Editorial cartoon depicting two panels, one from five years ago and one from contemporary time. In the first panel, Annapolis is shown looking down at the Great Lakes review, which only consists of a few soldiers and onlookers. In the second panel, the Great Lakes figure completely overshadows the Annapolis figure, and the field is full of soldiers, military vehicles, and civilians.
Published in the Chicago Tribune in 1918.
Pencil, ink, and watercolor on paper.
Original in University of Missouri Special Collections, John Tinney McCutcheon Collection.
Digitized on February 2018. Equipment: Zeutschel OS 15000. Scanning software: Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2689). Image specifications: 400 dpi, color. Access copies: tiffs with LZW compression, rotated and cropped.
Title from caption.