entertain with a bridge party ~ to. _ ,_ i Ylllht in hmorof Mr. and Mrs. Dana \ "so Froar, who are leaving Columbia to make their borne in‘ llinnesota. , '\ ....,-_ ‘.4-‘. 5.41/Gayvi/I7 A LJIIID . - ___._ ea‘ . I 3 i .0 « Tel hone 91 A 0 " _ . ember: 9: Pi Karin uni. wiiil l h ” ep - ~ « entertain with a‘ dinner-dance on ’ ‘clan. 9'froiu 7 to 12 o'clock. —~o — .~-us... -._. ~ . ..A ' 7 ' _ « ‘ V V ‘ ..—- —— r.r.:.___.—.——._.......... .. _ ._ -_, ,,__,.,_.‘ _‘ V e _ 7 __ .f,.......l i.-..£. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 19,1925 '1-lean om: -.g4._.._.—._... .:._j._._ 5 J it p ‘ ~ * . 4'HEooLAUnB1A'MIss"oUR1A1i, _.-_-.._ . r"f."l“-‘.‘-.".fi'?"- J - . ———-—i “N” ""7" . _ . --~— —. 1 . ._ - - - ‘ I gone year has absorbed more Jewish ABUNDANT i-miss SERVICE -- W . E . ' ' ‘- F ' v 1 S ’ 3:131 monk? ‘than A Palestine has nu simg Ne ‘i:.«;:°:::-3;; e ' ‘t ' ' ' R .- - -. _ p ‘.1 ‘ "' °'' 5' Val‘ A - ""‘"" present Peking has {our daily nc'e'.'s- % 9" "'*"“°II for Be a w'euil THE‘ PIKERS HAVE ' TULANE mm cars Taornr P I .,'.',,°._f'f,ef;s':',";‘:,'," 3‘:;';::‘s"'};m 87 o....‘.‘: x'».2§..N"' . 1 = "P"! Publish“ in "3"€W-- ’ F“. “ V n . . ' PER ' .— '. — ' ' hggufifuf com. ED tVcteran Athletes of Pennsyevania ma For we” Chum" FOR 8ALE—-6 S made out extraordinarily well ac. . ~—7-—“"— 4 . ._ v . , . ;__ . . ' ‘newspaper in Peking them are taro ' E cw» cs e... ....... on. - mun To ems. W to »-»-W - E'1TLEME1\ . .::.::::'.*:.*:.:. :.*.::;."'i..‘:::;’:.:"£..2: ~ ANFORD3 : 3 9 3 U K 5 ‘is - '-—““ lbacltfield la ‘ h foot1ial,l'AJl'l. ' ' - R « lnululuit and :ateinaa- FOR SALE—Sewiug mgchgm‘ ‘ad w”l“."“°“ Uni‘-'B!'8ity teaina; P yer on ‘t e.‘ erican Immigrant Law ~30“ into 1-“min Wu,‘ 1 - thrcugh dttlvifie‘ of xyvcrriment oi’- m-tlnbs- — - will no longer be known as Pikersflum‘ °f T0187"-' Ufllwlffilth "35 Outlet for enthusiasm. and tm ld:lltm?n ficiak ‘”‘°- °"dlm“’i1i' ifldlfifinflt 10 W“: fman's.ovei-eoa , pkg‘ . . % H250 “(L 4" & Ea‘ Street. 892”. followlngtheactiontakenbya genqawarded the trophy given bgv the practical fuming experience ‘S of_ the compimion of ,’uu“i,_,’ bu.‘ ' ~——-vvqyuv-fwuuvv--4.‘-av-@n,'..‘,‘ '...- -. ‘ .- s . '.-filth den. 6.‘, b - Veteran Athletes of Philadel ia to C C‘ ° ':. ' W‘! wag ‘g.’ ‘d m V __T_ ‘gem ‘V 0f Utudgnu P POW ltles t n d bv the‘ d‘ suddenly stllfidl to collect them 85 ‘ :‘ hath: its attenfion :allaii'to E ,. FOR .s“‘E‘cl'5¢3°1'5!1t Parlor '°*°d ‘° dwlle 919 M!” *0 3005 I "'°’t .""°‘b‘° {°°"b‘" payer t° in Europe atdoplnthcf l:‘t’c:t} and l!ru0:et‘i::lf::\';(l) '°5-""55 W’ W955 ‘‘''-‘“W“ I PT°P8° _ goliutisslmt not enuforliba to ; mod Piano. -Excellent condition. For ssvsrsl years the question of n- '5 "3"" "'."‘° °°“"">'- _ - W,-cum”, met_od<— . ganda fund or some s5oo.ooo iiiex . iU|.I!““""" 9' 5°“**¥« " =Ph°fl_€ 2135 green. N88-tf. nickname to apply to Washingtoiu 1" “"‘“'d‘“3 “*9 ‘mph? “'9 d"’°°‘ """‘ ' '7}, 1 - " H - must be distributed as subsidies dur- »' ‘ o ' =+ ' __ athletic teams has been a¢itated,;‘°"'_‘ of the cremation said: "His SMALL TRADERS OUSTED c,,,u.".if{’;;",‘?,‘f’ ‘"".°.§"""”‘°"’ “‘.°"‘ ing this winter r = E rev’-* iiuaiii. ESTATE 3 - WANTED and yesterday the vote resulted in:"°"d°""‘l ""min8- extrsordlwr . ———— A ,..,.. }"}"’ ‘." ° "’°.""‘ "-""3 A... ,.....,, , u, - H . - \ ..-—'——’——— r . *— the abolition of the mdi:ionoi?P“"tin8- his fifty-yard average for Soviet Government Active ' "7 P ° N” mem’ ‘° W’ ‘i "J °- ” ° “"5 " " . OR REN.l.__Seven,‘ V\ANTED._m.n with at. ‘D an 1"“, “non. his drowkicking ‘ml . . . iamilies, often from the same ten-n, learned that. in ‘round numbers. . modem home in westw°°d.Eeomplete line quality Auto Tires’ The name “Pike:-s" ori 'nated dud’? d°l¢Mi\‘e work, combine an In Promotn-lg Colonlzaq takes or.‘-r a stret-.h of land and them are. ‘Sixty Cll2:e59 newspapers - . and Tuba, gxduswe Ta?“ - Kl . . . \iorl.s. i. in common. iiharing the pro- 1!! W0 CRPW11 and 1-0 Chinese MW‘: ‘ 13%” Chicken house, three 28“ p,q.,1‘.,.‘. , °'5’- from the fact that the school was lo- . we ‘"9"-“"”‘¢5 0‘ 359 ZFEBNPSI Fla)“ tloll f0!‘ Mer- ccedr of the labor But it ‘s be!‘ ‘ed'88CI1€‘l€"‘ Round nuvnbers are re- ' SP did ‘*0 "- 8” Me‘ 33:00. " e "3: .ne"3s"'y' 8.1"? “led 0" ‘U19 Pl”? 31 all? “N59 07159 flan‘ - pthntythis collt-ctiviit for “\\'l.)“ell‘ ‘cl ‘t.i~:!!'1~'“b"cau.=e botfi iii er‘ - ii.l $1 Bros’ Phone 246 green‘. Ct». lgacitmlfiterb no Rubi,” worm’. Fur’ Aunt“: ‘umofiuesl In ‘be game against yissouri ‘ ‘ . (wants. '.\"c1lad8-pied to l.:'.c eai"'l1;' Pilfnee’-Tl‘:“l?cn:i,~,~. 5'?-'l1li~' U3’ llndldllf 4:039 A f.'-,—-——— ' 3 3 ~ ' and students felt, however, that J Fl°“"’°5' “'35 Eh“. °°t'ul‘dmg 9-mt llir United Pres-'._—. days of ,,..;,]._.m._.,,;, may ,,._od;{;e5~r:it-ic.1y that no total stands good D ' ° 3‘ K WANTED .t ~ some other name would best symbol- T EL‘-he T‘:f“‘°fl"t‘°‘“lfv M5 .l’““t”‘§ Moscow _vI-en or firwcn years as time goes cm. Some of the older! fol‘ "1079 ‘him -'1 dill’ 0!’ l“‘3- 5 Y] 1 ye town 0 « our . . **'— -- ~ _ ing a ig acor in stavin o _' _ - _ _ ,. , _ ,’ . l . ° ' I I 701;“ a ram oprfipertfimin to ca‘. . “ANT-ED__'su”mem F”: ‘u_ iae. the spirit of the school in nth ‘Tint drives to we Grew“ oil. 930 Ammm P,.m.,d,_,d the chm. mm tolo..ics hate already broken up in-I '.-Xlthough foreign papers and agen- St1CkS _c|I$Bfl for t .v- rt’ list it mg Tampa own‘ "000 ween" I cs. - ;_ 9 let for the ‘m.(,rcI_o“.dcd Jewish to smaller units and in some cases-jcies do not come wi.-hin the scope - - . ‘ Weozflgpfizgz 550'!“ r . Jsalary gm] expense‘. Pkpefience 0111:!’ 1181119: “I83 ‘:71! 8l183€8l°d,sA}'S puxns SQORTAGE cities and town. of sout:-.9;-3' wcstem individual {arms have been estab-of the j0LIl"n.8ll8tig -«gush fund.» it u" . - unnecessary. 3 mped ad. we" 'E“l°' ‘ad Cree" D"’g',i MAKES FOR gygppgclgxcy and soiithwsete Russia. War and l"h°d' ' - ~ So i hernia in city property. dm ed "M10 . on -v but i 11, eiecy --3¢,,,,- , . . . . . - _ 5-‘ pe for ya 1.33 ‘r '3 ° ‘°". _ - --—_:— t c new Ameica in t 1 ~ The rr in belt» {J '=h 'l 2" - PARKER R59-.LTY C0- Ph°"°1"69,(;u;5 can C» P. C“ was an easy winner, gaining over Rea;-At‘-ialral Robison Reports Navy ..1o,ed th t axiiidztoydliltftahne R35: tion is the sotllthclflluulilfllllfen (in of THIS YEAR « ltnr Co- Tainpl Fla. . '-.t -T" . . . —? _ 4 birds of all the votes cast. ii andicapped by Reduced .' - . . Kt .v-c .. .- . R1~"h.\-rs pan 3531- I . ' “'°" _ _ _ Jflfl Jews are urning t a 3.3 mg-‘ .(..on and Odessa prminces) and - . _ . — . — . “’ANTED—GlX’l.I to board and As yet only the Oklahoma A8i;teS~ Appmnrtnttons. tie prog 13,13 ,.:u1c!:,,,_.;,c, 0,, in the northern Crimea. some co!o- keep your auto radiator in good shape by placing its h f . FOR REl\'T«~Jan. I or Feb’. I one~r00m at 840 per month with sewing "ml" in WK V8139? Wltliffut 3 Br U3-its-d Pre_-n. _ the most pm;-gicabge rcmedy for the nics rave also been eszablished in ofthc nicest ground floor apartmcntspand laundry privileges, Cgn 3; once widely KIIOWD mclmttme. '0ilers t:dSfsitI:GT0l\'.' ‘Dice. 1_3--759 evils of congestion and ovcrcrowd- 1 9 COM?! and P8l1°\' PF0\’il1C9£> 0? fire pace. two room‘. :‘.(‘\\' 03' ' v _0 — 9 . - _ - on, . 1. l- n h S ‘ d I,‘ Caucasus region haw been reserved floors p,i\.a.e ;_.mh_ nmm._ iron.‘ ll AN-'I'ED—'} oung white woman, is no w_cll-known pseudonyml\_v\_lvRrovid;-d ‘iiet-e:sary_ replacements‘. for t"?%?e$3“.',i£il(: poe'I1)u‘l;‘t£;O§ ai(i)foutJc1: for Jewish semmwnzm ‘nu... and ii,“ furnish.-d_ “-5 3.3:? orkfull ticnie for housekeeping‘ Mythical names for teamsof ‘;l-E0937; b:1,lc!':l J} ix. Illobison, chic. Ukmiw ard whim Rumn "om Odessa May 82: Capital. -, < ,. . -i_t'j _ ' - ' - onv . ‘ ‘ “‘ ‘ ' dais). J. A. Stgiuirt & Sums. J3 Jo. W ‘ioohfiigourize details in“l8e:ter. ley sehhoolaxare. th]e hhllsiotlrl thle now seen” of rhea Neniiginearlibur Mccfsnrb. than C\.(.,_ 1-0 be sum. it The cincrgenco of an autonomous - 3 V - -tf. 8913- C "1333 ‘Y “W 9”» .. ' has" abolished the rarial di-'crimina- JCW":‘h republic within the frcriticrs care in our competent ‘iii-iiuls. We make a business of re- pairing all sorts of lircaks in all sorts of radiators. W‘;- do nothing else. Let us fig- ure on yours. ‘. ma Ri=:i~:T——i~:oo- 5 room brick 103-; 6,, . ‘ » , . . —- y leather case con- ..__:_ f - _-regime has struck h d bl - t . _ .1’°°"v b""‘““3t "°‘"“v 5_°“lh W39» taininz shell rimmed Rlasse; and Working For CR8!!! Fllndo 3°'1l°"‘ fflttlcdaslsfi:‘s:sc?lliIf§':1]fJ5C8:l.lc :31?!‘ Private trade. \yhi:': afat’:~rdedM:=ul:- rim": f‘"°r5 i" lm":’pl° ‘M ‘'‘‘‘’3b' 350- 6 1'00"‘ 1101159. Slwvlfll! P0701!» black fountain per “hone 1024. Re. Forfeit Last Game In i -tncéucgd funds do not (.;.m;tls5s'.er.:c to a very larive prorortion l"°h_"‘°m "f ‘“"°”°m°“5 ’°p"1’li3" l’ wag-d_ ' p ' ‘regions where the majority of the '_ “J J FOR RENT—F°mi-“bed Or tmfur-. - omhom sooner, the xobe-noun In his annual report today. . . . , , . _ . . . .’ 1: nished three room apartment wi.hi FOR RENT comhusken the Am” Cyclon‘. l ~ ..I,_ is necessary that rcp1acen‘ents"ll0l’1_S which cxzstezl undcr the Tsartrt 05 “I0 ~‘0\'59— ‘"3031 15 8 "01 U"1t1<_¢1.\‘ H J F s» - _ . , __ — ° . ‘ . , pp ]n*_(\_ J9“-3 are E W 1' (\ to ‘H-C dc-\'(;opmcnt of (:9 future, cspgclal- 0 0 4 J ., ,1-._ bath in B(ll!~l(‘_\ Apts. See Ja.leN FOR RFNT_s lemra the crime]! hang”. the Kan”, in the form of new constructions . 3 _° "3 1, .1. . . . ’ , 9 9 . . }:;'} Flynn at Stephens Pub. Co. or l1'.‘26ne,9u Low”: Sweet? CI“ at Aggge wildcat.‘ ‘ad the Drake kshould be provided at a rate in ex-I1" .“_"" fig“ “I RuS>""' 0'0 "318? ‘kg ti} {;‘a:}-,{}(:rf5?t-‘ll!-|_ng 3 hfmdmg ‘hone "49 '1 I‘. 9”‘ ht E}. 7 . V Lu-.,N S _ ' - . . . Bu“ . _ mess of s.‘.5,0o0'0OO nnmmny" Robi__ul‘ll\(.‘2‘E:.l€S and to c::‘.im_. 5.119 p0- ...u_... cv.i_ am: its on t ic lan _ '____ ______V._________ .___. I? f. '- g t°“3"t & S77-tf. d°3‘- fgon stated “This nmoum’gmauv sitions on the .:am.—_. tcrmg as peg. (0ll1(‘ anywhere near !‘C{Lll2l1tl)n. ‘ I ‘ ‘ “ ’ ' ”* “ “‘ - . ' _' 309533 F03 “E” . LOST AND FOUND JUNIORS WIN IN c. ii. s. ‘exceeds the amounthoini: spent iii?” 8°’ °"‘°' “““°“’““°“ ,1...1333:,h¢l,§o§'}:’.°§,§5"§’,'~1:§f“;]‘f§;,§’f :. u 1 ol , o . " ‘t I th. t‘ S‘ ,~_ . AL. . e 'e if ar .. ._ BASKETBALL Toukhfi‘ In?“ construamn m our nu)‘ The J 8 L amc ‘mo t M“ been cstaliished. The soviet govt’rn- L SILK .‘“"'°°"" ““£€J?"*a=.‘~i:?I.‘:i:f"n’i:?f; ... .::::.':"r...‘:::.‘:“;.. rm’ “.°‘°"°”‘“°"Jf’.€.:":.f:.:"‘..';:i.°”:..}i‘:...t.°"°.:§i.°.3* a . ico” phone 272' 88-93’ LOsT—Thi3 afternoon bewreen same of the interclass liasketball-mnc(;,;m. .eS pUa,:.cc0,:::,1‘z:.3ld forms '0.i:fshocniakers etc. also ‘suite-‘red as .i~']a"m““z“ “"5 “ ‘I°“‘i 3 ’'‘p“‘‘’“'‘' M ' Ps.\‘ne_-Roth Grocer)’ 0. and Jesse tournament “ the Coiumbia High;C0nsmm—g'- ,Mcumul_at¢; ‘result of th; u,".'?,m;Omn. u:,_:._(_m‘_:u« the $021 liern Ukraine. with 0d(‘r'5:I _ . -, y ‘ FOR REK'l‘—Good 8 room home .1; 1]. b . - , , A _ v A — , , ,_ \ at mm ""'"h ’"‘°’°"° °°"' School to the sophomores Thurs-dsrsmonts or olir-lolcte materials. includ- T-‘tor were hcavx1.v taxed and doi=ri'-'- "“ “ ”°””'”‘ °‘w"31' "M M M "' . Moved to 21 Elvira Bldil‘. ' close to town and close to Univorsi- taining 31., 80 in cub a d . C 01 _ h 1. th ty. Modern in every way. two baths, . '3 ‘ " ‘°m° “°' afternoon. Only two seniors camefing ships. is essential to the main. cd of many of the privileizes which 3’ .“°°"'““ ‘9 ¥r°“‘ ° “ "°""' .. . _ C-nap. _ A_ 5u,“.,,,.t 5. Sons’ Ex. §;::2:‘fia:”:3.gcc ‘;.1::_'5;w'::'m92t&’, out for the game; the other mein- tenancc of a fit and ready navy." are given to those Wsrlmrs and em» latm" “‘"T"‘ts ‘L 0“! Annual Bargain Offer .‘ change National Bank Building. ’ bcrs of the team. it was reportediffdbnespite the fact that the bureau LIZOYPS who are t!'8d€‘E-Union m0m- - e e. . ‘ USED CARS FOR SALE MlSCE[fLAxEOUS :;le¢reS9?1‘;<:l'°'fVl':’:o3:)"??0!?€fi'|o€m3W(;- -:“'l1l:l sttlleoustliddfiddrdfpllgollgatioclik rs. S all Ti'atI“rs Ousted L I ' T . . . . 5' ‘- - E\'Y'S SH E REPAIR WORK . . . . - 1 ‘e. r USED CARS. BOARD d‘"'"‘3 “"3 h°1" 83¢ fund» . ; OPISOH Pointed out that very 2118- Avrcrtgng to official statistics. 0 (If you lmow a main of character. imbued \'.'llli a .ert‘0hno1 of the Navy and Marine and hit?‘-1 ‘~=‘t‘-‘- !” 3 I . ,0‘ ii). * »,_ <»'=s+h« =7: at - 2 ~ . -R '......... ....‘:“"‘“'°..,....§... t ~°'..:.:':.‘:.':.°.°'°*. ;.s.§°°’ ‘ ..‘E.:*::;.:.;::°..:.':.°*‘..*::: .5.-‘:‘;.::.;:".*:.::..*:'? ..3.”:°..:::“:.::5:;:::‘.*’..:."f’.:.*‘::':;.:r:°t ° . T , ,, be . , ,, . .,, , . < » ' by Overland . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 90 . . -’ ’ > 9 ‘ , _ ‘ .‘ ‘ ' ."‘ ‘ ‘ * ’. * ' . See 1 ie big storcs.t 0 anti u t ea res, c ine resi- ‘ .,. . " s‘- Proms : 0...... .2‘:.":....‘i°".‘:'..... .. :~:.';‘°.::.:.i.-:’:’f~.. ~.. ::1:::‘...:.°'e ‘ii’ e:..**:;.::“s::.: “:2” 3:" *‘":’.‘-*'*:.°..:'.*";it'~:.';-“:";:.“°.:.‘ Ph°“e 2300 and we e-eo-«m contact no is E . 1. : _ a ° « - . -‘e -. 0 M urn 30 1:0 n 2 one, . » ,‘ . - ‘, - , - -' . - UNUSUAL \»,\l.1'.I-:5 IS USED Lph \V¢ldin¢. ‘ nior team are: Fred Band. £7]:-ldeg‘.o(.:1.,_, of the nu...‘ told Sq(.,e,a,._ve0, 0\.C,p0pu,mi0n and unde,cmp1Oy_ Au New Studebaker . the big C\Cnl.b of this Great City _r 3 ' ’ ' . y i" ‘ ‘ . -.. re ..., .. ,.-- ., ‘ . - . A o: ‘ .- - 9 3 Chevrolet Cog;-RS ' E one 2329 "L; M. rrndnicixhrzhpil-:?c{\'ni:: - 0 °.~“1l.:utrot’e?i :lsl3rlr03’al:a:::ol!':>r being‘21(ixi't‘"!ib:~!-K: genie‘?-:‘~it:\'nRn::?§:nn::oi p,.,.,,S..°,"“§§,....,. . You W11] W31“? l0 S99 The M“'a..°l° i ll,‘ _ ,« 1181!} Six Studebaker Touring f KEN‘; “:33 LUNCH - A’suinmary of the game; of themn unauthorized leave \\'ert- tried by foreign. me now ‘co-operating: ‘in C L "“yiuiamson l. 3‘ 9'9 N'“'‘ 3”‘ immchfit‘ Coliseum. D¢C¢‘mb°!‘ 34- “'3_5- 1" ! flg‘E ' - A. . D048? Tnurinir tgrslskngwnc 5 tournament is as follows: :ummary and deck court-vnnri.iiil.<‘prrinr-tint? the trimsfer 0-.‘ to .~urp- ' ° 31111081)’ 20' 1995- 11 W!" b0 YOU!‘ 00')’ '0PP°Tl"“'l~)' ts’ l b’ 5 Buick Touring we sen_e‘every§hi:g ‘$1’: 0 b Dec. 1—Juniors. 7; Sophomores. 5 fdurin ' the past fiscal year." Camp- lus .le-iris}: ;?op'.il;:'.i-.ir. from tlic-cities to see this wor!:."s most spectacular production. ;; K ;.- y : .u .033. ~ . 2:5‘ :-1'_ ., .5 .3 ._. ._ —v — . ——.-~ - ‘ ‘xx : .. I,-_; _ Essex Coolie . _ 110“, they can for our BEEF STEW! Dec. 3—Preshm(n. 0 cnior5.;btl so d The iictt larirt t nuin-l.r,to th laid . . St0]) at 31 ; g V _All 200d n'leChflnlC8ny and s01d"It|s a “wow. 16. 10 COLrl:‘n'l8l1l8l \\35 drUllhC‘ll' The soyurt g0v(q-nn“(\n‘5 15 ajtivcly 3: :_-_ §_‘r-. with Studebaker lruarantee. Come Comer Gm Bmadwa 83 113 . Dec. 8-!—S0Ph0m0l‘05e 153 F'°5h’3f‘°-‘5- ‘"1"’ 8 ‘M31 0f 1'59 !'1"~‘0Td€‘d'promoting this movement. and is r:p- . h F M ‘ P k .th .t b ff 1 ‘ “(Q and «I 1,!‘ § ix, Ind see 1h(!ll1\-0!‘ telephone 919. ____._. _ y ° ‘ men. 1 . ‘ ‘"‘ b0‘ the "3"." 3"‘! marl"? <‘°"D«‘- ic=snted by in cunimit'.et- for Jcw- Rig 1 on _ o.cst ar . W1 is eau 1 U \\a_ . _ E I’ .15 :2‘ ‘_ B. E. LESLIE & SON E. L. DAUGHERTY Dec. 10.-—Juniors defeated S’:-' O{_ the graduajtephysicians who is}, ¢o]0,,;mt;.,,,. mmc}-_._.j 1., the an, drives. _VisIt the famous Z00.‘ See the bears In llttrir ; 1 . .4 § Phone 919 15 S. 10th St. Real Estate and [manna niors. orjnllotl for cofnmissions in the nm3'.'un;o-. soviet cxc':uii\'c ctriimittct-. ‘ nature-like haunts. Wonderfully interesting and with- ~35 ; j 5 ti,» - 1* OR 9“ E ; . arm Loans . 'sp.e;.u, Dec.l5aIuniors.2-l:Fresl'1m.Bn.6._oi3l}' tn-rco failed to qualify profs--*-Vrhe om (society for Jewish land ; in a short brisk walk. 5 r '5‘ if 1022 , Q‘ ‘ 5405 Exchange National Bank Bldg. Dec. 17—Semors forfeited to:-h3°I".=t1l:~' as_ vomnnred with l“"~'Tlt."‘~r.cttlcmentl. nn organization formed - How to Get to The Buckmgham ' 5; . Studebaker epeedstcr. $100.50., iqx ..u-h failures 1 1993 . . . . _ ., 5 1922 Ford Sedan. ii or paint. good. ' n'°“° 837 S°ph°m°"“ C 0;“: nine of thn...;.;' ‘ H t. . 7b3" “.9 R“-"'’‘'‘‘’" J‘‘‘‘'‘‘{ ‘h°"‘5"}"“$' ‘5 Take the Wabash to Delmar Station, St. Louis. Get on :i bus 5; E A “"5. fin‘. mechanical shape. ‘: L A. ROBERTST a‘}‘SKE,rB'——“—_‘ALL SQUAD FOR “Din.-and bonrdsc 4;“ icgrcsfisatgig ,C!=lr!("!'lt'l‘l‘-gr‘:):l!_!iFté‘t(‘!1::." _f8mD8:1S::l {:2 going east. transfer to bus coins: south on Kinzshiizliu-iiy. lii . - y 1924 Essex sixocoach. _1~jcw tires Have you broken the blade to your FIRST GAME NOT PICKET called during the year were followed tho‘:-9e(;..:,§;, °'1.;:t, ;..r:‘,,f,,"}§,L.{, ,,,. 3 _‘°“' mi_"“‘°5- 5?“ “'°fl"°’ir T"° B“°““‘€~"“"“ '5 “"‘~’“" “‘" ‘ -_- paint. Good condition. ‘pet pocket knife. We can make a *-*—" ‘b\' Court-martials Campbell ggaggd -th 1- -,— I .-..h -- - . minutes ride to Tnc Con:-zcum and twenty minutes to dU'.‘.'Hl(i\\‘n. j~.; gl £547 N Siswii léltotor Cgh 363 new one better than the old. We P°5"ibl'-' Th“ _T"'°'" 1°" Instead total of 104 general court-marzialsl ‘rife 3?)-icyltcn (;;s::il;1;ti(,?g::::,:;an¢;. 138108 118 l'’W 85 53-00 3| ¢lII}'- ' J é sen . . ‘ one also rebuild slices. 105 N.. Ninth. of TenP\:ri‘lllu:3e“'1T; on on 'Eu;cOl':3 called during the fiscal yeapqnow opcratingjr] Russia undo,-‘tho Bugkingham Hotel, _:_'I hm :3ARl('£l::f tire} I CITY LOANS. The squad has not been pickedilggjz’ 35 ‘‘°mPm'°d "191 53 Cfiucd ml‘iIiam_e of Airfo-Joint). '.}l;i_e hAineric::: ‘vest pine Boulevard at Forest park - or no , i .. , ~ ° ' _ . . . - - '5 - 2 fr 5?" - 1125 Essex C‘oach.p¥ull}’ ®quiPDed.‘mis§i‘dnmte' long time’ sum" com. ‘h“ is ‘° "present Mmsoun. m "5, ''‘‘‘‘*“’j Otcl:lhllt‘)§:r§f{ln£;:te]l?3?“i¢:: ifeliefcianrrtlhe . ‘ . - . “ofgi ll|lloon tires. ~ H. G0-LDSBERRY fir“ bnkaban gum’ accordmg .10 70 'P"“i¢¢ D075“: H0lldI)'5- ltime for famine. «plans to eonw 01.’ mm ha“ “me t° " 0 " ‘ ’ ‘ l ' ' ' ' Tin‘! V1”); Q“? 19” F071’ 3031431931 ‘Phone 578 704 .C' L‘ Bmwen dwecmr offthwncrsd‘ “"l‘i|'8ntS for basketball honors. at tribute the lion’; share of ;he ex- ‘‘’'‘'° '5“ Ch"l“"“' “ )‘ 5 2 Ford Tourin ' i T Tl"-' Yqlmd lus been w°’:k"?g ha ithe Uiii\'ersit_\-A of Iowa will 1-enain?lp¢n_oe5 of co]0njz3fion_ V ‘ Problem. J} 3 N335 Slit T0l"'l"§-—A1_¢°Yldltl°n- SHOE REPAIRING ‘he 1”.‘ few “'°°ks.m‘d “-1” 30.0‘! at school over the Christmas llOll-L The vroirrani of Jewish land (‘ul0- ‘ 1924 Cht}\'rolPt Roadster. ' ' ~ ’ ° _ Shape 707 the °P¢‘.“”‘3' 3"”e mm ldays to trot into shape for the can-inization has been pushed forward. E \g,,, 1923 Mick. Touring. fine condition, I 511115 :fill§l}lh:0lde£€fll¢d- Y‘¢P8I|‘9d- P0550? 0“ D9‘? 31° ha . be fcrence schedule. Early-season gameislcnergetically; and during the last‘ ’ \_E D“"° fi'”"l"- , , iq :" ‘, °f 95'“ ‘bud?-" Only ten men were to ye enphave shown that the Iowa team.‘.\'ear alone-thirty-treouaand Jews have’ S U D I ’“ ‘ET ' BOON‘; Col NT‘ “U70 Co’ I” E’ ASBLR‘ 22 north Emu’ “kl?” °" “'9 mp but were ‘5 n°.w l~h°|-18h R799". Will be fa‘t and hasisettled on farms in various parts of . . ' . 11°42 3- 8'3‘ Si‘ ' Pl‘°”° 1068‘ I-‘[7Rx['['[;Rg REpA1RnqG 8 dl5°°35l°“ 3b°“l- “'h°u‘-S’ “°":"",the elements of ii first-division con-‘Russia. Advocate: of the eoloniza- 9 5' Emmi‘ St’ ‘ DON-T -I-"Row YOUR used {_;,-,_;3. GENERi;l6;3ARPElN"l'f§ ‘YORK :3: ;::l‘:;_c“5s;::l:1z “fin ‘tender. ‘tion scheme assert that Russia in_ 0 0- -Wsit wcwiiim-i«e.anbcr- n- ' ’ ., B . id . _. . ~:+. -. '* .- . .. , -- J‘ lowance’ on new ‘tires. -Phone 2091 red or 675 black. 79-109 °‘l°'“5', ‘ " '°“?,°’ 3‘ h‘ ‘d ‘.m j _ ‘~ V- ‘ I‘R0(‘.‘I‘0R’S GARAGE I . - 7”” ‘'’‘‘ “""° “'" b° ° "“ i.. Y . . . i - d. Dec. 31 ‘K?’ 3 616 Broadway one 588 . l'”.A5 ASSOCIXHON Purdue “ I‘§f”°‘.t°'.In ’ - ~°l ‘ « - f.. . . investigate the Boone‘ National on Jan. 2. Missouri will meet Mich:-3 ' '. ‘Bring your cracked C\'l.ll&'Di-IRlSl|\'lYl.'.'5 find 1.1030 A5S°Clll-l0.” gan at Ann Arbor. The first con-, ' go‘ BLOCKS mid lll~1AI‘iS, and all other i 206 G _u Dgirdtfaxe gnu; S C. {M-once game will be with the oksla-; e O“ a e a ~ ea r) S _; welding jobs to A. l). ll-IGDAY. the ui ‘r _ . '- - t» if» homa Aggies at Stillwatcr. Jan. . _; t welder.» ALI. WORK GUARAN-iwc Sencmmiu dwotkcbua , Till-ID. l .\. an St. Phone 1223.: u &&w°n"|:fano" me”. LEG” NOTICES I Roosis non RI-3.\"l‘ : Drop in or inl-one us your order. ' I -iFn=_~_m__NT T“ ; r. R. TATE PROFIT snanmc t J __ so . 0 Resolution? 0- “wits .'."'.“ I l’ -raiisrsrs nu: NOTICE l A A c nnecting; As STORE I A "W" fummwd “Mme for 2'fi”'°"° "8 g" 3"“ ufiu‘ 5‘ ho-hand s's-d vita I-rtheir term" will Every person's intentions are to save a part of their earnings: But. 0' : he . . . ,4 5 3 «ma ts.‘ light house lteepin . - . pa, ,‘ _ . . . . ’ . . _ . . -r ;’ wuuuezivc 12,, siudcnt mom rent. RIDE WITH US! v f'u,"":,f“,"‘;1d:°,:‘::,‘:{k,‘°, ,_,,,""',{:_i viho doesat. without obligagangythemseltes in sofinehua) '2 T here is no - J ;; — ‘ tor caring for furnace. .Phone 1552’ Pick what you want. Houses to colder at neon. oi anon. uieeooitl safer way than to start a Ullgs Account mt t c ('1 13300 Wilson. _1,qt3-93,;rent, sell or_;exchangc. Also. farms lit‘;-it Lis.::.um 6* mini“, Q‘ . , __ . . ‘ ‘ to trade for houses and houaas for ‘.fl,,_,"""' in ,, emu,’ . 0 0 « 9 ' .» ' r°N=m--B°°=~- We-°= in r-rm . to - ~- n--- -«W-no» ~« Greene County Building & Loan Ass 11. r " apartmtfiita. either furnished or un-t (nbuogg REALTY xnamxr id. 3“ u. u ‘.4 fr .1 cu-an euhd1rhloe_ _ ‘ . - 4" furnlslifle in “'clch Hall. I'atcl'._ Exchange Natioiial flank Bldg. °' 14°“ ”°- ‘’ ‘O 73 l9¢l||"'*b°‘ :‘"5": . '. ' L, ll?“ “fl 5°“ l"’,“l‘h°d:{“"‘Y ‘l Pho?ie 479 [Cd ' ~« 673-108. 32?": 2...‘: $z,.°e',.?::.oth'e e:x7ui:? $55 a ‘month for approximately 120 months then -they will pay you _ vi: ' i5l0cks“‘(lc¢‘;_:n0lfi*,:'<;.°l;‘““:’!f";‘_‘fl3;'. "Kai, "mg, 300“ 1'31“-°:7“"°" "‘ ":u‘°:t_"k‘;“".‘;;; $58.33 at month for the rest of your life. and at your death will give .' ~ ‘ ’ . Vhfli. 99 v ' e ' e - ~ - o o - o - 4 -' hly no matter what you want; ‘ Good Eats at All Hours Iannhld. qcieuii seeia.i.eoouneaeiatae"'i-or-I 5°‘f"t.f“m‘l5 $10'00l’°00 "1 ‘atbhv 0' )0" 1118} (l!’-m an) part or all at ‘ Illflat verifreaapnablo Priest. Call‘ THINGS TASTE GOOD HERE! on b- .0. d a. I “"3. ‘me’ - 317-.3 5- SWWW-5 5°“ 1.-|,r|m,\c1;,g[-395133 ‘or said dual or trust and It the must; v ngoathly ,‘ Average poi; sag Now is the time to have tint" :' .“‘l ''‘‘'I l‘'''‘''” :‘m".:‘n-'J:",_L,,,% Plinth“ “mil! &"'l3'l' "———-’—'--'—-——-————-_——l¢!!‘lllk!.l’l1T3lll3¢ P¢Dll3'¢d- P0133 P?!‘ any aiueeibal at pbllc value to 00; ‘ -8 5.50 for approximately 120 months you 81.0001” 1 3 2.84 A‘“.";liR BEADS wk: ‘ “"""m N 3 “id !'lW~'1‘- W9‘ Nth-“:0!” I" ‘*1 " mg ‘,',',,,’'“',,,,,l 2, 16.50 for approximately 120 anon gives you 3.000.!!! 8.50 . _ p mono wis nit to those . sell_ new furnaces. L” “mag. January 0. us. ' tool 27.50 for approximately 120 gives you 5,000.“! l4.I7 Jr 3“ ".“"°" 3°‘ 5' B‘ C" 3' R‘ w‘ laugh 593 house! so-eioes A. at. an 5 o'clod r. in: l ' -- a ssoui-nn.. - .'9ll - one 2 ~ 3 0 --——-~ ‘ ‘ 3 cum I.'u".i'... n. "" ‘.“'.e3".7.......... o... i on 'i'iME4cEirni1cA1'ii: oi sioo.oo on ANY MUL- “ « '03 8~Wi~*'-inti-=t:- to hrizhv 80%|! h WNW \ out ' ’ TIP] E w onawnsw Tar; mtsr D.AY.0l’‘ANY -4 walls ‘ belt ’ ndcoffeeai-3 nosratiuui ' ' A ~ » f,§,§o'"y .- 7'], i].*_'h°”°§'*;e 0g_**;,mW=;;§_;;' M , ,n “ma.” ,__ -,,- ,_,_ . . imi. or NOT MAhl-3 Tnis ~i_ouR C!lltlS‘l'- __ .Q!hyl°r9.I&-continue I . I to the ‘:1 Mflfl - - . .-—” _ V _ ;fg._ . ,....___. n 4 ' '§;§‘.j.“ F‘ . '°°‘ ,,_,,-3 ‘as: w. c. ainpasa ~ ; WE Aim LOANS on cm‘ PROPERTY. ALSO’ ~t ""303 :SAl.E—A set of Roots of: ' _ 11 you want to M1. Coll. WRITE YOIEIE lN8URAlI;lAC§k CALL £58.‘ ‘-3 R‘ ‘IIIIIJ ledce. 20 volumes. ‘Hie World's - Norton ‘ or rent psoparty. 0|?[l'|cE LN NTRAI, . , 5 ~—-‘V3!!! Clauid. 10 volumes. And Q: It want to buy or tuda for INSUIANE l " . I‘ ' '1 ' uartei-Violin. “’|.}t£l'’afC!'l|.lI’l!It‘lO§}'0l‘l.!IIIVl' * ’ - 0 ‘ ‘ ' ' f .f'i't8i-ea 2175 ogoodfarmatoehooao