A partial leaf from a liturgical manuscript on vellum, probably a church service book. The text on the recto is in a single column of 12 lines with ten 4-line staves, rule din red with neumes in black, and on the verso in a single column of 33 lines (no staves) ruled in red. The recto has text and chant of prayers for celebration of the Feast of [Saint] Mary Magdalene (22 July): the rubric reading "Sancte marie ma/gdalene ad primas vesperas super salmos diei. antyphon," (lines 1-2) and the text beginning: "Maria pio coniuncta ihesu osculando pedes..." (line 3). The verso contains a list of prayers (maunly collects?) for celebrating feasts of a number of saints and occasions, including the feasts of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The text is written in a Gothic textura book hand of good quality in two grades of formality: the text on the recto and that of larger size on the verso is written in the slightly less formal textualis semi-quadrata. There is frequent use of abbreviations including both contractions and suspensions. The music for the chant is written in neumes. The recto has a single larde initial "M" in red (the height of one stave plus one line) marking the opening of the chant for "Maria pio communita oscilando..." and on the verso are six large 2-line initials in alternating red and blue. This leaf was used as binding waste in making up a volume half its size, to which end it was heavily cut down to a size just smaller that the text block and rotated horizontally. A crease running horizontally accross the middle of the leaf shows the mark of the spine of the volume. (description provided by seller)
Measurements: 31.25 cm x 20 cm
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