""'"‘““"""‘“"“"“' oom.._.n, c, 1-:_ uni-thmu, A, 5,; Mil- Fred llzm‘-_-’vn. -‘~l='.~u Fred Brovrnr: H‘ d ,- “f"”h , _ ginit on the Universe)‘ Sttdlum. “’85lt”hc ..C S C_."-. ";d the P; 5_' ——-——-o—————— pllorld Court is an American court‘ _ _ -.\.\'l) SOME vans: lard. R. E. Lucas. F. iv. I\'iedenme_v- -‘-lr-- ll -‘L llum-t--- 3115- All"? ;" ('.‘}‘._. "' " ;.“"" C, '."""".’;,l*""f‘ ‘°""' .""'°" "" “.‘°°" ‘°° °'°”“l at 'i\nnouncér." A special ciirilstinu? Stadium Awhile“ "°"- ‘‘"°“’‘‘‘"’ "W" -*""{"=*" ‘dull 01 - _ ‘ H . er Dan M_ G. gale. J_ J_ p\.h._ R_ Cnt‘dw(-ll. Judtru ll. .~\_. Collier. Rt-rt. . - ‘“~“_“‘"' J.''‘“‘-‘’’ ‘*3? 9"‘ gwhile blasting operations were K0-l‘ ‘ . . . . . ad “I I gnome spur; of Jgmjemn & many year; ago, :5._-3.30, 1”,“ L. E-““°° ’ . . ‘l «g R T .,_u F 3‘ Th. ‘ .'I' night at Hendrix Hall.-- d 1‘ god fa,“ fen} 9dll»|0 “'1” 1! dlnnbu ‘ll 9. . . . Lon tt M ht 9‘ ad‘ ,1" ' 1 ,{ d flout ;- um 8. Price, Jr.. John Pritchai-d,l Roy ~‘*l’I'- -5- - 70% v 0 03' 41'-'5 _ : .‘ . _ {"13 0'} 3'} Q *1?’-’ ° ° . hook d t the union Sp!-arl. St. Louus architects ID? 1'00 0 t . nltet eun 9'“ ‘'9’ es‘ ' P‘ manna‘. G 1- Rohw 1) mm; ton and Dr ‘Ind \li-is Sufi. - -'”i-”' d""‘‘‘’' ‘M’ “"15 “mi “’ ll"-’iand hit him in the back smld“ 5° ‘“ ‘ fch. , of the buwmg of the Uni ing the second day ofhearing on the -“."ll'd’¢'l°ll¢1‘- " ' l "3 r‘ ; fly ' . ‘i ' ' . ‘A . ‘ '. S G. A. rtv atithe Women‘: . ‘ 1’. !m‘t‘ll!18iIll-h1'¢“€lll"K-3' v . ' - - « . - - -O ' '” ‘an ‘huge ‘u; cjwg, gut’ 1,. Robnett. Joe Somervile. 2.. Si.’ Mrs. .\m-t-ti W8:. unpainted chalr- Gnnnmium and -u n remmin at He. was taken to the 1 ‘NW?!-M I _ _,.__ O 0 3.1,,-an, _gg_.d,um_ ‘.5 m golgmbmvllardinx-)’{ughca-Coolidge proposal.‘ 9 ‘ d .031" su-on; V, L. Spurling. Clyde Shep--nian «if the c..mmll.t-t- on :‘_D(‘a‘(’!‘!-‘i. ° ,, , ' 9°. " ,-Hospital. but “I5 70034 10 5'3 "mi Girl for Mr. and Mrs Diiiuriddie. .today looking over some plans for for AIHBHCIII! Plmfipluon in_ the 5 1 ’ 3 S ‘t ‘ i . ’ ° herd C. E Séott. E 8 ‘due ° Ste-‘The other liit-lnbt-rs of the Ct!lllmll- 163'" fidmk‘ pluwd hghtod mndlu‘3°'l°"3lY hum 0 A Klfl “II born to Mr. and Mlmlthc Work. N2‘. 5P9ll'l Vlllltd u'l°’"lb"’ ' ‘ — ' i‘ "7 "cu ahnmm PM hm qua hen’: uni. -P M 'I.‘iad’ it I-‘ "tee are: Mr... 6. iv. l.ti‘whorli Wood ‘" "‘“"‘ “"""°“" ‘ “ . .l" “'93 ‘''‘‘''’‘'‘'‘‘ ‘iv. M. Dinwiddie. two and a hultisudluin site this morning and iuid‘ .'*-—'-*°*'-— - ;-x-.- : ‘ 3'-'_m°"ld¢ 7591- p ’ -" ° o- ' ‘I t -’ - . ' _ ' court ill front of the buildlnk and. F rbida Whisk in Medicine l - " 11 U '-i '° '7 ‘mun sum.‘ Bnfl“ 1"‘ - y;_':.- , .§-..c _le8 liuinoet lea nionts. ct toute 'l'{wM°n-§¢P¢- -*"""’““‘°';‘l’°“{E‘~5“$‘,‘;l' “""~"‘ 1” ' R",""_"" ,1 W sang ciirutmiis ('aY‘(1l1~'. A little tut-;.,,..,..}'.... p..... ’ ° |'f""‘*.‘*t'f°;g; °.‘tfi°1‘:'"1"1“'0?c‘h;; ‘l"',"°" ““” . Austin sniltii, . son of II: and " y 2 “run, “Cl”? “ 3'“ - ‘ ' ‘kt 0ff'r’,{‘“gE'm.'ll‘r(’;::‘;;n':.;;:;;_,;:::::‘er they sang carols in front of the-_ $l'ASHll\'GT01\'._ Dec. 1B..—_l\'en' I‘ne0';’!i:1‘ baby weithfd flu ‘n [.f.;" me, “ pm,~;4,,u.,_ :31”, A. 1-;,.sm§u;,A15o7 non“ 3091., V -. .' Scmblaient interroger dllu un con- Kllmpschmidt. . t <1" “'5 “ Hun: licnu-.~' of President Strutton lliprohibition regulations prohibiting half ‘ands , | flu.-1 A15.” flomwm infant vand. broke his leg tihrtftenioon _ if ‘. ‘l fin murmure -. Those chosen as representatives to; °: 9:‘, “rah.” Fwd Brooks and Deni: B('?Slc' Leach Prid-l the sale of whisky. brandy. or gin in ' 9° ___‘____.____;__ uzhtgf or 31.», ma )1“. “'il]j;mrWlIcn he fell from the handlelhra of 1 ‘ V; l‘ ‘ If “on an mew!” ten ‘in dd’ me “u council “N: “"10" B“nh"g;:-.r.on"itn.d llr \"' l-‘ Wilde . ‘l-"' "“°‘“°i“‘l P"°P"“i°"5 “"9 i”‘“’d C. S. C. Win: at BaalietbalL :Thornton. died at'l o'clock yeiiu-r-ja bicycle. Young Smith was riding 1 "-1 - -i = D?-SVWW“ D-'B"°°l’-~"°P'H"""" ' ' ' ' " 1038)’ ll)’ G911-'LlN-’°ln C- 5“d"““- The Christian‘ Student Congreirl-lday afternoon at the home of bet-‘on the bicycle with Wilson Enoch - e ; ' ‘. .3! hi étdilesi qtufc létlflhs infiniea, R. L. Hill. William Birth‘ 1. 3. Jack. '[‘i(‘l(('ts for the dinner will be $l. 636 Game Arrrits in November. 11,, 1-515 gfe effective Feb. 1, 1925. “on d¢{¢‘g¢d Q; P3131”-Leg-ggn Stu-fipgg-gut,-t at, P1-oyiflrncc, Funeral: along Hopes Boulevjrd wfign 15¢ gc, ’ A t - . . . ‘ , iioix halite, a' coil: baue, avee con. W. C. Knight, Prof. E. A. Do-,ai~.d may be pt:Nh{I-W1’ l!‘0m_ aura Six hundred and thirty-six ar- “,1 .,,,,1,- to .11 medjcim-3, toilet ‘um. 5» Auodnim by ‘yuan of Wm-in’ V," conducted .,_ the ‘,.,..,,d,,,.‘,¢. . «, ‘ milk ihumoni . (an. Prof. lit. J. Meyer. Berry MC-l"'°"*b" ‘’‘.‘’‘° ;‘'‘‘"°‘.‘ “"“"""""“' mt-‘.8n*l550— com'i€t5°n9 ‘W 9"’ one and nu-urine es’-'='-"-= in is in it basketball game pi-yedéat ii o'clock this morning. aunt!‘ . . - .. ,Dn-dent. on inciinant it-an coma. Allister, w. 1. Oliver. ‘Sidney lW';°' ".""‘ “P” 3'" .’""‘ 3" "‘° °"‘ Word m-de by the Saw Gem -9!‘ unfit for bevel‘!!! inn-no-cs. except Thursday afternoon in the ciiristiunnill tie it Old Union Church. 3 ‘''‘E‘'''''‘‘ "“". *:"“.“" "‘““-E :. M‘ lkdcfw; % _ _ uh‘. Dr. Dudky Conley. Sank’. sip.t]uml'llfl Sn\'l!l£'£ fianx. 9 pm‘ [)¢p.u-.__!,§n !\'oyggnbgf' u. in “mm “at V Cone‘, n,mnuium__ - ____.___.___ H Miss Irene Silverstcin. who was 7 St flats bleus..qne rien ne you. son. V A J. J. ppenbeimer. E. 8.; It is planned to ltavc_g a number oflcanding to a report from the office --——.._—-—-L .. , ‘ Dun price; to Go to Michigan. graduated from the School of . _‘ ". T J ' 3-"1-3,, ‘ ' '- ' ‘.1199? * dll3°iof-Keith llcCanse. state game and 8-6 to 70l'e1'5III¢ 0&4 0T.T|'B¢l~ Fire Run Hale at [l|IlIight.-- ' Dean B5119“: leach Priddy left nallam in the claaa of l?24,haaheeu_ _p ' ‘lanchftngohrhnt l’e7cu'me dc Digzes. E. L. Morgan. lBei-'- several from various t°WM..l_. ,3”!!! fish commissioner; The difference A unit In filed in Circuit Court . The fire deparunent Ivan called tolthia morning tor Detroit. Ann Ar-. appointed assistant editor of 18:- nt. . . n . . . ; '- !. lo cg-Egg; ‘ ~ naid Simon. th Rev. W. M. 81 .~Count). . 1 ‘in the number of arrests. and con-' 1633383. 1900000“ P!’ ‘hf P50‘-'hl_3-the Fraternity bottle. ~82llbor and Adrian. Mich. She will at- panaioa. the oflfiflll of ' ‘ ¢',-l3‘esi"Ie'.Seigneur. le Seigneur halter. the Luther W. Sml:t’.h’..l Dtmocfllfi all PVBF. the 001! f)’81'l‘gvictiona,-'accordip¢‘£o the ,repo,rt, la Trust GUOPIII)’ 838:3?» Gflhlm V- Itollina Streetat ll’: l::lo¢‘:'kt lgtlnoda uioenngofzhe American lg:-‘the United States Junior (ilnaahuv i 5 ll‘ ‘! 2 C. B. Roll'na. Jr., M. F. Miller nIid.t0;/holtl 8Pl'\'i<‘I'$ lh-£23" ‘l h09°?‘ibem@i _many 0? the cues are still ‘ Gt "R10" 3 59°‘ 31853 '59“ ‘ "’ ‘""’l ° °l;""“l s°°‘“"“ ”".“’b"' °" ‘ °! C -- R i‘ i“ “ 3- _ mt: _ - vic-ma iiuoo. .,1Johii NoIr;ll. ' the “Ir !'m=i§lent~\‘P ‘ ‘ of trust for $400. siren -lull‘ 1. 1923- dun-to WI! done. . - 29 and 30. like Amide uildina. East St. \ -’ . I ' i ‘ — 1 . . \i‘ \ '2 ‘ ,"V"- f I ‘.. V V : .' V , . ::- ‘ . _‘ I . ' T ‘ . ‘ ' I. ' ‘H I ‘:9 ._, .:_ -1; . ~ .3 51- . ' " Lf )_:‘.“‘t.' , .. ’ V I ‘I K. .- ' ' - - L ‘_ . ‘.,’V"_V .. ;_. H. . ‘ M I 1 ‘ . V .‘ - it ‘.1! _. . '_ ‘. 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