.. I.‘ _‘ I I '- ‘ A —.-.'A. ; V, , I f.'w~r -r v ‘Q . ‘. ~. -... s - . - .f _.’ .. s 0- '0 3. . . ‘ 1-,; ' ' " ‘ " ‘ “ '.:.' I ""1" “ '-~--'-‘-T"~-«' »-A-‘- '4. - ..:".".:T."...'="':.".. I ‘L’... .q_‘.".'..- "'.. .. '..;'.. ‘ :' ..'.i LL‘ “" ' “ ' '"° ‘ ocbogp. .£~t- ~;-Q; 0 (‘J r~ ~ -~f‘,; .4...‘-, ,'.‘.~,f. ¥"_“'_~.:‘T__2:T. he-‘_"_- ‘ . x. _. . o. . " ‘r '> .~ V ' ‘ A ' ' A~:~,‘-:.- :3 , . 7 . _ ‘; A. - - _ ' . .. -Q .-I _ >~—~- . ‘ ) ,_ - . _ ‘_ . ,. ~ ‘A ~ .'I‘UESDAY,,DECE R29 1925, A. _ ~. - - A ~ , . -V . , . 125% =I"' ' l A ' ' ‘ ’ l ' .“ _ _ ' 9 _-.- , - - , '. -.~ . . . «i.f,' ‘ltcguotaji ' _ ' ‘ l " * A -son probably will see it-it thlt ~ ~ ‘ ' ‘n....vi""tl:”.'u‘:u'.'.t"' Belen 1..-o: Aa- ~- 'ltokyo.W1ll Ameocan Me.th.ods.. ~.............. ...,.....- A t New Boone com; .:... “ ...':............ ' “ " ' ""‘A““’ ditionalholidfll; Atll‘eeent‘tl:erc« ' ‘ - - ' ' ~3~vv¢*-”°"" ‘ o . O t I , 11.0 - nl bow ‘W W’ §‘——-- '——.“', ' v V, 2 __ ‘ left! “DC Houslng Sll0I'.tage,"°,,°. £1‘ _ i,m”fl ,,h..‘,,,°, , v , A ~ utouosatne J35 1IeleuAn:elltoJames1(:lnrlt:t Taylor. 1. w. I-oven. >~ - - --A" -3~~5'. 4'-" ,‘ ' °‘ . - 8 Pahler In Columbia londay. The Taylor and Earl Coleman. and Joe and Bar- Tokyo in to have an American; in London, Paris. Bcrlittg .Vienna,.Chrlet1nas and New-Year‘: Day. And L F“. ‘MN wt .,,u,sg..., .-«.;...-,.g~g.._- ‘ m G ....,..q an d M d. ‘hm we“ °' ' ‘- - ‘ halide I 1 ‘rock. .' otw otrove nu. . «Barman :1 houeo_,thefh-ltereetad tl\,and dozens of other ethos of thefu’°l.'°‘:'f_o*:;.1:V 19“? ‘€831 “J: P:-m_"_a“ea"m be .9“ .1 we 3.? . .. ,1 I" an ‘M nu Mm” Sm“ ,. ,3" <9!“ *5“? 9‘ “'3 “‘m‘°" ‘l“““’""“"‘§ Old World. 4 _ ‘amt {lat Church tan. 6. mét bailout: of ' lldlalne Iran melrmtmu last week. * . and could! 3- T'5'~‘l ‘ ‘ " "‘ ' 135" . llrn 8-Ill:-‘Burnett: visited relative! in :06!» of c. 0. none to . A. 1 Ernest Rice and no family and It». and . . H6‘. H; ‘l ti Japanese t itself has ad-1 “_r.'gplcal Japznate Bottle. . . (New Year's, Washington’: Birthday max?“ out sh‘-It. 5;" " u. 'I'lu ctoo xenon‘: ot coiuotou-t‘;-out tltejtn. unis: titttt-a‘uou ;hu§_tt:.y astute ot - P0051} . . 9915' $9} . Vfluuuut put 0; ‘,5, money (0,. mg? ‘_ 0’: new mu'i,cql't__.type,‘of‘aud Independence Day. are A I-an overrun VI-~ It 9 weekend with Iln. L. 2. Burks. ;l..Il'kin - a on u r._ _ .."'l.’V.“‘“A-s"'d“‘k"°" "M “"96” construction of the building. Whl¢h"P“"”°m' with "3 fifick‘ °°"°’°t’°!b‘.“ ten thy‘ M" “mm.” "'fi°n' ll: 1-:11: ob:-udlnx the wit: :il‘."e:l': ‘swam; You are missinz oPP°1'W3m‘~'3 41 § In lmmfi 1* 8“.l¢W-' 190"‘ ‘O Cu’ is looked upon as an important ex-5 V1118» Oolmd-proof P8!‘tIt50n8..l>1°=Bb' W153 l“‘°"l°“°°~ itouun at her some in _ut-umrtcx.‘ J. 1. Pickering of luau: us a dinner . « ’ " ' ' - - ‘kg to J, inmandbotwater heat willbe ei. wou[d1h{.,3g.n n°][d.. Iltnleunlelureeicku-noodles the-‘g9qtoCW.K.Co|eman . "'°ud°"°tn'd'”d°” n - “'0'. ___.___.._ pawn” m~ . p "8 hp‘-njsttlkinf contrast to the 113911 tfpei .0 {Am t it’;t:,-A‘u§ ’ hm holiday: other home in Brunswick. “TL ‘Hint Ruby Burk‘: attended an eutertalnuwlllt 511!» ‘ I . Of meeting 00!: f.“ d.ui V . neg cm” 1 us’), ., ‘r‘.u‘u"‘8°nh Nkhoh ‘ad ”n.m.u‘tw"r“8ch‘”(_,*u”““L 1 .. COAST RADIO N01‘ difficulfie‘. * 0 pattern Be‘ ng. The . lfiufi-1'.frO!n the holiday point of W3’. ls 33:33,‘. 0; cohngug 75.51;; 55-. 1.“ y¢¢k_ ‘B. 3.51“, 350, 5 “gun, An.“ 35°,‘ 4 ' m 33 SILENT FOR 73813 “Japan's turning to the apartment. '1'»-" ¢ ‘WW9? 33°l¢*°3~A~0\-Ill Ouflthat prwos by Dr. Theodore dc Cbrletlnu holldan. In the consolidated and his family in llallsville this week ‘ ‘ . ‘ - ho doe not ma-ot a strange fume hot!-‘eh and outer walls of Dsragisc of this city, who suggests -="°°' 4"‘ N6” 1-t and-I at noon mu nutty Burks vialted ll amt-at moo . P.’ w3a'AABaaou3 ho! ‘nub lure s 1].!’ b u ti" bond" but its interior P-l_fi“°n5‘a r of ten manths each raving Ierle Jone-a visited her parental. Ir. and in Columbia Wydneldar and ‘flint-aday. l _ . eaten! in International ;*=wr;,=“=,. * '*‘- ,3”; gm‘; 5,,‘ o. of o.. frailest construction. myf.t.’"£..‘t. of six o..~.’.os.... -no. f.‘..§.‘:...'1'."‘ ’°'”' “ “"“"°"" "‘"“" "" ,3,-no *;.*=°;*_m‘;f;‘1;',,';',.‘{°,;'_ 5:; 1-; J ~ , A , HIGHWAYS OF WATER . 3, at “tamer we gfgoga‘ bcogflphig SO‘ 1 are. in facl». more properly icrcensiwould Trovide lzixty Sundays ln- A mimtrel was elven by-the saw camp ‘llrfulmd ‘gm 11- 1'1 8814'“! and I“-' V50-V. CAB 4 A . 7”“ Unllfidl Sui-'-'3 8°'¢l'||!M!‘|l (mwwh, :’,:,1£a,_?:rc:‘,,:,,c.:,,,,, 3...... cg“... ccmmwtins on this (‘test than walls. They usually-consist off;-.1.end of the usual fiftyvtwo or fif- II. I‘. of A. at the CoIlIxnunlt)"}lall Slttnro l«~twCoI‘¢;a:a3o‘shoep¢-d M we 11- Satuirtlzgi ' 0 and the governments of the various wAsmflQf0fl_The into;-muon.. building hmjcct 5,, Nippon a number of frames covered with jty-three. and would leave five days “’_£‘:_“‘R‘;_r 8 ‘mm rand . H "'1 N ‘c°k_u_u"""w' :5,‘ ,_mi'”°,, °‘a,"n:B'_,m_~ ttatcs have seen fit to spend mil- :1 radio. teats scheduled for next «The ‘punment house 1., by M ;l)c°°°xf:it¢d‘P}‘:lP¢!;-D Th?”-jdllflfltls may ;vbich’Dr. DI!'lfK;aCl_(818"Id should c,,,,,,,,,,,, ,',,,,,,‘,,,’J, Q... to... s.S.-.. church; Sunday. ‘M. l'’"“‘ °f d"1°l’3 in Wlldllw 5385*‘?! ~ntont.h_ win 1,. .3,-1-igd out degpitg ‘*1 w new housing dmcc.‘ except at qulc y . one 4‘) 2 nrentire-, OVAS :1 sort c on ay season, tut Surtdgy morning. 3 Mn. no-ot—y_ McClure of columns. vial _ A I ' I throuzhout the United States. ‘ ' the refusal of a group of Pacific 3,300“: fimnicula, dwetopmmt of it‘. I)’ removed, malung it prouble tolwith do is rescrved_i‘Jr the honor of $h°z:h1:'n:‘.“'t;°:m:g,‘:_,"f“_:'f”° °' B""”° Rm ' M" d"_"z An Q . at The“ M h“ , have ,,._,,,.‘.e1 “'1 Coast broadcaster: to pa.rticipate,. ‘dong ‘lines. of comf°rL-c°m.cnien“_ ‘ throw the entire interior of thegdeservutg figures tn history. chunk hm sand" "min i R. M Doom” 0, (Mamba mud hi! . ‘ - ‘g y- - 'l 0 y it iraa stated authoritatively bore « d ‘ ' h°“‘° i"‘° °“° "°°'“ °" ‘° l““'<‘ 3: But so far the calendar reformers Iltu Ila Pearl motlmr a atudont in ivlrenta. ur. and in. IL L. Douxlaaa. over. P105391 8¢1'Vi¢3 . impmwd our umlpomfiom par’ A to d officials and luxur" In 8'-lug” an "-1 mm-y SW50‘ 07 8P!"’lm¢fi*~8- EV?" 133 0\l"'a.re near azreement on only one the A-bland lush Scbo-ol.‘ls lo.-adios boll-‘thew -end. « .— ' C L. Williamson l ticulnx-1' o the short-haul con mod-1 “"”pt‘ ’°”‘“.' ° . parts of the world, congestion In , . - . I . , out w her u-mu at Hartnburg. ‘ at.-t.~ w. u. con-utoo gave I. Ilrthday, - ' A o .. t ' 3 : ' ‘ the ‘U’ "3"?" mum‘ ‘° °l"“3° ‘t’ ha be ma'or factor in e’ ‘flu’ (“mg ""d°“s me °mm'fl"“"u“‘ A"““"“" C°°““' ’“"d° .1 lo i to Ashla u I! it’ rt suoda afternoon fo h da gnu-t-1 ‘ ’ me" The “flmuh Wm “M3 are their minds and mnlntnln the silence 511;“? in en ,1 ill‘ ,0 ha ""‘“°"3bl°- in terrible botch of things when he Sq-}u°:al§.i:m-r¢:o::nrir:;: gum can aprindlclflxlp. 3' y- . ‘ 1. er ‘I '~. °f °"’ 1°"“di‘t‘”°° "l’id“"'"‘i“ during the seven hours necessary ,';‘,,’,',‘,‘f,,,,,: ,.$:¢m am ‘es 5 re “The typical Japanese home hazgput into effect the present calendar, operation which he not-our uttdet-watt at -r vA A ,--——— '~'°"‘"‘°dm°5- Wm‘ the” “ken 93" for the tests will be made by the ugabylon -Mm, qmested 3, no chimney. Cooking is done on; ‘th its uneven months and its hall: "’°J‘°°"° °°“"" ’*°"""“ “‘ °°""""“- . ~_ _ E - _ _ E of. the Mfddlc W981-‘Still Duds 8 members of the test week com- the home of an, fi,._.£ tpanment. smell stove‘. with charcoal. and onegdars falling on an)’ old dIY_0f lb}? Linden . Wr00d’8 Sel'Vl% Stfltloll That ‘ P‘ better means of tnnsportiw its niche. house o} tenement; yet hut _‘rtrst'f"'-‘°P3 ‘‘'‘“'m 1-‘? Pumnl °'*_3f‘d“~’°’=‘11“'°°“"’f{"f," °"' S‘,’,"d.“"' ""h'°h "' - No. 1 ' . ' . bulky long-haul products and sup- Similar non-oburvance of the V,-0,-1d'meg,-OPO11, may vhgve repented. Pfldded .°1°u1”§8 895 b)’ slttmz n.¢8_!"°]"“dl' “Y °fi- , w..»...-u... no“. 3... been ill. 3 A to,La P ki Eye T°3Atmg'.-Lens G . plies, . nightly ailcnee period featured the ,,,,_.,.,.1,. the ,.e,cfio,, to p0puhfio,,- a. small‘ brazter-—p‘erhaps on _inrlz- ——+ Chriaty not-to shopped in Columbia Tues-‘ u undlys 37 "3 Have your eyes ettanuued 5 A e As Secretary Hoover and Prcsi- mt‘ 01 18st year. end. although pressure shown by other cities. Iostt"’d“" °"°""‘”° “‘""‘>’. _°"~“’T"°‘°' ‘°‘. THE CALI,-:N1)An . ‘'‘i,',_ W, ,,,__ “M, Cook ,,,,,,,,,,,, in 0,, “Service ‘nut Exoells” here or bring. Ilmverstty la dent co,;,;dg,_. have pointed out we “ml”! 3°31? °°‘3?“5‘°“- 'd'd ‘Wt. beyond the horizon of history. An- ‘“§ _ _‘_ ’ lulnbia ‘mu . ' I a phone 1431 Doctor's .prescr1pt1on—:‘?.4~ ._‘__ but mums of doing W‘ i‘ by the detract greatly from the gt!n(;:ull‘}i Gem Rome Md ‘M, and three- Tb’: tyipical Japanese . d\..,....uz. T“". 16:33:’: "r‘t::‘o;'muuo n bualnt-M tt-to to co. . d Bi h S 1 hour servlcelperfect fittmg devdopmem of the mud water of keen interest that wits dtsp 50 two. tenement, of buck and stucco,‘ such as this does not non h .e the DR" n__‘,_ E c_ A "hm “Ma “ J. 1__ now“; ‘pm Chrmm“ my ‘M 13 an 16 South .2 th treet , guaranteed‘ . ' ” "1 919‘ ¢"d¢3‘'91' W lute" "‘ 0" but they disappeared long ago, and enl-Ire field 10 ttsclf. In the lu!“.’I3!';g.,,;,-_ 3,‘ B,“ p,,..,”_ > Columbia, Mtssou ; _ \ the United States. Europe, it was pointed out. Be- some of they site. no doubt support citiles u numbeb; '3fhff8l!lt:wllOl:lSE1:, J 7 7 no 3;-Lrnnee. ’ u. Co)lr.<.bRob1t-rrt 3:3. and her soft nsoppoa to’ See wrmtyonmnbuy fora don“! D;-_ R_ A, »‘ _ ' ' ' _ ‘ . .. ‘ . I‘ ' ‘ _ " an. at n\.— ma or e worm lum ta .u or. . ‘ ‘ ' “c d° "°" “mu fi"’ “MW” cm” of we ‘menace m “me 1" ‘°"°’ "‘°d‘"‘ °°“‘""‘"“” d'‘°°1‘'"3s‘‘ 3" some of C‘ "9 n '" en‘ Intercoll0I'pi‘ate debatlnt equal! of the Earl Povre-ll vtotoo at the home of wax- ,.Get your kc)’. keel’ Your keys: Slh and Broadway, e A _ . ‘l°“3 A’“°"f.‘“‘ “M” ‘“ '°°"" =n.tm-my will be we in Room no. Jeaae lord Snell! Sunday. years. But .ne Japanese house of J1," 3,, ,, A the 5eV€l"I|1 N-’.€U'0M Of ‘he Uflil-’~‘d ' In the gm.-ttos and other sections of :“lll 6ll0lt'.»l'5 Ila: ‘her mom pin: in Columbia éatu-t-day. lites 808119 P0?-lflms OT th9_d€0Ufl- mcdievnl European ‘cities, families ood _ ' means of transporting thou cam. ‘TY mils‘ 33331’. It “'05 533 . found it necessary to occupy t‘twell- _ 820 D3997 modifies which “am, he hmled 801 unfortunately for the broadcasters. mg, j.,§nu,- just, .5 umy do wage millions. s.— . in t.hc‘Pncific Coast time. the hour . _ ._.-, _ _ , ___ _ _ __ _ ; Wofltably by rafl or truck and “mt is mm convtnknt for the ..-.--—__-A-AA-..-—- -~~A-. -...._.__._ A .._- ‘A which could be carried mucirbctxer m - ~ ' - ' - ° 5 _ _ _ agonty of interested parties hap- O 7 C 1 d , _ _. ll)‘ using: our EH33! rivers I8 lugh- pens to be the most desimbte hm". ‘ a ‘ ,dt-balm: turn will debate Washington Unl- '“’“3" °{ u‘ffl°- '; of the evening for broadcasting in . - ’ l " inn", hem____,__._ HIGH Top B0O.TSTS ' _ _ . the far west. Itwas also pointed Lancaster Back at Y. M. C. A. LACE PA!‘ _l“’°p ‘”‘ 3ay“'w““9- .1‘ 5:0“ °‘“t out that the Pacific Coast listeners ' _ . . _ _ . ‘ _ Kenneth Lancaster. assistant 5(":- G O R D O N 9 S 1"‘ 3 93''» maybe 01"! will hit you. . still find less of interest in the tut ’,m,-,,¢,,,"}...'§"::."3,?'£.,l.‘33..'l....t I’|'1-ml .Th° m“m“’d‘~f 0‘ l’l3“5_ C3“ be ‘ll’; rotary at the Y. M. C. A., has re- A than listeners in the East and '[.~w yak}; __“0w-d .0“ like Vldtd Y0l18hl}' ‘N0 ‘“'°" 9-"’°"P5"' tuned to his desk after spending . N5°";f‘°": ;=iP°1't5 :1 motor horn in magic won. , ,0 ,,,'m, an ,_.0'u, Ch,isu,:,_,.c8 and ;hoec that would gifihde thehvear l""~E}Christ1up.s with his parents in Min- .--- ~ -- Awe- . . .. CV?’ or th a "Boom"' like a It th t -can , H . ’_ .‘ . °. _ . _ our quarters, an t ose t at wou icy, m_ . 3 ’ bass drum. Now if it would Just ,ut;°::‘ 1?: cgung-yacthaxé enx- tdleil: fktfildnyfafihdogufdtgnzd divide R mm 1: fine‘; monlfmth off ____. ., . ._..._ -_ SE B‘ R‘ LEASE “'m~‘ *0 001001518 834 minzle With pressed their willingness to ‘cancel rest up after the gladsocne festivi- f:_::1.d:ef°g‘:e?:;‘ 'm°mh°sttO gm For dressed poultry or if you ‘ ? P « ' have poultry to sell. ‘r ' tion as a means of killing rail and were nbop-‘ ' V you may have the lucky key!_ Phone 306 ‘Entranee'at‘8th I 21 0. ben only. . "Adntinkm charm-cl. All otltern free. hr. and 11:1. Ralph nlldirin attrndrl' ‘Jan. 8.‘-—Athenaean Society will meet In ‘ ~ — . - -~———~A—- the Y. I. C. A. Auditorium. '--~-—v-—~- — — Ja . . eek. l —. _ 7- V A April 22.—Univet-ulty of Hlaaouri women‘; S P E C I A L P R I C E ‘ THIS YEAR keep your auto radiator in good shape by placing its care in our competent hands. We make 3 business of re- pairing all ‘snrts of breaks in all sorts of radiators. We ‘do nothing else. Let us fig- ure on yours. , A V _. __......—__...... H. J. GRIBBLE 1 Phone 249 24 N. 9th St. ’ "W 511:: orchestra effect we have whatever arrangements thcv had ties .- on some can here! . made for broadcasting during the 1, .,my be arranged, for the com- °,,,d’L’,0§’,f,,t.l‘_':,‘,‘,'§'°§:.°".,‘,_g‘,',f , file Geese and Turkeys a Specialty. . 9 v honor‘ of ‘nd lend on calend‘r rcforrn ‘of the 8 and ' ‘ ., L! A . .’ —" 5".‘ "‘"’°“““ “’°“”3 l““.'“"°'-' ‘" "“‘“"8 "‘° "°"'~“‘Y “ bvatme of Nations is hard atwork on Yea)": Day could be most osoilsv’ "I5" 3“, BY <%++«++++++e+»«+w»+u«w+ -1 Attempts have been made to pick success. V 1, 3,18,, to ,..,.,;,e 3,... ¢a1e,,¢,,. and nrmngod _' ' , Read the Book You Want - 1; . , -‘ o , : out the on most important ma. It any or the mine coast sta- while the United set... 5. "off" the . ,. .,,',,,,,,. mu, mm ,,';f,,.,c; When You Want It ‘‘‘ it .. Columbia-Jefierson City and Boonvllle 4 in the Enzclbh language. College 50115 remain out of the tests. 1111- Ltamtc of Nations for life. there are ,,1,,,,_.__,,,_ ,,..(.,.,,g,_. V.-urging per.‘ in .5. up...” 3103;; 3331-51, U. I: _ ' ' * ,_.,,,..t,;d(.,,ts ma pmfeflou have sub; nouncements will be made of the indications that this country‘ will 5 __________; nnltmss you may obtain for a email T111 and Furnace Work 3 P ' v f Jrniprd imposing “ms. usimny c°n_!call_ letters and wave. lengths of adopted the new system of dividing - - ' * . ‘i .2? ;fn:;°:.:('$;n";: :::k"‘:§ A ' .. T0 JCff€l'S0ll To Boonving '3 _ - -éuch “voids ‘s 5incerity' gs, ‘ch? Years ‘:3; Flu‘ Calcrldar €XP€l::s wpuh'_ Dru‘, {H l‘ .m,."nd Co We § \v-. 0- «H < ‘ _ v ‘ 5 . I. _ - u . ‘P 1 . ,_ eerVlce.”sell-control, loyalty. knowl- hoped um ‘fly common 3"‘_mJ» some . In arrows: on 8 3 nr;coItA'h0k‘8’ . i <:«c;!-:”Yi¢-u'I;ua- fommctrg. Phone 1474 it 8 a. m. 1 p. In. 5 p. In. 8 a. ll. 3 p. m. i edge’ um mange‘ ‘ "-'°ld'-‘d 3-his 3'°l!'- New York 8118)’ on Matter. We dccoratd your cruudtathg_'n 5°“ 5|. U! 7°" P°*“|*l°I- 705 Cherry street 0 - __ A To many these words are for . ——-—+-—--— ' -I-he Merchants Asfiocintion of am, Route at-4.7041? PI!-\M'I 9' , r - A». , ~A If ._ 0 ' 0 £ A f’.'°m being ’-he m°5‘.lmP°""~“l- D°GE‘::1AN E B‘u'A‘\CE city, in common with similar trade; ‘°°°nuw’;l°€:!pgpgg_p;mj-3 .. g , ' Guarantee first-class work 1: - Bonded Carrier ' , .' " g. 710l«thSllCl1GV:’:l‘(l8 ndashyes, no. home: 8 0 suALL DEFICIT organimticans in vnx-it‘)u5 other cities,‘ SKADES-AWNING! ' ~ — -—A~»--~—-— ~- - —- A . .- I at reasonable prices.‘ ' - Basses Leavg Hotelg _ "3’ § mo er. . a , utnanity.tou situntion Show I tifeatio f has forme n specia committee onlfi Q. ° .. . ° ° ' - , our lives more intimately? But Ollllllllsl; ofusl-‘orteigtt as of Calcmlnf Tchtmo and ‘hi! ¢°mmi“°°.! ' "A ’ u ‘ .; R - ‘W k f an 1‘. d . It Mlssourl !;ll"‘rans£t8 Co" Inc‘ ,/ L ' for that matter. no list that anyone Observers. °"1".“ few dad?’ ‘W hen: “ s9°c.i‘l: I I epalr or O m 8. ll o.ne 7‘ ‘A A ’ . , " t-L-e chooses is of much value Bl~:ltLIN—I-‘or the first time since “mil”? “F _"E"“°" W‘ 13‘ ‘",""°“°“; You'll 118% no more-trouble ; , ..u++++++ee++ee<-+e+ee++eoee+e-o+ggeeeeeo+eeeeoeeo.+§_eee ; to anyone oxso, Th. \-nlug the mark was stabilized the cg- °‘ ‘"“° d“"5_'°“ "°,“" ‘“"*“‘,“'-“l ‘"5 starting your car on these 1 ’ V _ __,_,,__ Z ‘ ”"" ‘ 3 comes in setting down one's own; mm wide Balance has l‘r8¢‘l-39811.“ ‘he 1"""“’°-“°’° 1”“ b°f°’° ‘L j cold winter morning if you 3 ' f \Vord:t represent ideas, and the man b‘l;,"°°d' 1, V .1’? h A , — - . are ‘1 “ll 1 ' -v A - - - v ~ l - who takes time to think out a list ‘gums .°."- ‘ ("em r 8 my a" . ' - - I ’{——-—' A ' . l M," W M be M M ,0“ PM export :h°3C3tju8:;5' tho°s.of<;o';<;oo , M. M. moons White Rose Gasoline . Makes «Your Car , 1 1 V V ‘ . ‘ ' 9 . ' . a- .‘ . . V t § i ts eoxnhletels ht; phtlo-oph) of ltte mm, optimism of s_ Puke, G“. F9’ ““ ‘~"‘d‘ °‘ }‘°F:":n°° A. For sate By 1 Run Bgttgr v_- and the things in life that be com gen ‘md other foreign Obscrwm. lcntbcr l.'°°d5' G“? 3'] _°3- : 1 : sidvrs the one important. German political life seems never ‘“"°'*‘""‘P“' "‘°° '°I‘“'""¢- 2 Boone County Auto- % I '—""Y """_ ‘ so smooth as‘ when. $5 at present. 809 Walnut Street - Co Ne — comp e e $1181 t‘0I-NIL‘: it is What We put into bureaucratic; and it ts regarded . th ’ H *5 '10‘ ‘Vhflv ‘'5 80‘ 001 0f me man: really prefer a government of . A I A ’ ' I ; e Brother: I _ Dodg l I .. I he . . _ . - _ .':.:...‘:.‘;‘.’:.§i.“;'.‘::?.:.:’.:T;';‘3;’...::‘.I.:.’:1.’;2.2.‘? ONLY ALDNIGHT . mom can . . petuuted ..... to... .t M .-t.. t... til .o.. o.. oooum holidays. LUNCH ROOM IN Whiz — news a el- l man’. do", “mamas for the ‘God The Gemeran government has r ~ I . . ._ .- ° of their country or their fellowmen. b':'°" °“°"d°d ‘T f°‘7m““ i“““‘ti°" ' ‘ ' Anu'Freeu - A ' EVE”. once in. ‘ white Eomeone :0 confer; and (nycerine . I \ r .- ' neva. _\ . '_, ' ::l’l!l'k!!!.lIk‘:'hI :bo°t;:dtl::o::i‘:1 ., ¢omin.thut this invitation M-1; PLATE LUNCH, , Guaranteed Harmless ‘ J B PRINCES _ t. _ h _ . . ._ ‘S R been“: flu‘ ‘n ge accepgg joyfully ‘mi that “K. 1 . , Wart), .COl'l\{el'l‘ 10115, t e . ekcltements Of I I ' _ . .,,.,_....,..,,.,,,, ..,,',"',,°, mu, ,°°"f;;w ‘gfifgfs djggif i°dj_!;:°";<; TOM, N H’. Autonomic Renamng , N T Em ope, football _v1ctm_'1es, the_ count1ng_up_of votes, v i more if too-ooxa go out and try their 0..., _ lo Itzlymfi ' é Oils and Greasine 3 . ~ church affairs, community wedd1ngs—,—'everythmg event- , to o sgmeuuns ‘worth while he ,,m———em “mum. - or , E-pm“-mN 8, GIBBS ‘That in Just - tome Better nan ful. Yet the newspayer IS —ll‘lCOI'l‘lI)l€l’.€ without the news . would find It a bit warmer. : . seem; zseccguy, , : ‘me only way France can tret an.v- __— l a Phone 630 905 Ash St 3 , that concerns you most. - * -; , "h:°5:tP£f“af:E¢. :31? 31:“?! :3 30!" thilfllfibgllte a steady finance minister I‘ E Stationery ' v 0 9 ‘ go . l * ' s_— I‘ __ , _ , ‘ , ,A-~ ,,,,,,,,, ,,.,,., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, um mu,“ ',;‘m,e‘§t§rf°‘°“‘ ‘°"°"'>°" ' . A -~ ~- .« 1 Posters. Events_ belong to unusual days. But day after day l Jvlj our trouble: to eve¢'5'one. which in With no man)’ monkey Wrenches A I . A: Window Cards you get out of bed: wear clothes: eat f00dS, walk in Shoes- ii. really a cowardly thin; to do. It belnx. thrown about. their manufuc- . t ' Fraternity News of better I-nattresses for vour . -f 3 would be much better for ourselves. Olftfhi 10 I oayinlz bU=‘5nt‘88- Ora Li .- t - d Sew . ‘ . y . ' ’ 01 ,e -.r , . ,,,.,,,,..,..,...,,.,,..,. ,,,_.,,,,,.,,..,,, -%t;ca;;;.;t1;to§. suoid. “ 0:“ V-;=:t°"":n . r; CMSE GMIMND , _._ clothes, food, shoes, at prices you hke . . . 1s of. A t‘ = . have t endure us. if we could bun- ° ° ° ''°‘'_ ‘5 "‘"‘ °" 7 ' ° ‘“°‘' ”‘ 5 ' . ‘ n , _ ‘ . _ more moment ‘ ;‘.- v- do mo.-na me am $_’,‘,°,,t,’;°:;'§,‘,t*;,: 3:;°,°:::.: :':;“,:,°:,:* ms-mi M God we if 3§°."..‘§°c3.‘°£.'“ ?Let Us Figure‘ With Y0“ Things of dai1ytiOm1)J’<(:1l*ltat1llcaena12l etacllrgdt ’;i}‘Z.‘.‘.’. 213135: ° “T *‘°"'°""*"8A"'°‘_'**' ""“*- _m,p . 1; mm, ' ' lump. egg. nut and slack. E ' We Alter ‘too Repal . - - . . ‘ . , 4 ." lt - .. ,,;,,,,, cum, Aw ,_ “H Enttl:t(d.c:ta the oil and Turkey 300,‘. .\ , ; Au moat of Wear. ' COLUMBIA . ttsements. Shavmg stlcks, tooth pastes, cuff links, f ' "mm 9 the can. Unfortunately the Turks ‘ E COL‘? COAL C0- : The Work We Do,_ _ p I ' ’ ' ' fOOdS “ iS f . . t. A ofifame round by round. ,,m ,0 mm 0, ,m,,,o,_sp,,,,g_ 1...... .3 . Loch hm mm X". . Prmtln Co, I m k d. . e 1. men N 1n lma news to r °. ‘ . ‘ . > . a e . 9 5°‘°'“"A"" “Y W‘ "‘'"‘5' °°"“° m:lzdownel,h°ubtm:n'l‘oxuo'* Dunham out ‘ ' m« Wm 1' Au‘ ~ - realm‘ -B:‘5"°- ' ' m know ibout ayfl mgnlaltplgllisant k ews of thmgs you no of the world are continually beam, ‘ pmfufioml we pumic ‘rm , -<> ,-- . , _,,____H___ I W‘ Ml‘ °‘ Y°"« , 3 . . , . e no“, m0re-v C0nV€l'l'' , an ting. man. may explain why t... .1. .,,....,. in ,,.,,,__0,,,,,.,, , , u ' lenees you once thought could never be yours. Better . . . diploxitats often "change their pal-. World Braid. ‘-7317373“? B930‘? 350993 ' ' _' ‘A ’ 7"“ l" ‘- A rrrr prices on merchandise you need. ' ' _ : trons. . ; A . _A ' phlloso£Ile;"fiaa)'s he never Pd“. 3”‘ ; . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ""."‘.'."..'.,9‘,_ ‘ I ' .a . - "°'""*¢'°°° * °"-boutwom " ' . t Onlyafewofm finest 'linslfttosel 1; Advertisements are th f t ' . a ‘me our scum that was not a lie. a bout or 4 and .. y . V” 9 . 9°. . ' 9 news 0 eVerY'd9-Y ’~h11l8‘S ..,.,,, ,3, ,1“, ,, .,,,¢,, .. ...,. one?—Provldenee .toor°.:f , " fljom. Soec1ll_m'lcce.conunue thrutheholtdays. that concern you most. No newspaper would be com- OM01 nu-k1~'u,,-,‘3,.¢,oh',,.,g,gg All work and no play nowadays. 1:)‘, put“ . _ Liberal tel'lll8. ~ ‘ ' 1 te ‘m t . I mu W make a phenoutenon.—R*lclunond~ ‘ ' ' " ‘ . . . . p e W1 on em‘ ' . f ""° ° 3“. ‘M """" “”"‘ mo. , i ‘ """°“" 59: M081: expert repairing of all stringed 1n- . ‘ “‘ ( cdlllollsu W at. me N‘ , no I i M “ Al. 75‘! i ‘;_ -._ ‘ ‘r l ' I , to flntabook that u'§§?tu:lo: “"°“‘“_,,‘,,,““‘,,,‘“,,,,““‘__°°,p,“;“"““ :3 sh”°°r.:n‘u.pt.u""t...""""m. ”‘ Advertisements are fr luentl mos ' A A. ‘ e rs was - _ __ . « . _ _ p ‘ . ‘ A f.‘.'.";z....*‘~*f‘..‘:i‘.*‘.."f..‘::'..‘.’.':.? .....""-“ ..."°'... '.°"*"... ’::."°...°'*.'..'“'°"., ~ 2° ”'~ ’“"“‘ ' t J o...... ..""..".,.°'~' M‘ ; - - * A ~ “ ' '-' "5"" --1 ~~ ml A A ; "A ' !l0wm_lIdQl10ll')'10horn'lnt)u,r . . A .- _ . ~ - t-- ->1 Q--_. . the folks éotlinx t.oo.e._ ~ BUTCHQUN —.A—.~.~.:_«.-A ~.. A» AA -—A A A -A - l t8hre\'It9xHlmmL ’ ’ . G i . ‘ « . : Whetia maneaysgjust cot hast.’ ' . I " V’ """"‘ ‘ " ' . A ° ‘ ’ " ' ’ ’ A ' ' ' .- z _’ -FIMMIYOII at once’ nlondzrl ~ TIME - ' " .- ¥ . l ‘ --ii’ ‘t '. , ,3 . A .--*'°=:.........“'*=~,,* .~.. o. t... .... .. ~B‘.““k‘*W9‘‘d°‘-' C031 2 The Missourian “ V" ‘- try: t Fgrgflbsl ‘A V " l A A ‘ ' ‘ " ,""“"*' * 1. 1:’ II ' , 5 .' lhle W mum” d m,“°I""“"°mh'. h',__u_l Bum cam Mm“ ml COMPANY . tln¢ll.C.- ’.aatntlent‘t:tlIl" . Phglelolfior O 3.’ I . .3 Hi‘ ....-*'°"*.. .....1 -'n~=w-=vem,,,..»»-ea to !--.-.'-.9.'.‘9'"‘‘.’‘‘'.“°''''* . T“ vr~ragqpq.....-..... ~ -—— ~ ~—-~~ . . . . » , - - . mg. ... ‘ _ V‘$K' *V3“"'=“""”"'V" " 1¢nnauaAooug\..a-.5-......_._. ‘,_‘~‘ . - N. 1 :.;::.¢:.."-.4:-4:. V-‘-ct‘- 3 t_. '.t, «'3 ;_~. ‘ -- . .' . ' _ 9. ~-. A -.\u:. -4... D . . A.- u