This is a collection of 114 Missouri County plat books published by W.W. Hixson & Co. Although the exact year of publication is unclear, the volumes are estimated to be from the late 1920s to early 1930s. The plat books in this collection are held in the Special Collections Department at Ellis Library at the University of Missouri--Columbia and the St. Louis Public Library. These plat books are quite frequently consulted. In an effort to preserve and make them more accessible, they have been made available online for the public-at-large.
Map of Phelps County, Missouri -- T.36N. part of Meramec R.6W -- T.37N. part of Meramec R.6W -- T.38N. St. James R.6W -- T.38N. part of Dawson R.6W -- T.36N. part of Cold Spring R.7W -- T.37N. part of Dillon R.7W -- T.38N. part of Dillon R.7W -- T.34N. part of Spring Creek R.8W -- T.35N. part of Spring Creek R.8W -- T.36N. part of Cold Spring R.8W -- T.37N. Rolla R.8W -- T.38N. part of Miller R.8W -- T.34N. part of Spring Creek R.9W -- T.35N. part of Spring Creek R.9W -- T.36N. part of Liberty R.9W -- T.37N. part of Arlington R.9W -- T.38N. part of Miller R.9W -- T34N. part of Spring Creek R.10W -- T.36N. part of Liberty R.10W -- T.37N. part of Arlington R.10W -- T.38N. part of Miller R.10W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Pike County, Missouri -- T.52N. part of Calumet R.2E -- T.52N. part of Calumet R.1E -- T.53N. part of Calumet R.1 and 2E -- T.52N. Prairieville R.1W -- T.53N. R.1W -- T.54N. part of Buffalo R.1W -- T.52N. R.2W -- T.53N. R.2W -- T.54N. R.2W -- T.55N. R.2W -- T.51N. R.3W -- T.52N. R.3W -- T.53N. part of Cuivre R.3W -- T.54N. R.3W -- T.55N. R.3W -- T.53N. part of Spencer R.4W -- T.54N. R.4W -- T.55N. part of Peno R.4W -- T.51N. part of Hartford R.4 and 5W -- T.52N. R.4 and 5W -- T.53N. part of Spencer R.5W -- T.54N. part of Spencer R.5W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Platte County -- T.50 and 51N. part of Pettis R.33W -- T.50 and 51N. parts of Waldron and Pettis R.34W -- T.51 and 52N. May R.33 and 34W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.33 and 34W -- t.53N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.51N. part of Waldron R.35W -- t.52N. part of Pettis R.34 and 35W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.34 and 35.W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.34W -- T.53, 54, and 55N. part of Green R.33 and 34W. -- T.52N. Lee R.35 and 36W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.35 and 36W. -- T.54 and 55N. part of Green R.35W -- T.53 and 54N. Weston R.35 and 36W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.37W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.35 and 36W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Polk County, Missouri -- T.31 and 32N. part of Missourioney R.21W -- T.33N. part of Benton R.21 and 22W -- T.34N. part of Benton R.21 and 22W -- T.34 and 35N. part of Green R.21 and 22W -- T.34 and 35N. part of Green R.21W -- T.31 and 32N. R.22W -- T.33N. part of Marion R.22W -- T.34N. part of Marion R.22W -- T.34 and 35N. part of Jefferson R.22 and 23W -- T.31 and 32N. part of Looney R.23W -- T.33N. part of Marion R.23W -- T.34N. part of Marion R.23W -- T.34 and 35N. part of Jefferson R.23W -- T.31 and 32N. Jackson R.23 and 24W -- T.32 and 33N. Union R.23 and 24W -- T.33 and 34N. Madison R.24W -- T.34N. Campbell R.24W -- T.35N. Johnson R.24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Pulaski -- T.34N. part of Piney R.10W -- T.35N. R.10W -- T.36N. part of Cullen R.10W -- T.37N. part of Union R.10W -- T.38N. part of Union R.10W -- T.34N. R.11W -- T.35N. R.11W -- T.36N. part of Cullen R.11W -- T.37N. part of Union R.11W -- T.38N. part of Union R.11W -- T.34N. part of Roubidoux R.12W -- t.35N. R.12W -- T.36N. R.12W -- T.37N. part of Tavern R.12W -- T.38N. part of Tavern R.12W -- T.34N. part of Liberty R.13W -- T.35N. part of Liberty R.13w -- T.36N. part of Liberty R.13W -- T.37N. R.13W -- T.38N. part of Tavern R.13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Putnam County, Missouri -- T.64N. part of Elm R.16W -- T.65N. part of Elm R.16W -- T.66 and 67N. Grant R.16W -- T.64N. part of Elm R.17W -- T.65N. part of Elm R.17W -- T.66 and 67N. Liberty R.17W -- T.65N. Richland R.18W -- T.66 and 67N. Lincoln R.18W -- T.65N. Wilson R.19W -- T.66 and 67N. Union R.19W -- T.65 and 66N. Jackson R.20W -- T.66 and 67N. Sherman R.20W -- T.65N. Part of Medicine R.21W -- T.66 and 67N. part of York R.21W -- T.65N. part of Medicine R.22W -- T.66 and 67N. part of York R.22W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Ralls County -- T.55N. part of Saverton R.3W -- T.56N. part of Saverton R.3W -- T.55N. R.4W -- T.56N. R.4W -- T.53N. part of Jasper R.5W -- T.54N. R.4 and 5W -- T.55N. R.5W -- T.56N. R.5W -- T.53N. part of Jasper R.6W -- T.54N. R.6W -- T.55N. R.6W -- T.56N. R.6W -- T.53N. part of Salt River R.7W -- T.54N. R.7W -- T.55N. R.7W -- T.56N. part of Saline R.7W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Randolph County, Missouri -- T.52N. part of Prairie R.13W -- T.53N. R.13W -- T.55N. R.13W -- T.54N. R.13W -- T.52N. R.14W -- T.53N. R.14W -- T.54N. R.14W -- T.55N. R.14W -- T.52N. R.15W -- T.53N. R.15W -- T.54N. R.15W -- T.55N. part of Chariton R.15W -- T.52N. part of Silver Creek R.16W -- T.53N. R.16W -- T.54N. R.16W -- T.55N. part of Chariton R.16W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Ray County, Missouri -- T.50 and 51N. part of Camden R.27 and 28W -- T.50 and 51N. part of Camden R.28W -- T.52N. part of Crooked River R.26W -- T.51N. part of Crooked River R.26 and 27W. -- T.52N. part of Fishing River R.29W -- T.54N. parts of Grape Grove and Knoxville R.27W -- T.53N. parts of Grape Grove, Knoxville, and RichMissourind R.27W -- T.53N. part of Grape Grove R.26W -- T.54N. part of Grape Grove R.26W -- T.54N. part of Knoxville R.28W -- T.53N. parts of Knoxville and RichMissourind R.28W -- T.50 and 51N. Orrick R.28 and 29W -- t.53N. parts of Polk and Fishing River R.29W -- T.54N. part of Polk R.29W -- T.52N. parts of RichMissourind and Crooked River R.27W -- T.52N. part of RichMissourind R.28W -- T.51N. part of RichMissourind R.27W -- T.51N. part of RichMissourind R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Reynolds County, Missouri -- T.28N. part of Webb R.2E -- T.29N. part of Webb R.2 and 3E -- T.30N. part of Webb R.2 and 3E -- T.31N. R.2 and 3E -- T.32N. part of Lesterville R.2E -- T.33N. part of Lesterville R.2E -- T.29N. part of Logan R.1E -- T.30N. part of Logan R.1E -- T.31N. R.1E -- T.32N. R.1E -- T.33N. part of Black River R.1E -- T.28N. part of Logan R.1E and 1W -- T.30N. R.1W -- T.31N. R.1W -- T.32N. R.1W -- T.33N. R.1W -- T.29N. R.1 and 2W -- T.30N. part of Jackson R.2W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.2W -- T.32N. part of Carroll R.2W -- t.33N. R.2W -- T.33N. part of Carroll R.3W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Ripley County, Missouri -- T.22N. R.4E -- T.23N. R.4E -- T.24N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.25N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2 and 3E -- T.23N. R.3E -- T.24N. R.3E -- T.25N. R.3E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2E -- T.23N. R.2E -- T.24N. R.2E -- T.25N. part of Jordan R.2E -- T.21 and 22N. Union R.1E and 1W -- T.23N. part of Sherley R.1E -- T.24N. R.1E -- T.25N. R.1E -- T.21 and 22N. part of Gatewood R.1W -- T.23N. R.1W -- T.24N. part of Pine R.1W -- T.25N. part of Pine R.1W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Saline County -- T.48N. part of Black Water R.20W -- T.48N. R.21W -- T.48N. R.22W -- T.48N. part of Salt Pond R.23W -- T.49N. R.19W -- T.49N. R.20W -- T.49N. R.21W -- T.49N. R.22W -- T.49N. R.23W -- T.50N. R.18 and 19W -- T.50N. R.20W -- T.50N. part of Marshall R.21W -- T.50N. R.22W -- T.50N. R.23W -- T.51N. R.18W -- T.51N. R.19W -- T.51N. R.20W -- T.51N. R.21W -- T.51N. R.22W -- T.51N. part of Grand Pass R.23W -- T.52N. part of Cambridge R.19W -- T.52N. R.20W -- T.52N. part of Miami R.21W -- T.52N. R.22W -- T.52N. part of Grand Pass R.23W -- T.53N. R.20W -- T.53N. part of Miami R.21W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Schuyler County, Missouri -- T.64N. part of Independence R.13 and 14W -- T.65N. part of Independence R.13 and 14W -- T.66N. part of Fabius R.13 and 14W -- T.67N. part of Fabius R.13 and 14W -- T.64N. part of Salt River R.14 and 15W -- T.65N. part of Prairie R.14 and 15W -- T.66N. part of Liberty R.14 and 15W -- T.67N. part of Liberty R.14 and 15W -- T.64N. part of Salt River R.15 and 16W -- T.65N. part of Prairie R.15 and 16W -- T.66N. Glenwood R.15 and 16W -- T.66 and 67N. Chariton R.15 and 16W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Scotland County, Missouri -- T.64 and 65N. Harrison R.10W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Thomson R.10W -- T.66 and 67N. Johnson R.10W -- T.64N. Sand Hill R.11W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Jefferson R.11W -- T.66 and 67N. parts of Union and Thomson R.11W -- T.64N. Tobin R.11 and 12W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.66 and 67N. part of Union R.12W -- T.64N. Mt. Pleasant R.12 and 13W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Vest R.12 and 13W -- T.66 and 67N. Miller and part of Vest R.12 and 13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Scott County, Missouri -- T.26N. R.14 and 15E -- T.27N. R.15 and 16E -- T.28N. R.15E -- T.27N. R.14E -- T.28N. R.14E -- T.29N. R.14 and 15E -- T.30N. part of Kelso R.13 and 14E -- T.26N. part of Richland R.13E -- T.27N. R.12 and 13E -- T.28N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.12E -- T.28N. part of Sylvania R.11 and 12E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Shannon County, Missouri -- T.28 and 29N. part of Bowlan R.1W -- T.28N. R.2W -- T.29N. R.2W -- T.30N. part of Blair Creek R.2W -- T.26N. R.3W -- T.27N. R.3W -- T.28N. R.3W -- T.29N. R.3W -- T.30N. R.3W -- T.31N. R.2 and 3W -- T.26N. R.4W -- T.27N. R.4W -- T.28N. R.4W -- T.29N. R.4W -- T.30N. R.4W -- T.31N. part of Newton R.4W -- T.26N. R.5W -- T.27N. R.5W -- T.28N. R.5W -- T.29N. R.5W -- T.30N. R.5W -- T.31N. R.5W -- T.26N. R.6W -- T.27N. R.6W -- T.28N. R.6W -- T.29N. R.6W -- T.30N. R.6W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.6W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
T.56 and 57N. R.9W -- T.58N. R.9W -- T.59N. part of Tiger Fork R.9W -- T.56 and 57N. R.10W -- T.56 and 57N. R.11W -- T.58N. part of Black Creek R.10W -- T.58N. part of Black Creek R.11W -- T.59N. part of Bethel R.10W -- T.59N. R.11W -- T.56N. part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.57N. R.12W -- T.58N. part of Clay R.12W -- T.59N. part of Taylor R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of St. Charles County, Missouri -- T.47 and 48N. part of Portage des Sioux R.7 and 8E -- T.47 and 48N. part of Portage des Sioux R.6E -- T.46 and 47N. part of St. Charles R.5E -- T.48 and 49N. part of Portage des Sioux R.4 and 5E -- T.46N. part of St. Charles R.4E -- T.47 and 48N. R.4E -- T.46N. part of Dardenne R.3E -- T.47N. R.3E -- T.48N. part of Dardenne R.3E -- T.44 and 45N. part of Femme Osage R.2 and 3E -- T.45N. part of Dardenne R.2 and 3E -- T.46 and 47N. R.2E -- T.47N. R.2E -- T.48N. part of Cuivre R.2E. -- T.44N. part of Femme Osage R.1E -- T.45N. part of Femme Osage R.1E -- T.46 and 47N. part of Callaway R.1E -- T.47 and 48N. part of Cuivre R.1E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of St. Clair County, Missouri -- T.36N. Collins R.24 and 25W -- T.37N. Dallas R.24W -- T.38 and 39N. R.24W -- T.39 and 40N. Jackson R.24 and 25W -- T.36N. Washington R.25 and 26W -- T.36N. part of Roscoe R.26W -- T.37N. Doyal R.25W -- T.38 and 39N. Osceola R.25 and 26W -- T.39N. part of Butler R.25W -- T.37 and 38N. part of Roscoe R.26W -- T.37 and 38N. Center R.26W -- T.39N. R.26W -- T.36N. R.27W -- T.37 and 38N. R.27W -- T.37 and 38N. Osage R.27W -- T.39N. Missourinegaw R.27W. -- T.36N. part of Speedwell R.28W -- T.37 and 38N. part of Speedwell R.28W -- T.37 and 38N. Taber R.28W -- T.39N. Appleton R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of St. Francois County, Missouri -- T.34N. part of Liberty R.7E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Liberty R.8E -- T.35N. part of Liberty R.7E -- T.34N. R.6E -- T.35N. R.6E -- T.36N. R.6E -- T.38N. part of Marion R.6E -- T.34N. R.5E -- T.35N. R.5E -- T.36N. R.5E -- T.37N. R.5 and 5E -- T.38N. R.5E -- T.34N. R.4E -- T.35N. R.4E -- T.36N. part of Randolph R.4E -- T.37N. R.4E -- T.38 and 39N. R.4E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of St. Genevieve County, Missouri -- T.35N. part of Beauvais R.9E -- T.36N. part of Beauvais R.9 and 10E -- T.37N. R.9 and 10E -- T.38N. part of Ste. Genevieve R.9 and 10E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Saline R.8E -- T.36N. R.8E -- T.37N. R.8E -- T.38N. R.8E -- T.39N. R.8E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Saline R.7E -- T.36N. R.7E -- T.37N. R.7E -- T.38N. R.7E -- T.39N. part of Jackson R.7E -- T.35 and 36N. part of Union R.5 and 6E -- T.37N. R.5 and 6E -- T.38N. part of Jackson R.6E -- T.39N. part of Jackson R.6E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of St. Louis County, Missouri -- T.45N. part of Bonhomme R.4 and 5E -- T.44N. part of Bonhomme R.5E -- T.44N. part of Bonhomme R.4E -- T.46N. part of Bonhomme R.4 and 5E -- T.44N. part of Carondelet R.6 and 7E -- T.42 and 43N. part of Carondelet R.5,6, and 7E. -- T.45N. part of Central R.6E -- T.46N. part of Central R.6 and 7E -- T.45 and 46N. part of Central R.5E -- T.44N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- T.45N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- T.43N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- t.47N. part of St. Ferdinand R.7 and 8E -- T.46N. part of St. Ferdinand R.6E -- T.46N. part of St. Ferdinand R.7E -- T.46 and 47N. part of St. Ferdinand R.5E -- T.47 and 48N. part of St. Ferdinand R.6E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Stoddard -- T.23N. R.12E -- T.24N. R.12E -- T.25N. R.12E -- T.26N. R.12 and 13E -- T.27N. R.12 and 13E -- T.23N. R.11E -- T.24N. R.11E -- T.25N. R.11E -- T.26N. R.11E -- T.27N. R.11E -- T.28N. R.11 and 12E -- T.23N. R.10E -- T.24N. R.10E -- T.25N. R.10E -- T.26N. R.10E -- T.27N. R.10E -- T.28N. R.10E -- T.23N. R.8 and 9E -- T.24N. R.9E -- T.25N. R.9E -- T.26N. R.9E -- T.27N. R.9E -- T.24N. R.8E -- T.25N. R.8E -- T.27N. R.8E -- T.26N. R.7 and 8E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Stone County, Missouri -- T.21N. R.22W -- T.22N. R.22W -- T.23N. R.22W -- T.24N. part of Ruth R.22W -- T.25N. R.22W -- T.26N. R.22W -- T.21N. R.23W -- T.22N. R.23W -- T.23N. R.23W -- T.24N. R.23W -- T.25N. R.23W -- T.26N. R.23W -- T.21N. part of Williams R.24W -- T.22N. R.24W -- T.23N. R.24W -- T.24N. R.24W -- T.25N. R.24W -- T.26N. R.24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Sullivan County, Missouri -- T.62N. part of Bowman R.22W -- T.62N. part of Bowman R.21W -- T.64N. part of Buchanan R.18W -- T.64N. part of Clay R.21W -- T.64N. part of Clay R.22W -- T.61N. part of Duncan R.20 and 21W -- T.64N. part of Jackson R.20W -- T.63N. parts of Jackson and Polk R.20W -- T.64N. part of Jackson and Buchanan R.19W -- T.63N. parts of Jackson, Polk, and Penn R.19W -- T.63N. part of Liberty R.21W -- T.63N. part of Liberty R.22W -- T.61N. Missourirris R.18 and 19W -- T.63N. part of Penn R.18W -- T.61 and 62N. Pleasant Hill R.19 and 20W -- T.62N. parts of Polk and Duncan R.20W -- T.62N. parts of Polk and Union R.19W -- T.61N. Taylor R.21 and 22W -- T.62N. part of Union R.18W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Taney County, Missouri -- T.21N. part of Big Creek R.17W.; T.21N. R.19W -- T.22N. part of Big Creek R.17W -- T.23N. R.17W -- T.24N part of Beaver R.17W -- T.21N. R.18W -- T.22N. part of Cedar Creek R.18W -- T.23N. R.18W -- T.24N. part of Beaver R.18W -- T.22N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.22N. part of Cedar Creek R.19W -- T.21N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.23N. R.19W -- T.24N. part of Swan R.19W -- T.21 and 22N. R.20W -- T.23N. R.20W -- T.24N. part of Swan R.20W -- T.21N. part of Oliver R.21W -- T.22N. part of Oliver R.21W -- T.24N. part of Jasper R.21W -- T.23N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.24N. part of Jasper R.22W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Texas County, Missouri -- T.28N. Date R.7W -- T.29N. Carroll R.7W -- T.30N. part of Current R.7W -- T.31N. part of Current R.7W -- T.28N. part of Pierce R.8W -- T.29N. part of Ozark R.8W -- T.30N. R.8W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.8W -- T.32N. part of Sherrill R.8W -- T.33N. part of Sherrill R.8W -- T.28N. R.9W -- T.29N. part of Cass R.9W -- T.30N. part of Piney R.9W -- T.31N. R.9W -- T.32N. R.9W -- T.33N. R.9W -- T.28N. R.10W -- T.29N. R.10W -- T.30N. R.10W -- T.31N. R.10W -- T.32N. part of Lynch R.10W -- T.33N. part of Boone R.10W -- T.28N. R.11W -- T.29N. R.11W -- T.30N. part of Missourirris R.11W -- T.31N. part of Upton R.11W -- T.32N. R.11W -- T.33N. part of Roubidoux R.11W -- T.28N. part of Clinton R.12W -- T.29N. R.12W -- T.30N. part of Missourirris R.12W -- T.31N. part of Upton R.12W -- T.32N. R.12W -- T.33N. part of Roubidoux R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Vernon County, Missouri -- T.34N. Missourintevallo R.29W -- T.35N. Virgil R.29W -- T.36N. Clear Creek R.29W -- T.37 and 38N. Bacon R.29W -- T.34N. Dover R.30W -- T.35N. Badger R.30W -- T.36N. Walker R.30W -- T.37 and 38N. Blue Missouriund R.30W -- T.34N. Drywood R.31W -- T.35N. Center R.31W -- T.36N. Washington R.31W -- T.37 and 38N. Osage R.31W -- T.34N. Missouriundville R.32W -- T.35N. Deerfield R.32W -- T.36N. Lake R.32W -- T.37 and 38N. Metz R.32W -- T.34N. Harrison R.33W -- T.35N. Coal R.33W -- T.36N. Richland R.33W -- T.37 and 48N. Henry R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Warren County, Missouri -- T.44N. part of Charrette R.1W -- T.45N. part of Charrette R.1W -- T.46N. R.1W -- T.47N. part of HIckory Grove R.1W -- T.45N. part of Charette R.2W -- T.46N. R.2W -- T.47N. part of Elkhorn R.2W -- T.48N. part of Camp Branch R.2W -- t.45N. part of Pinckney R.3W -- T.46N. part of Pinckney R.3W -- T.47N. part of Elkhorn R.3W -- T.48 and 49N. part of Camp Branch R.3W. -- T.46N. part of Bridgeport R.4W -- T.47N. part of Bridgeport R.4W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Washington County, Missouri -- T.35N. R.3E -- T.36N. R.3E -- T.37N. part of Breton R.3W -- T.38 and 39N. R.3E -- T.39N. R.3E -- T.35N. R.2E -- T.36N. R.2E -- T.38N. R.2 and 3E. -- T.37 and 38N. part of Breton R.2E -- T.39N. R.2E -- T.39 and 40N. part of Richwood R.2 and 3E -- T.35N. part of Belgrade R.1E -- T.36N. R.1E -- T.37N. part of Walton R.1E -- T.38N. part of Liberty R.1E -- T.39N. R.1E -- T.40N. R.1E -- T.35N. part of HarMissouriny R.1 and 2W -- T.36N. part of HarMissouriny R.1 and 2W -- T.37N. part of Walton R.1 and 2W -- T.38N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W -- T.39N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W -- T.40N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Wayne County, Missouri -- T.27N. R.8E -- T.28N. part of Jefferson R.8E -- T.26 and 27N. R.7E -- T.28N. R.7E -- T.29N. part of Cowan R.7E -- T.30N. R.7E -- T.26 and 27N. R.6E -- T.28N. R.6E -- T.29N. R.6E -- T.30N. R.6E -- T.26 and 27N. R.5E -- T.28N. R.5E -- T.29N. R.5E -- T.30N. R.5E -- T.26 and 27N. R.4E -- T.28N. R.4E -- T.29N. R.4E -- T.30N. part of Logan R.4E -- T.26 and 27N. R.3E -- T.28N. R.3E -- T.29N. part of Benton R.3E -- T.30N. part of Benton R.3E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Webster County, Missouri -- T.28N. part of Finley R.16W -- T.29N. R.16W -- T.30N. part of HIgh Prairie R.16W -- T.31N. part of Union R.16W -- T.32N. part of Union R.16W -- t.28N. part of Finley R.17W -- T.29N. R.17W -- T.30N. R.17W -- T.31N. R.17W -- T.32N. R.17W -- T.28N. East Benton R.18W -- T.29N. East Dallas R.18W -- T.30N. part of Ozark R.18W -- T.31N. R.18W -- T.32N. part of Washington R.18W -- T.28N. West Benton R.19W -- T.29N. West Dallas R.19W -- T.30N. part of Grant R.19W -- T.31N. R.19W -- T.32N. part of Jackson R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Worth County, Missouri -- T.65N. Allen R.30 and 31W -- T.66 and 67N. Smith R.30W -- T.65N. Middle Fork R.31 and 32W -- T.66 and 67N. Fletchall R.31W -- T.66 and 67N. part of Union R.32W -- T.65N. Greene R.32 and 33W -- T.66 and 67N. part of Union R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Wright County, Missouri -- T.29N. part of Wood R.12W.; T.28N. part of Missouriuntain Grove R.12W -- T.31N. part of Missourintgomery R.12W -- T.28N. part of Missouriuntain Grove R.13W -- T.29N. part of Wood R.13W -- T.30N. part of Van Buren R.13W -- T.31N. part of Missourintgomery R.13W -- T.28N. Clark R.14W -- T.29N. part of Hart R.14W -- T.30N. Brush Creek R.14W -- T.31N. part of Elk Creek R.14W -- T.32N. part of Missourintgomery R.13W.; T.32N. part of Elk Creek R.14W -- T.28N. part of Pleasant Valley R.15W -- T.29N. part of Gasconade R.15W -- T.30N. part of Boone R.15W -- T.31N. part of Union R.15W -- T.32N. part of Missourintgomery R.12W.; R.32N. part of Union R.15W -- T.32N. part of Union R.16W.; T.28N. part of Pleasant Valley R.16W -- T.29N. part of GAsconade R.16W. -- T.30N. part of Van Buren R.12W.; T.30N. part of Boone R.16W -- T.31N. part of Union R.16W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.