The Lucubrator is a collection of essays written by James Noyes in the 1790s. This Lucubrator collection includes the main volume as well as a side-by-side view of the original pages and the transcribed pages. These are followed by student essays. It is of special note that an additional manuscript, that was folded in the back of the original, is included in this collection as well.
A transcript of the volume was created by students in Dr. Juliette Paul's Early American Literature course offered at the University of Missouri in the spring of 2016. Students who worked on the transcription project and submitted essays about their research are Mackenna Arends, Amy Cantrall, Meghan Cox, Jonathan Crecelius, Sarah Fine, Alecia McLean, Tyler Morris, Zack Schwartz, Erik Wasson, Michelle Zigler, and other students. The transcript provides full-text searching of the content, while the original volume does not.