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Characterization of the novel maize carbohydrate partitioning defective mutant P135-21B
Winkler, Rebecca (author, presenter)
Mertz, Rachel A. (author)
Wagner, Ruth (author)
Grote, Karen (author)
Peevers, Jeanette (author)
Chomet, Paul (author)
Johal, Guri (author)
Braun, David (faculty mentor)
University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum (2020 : Columbia, Mo.)
Project category: Life Sciences
Author information: Rebecca Winkler, Biological Sciences, Senior, Barnhart, Missouri
Faculty mentor: David Braun (Biological Sciences)
Funding source: McNair Scholars Program
Capstone project for Bio Sc 4950
Collaborators: Rebecca L. Winkler, Rachel A. Mertz, Ruth Wagner, Karen Grote, Jeanette Peevers, Paul Chomet, Guri Johal, and David M. Braun