V! « ;,u;—-. — . , . ' -‘ ' ~ V77‘. .o- . ‘ __ . _ . ‘, . ~ A--.. a’ ,. . .g'&‘.'_. —__‘-— - . ‘ . n . - - . .. ~ ~ _._, '.r"~'. . .7’. ,"-.. " — - -. -, _.,.. _ I _ 7 ‘~ - , . _ . . a V“ . *- ' *'1''''7''‘'V. ._ «rev-Z-04-—w-4;- q———- . —-.-..—-1;.-——..-_.- - ...-..g——.-.p....._..,....._, . _ ‘ V .-...—- ._. ..-.; T. ._..',y ........._ _ . -. . ,_ _ . . §g~fi5\~,‘gQ_¢.;. _ , . _ .,, _. V , _‘_ _ . .. _ , _ 4 , . _ - _ W‘ .;__ __._ _A __ __‘_‘L ___, _,___.. . S _ ‘ . 9 ’- - ‘ ‘ a ‘ ‘ 0 .> _ I c. ;-.. ..-.,, .. .-. . .... .v....:.. . _.—:‘. . . ....... .. . .. .... . ‘. . V“. on I U‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘I v. ‘ "H ‘ . . W". . H . - . . ‘ W - ‘ . ‘ p - ° ‘ . Es tes-Parks “The House of Fashion” :1 : 3 ’ . i . » ' _ -: ‘I I ' I‘. ', ," .3 ' V . \ Re . G.-W. Iiatcher. A ' : _ V;. d__ T‘. ‘.1 ll‘. ->‘_’5_’:‘ :" . i‘ " Only the members ol the family ; - lh,‘-__ -' - ' ' 7 - ' - - - _ A pare present. The outaof-town ,, '- 7, ». ' . , " -- . ; guests were: 11!‘. andltn. Charles . | ' p i_-' e * ,- , '- r ~ ‘ ‘ . llorgenthaler of St. Louis. an. _ ‘;a _ . .» -' 1» y . _ - . . Douglas}; of Ashland. and Dr. G. u., t \ ' i _ sf, ' . _ A i . after the ceremony. :7 ‘ ' I ‘L ' s ’ Lira. Street amended school at -i ' v ‘:7 (‘ Ho\vard~Payne College at Fayette ‘ - . A‘ . ' . .» e . .. . _, D I '. - . in one of the greatest value giving sales ever held in (‘eiitral .\ii.'(‘.~' Zllltl will )ll~t‘l' llli'M° at £it'l'.lZtl t'u.~“.. D1‘i'.~'.~‘(?.s‘ l‘ornici‘l_v selling to 56-3. The Rev. (‘harlea ll. Brady offi- has been reduced to actual wholesale cost —about 5.0Q.(‘onde’ Coats in this group i°eg'ulzii'ly selling to 3165 at savings of 1-3 to 1-2. These come in Needlepoint. Lustrosia and Bolivia-—all are luxuriously fur trimmed in beaver, fox, squirrel and wolf. Every wanted shade. Before the ceremony the wedding march was played by Ira. Arthur Swanson. The bride. who was giv- cn in mnrriaga- by Miss \Vard, an old friend of thrlaniily, wore g white georgctte dreu with a tulle veil fastened with bits of mi-tli-toe. She carried a bouquet of white roses and awcet peas and conformed to the-i .old custom of wearing “something old, something new.’ something bor- . rowed. something blue." A wedding breakfast f0il0W0d.UlE ' ceremony. after which the couple J ”.:.f;°.::: [1 Columbia ’s Unprecedented Sale D,?;,§§eS ‘I isity of Missouri in 1924. Since then I. ’ ‘ur Trimmed - Offered ’” ’” "' of Apparel and Millinery . .' Co 0. She us continue teaching p 2 ‘ there for the remainder of the term. Needlepoint Poirot Twill Velvet ’ ~ Mr. Turner graduated from the : _ -I‘ '-L'niv.er:-ity of Missouri in 1925. Loaf”.-I ~- “—"“' °- Ith'.'.l~' tl' 0 t 00 >9‘. ' Sue Alexander "W8 -;'5'.;."““ ..~{‘o.k‘2.F“.§.p‘.lf.f"‘§o‘fi."§e‘io‘i.§‘i”¥xo‘;’i-“Znii "{.‘I..~...'.‘.i‘.f3.“'}.‘i.‘ .....‘3.".§§3.....i° vharmu-as , . . _ _ v I * . " _ W". Roy Sappmgton suedine exactly one-half price. In the basement we will give with every coat U'°p°~‘ - mm. gm, Aicmnder, daughter of _ — _ purchased. a dress of equal ‘val.ue—-on the second floor with every 'half- _________ i - ,_ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Alexander, and Trtflttned ()1 price garment sold-we will give you your choice of any hat in our U] , , ' i V - at . ,\\’. Roy Sappinaton, son or . .\lllllllCl'}' Department. Beginning Tuesday--—Can any woman who loves" “ * I E‘ LR ' . . Slppinirwn. were mlrfied at 7 w°" V beautiful apparel afford to miss this sale? ' ‘ CO” . 3 o'clock Saturday evening at Fox - \. -' ~ . ' ' _ - - h of th Re '. Paul Weber, pa - ver I . ' i" wont“ :1 the ii-‘lrat‘ Baptist Church nit Squirrel 1 o 1 . 1 ACTUAL ‘ ' ' Jtrrenon cur. itch P P P ° w oi. ‘ . Mrs. Sappington is a graduate of Muskrat 1° H LS'u’E ‘ .. the University High School‘. She 2 ’ I; I -. .=r:‘.’..‘:.-p;°.’i‘.t.:L'..~°..‘.‘3‘..’.‘:’.f'.°..."c‘..‘. ""“‘°"‘ U n restricted "' r. 'n n is a ate of ° ~ . .. 1_hB‘cdo1S:;:‘|:i;fl}:?igh_tSchE:l‘:s:d Remem ber Ch0lCe.0f Oil 1’ ten the nivcrsiy o . Elle now in business with his -father’ at the Central Dairy. Mr. 'and Mrs. Sapplngton will be at home to their friends after Jan. 1 ' at lol Broadway. We are giving 1.-way our cntirc millineigv stock. l-Every hat will be given to our cusluni0i‘s. The Millinery Stock (foiisistiiig of approxi- mately 300 hats.~ Vel- vcts, felts and satins. Picture hats, small shapes and offothe-face models. All wanted . I V oa““‘,\' o ' u (".4 rik‘ . ‘ ' ' \‘f. 44.4‘ _. sc;isuii's wanted shapes. if can t'ul0l‘.~‘ and nizitcrials are all included. '\ ‘.~.‘~_' W‘:--.a .4.- 'ere Misses Van Ev-‘Ins Mary Fern Kampachmidt. Rosc . oeeuayne Allen. Sara Ann Wheeler, Margaret Parks, itc- xnolg Walter, Mary Marti?” “‘l’ tor. Carolyn Cotton. and Grit‘? Tandy. Miss Ballenztf ""35 3* aistcd by Mrs. P‘. M. llulett. Prof. L J. Stadler of the lrlissouri - College to Agriculture. Who I8 0" _| 2'- ‘Estes-Parks Bargain Basemen Tugrsirlilay Will Give Tutersvfltilay Saturday 100 Dresses Free saturday With every coat Dlll‘('i'll1>'t,‘tl we will give a dress of equal value- You will be allowed to pick _vour dress-—All styles. colors. sizes and materials are included. There are just two prices, $9.75 and $14.75. -—(‘ome ha y. merit of Science. 4 ' . Mrs. Anna Fr-oman. mezzo-aoprm ' I sopi-ano,.and.'1'§‘anlt.l.in B. LauD.°"- of Christian College. will rive I In“- sical at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loull I-‘rank llahler in St. Louis. _ »* Mn‘; I-‘lora Conley, 610 Conley, j Avenue. entertained with D : this afternoon in honor of M188 ’ Katherine Miller and Miss Ann MC- Baine. who have been any *9 3.5.1 4 ,."..."°°‘tr~.‘$...’.;“‘.'..iu..:...,°°.}"i‘.’.’.' 2%: YOUR CHOICE or ALL w rd has bee ma of the i ‘ :narr‘i.age of M1: :3! Elisabeth . ' Gardner, daughter of It: and In C0 R3 Josiah Nathaniel Gardnar. to Her- mm bartJamaaPIteonDoc.2{inHo~ Buck .hun.oki.. in-.i>mucen Ins Checks‘ B.J.degroain 19.251103! the Unl- S‘ . . \'c!'flt)' or In-ours. ‘ "P" IVQ “fl” e e’ Prof. M. A. Soaton of the P001317 Tu, . - cxte Ion service of Purdue Unlver- pm‘, Re forced any is srisiting his mother ban for ‘ the holidays. rut. was ror- HATERALS To Lhgrge z of weft:-3:1 Coll-cede. mnnei for Alte tio Armin .. « - Polrot.‘l‘will _ fa "8 \ ii Lucile and Virginia cum. 3“ 5 D‘"'m8 381% I ‘_ lhfliar. 1814 Hinltaon Avenue, will ea- ‘ VH1