Information about this leaf: This leaf is a copper-plate engraving of Elijah being fed by ravens in the Kerith Valley. The Latin caption underneath the engraving on the left reads:
"1. REG. Cap. XVII. v. 1-6
Elias corvorum alumnus" or translated into English,
"1 Kings 17:1-6
Elijah being nourished by ravens."
Opposite, the caption is repeated in German.
This engraving is TAB. CCCCLXVIII (468) in the Physique Sacrée and can be found in Book Five. The entire eight volume book has been digitized and can be found in the Virtual Library of Bibliographical Heritage by following this link: Physique Sacrée
Information about this book: The label attributes the engravings to Swiss artist J.M. Fuessli, but records in WorlCat agree that the engravings are actually the work of Johann Andreas Pfeffel. This book contains a total of 760 engravings spread across eight volumes, focusing on physical phenomena and natural history in the Bible. Scheuchzer was a Swiss mathematician, physicians, and naturalist.
Information about this digital copy: digitized by University of Missouri—Columbia, MU Libraries on February 23, 2016. Scanning specifications: 600 dpi; scanned on Zeutschel OS 15000; cropped using Photoshop.
This leaf was identified from information on the label. WorldCat records were used to glean additional information about the book.