Editorial cartoon depicting a man leaving his job as a farm laborer to head to the city, which has signs advertising jobs with large pay. In the last panel, he is surprised when the Dairy Bill, Butcher Bill, and Grocery Bill all come in and require all the extra money he made on account of fewer farm laborers and decreased farming production.
Published in the Chicago Tribune, date not known.
"62"--Handwritten on verso.
"Office of the Managing Editor 3rd Floor Tribune Bldg"--Handwritten on verso.
Pencil and ink on board.
Original in University of Missouri Special Collections, John Tinney McCutcheon Collection.
Digitized on January 2018. Equipment: Indus Color Book Scanner. Scanning software: bcs-2 version 3.4.9. Image specifications: 400 dpi, color. Access copies: tiffs with LZW compression, rotated and cropped.
Title supplied by cataloger.