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Asia: secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicæ regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes et relationes, explosis aliorum fabulosis designationibus et narrationibus, adhibitis quoque veterum monumentis et recentiorum itinerariis descripta, et in partes suas methodicas IX
Asia, divided into its nine methodical parts, according to the proper rules of stereographic projection as well as the most recent observations and accounts, rejecting everything designated as fantastical tales and stories, and also consulting the ancient monuments and descriptions of recent journeys
Hase, Johann Matthias (1684-1742)
Boehme, August Gottlieb (1719-1797)
Homann Heirs
An alternate French title runs along the top of the map: "Carte de l’Asie, projettée stereographiquement, tirée des Relations et Observations, contenues dans les voyages modernes, de meme que dans les monuments des anciens, corrigée de tout ce qui sent la fable, et devisée en ses IX. parties methodiques"
On verso: Handwritten note