- 4 ..-— _..........-.. .._.. 4 -_4....__.. -..- ....__. . _.‘_ .‘ _ -‘. '~._-_;‘-.-.'! xi? _ . - , .V_‘~ ‘.. _ . ‘ W «V I V . "? .-I"?-i‘;: “."“.‘-.* . 337*. ‘ -' ";7."‘i§i -’*’"""""‘-2" ’ ‘'°*s'‘::s' C .:' v ' W ‘ .. .‘.." ',,“.“ E-:2‘). ‘g.I("_‘;' '.‘.-I - g -_ V -. . I _ ‘ ~ ‘ - ‘ Vi.‘ >‘.‘ >...'.V‘ ' . .__;._._..._.. ‘ - 5-...» .4. .=. .... 9»! ‘H: :19 I: _ . :.THImSDAY D EMBER - 1925 « .: ' .' . . - « -. . t. ~. — - . ..Co. 222 mi . i '13»..- Y’. NE w 1. ."_V . ‘ V ‘ g 7 . ..;.. .1 _p‘. .V u 5 0° -‘ c _ . ~ . V ' . {_ I ‘i I V Q ; :GW¢. Dfm0€ ~ luhd B. Fdioffnian. no Qollege -I-he ,,_,vl:1‘5“' ":i"‘9"~ Ml 'w’lret,_ study; native beef men,’ " Night GifteqtaParty * "'“°‘* l - '~ ' todai‘ P m: p on u “no 33-??.‘.;"i§.e”’ we .3" mm” ~ - . . i C A ’ V ,v 91!: no e on cows; 3' -« Ga)‘. Ionofllni. 3. Gay. Brown Mr. E aim, Jon“, of Livestock-Hogs. 60¢ under St. eannersandeuue:-s,83.50@4;calves, "-. 5"""- . °0W1Ii0i1!v.lto‘a party ’ Ckillicothe. 111.. ill arrive tomorrow 5”" =¢|*“°- 50¢ 011001’ 8!: 5011381313503 no sale on stockeni or iced-: 353309 1'0!!! 8:30 to 11 o'clock afternoon from 1 to 5 o’c!o-‘,3, ltqfrisit Hrs. Jones‘ parents. Hr. aCd ‘°"3"h°°P “d ‘"355 $1 334 2 W‘ 95- - ' niglitathishonie. 4 91 pg’ ‘ ‘ ‘ dei-St. top. . ‘ ‘ , . 403 South Garth Avenue “.9 -, .QI}lnn. 18Co1le_ge Avenue _ . "I"-““' "in 5°‘ um“ m°’“ Phlmlll am-n. brother of the hog." . ‘°"‘ f¢"’¢|Y|-‘ ' ' R-’“h”"H°""7 h'"”" 20°‘ “gm ——.————“ **‘ " ‘ C‘ ' I ' 0 I ‘ " ‘ . Martha Aim Ridgway, pk,“ s.nu’chm, ‘haiku’ ' t‘ ' 7 .. - .. ' hens. 14¢: heavy springs, 18c;,light —u—u_ . R \ l/ . _ ‘ -’ B-we W8: Fumes V-“db ins favors to the gums cm-isim..i WW‘-Wm in leave uéniem to sWi-e=- 12¢ ks. 8c: ducks. i ‘ -~\. \{/// M A C : 5 y peg-gen, Helgn cmicy, dwnam. ‘in and 5“, c5rm_~;Ipe Cxirisimas with lit. and rs. -15¢: Beebe. 136; young turkeys. 300: . 9 -3-» ‘T2.’ l I . Berry. Helen V Anna mgjggmaweftphyeéo Thm'wu:Jefl Snoddy at Annstrong. rs. d toms. 29“ ' ’ ’ " . .. . V ,4 i ‘_.’ . « Dorgan, Carolyn S'oephen- .1“, d.,,dn‘_. ~ . ;Arthur Helen left on Tuesday. 3888. 326- e g ‘ ‘ 0 ‘,5 ' The “at: were: mags ‘. -——————-——_ 40¢. ' , ' I, _ . ' _ ‘I . :~ .; g Leon‘;-4, “,1 punk Lg: Sunbeam’ Muir moon, “"7 E . ::s Helen Dunn, chief clerk of Grain—Wlieat. No. 2, 8lt59@1.88;«-~TOMORROW and sATURDAY , - . - o 5 , L. Jr” Sidney Sunken‘. J1,” Mcuunen’ Helen " Sewage‘ Ms ' the extension division of the Univer- oate. 36@38c; corn, 73@75c. , A _ I l . Dd’. Jr” Thom” Maugm’ norganfnelen vans“, ’ Flag‘; sity of Missouri,_lef: yesterday Lox st /Fa ..;_ R. h , ’ H Robert Sisson, John E. Gum, “mm A Rid " wen . ‘with her parents “°"“ ' ““- ‘1 IC ard Talmadge ' ‘£1 1;. William Nowell. William Bmon’ ma Nfge (?'f" Egg‘ Bi Bclchow. sio. Miss Frances Fig‘ cofigshm §;-;'cE¢f;ifl __in ew ed?’ 1 '», gm] George 1)_ Pub, 3; . R“; W .' ' ' eaunan of the same department , ‘ .° 7 '1 -' ’ , “ ’ . chaperons will be Mr. and ghnche Kr;i‘:t'Ndle'”Phi?“§)M”a Std‘ will leave for Armstrong. 1110.. to- e 47 3 (‘THE -W 1 I‘ W‘ §’““'°‘Y ‘M M“' R‘ 5188 Almstedt. A - mew’ to spend Chrmm“ at home’ standards, 44¢; firsts, -10¢; secohEs,«f"' HOPE’, 1 -—-——— 5 . . gc, . 2 V _ ; l v _ __..?. Twmty Columbia ms .11 t _1 Miss _Ruth_ Woolxrinn of the Mis- _l '_ _ ‘I . . , ' any. and Mrs. John M. Alex- 5 gain with . aw“ mf,o,.,.o:) e,.c¢r,|,;:,_g"?“" H"t.‘;"°‘l S:°‘”t". °m°° kg’ 3p,‘-,;:,;,tz5c};{‘,;’:,!:fk,1,6§_;}ct:l:::_5;:,' lplfalefl. .8 beautiful girl, and _ _ . 5 fill eat?”-llsntutglc genfm of, ,, the De,“ Umihng ,,m,_ gozlhfiilkyistei ;fi::>e:“mChm“_mmns1mnww“ com 12_ ' ' EDICR Tgilmadge on the high We welcome this opportunity to express our : , ‘If.-‘ 1:3,. .. 0 . e ’ . -1 ' 0 ' 1 l I I I ' ¥. . . . ' . . . H mrtemmriminingnhm f'("5r°¢’3eE;Jet’i-iswd;-)r;‘si;.:eA£:-nue,P1;¢;rothe m;-m.;Cincinmfi' 0_ "Cheese-Northern Twin, 24':§c; fits icitcrtcion and speed fill deep appreciation to those who have helped 1 . ith a ohm IF twimnfitv . mm 1 mess rs-3 - _._...._.._ ounx Amer_a_c:. 252. D - make the past year a successful one. We wish - , night at their home. 5 i ‘ __ J HE H IT 1 E . am si. Louis Livestock. ‘ 1 R‘ 1' Sh i- to thank each one for his good will and patron- * . -- Edits Flioar:Mi§unigh3r1g~:". 3”” dlmththow of Km"i:§ii§.i‘*‘E AT T OSP l Byi:'JKii'°i'd'i37{'i STOCK mans‘ Ill ‘7 W T 0“ 1“ Chmms my age’ and hope that We may Serve you In the l ' v . ' . .‘ is s n e ' ' ' ’ . ’ " « S j y ' ’ ~_ ,3 Arum Wimmen and!“ 9° "‘ ° Y‘ ' _ , Dec. 2-l.—-Cattle-Receipts. 8000;» futuie as we have in the-past. .« ._ Ahlso . Lh her mother, Mrs. R. Guy, 807» bniveruty 1 _ _ g , .‘ ‘A r.’:' Q1-ice will attend. -Rollins Street. ' ‘ Cnl Cabal’ Ann} wébb and Em_ ;;:*6**.+“**” - ‘ - .__..__. l ‘'‘~. ; «. -. ‘. -;‘-_ _-,—--~ _ .. ————- - . _ ~l*C-_ 0009"» «-44- - ~ ‘umsune };,m,d,,1d_ 302, Mn ‘"6 w_ smivdy of Brown were discharged yester : , ‘N-+1-«I» +004-4-4-five-<1 ‘ E Péace’ cnlffgiineg wm;??8°‘me'.g1l"L;"e ‘spendhfg the aim" in Helen llicks neflb was ad- : I 4' E 5 5 g ‘ ., ‘rues ay 9\'¢’nl g in onor o ._ ys wi rs. mive y’ mo er, . ‘ ,' ' . , - ' ’ . . 7. Mm .r_ E. Friedman of, mm R. Guy 807 Rom” ‘Strait initted yesterday. and henneth 3; As the .Vear ‘is about to eome to a close, _ne want to 3 4 1 ,j_‘.. ,. . . and Mrs‘ George Liebeckz ' _ ._____ ‘mike, gs alum . 4. thank you all for the patronage you’ hase given us dur- . I i émmlis. Other guests \vere:l - 50¢ TF3" H‘"'i‘ ‘"'i"°d mdn" Boo” con“. i ".‘g’ the year" nd to assure you 9‘ our appre°““'°"° 3 I -. ' pm, ciapp, Edna 3,e,,,]f:-om Kansas City to spend Christ- Mac M-_-lone: and James Budley ,, Vie’ wish you all _a very Happy Christmas, and a most : Xi -% gunds, 3919" Mcqlfitty’ ,,,d:mu with his aunts, Misses Harris were admiategl y;stc;in>:. and P.. M. : prosperous New hear. . 4. t__,. -.-1.»-‘_P”,en. Mm Friedeman “.33.; 11 Price Avenue. and his father. J. HUT! 83 3 mill? t 33- :2 J. M. Batterton I -_\l'."l the first prize. :1’. H-ms, , M-'—°--—m,mm MASS «, _ E. w. Dawes g ,:p<_.;.I‘_ 5:- . 4 Frances Jc""‘W of Bmomddg . ‘ .. 3 Insurance, Loans and Real Estate 4» .'.:«y3 .3‘ in’ nun,“ D,m,e1,' daugmen _ ‘ - On Christmas Eve at the Catholic E h - ,9, 4. .}3,:;, , , . . 1- xc ange National Bank . hone . 3-. Ch 1 D - L f.Mo.. n!'!’l\9d 1058) W569"? K0¢$1°f Church. Special musical program. 4. . . ‘~" ‘V’ .r’/ r":dl,a|ie& ‘l‘l?>..Marx3id J:rs::. 2:‘ 3458-‘ Simnund Ballenser. 1 HImil- Attend the religious service which : Mal“ 011!’ office your office, when you are up 10W|'|- 3 ' ‘ married at 8 o'clock ' ‘°“ “'33- has come down to us through the +94-+«i»+e¢-oeweoeoeeec-4-see-4-4-1-+4-9+«inc-«i»«i»«i--i-«i-«i-4--i»«o-«i-1-«u--i-at--i»«i-«i--: ‘ 5 the Rev} A, “"_! Hulctt ‘his morning c‘cntune5' The )5 ‘nv1§‘ed'qf . , , _,,4 V f_ 4‘ ‘§__i __7 ‘- _ flu _ _ ‘ _ - ._ _~_v ‘“_~ - ~ _ _'— honie.tlh4l3 Basigglv-i 1-9,. St Louis. » -... _ - 3 V’ ' ’ ‘ m ". ‘-wt‘ )5 0 80!! O 1'. _ _.__...—.__ 9 o , , u my ' "Gui-gechick. 'fliey mu‘; I-‘rank Hoffman of St. Louis will mi’,fg’f;‘y‘;";;i;f°:’;’§in°§‘.“a‘;’: ff“ ~ fin’ 615 hlorth Eighth Street. garrive -in mafninit ‘D0 SP9?!‘ —————o—'——-— . J .. LO R ‘Christmas Va'll.h hilfikparents, PYOLJ Try g hfisgourign “hut Ad, i Inandlln. uis oeaenof St.; ' v ‘Lad; who have been visiting rela-I V, _ Riki lien for a week, returned to _';‘_:_‘ 3.. Innis yesterday accompan-‘N " filly Hrs.-Roesen's sister, Mrs.‘ -‘-I-‘-7 - " Xhss. I M" ” ""' —-——- ‘ He'nm°nger’s' and Mrs. George Bond. I')u-; gr.» . M ‘:‘f"f§;’ thank you sincerely for the past - 1 "'," etball squad who are rc-C years patronage and extend the‘ greetings of the season- MERRY‘ CHRISTMAS V' g in Columbia during the holy 9 . ‘ .. ‘ .‘¢ task :l.0- ‘ ,. . . ; 3. J. . on . ifivalyn Prather. who teach-= ‘ “.‘- exico, Mo.. arrived today to~ 3,‘ ‘ 4.}. * holidayswitli her parents. Am) A _', Mrs. P. D. Prnther, 17_ I f‘_ -' , , HAPPY NEW YEAR “ll-Ilizabeth Spencer left to- Chillidcthe to spend the -1 ‘~ _ -aid. ‘ ’ i 5-‘ H. l. Braiziz. 1209 University; ‘ “‘ ' «- hasgone to Dwight. lil.. -,~ the holidays with Mrs. R _i . r llgnd, ' . 3 Betty Brooks. Miases Ruth ' " A _ ' . Q,;;: M o ‘v Keg .' and: . . , -_.. ;.iE. - McPherson will entertain‘ ‘ ' _.; , .. _ . a dance from 8 to 11 o'clock! 4‘ 4 *9‘ fix —‘-‘_, _ evening at Harris’. Thy, \..;I_*"_ ‘ , 1.‘... ' .8‘ ‘Z: .'_ I. . ~_‘ , p Hrs. Harry Jon 9 of ‘ ‘ _ 1 will spend the we:'.l<-end' 3:5-‘. _~ ts. Mr. and Mrs. J, A.’ . ~ ‘ 4 7.,-_ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stow-9 __ L ‘have Christmas dinner with: é-‘£3-~, , ll .; 9. 1245;; '. ;: ‘\\. V’. V i - « Jaines will leave C:lum- ‘ - t for Hermann where he -- -2- a family reunion during ~ - - holidays. r and Mrs. Frank l-larrisl May we not, at this time, express our gratitude and appreciation for the patronage .given us while wishing you a Merry Christ- ma ’ “For you all we are wishing a Happy and Successful New Year. - .;.\l. ' .. :"' \ ' J ti. ..o -e in Greetings.’ f ‘~~"“ ‘ - i‘ ' g We from the hustle of = business . . ’ ‘ 1'0 glvecredit where credit is due. A 9 O- -jg 1_ We‘ wish for o_u_r .;.t'riends and ‘patrons ‘v.1r_‘_a Christmas briniful of joy and happiness._ I ‘.2 ’ « For we gratefully know that ’_ our progress comes . From the friendship of folks ’llkB_y(_)ll. ; . Kiitloch Hat Shop i 7 * 11-North ioth -_ “"3" ' ;_ 22;‘ . . ’-.. .’ x _ That 1926 may be i. -C H , Far of prosperity ' -* for you and _ urs ~ 5"“ our sincere hope. UGHES 6 «N l .“.<__ ._ . 7:‘. r C’ 4 Ill . ;.'—-um in :1 ‘up :1 n 1.’ I! ? I I 1 I A 3 7;‘. " -.. ,d;',.‘:i:tT!a'lll I. I , I V 1 he S2080" S ‘ ‘ ,\ .’ ‘gr; .‘ ‘ff, _ 3. . . . V. . ((“ (it'll :73 ' ’ O . »; ’ I . “ ;\4 N I. "—-" '1 . . . ~‘ ',}"“.:(:/“'ov“"-“ :: i \ - ‘ I - I _ \ A .$'\ Hi,’ 1‘- ~'_. "‘. ‘I q;’l‘;‘-x’i‘«Qi;£.; ?1l'x—.‘—-;"~"'»- ‘ I "\\\ . “#1 ‘W . ‘ -.-Q_,, .,,__\,“4,r~5. »{ . ~ J " ‘fill’ '-‘~ W I’ "t, -- A " V- ".iLf:’-1~M’5: ' ’'l'‘’‘31¢f ;*#?“*‘i 0 you, and to all our other good friends who have done so much to make this a year of pleasant, associations,' we extend our heartiest wishes for a season of gladness and good cheer, rich in gifts. in the joys of friendship, and in all the good things that make life worth while. We hope the new year will see all your expectations realized, and bring to you success and prosperity in brimming measure. -. ‘ _ a ". ‘-to-> .. ' * 8 C0.- *- 4 - -_...-.__. -1" - ._...'