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Virtual presentation at the Summer 2021 University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum, held July 2021.
Farah: Role of COX-2 and 5-LO in mediating macrophage inflammatory response to Borrelia burgdorferi
Farah, Ayan (author, presenter)
Brown, Charles (faculty mentor)
University of Missouri Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum (2021 Summer : Columbia, Mo.)
Life Sciences
Project category: Life Sciences
Presenter Information: Ayan Farah, Biological Sciences (BS), Psychology (BS), Junior, Kansas City, Missouri
Faculty mentor: Charles Brown (Veterinary Pathobiology)
Collaborators: Ayan Farah, Christa D. Jackson, Charles R. Brown
Funding Source: MARC/IMSD NIH-funded Maximizing Access to Research Careers/ Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity
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