Editorial cartoon depicting two panels. Both show men sitting in the Democratic Headquarters office when a man comes in bringing a paper with the results of the Maine election. In the top panel, the G.O.P. has swept the election, and the Democrats are unimpressed and say the Maine election is not significant. In the bottom panel, the Democratic party has won the Maine election, and they are jump out of their chairs with wide smiles on their faces.
Published in the Chicago Tribune, date not known.
"35"--Handwritten on verso.
"Office of the Managing Editor 4th Floor Tribune Plant"--Handwritten on verso.
Pencil and ink on board.
Original in University of Missouri Special Collections, John Tinney McCutcheon Collection.
Digitized on January 2018. Equipment: Indus Color Book Scanner. Scanning software: bcs-2 version 3.4.9. Image specifications: 400 dpi, color. Access copies: tiffs with LZW compression, rotated and cropped.
Title supplied by cataloger.