This cartoon depicts Richard Achilles Ballinger, the Secretary of Interior, acting smug over the whitewashed Republican majority report that declares him guiltless while the Democratic insurgent minority report declares him guilty and unfit. Ballinger was part of a controversial affair in 1910 that went down in history as either the Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy or the Ballinger Affair. The Ballinger Affair began over an investigation into Clarence Cunningham, who was suspected of illegally transferring land ownership in Alaska to commercial third parties. This investigation began under the Roosevelt administration. Ballinger, the General Land Office Commissioner, eventually concluded the investigation without the approval of his the Secretary of Interior, as he was required. Ballinger left his position for private practice as Cunningham’s personal counsel, but he returned to served as Secretary of Interior under President Taft. Ballinger tried to resolve the allegations against Cunningham, but faced great backlash from other members of the administration, including Chief Forester, Gifford Pinchot. Pinchot, among others, accused Ballinger of negligence and endangering public lands. A committee was formed to determine Ballinger’s guilt. With the exception of one Republican, all the Republicans on the committee ruled in favor of Ballinger, and all the Democrats on the committee ruled against Ballinger. The Ballinger Affair led to mass criticism of the Taft administration.The dispute between Ballinger and United States Forest Service Chief Gifford Pinchot that contributed to the split of the Republican party before the 1912 presidential election. (Summary created by Mary Delano, MU History Intern, Spring 2018)
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