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Degradation of hydroxyatrazine using AtzB from pseudomonas sp. strain ADP (poster)
Maxwell, Eddie (author, presenter)
Hsu, Shu-Yu (author)
Lin, Chung-Ho (author)
Hsieh, Hsin-Yeh (faculty mentor)
Stewart, George (faculty mentor)
University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum (2020 : Columbia, Mo.)
Project category: Life Sciences
Author information: Eddie Maxwell, Biological Sciences, Junior, Lilbourn, MO, Missouri
Faculty mentor: Hsin-Yeh Hsieh (Veterinary Pathobiology) and George Stewart (Veterinary Pathobiology)
Capstone project for Bio Sc 4950
Collaborators: Eddie Maxwell, Hsin-Yeh Hsieh, Shu-Yu Hsu, Chung-Ho Lin, and George Stewart