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Traslado de una ejecuttoría Ganada en la Real Chançillería de Granada a Pedimento de Andres Blazquez sobre el Prebilejío de hidalguia.
"Manuscript on paper, Folio, [82] ff. (2 blank). "Traslado de una ejecuttoría Ganada en la Real Chançillería de Granada a Pedimento de Andres Blazquez sobre el Prebilejío de hidalguia." Andrés Blasquez wishes to have his claim to nobility (i.e., his hidalguía) confirmed and here presents his substantiating case to the authorities in the audiencia of Granada. One long document at the end of the volume dates from 1568 and is a copy of a confirmation of the nobility of his ancestor, Alonso Ruíz of Yeste; the first half of the volume is composed of documents immediately generated by Blasquez's court appearance. The progress of the inquiry into Blasquez's claim is predictable and routine, and as these are retained copies, for legal purposes, they bear no striking calligraphy nor any of the illustrations or illuminations found in formal cartas de hidalguía. Yet this is an interesting manuscript volume, for while its documents are from two distinct paleographic periods, the formulae of the court documents remain strikingly similar throughout. Contemporary limp vellum with remnants of ties. Some tattering of foremargins and some foxing, but on the whole a sound and solid volume."
Measurements: 32.5 cm x 23.5 cm
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