Venable Maps (Collection)

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Americae Mappa generalis
On verso: Blank
Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio
A version of this map appears in the Neuer atlas bestehend in auserlesenen und allerneuesten land-charten über die gantze Welt (1707), On verso: Blank
Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio
A version of this map appears in the Neuer atlas bestehend in auserlesenen und allerneuesten land-charten über die gantze Welt (1707); date from seller inscription, On verso: Blank
On verso: Handwritten note (author, date, bookseller’s code?)
Novissima et Accuratissima Septentrionalis ac Meriditionalis Americae descriptio
This is the seventh state of the plate (according to Burden), as evidenced by its title, the addition of lower case letters between the marks of latitude, and the upper case letters between the longitude. The plate is also changed at 10°N, 338°E, where there are four small missing sections., On verso: Blank
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio
Appeared in Visscher's Atlas Minor., On verso: Blank
Carte Génerale des États-Unis de L’Amérique Septentrionale
Appeared in Brué’s Atlas Universel de Géographie physique politique ancienne et moderne (1822). Map is dated December 1820., On verso: Handwritten note
The Kingdome of China
Appeared in Speed’s Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World (first published in 1627), On verso: Text: The Description of the Kingdome of China
A New Map of China
Appeared in Millar’s New and Universal System of Geography (1782-1785). A similar map was drawn and published by Kitchin’s teacher, Emanuel Bowen (1694?-1767), in 1748., On verso: Blank
Various Charts of Islands, etc. in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
Appeared in Millar’s New and Universal System of Geography (1782-1785), On verso: Blank
West Indies
Appeared in Millar’s New and Universal System of Geography (1782-1785), On verso: Blank
Wilt Shire
Appeared in the Universal Magazine, On verso: Blank
[1836 Map of Indian Territories]
Appeared in Journal of the Expedition of Dragoons, Under the Command of Col. Henry Dodge from Fort Leavenworth to the Rocky Mountains and Back (1836). Map does not have a title, On verso: Handwritten note
États-Unis de l’Amérique septentrionale avec les Isles Royale, de Terre Neuve, de St Jean, l’Acadie
Includes the proposed states of the Jeffersonian Ordinance of 1784 (and is the first map to do so)., On verso: Handwritten note
