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Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum
2021 Spring Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum
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2021 Spring Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum
The Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to present their research and creative scholarly projects. Students from all majors and every academic level are invited to present their multi-semester projects, senior honors/capstone projects, or other faculty-mentored scholarly activities. Please note that some abstracts have been withheld upon request of the faculty mentor for proprietary reasons. Typically the Forum is organized as an in-person poster and project display event held during a single afternoon. Due to the pandemic, students, faculty and friends are dispersed throughout Missouri, the country, and even the world. Thanks to the support of the MU Libraries, we are able to present our fourth virtual Forum since the pandemic began. To assist you with navigating this online showcase: • Projects are organized by broad disciplinary topics. Please note the new Humanities Symposium to showcase the scholarly works of students whose work falls within the Symposium theme. • The Forum is searchable by student name, faculty name, abstract title, and funding source by using the MU Digital Library search box. • Each presenter is listed individually, even if they are a member of a research team. • In addition to project abstracts, a number of students have also provided research posters, PowerPoint presentations, or short videos. • For each project item, there is a commenting feature (Disqus) that allows viewers to leave questions and comments between April 21-27th. We ask all viewers to keep in mind MU's Statement of Values
Respect, Responsibility, Discovery, and Excellence
. You may use this link to reference our
Forum Community Commenting Guidelines
). Students are encouraged to check-in regularly over the 7 days and respond to audience questions. We welcome and thank the students for their effort and contributions! We invite you to visit the
Office of Undergraduate Research
for more information. Questions can be directed to Our thanks to the students and mentors for sharing their work. Enjoy and be well!
Awards for Outstanding Abstract Writing
In a joint project between the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Campus Writing Program, all submitted student abstracts and artist statements were reviewed and evaluated using a rubric. Written work was reviewed anonymously by trained MU graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Evaluation scores and individual feedback will be provided to the student authors with the goal of improving their writing and communication skills. In addition, outstanding abstracts and artist statements in each discipline will be selected, based on feedback from the graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, to be recognized. Announcement of the awards will be made on Friday, April 23, 2021. Those recognized will have an opportunity to publish their work in
Artifacts, A Journal of Undergraduate Writing
, produced the Campus Writing Program.
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