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Virtual presentation at the Summer 2021 University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum, held July 2021.
Cintron: Impact of Dermatology ECHO on improved diagnostic and treatment accuracy: 6.5 year period
Cintron, Coralys (author, presenter)
Becevic, Mirna (faculty mentor)
University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum (2021 Summer : Columbia, Mo.)
Life Sciences
Project category: Life Sciences
Presenter Information: Coralys Cintron, Home University: Universidad del Sagrado Coraz������n, Chemistry, Naranjito,
Faculty mentor: Mirna Becevic (Dermatology)
Collaborators: Coralys Cintron and Mirna Becevic
Funding Source: Summer Research Internship in Medical Sciences
Conference papers and proceedings