Plat Books of Missouri (Collection)

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Plat Book of Adair County, Missouri
Map of Adair County, Missouri -- T.62N. Part of Benton R.15W -- T.63N. Part of Benton R.15W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.14W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.14W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.13W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.13W -- T.62N. Part of Liberty R.17W -- T.62N. Parts of Liberty and Benton R.16W -- T.63N. Part of Missourirrow R.17W -- T.64N. Part of Missourirro R.17W -- T.63N. Part of Nineveh R.16W -- T.64N. Part of Nineveh R.16W -- T.61N. Part of Pettis R.15W -- T.61N. Parts of Pettis and Walnut R.16W -- T.63 and 64N. Polk R.15W -- T.62N. Part of Salt River R.14W -- T.62N. Part of Salt River R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Walnut R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Wilson R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Wilson R.13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Andrew County, Missouri
Map of Andrew County, Missouri -- T.60N. Part of Benton R.35W -- T.61N. Part of Benton R.35W -- T.61N. Clay R.36 and 37W -- T.60N. Part of Empire R.34W -- T.60N. Part of Empire R.33W -- T.60N. Jackson R.36 and 37W -- T.58 and 59N. Jefferson R.34 and 35W -- T.59N. Part of LIncoln R.35, 36 and 37W -- T.58N. Part of LIncoln R.35 and 36W -- T.58N. Part of Missourinroe R.34 and 35W -- T.58N. Part of Missourinroe R.33W -- T.59 and 60N. Nodaway R.35W -- T.61N. Part of Platte R.33W -- T.61N. Part of Platte R.34W -- T.59N. Part of Rochester R.34 and 35W -- T.59N. Part of Rochester R.33 and 34W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Atchison County, Missouri
Map of Atchison County, Missouri -- T.64N. Benton R.41 and 42W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Buchanan R.42 and 43W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Buchanan R.41 and 42W -- T.64N. Part of Clark R.40W -- T.63 and 64N. Part of Clark R.41W -- T.63N. Part of Clark R.40W. -- T.64 and 65N. Clay R.41W -- T.65N. Colfax R.38 and 39W -- T.64N. Part of Dale R.39W -- T.63N. Part of Dale R.39W -- T.64N. Part of Dale R.38W -- T.63N. Part of Dale R.38W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of LIncoln R.39 and 40W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Lincoln R.38 and 39W -- T.65 and 66N. Nishnabotna R.41 and 42W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Polk R.40 and 41W -- T.65 and 66N. Part of Polk R.41 and 42W -- T.65N. Tarkio R.39 and 40W -- T.64 and 65N. Templeton R.41 and 42W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Audrain County, Missouri
Map of Audrain County, Missouri -- T.5IN Part of Cuivre R.5W -- T.52N Part of Cuivre R.5W -- T.5IN. Part of Cuivre R.6W -- T.52N. Part of Cuivre R.6W -- T.50N. Part of Loutre R.7W -- T.5IN Part of Linn R.7W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Prairie R.7W -- T.50N. Parts of Loutre and Salt River R.8W -- T.5IN. Parts of Linn and Salt River R.8W -- T.52 and 53N. Parts of Prairie and Salt River R.8W -- T.50N. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.5IN. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.5IN. Part of Wilson R.10 and 11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Wilson R.10 and 11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Saling R.11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Saling R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Barry County, Missouri
Map of Barry County, Missouri -- T.21N. Part of White River R.25W -- T.22N. R.25W -- T.23N. R.25W -- T.24N. R.25W -- T.25 and 26N. R.25W -- T.21N. Part of Roaring River R.26W -- T.22N. R.26W -- T.23N. Part of Mineral R.26W -- T.24N. R.26W -- T.25 and 26N. R.26W -- T.21N. R.27W -- T.22N. R.27W -- T.23N. R.27W -- T.24N. R.27W -- T.25 and 26N. R.27W -- T.21N. R.28W -- T.22N. R.28W -- T.23N. R.28W -- T.24N. R.28W -- T.21N. Part of Ash R.29W -- T.22N. R.29W -- T.23N. Part of Liberty R.29W -- T.24N. Part of Shoal Creek R.29W -- T.25 and 26N. R. 28 and 29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Barton County, Missouri
Map of Barton County, Missouri -- T.30 and 31N. Golden City R.29W -- T.32N. Newport R.29W -- T.33N. Milford R.29W -- T.30N. Part of Richland R.30 and 31W -- T.31N. part of Richland R.30 and 31W -- T.31 and 32N. Part of Lamar R.30W -- T.33N. Doylesport R.30W -- T.30 and 31N. North Fork R.31W -- T.31N. Part of Lamar R.31W -- T.32N. R.31W -- T.33N. Union R.31W -- T.30 and 31N. Nashville R.32W -- T.32N. Part of Central R.32W -- T.33N. Barton City R.32W -- T.30 and 31N. Southwest R.33W -- T.32N. Ozark R.33W -- T.33N. Leroy R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Bates County, Missouri
Map of Bates County, Missouri -- T.38N. Rockville R.29W -- T.39N. Hudson R.20W -- T.40N. Deep Water R.29W -- T.41N. Spruce R.29W -- T.42N. Mingo R.29W -- T.38N. Prairie R.3W -- T.39N. Pleasant Gap T.30W -- T.40N. Summit R.30W. -- T.41N. Shawnee R.30W -- T.42N. Grand River R.30W -- T.38 and 39N. Osage R.31 and 32W -- T.38 and 39N. Lone Oak R.31W. -- T.40N. Mt. Pleasant R.31W -- T.41N. Missouriund R.31W -- T.42N. Deer Creek R.31W -- T.39N. New Home R.32W -- T.39 and 40N. Charlotte R.32 and 33W -- T.41N. Elkhart R.32W -- T.42N. East Boone R.32W -- T.38N. Howard R.32 and 33W -- T.39N. Walnut R.33W -- T.39 and 40N. Homer R.33W -- T.41N. West Point R.33W -- T.42N. West Boone R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Benton County, Missouri.
Map of Benton County, Missouri -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Union R.20W -- T.40N. R.20W -- T.41N. Part of Cole R.20W -- T.42N. Part of Williams R.20W -- T.43N. Part of Williams R.20W -- T.38 and 39N. R.21W -- T.40N. R.21W -- T.41N. Part of Cole R.21W -- T.42N. Part of Williams R.21W -- T.43N. Part of Williams R.21W -- T.38 and 39N. R.22W -- T.40N. R.22W -- T.41N. Part of Lindsey R.22W -- T.42N. Part of White R.22W -- T.43N. Part of White R.22W -- T.40N. R.23W -- T.41N. R.23W -- T.42N. Part of white R.23.W -- T.43N. Part of White R.23W -- T.43N. Part of White R.23W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Bollinger County, Missouri
Map of Bollinger County, Missouri -- T.29N. Part of Liberty R.10 and 11E -- T.30N. R.10 and 11E -- T.31N. R.10 and 11E -- T.32N. Part of Scopus R.10 and 11E -- T.33N. White Water R.10 and 11E -- T.28N. Part of Wayne R.9 and 10E -- T.29N. R.9E -- T.30N. R.9E -- T.33N. Part of Union R.9E -- T.28N. Part of Wayne R.8E -- T.29N. R.8E -- T.30N. Part of FillMissourire R.8E -- T.31N. R.8 and 9E -- T.32N. Part of Crooked River R.8 and 9E -- T.33N. Part of Union R.8E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Boone County, Missouri
Map of Boone County, Missouri -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.11W -- T.51N. Centralia R.11W -- T.45N. Part of Cedar R.11, 12 and 13W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.12 and 13W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.12W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.13 and 14W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.13 and 14W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.14 and 15W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.14W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Buchanan County, Missouri
Map of Buchanan County, Missouri -- T.56N. Agency R.34W -- T.55N. Bloomington R.36W -- T.56N. Center R.35W -- T.55N. Crawford R.35W -- T.55N. Jackson R.34W -- T.56N. Lake R.37W -- T.57 and 58N. Marion R.33 and 34N -- T.55N. Platte R.33 and 34W -- T.55N. Rush R.37W -- T.56N. TreMissourint R.33 and 34W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of Washington R.35W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of WAshington R.34W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of Washington R.36W -- T.56N. Wayne R.36W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Butler County, Missouri
Advertisements -- advertisements -- Map of Butler County -- T.22N. Part of Gillis Bluff R.8E -- T.23N. Part of Ash Hill R.8E -- T.24N. Part of Ash Hill R.8E -- T.25N. R.8E -- T.22N. R.7E -- T.23N. Part of Ash Hill R.7E -- T.24N. R.7E -- T.25N. R.7E -- T.26N. Part of St. Francis R.7 and 8E -- T.22N. R.6E -- T.23N. R.6E -- T.24N. Part of Poplar Bluff R.6E -- T.25N. Part of Poplar Bluff R.6E -- t.26N. Part of Black River R.6E -- T.22N. Part of Neely R.5E -- T.24N. Part of Beaver Dam R.5E -- T.25N. R.5E -- T.26N. R.5E -- T.23N. R.4 and 5E -- T.24N. Part of Beaver Dam R.4E -- T.25N. Part of Epps R.4E -- T.26N. Part of Cane Creek R.4E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Caldwell County, Missouri
Map of Caldwell County, Missouri -- T.55N. Davis R.26W -- T.56N. Fairview R.26W -- T.57N. Breckenridge R.26W -- T.55N. Lincoln R.27W -- T.56N. New York R.27W -- T.57N. Gomer R.27W -- T.55N. Grant R.28W -- T.56N. Kingston R.28W -- T.57N. Hamilton R.28W -- T.55N. Rockford R.29W -- T.56N. Mirabile R.29W -- T.57N. Kidder R.29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Callaway County, Missouri
Map of Callaway County, Missouri -- T.45 and 46N. Part of Auxvasse R.7W -- T.47N. R.7W -- T.48N. R.7W -- T.49N. Shamrock R.7W -- T.45 and 46N. R.8W -- T.47N. R.8W -- T.48N. R.8W -- T.49N. Part of Jackson R.8W -- T.44N. Part of Cote Sans Dessein R.9W -- T.45N. R.9W -- T.46N. R.9W -- T.47N. R.9W -- T.48N. R.9W -- T.49N. R.9W -- T.44N. R.10W -- T.44N. R.10W -- T.45N. R.10W -- T.46N. R.10W -- T.47N. R.10W -- T.48N. R.10W -- T.49N. R.10W -- T.44N. Part of Summit R.11W -- T.45N. R.11W -- T.46N. R.11W -- T.47N. R.11W -- T.48N. R.11W -- T.49N. Part of Cleveland R.11W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Camden County, Missouri
Map of Camden County, Missouri -- T.36N. Part of Auglaize R.14W -- T.37N. Part of Auglaize R.14W -- T.38N. Part of Jackson R.14W -- T.36N. Part of Auglaize R.15W -- T.37N. Part of Auglaize R.15W -- T.38N. Part of Jackson R.15W -- T.39N. R.15W -- T.37N. Part of Warren R.16W -- T.38N. Part of Osage R.16W -- T.39N. R.16W -- T.40N. Part of Jasper R.16W -- T.37N. Part of Warren R.17W -- T.38N. Part of Osage R.17W -- T.39N. R.17W -- T.40N. R.17W -- T.37N. Part of Russell R.18W -- T.38N. Part of Russell r.18W -- T.39N. Part of Adair R.18W -- T.40N. Part of Adair R.18W -- T.37N. Part of Russell R.19W -- T.38N. R.19W -- T.39N. Part of Adair R.19W -- T.40N. Part of Adair R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Cape Girardeau County
Map of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri -- T.30N. R.14E -- T.31N. R.14 and 15E -- T.32N. R.14 and 15E -- T.33N. R.14E -- T.30N. R.13E -- T.31N. R.13E -- T.32N. R.13E -- T.33N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.12 and 13E -- T.30N. R.12E -- T.31N. R.12E -- T.32N. R.12E -- T.33N. R.12E -- T.29N. R.11E -- T.30N. R.11E -- T.31N. R.11E -- T.32N. R.11E -- T.33N. R.11E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Carroll County, Missouri
Map of Carroll County, Missouri -- T.55N. Washington R.25W -- T.55N. Hill r.24W -- T.55N. Stokes Missouriund R.23W -- T.55N. Part of Hurricane R.22W -- T.55N. Part of Hurricane R.21W -- T.54N. Fairfield R.25W -- T.54N. Leslie R.24W -- T.54N. Van Horn R.23W -- T.54N. Ridge R.22W -- T.54N. Rockford R.21W -- T.53N. Prairie R.25W -- T.53N. Trotter R.24N -- T.53N. Carrollton R.23W -- T.53N. Combs R.22W -- T.53N. DeWitt R.21W -- T.53N. Smith R.20W -- T.52N. Egypt R.25W -- T.52N. Missouriss Creek R.24W -- T.52N. Wakenda R.23W -- T.52N. Part of Eugene R.22W -- T.51N. Part of Eugene R.22W -- T.52N. Miami R.21W -- T.51N. Cherry Valley R.25W -- T.51N. Sugar Tree R.23 and 24 W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Carter County, Missouri
Map of Carter County, Missouri -- T.25N. Part of Johnson R.3 and 4E -- T.26N. Part of Johnson R.3 and 4E -- T.27N. Part of Jackson R.3E -- T.25N. Part of Johnson R.2E -- T.26N. Part of Johnson R.2E -- T.27N. Part of Jackson R.2E -- T.25N. Part of Kelly R.1E -- T.26N. Part of Kelly R.1E -- T.27N. R.1E -- T.25N. Part of Kelly R.1W -- T.26N. R.1W -- T.27N. R.1W -- T.28N. Part of Carter R.1W and 1E -- T.25N. Part of Pike R.2W -- T.26N. Part of Pike R.2W -- T.28N. Part of Pike R.2W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Cass County, Missouri
Map of Cass County, Missouri -- T.42,43, and 44N. R.29W -- T.44N. Part of Index R.29W -- T.45N. R.29W -- T.46N. Part of Polk R.29W -- T.42 and 43N. R.30W -- T.44N. R.30W -- T.45N. R.30W -- T.46N. R.30W -- T.42 and 43N. Part of Austin R.31W -- T.44N. Part of Grand River R.31W -- T.45N. Peculiar R.31W -- T.46N. Big Creek R.31W -- T.43N. Everett R.32W -- T.44N. R.32W -- T.45N. West Peculiar R.32W -- T.46N. RayMissourire R.32W -- T.43N. Cold Water R.33W -- T.44N. R.33W -- T.45N. Union R.33W -- T.46N. Mt. Pleasant R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Cedar County, Missouri
Map of Cedar County, Missouri -- T.33N. Part of Madison R.25W -- T.34N. R.25W -- T.35N. R.25W -- T.33N. R.26W -- T.34N. R.26W -- T.35N. R.26W -- T.33N. Part of Linn R.27W. -- T.34N. Part of Linn R.27W -- T.35N. R.27W -- T.36N. R.26 and 27W -- T.33N. Part of Benton R.28 and 29W -- T.34N. Part of Benton R.28W -- T.35N. Part of Box R.28W -- T.36N. Part of Box R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Chariton County, Missouri
Map of Chariton County, Missouri -- T.54N. R.16W -- T.55N. R.16W. -- T.56N. R.16W -- T.52N. Part of Chariton R.17W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Salisbury R.17W -- T.54N. R.17W -- T.55N. R.17W -- T.56N. Part of Bee Branch R.17W -- T.51N. R.17 and 18W -- T.52N. R.18W -- T.53N. R.18W -- T.54N. Part of Keytesville R.17 and 18W -- T.55N. Mussel Fork R. 18W -- T.56N. Clark R.18W -- T.52N. R.19W -- T.53N. T.19W -- T.54N. R.19W -- T.55N. Salt Creek R.19W -- T.56N. Part of Yellow Creek R.19W -- T.53N. Part of Brunswick R.20 and 21W -- T.54N. R.20W -- T.55N. Mendon R.20W -- T.56N. R.20W -- T.54N. Part of Triplett R.21W -- T.55N. R.21W -- T.56N. Part of Cunningham R.21W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Christian County, Missouri
Map of Christian County, Missouri -- T.25N. R.18W -- T.26N. R.18W -- T.27 and 28N. R.18W -- T.25N. R.19W -- T.26N. R.19W -- T.27 and 28N. R.19W -- T.25N. R.20W -- T.26N. R.20W -- T.27 and 28N. R.20W -- T.25N. R.21W -- T.26N. R.21W -- T.27 and 28N. R.21W -- T.25N. R.22W -- T.26N. R.22W -- T.27 and 28N. R.22W -- T.27 and 28N. R.23W -- T.27 and 28N. R.24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Clark County, Missouri
Map of Clark County, Missouri -- T.64 and 65N. Vernon R.5W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.5 and 6W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.6W -- T.65 and 66N. Des Missouriines R.6W -- T.63N. Part of Jackson R.7W -- T.64N. Part of Jackson R.7W -- T.65N. Madison R.7W -- T.66N. Sweet Home R.7W -- T.63N. Part of Union R.8W -- T.64N. Part of Union R.8W -- T.65N. Lincoln R.7 and 8W -- T.66N. Jefferson R.8W -- T.67N. Grant R.7 and 8W -- T.63N. Part of Washington R.9W -- T.64N. Part of Washington R.9W -- T.65N. Wyaconda R.9W -- T.66N. Part of Folker R.9W -- T.67N. Part of Folker R.9W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Clay County, Missouri
Map of Clay County, Missouri -- T.51N. Part of Fishing River R.30W -- T.52N. Part of Fishing River R.30W -- T.53 and 54N. Washington R.30W -- T.50 and 51N. Parts of Fishing River and Liberty R.31W -- T.52N. Parts of Kearney, Liberty, and Fishing River R.31W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Kearney R.31W -- T.50 and 51N. Part of Gallatin R.31 and 32W -- T.51N. Parts of Liberty and Gallatin R.32W -- T.52N. Part of Platte, Gallatin, and Liberty R.32W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Kearney and Platte R.32W -- T.50N. Part of Gallatin R.33W -- T.51N. Part of Gallatin R.33W -- T.52N. Part of Platte and Gallatin R.33W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Platte R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Clinton County, Missouri
Map of Clinton County, Missouri -- T.55 and 56N. Atchison R.32 and 33W -- T.54N. Clinton R.31 and 32W -- T.55 and 56N. Concord R.31 and 32W -- T.54 and 55N. Hardin R.32 and 33W -- T.54N. Jackson R.30 and 31W -- T.56 and 57N. La Fayette R. 32 and 33W -- T.55N. Part of Lathrop R.30 and 31W -- T.56N. Part of Lathrop R.30 and 31W -- T.56 and 57N. Platte R.31 and 32W -- T.56 and 57N. Shoal R.30 and 31W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Cole County, Missouri
Map of Cole County, Missouri -- T.43 and 44N. Part of Liberty R.10W -- T.42N. Part of Osage R.11W -- T.43N. R.11W -- T.44N. R.11W -- T.41 and 42N. R.12W. -- T.43N. R.12W -- T.44N. R.12W -- T.45N. Part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.42N. Part of Clark R.13W -- T.43N. R.13W -- T.44N. R.13W -- T.45N. R.13 and 14W -- T.46N. Part of Marion R.13 and 14W -- T.43N. Part of Missourireau R.14W -- T.44N. R.14W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Cooper County, Missouri
Map of Cooper County, Missouri -- T.47N. Part of Prairie Home R.15W -- T.48 and 49N. Part of Saline R.15W -- T.45 and 46N. R.15 and 16W -- T.47N. R.16W -- T.48 and 49N. R.16W -- T.45 and 46N. Part of Kelly R.17W -- T.47N. R.17W -- T.48 and 49N. R.17W -- T.45 and 46N. R.18W -- T.47N. R.18W -- T.48N. R.18W -- T.49 and 50N. R.18W -- T.45 and 46N. R.19W -- T.47N. R.19W -- T.48N. R.19W -- T.49 and 50N. R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Crawford County, Missouri
Map of Crawford County, Missouri -- T.35N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.36N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.36 and 37N. Part of Courtois R.2W -- T.38N. Part of Courtois R.2W -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Liberty R.2W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Boone R.2W -- T.35N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.36N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.36 and 37N. Part of Courtois R.3W -- T.38N. Part of Courtois R.3W -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Liberty R.3W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.37N. Part of Union R.4W -- T.37 and 38N. Part of Meramec R.4W -- T.36N. Part of Union R.4W -- T.37 and 38N. Part of Meramec R.5W -- T.38 and 39N. Benton R.4 and 5W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Oak Hill R.4 and 5W -- T.36N. Part of Union R.5W -- T.37N. Part of Union R.5W -- T.38N. Part of Knob View R.5W -- T.39N. Part of Knob View R.5W -- T.40N. Part of Oak Hill R.5W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Dade County, Missouri
Map of Dade County, Missouri -- T.30N. Rock Prairie R.25W -- T.31N. Polk R.25 and 26W -- T.32N. South Missourirgan R.25W -- T.32 and 33N. North Missourirgan R.25W -- T.30N. South R.26W -- T.30 and 31N. Pilgrim R.26W -- T.30 and 31N. Washington R.26 and 27W -- T.31 and 32N. Center R.26 and 27W -- T.32 and 33N. Sac R.26W -- T.30N. Smith R.27W -- T.30 and 31N. Lockwood R.27 and 28W -- T.31 and 32N. Ernest R.27 and 28W -- T.32 and 33N. North R.27W -- T.30N. Grant R.28 and 29W -- T.31N. Marion R.28 and 29W -- T.32 and 33N. Cedar R.28 and 29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Dallas County, Missouri
Map of Dallas County, Missouri -- T.32N. Part of Washington R.18W -- T.33N. R.18W -- T.34N. R.18W -- T.35N. R.18W -- T.36N. Part of Miller R.18W -- T.32N. R.19W -- T.33N. R.19W -- T.34N. R.19W -- T.35N. R.19W -- T.36N. Part of Sherman R.19W -- T.31 and 32N. R.20W -- T.33N. R.20W -- T.34N. R.20W. -- T.35N. R.20W -- T.36N. Part of Lincoln R.20W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Daviess County, Missouri
Map of Daviess County, Missouri -- T.58N. Harrison and Part of Jackson R.26W -- T.59N. Part of Jackson R.26W -- T.60 and 61N. Jamesport R.26W -- T.61 and 62N. Lincoln R.26W -- T.58N. Missourinroe R.27W. -- T.59N. Union R.27W -- T.60 and 61N. Part of Grand River R.28 and 29W -- T.60 and 61N. Part of Grand River R.27W -- T.61 and 62N. Washington R.27W -- T.58N. Sheridan R.28W -- T.59N. Liberty R.28W -- T.60N. Part of Marion R.28W -- T.61 and 62N. Salem R.28W -- T.58N. Colfax R.29W -- T.59N. Jefferson R.29W -- T.60N. Part of Marion R.29W -- T.61 and 62N. Benton R.29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of DeKalb County, Missouri
Map of DeKalb County, Missouri -- T.57 and 58N. Grand River R.30W -- T.58 and 59N. Adams R.30W -- T.59 and 60N. Dallas R.30W -- T.57 and 58N. Colfax R.31 and 32W -- T.58 and 59N. Camden R.31 and 32W -- T.59 and 60N. Grant R.31 and 32W -- T.57 and 58N. Washington R.32 and 33W -- T.58 and 59N. Sherman R.32 and 33W -- T.59 and 60N. Polk R.32 and 33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Dent County, Missouri
Map of Dent County, Missouri -- T.34N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.32N. Part of Sinking R.3W -- T.34N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.32N. Part of Sinking R.4W -- T.33N. Linn R.4W -- T.34N. Meramec R.4W -- T.35N. Part of Short Bend R.4W -- T.32N. Part of Gladden Valley R.5W -- T.33N. Part of Franklin R.5W -- T.34N. Part of Spring Creek R.5W -- T.35N. Part of Short Bend R.5W -- T.32N. R.6W -- T.33N. R.6W -- T.34N. Part of Spring Creek R.6W -- T.35N. Norman R.6W -- T.32N. Part of Current R.7W -- T.33N. Part of Texas R.7W -- T.34N. R.7W -- T.35N. Part of Watkins R.7W -- T.34N. Part of Watkins R.8W -- T.35N. Part of Watkins R.8W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Douglas County, Missouri
Map of Douglas County, Missouri -- T.25N. Richland R.11W -- T.26N. McKinley R.11W -- T.27N. Clinton R.11W -- T.25N. Brush Creek R.12W -- T.26N. Bryant R.12W -- T.27N. Wood R.12W -- T.25N. Jackson R.13W -- T.26N. Champion R.13W -- T.27N. Cass R.13W -- T.25N. Brown R.14W -- T.26N. McMurtrey R.14W -- T.27N. Clay R.14W -- T.25N. Walls R.15W -- T.26N. Boone R.15W -- T.27N. Miller R.15W -- T.25N. Spring Creek R.16W -- T.26N. Benton R.16W -- T.27N. Findley R.16W -- T.25N. Campbell R.17W -- T.26N. Washington R.17W -- T.27N. Lincoln R.17W -- T.25N. Port of Buchanan R.18W -- T.26N. R.18W -- T.27N. Part of Spencer., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Dunklin County, Missouri
Map of Dunklin County, Missouri -- T.16N. Part of Clay R.10E -- T.17N. Part of Clay R.10E -- T.18N. Part of Independence R.10E -- T.19N. Part of Independence R.10E -- T.20N. R.10E -- T.21N. R.10E -- T.22N. Part of Cotton Hill R.10E -- T.23N. Part of Cotton Hill R.10E -- T.16N. Part of Clay R.9E -- T.17N. R.9E -- T.18N. R.9E -- T.19N. R.9E -- T.20N. Part of Holcomb R.9E -- T.22N. Part of Union R.9E. -- T.16N. R.8E -- T.17N. R.8E -- T.18N. R.8E -- T.21N. R.8 and 9E -- T.22N. Part of Union R.8E -- T.23N. Part of Union R.8 and 9E -- T.16N. Part of Buffalo R.6 and 7E -- T.17N. Part of Buffalo R.7E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Franklin County, Missouri
Map of Franklin County, Missouri -- T.40N. Part of Prairie R.2E -- T.41N. Part of Prairie R.2E -- T.42N. R.2E -- T.43N. R.2E -- T.44N. Part of Boles R.2E -- T.45N. Part of Boles R.2E -- T.40N. Part of Prairie R.1E -- T.41N. R.1E -- T.42N. R.1E -- T.43N. R.1E -- T.44N. R.1E -- T.40N. Part of Meramec R.1W -- T.41N. R.1W -- T.42N. R.1W -- T.43N. R.1W -- T.44N. Part of St. John R.1W -- T.40N. Part of Meramec R.2W -- T.41N. Part of Meramec R.2W -- T.42N. R.2W -- T.43N. T.2W -- T.44 and 45N. R.2W -- T.40N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.41N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.42N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.43N. Part of Lyon R.3W -- T.45N. Part of Boeuf R.3W -- t.40N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.41N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.42N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.43N. Part of Lyon R.4W -- T.44N. R.4W -- T.45N. Part of Boeuf R.4W -- T.46N. Part of Boeuf R.3 and 4W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Gasconade County, Missouri
Map of Gasconade County -- T.40 and 41N. R.4W -- T.42N. R.4W -- T.43N. R.4W -- T.44N. R.4W -- T.45 and 46N. R.4W -- T.40 and 41N. R.5W -- T.42N. R.5W -- T.43N. R.5W -- T.44N. R.5W -- T.45 and 46N. R.5W -- T.40N. R.6W -- T.41N. R.6W -- T.42N. R.6W -- T.43N. R.6W -- T.44N. R.6W -- T.45N. R.6W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Gentry County, Missouri
Map of Gentry County -- T.62N. Parts of Athens and Miller R.30W -- T.63N. Part of Athens R.30W -- T.63N. Part of Athens R.30W -- T.64N. Part of Howard R.30W -- T.61N. Part of Miller R.31W -- T.62N. R.31W -- T.63N. R.31W -- T.64N. Parts of Bogle and Howard R.30 and 31W -- T.61N. Part of Jackson R.32 and 33W -- T.62N. Parts of Cooper and Jackson R.32 and 33W -- T.63N. R.32 and 33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Greene County, Missouri
Map of Greene County, Missouri -- T.28N. Washington R.20W -- T.29W. R.20W -- T.30N. Part of Jackson R.20W -- T.31N. Part of Jackson R.20W -- T.28N. Clay R.21W -- T.29N. R.21W -- T.30N. Part of Franklin R.21W -- T.31N. Part of Frankllin R.21W -- T.28N. Wilson R.22W -- T.29N. R.22W -- T.30N. Part of Robberson R.22W -- T.31N. Part of Robberson R.22W -- T.28 and 29N. Brookline R.23W -- T.28 and 29N. republic R.23 and 24W -- T.29N. Part of Center R.23W -- T.30N. Murray R.23W -- T.30 and 31N. Cass R.23W -- T.28N. Pond Creek R.24N -- T.29N. R.24W -- T.30N. Part of Boone R.24W -- T.31N. Walnut Grove R.23 and 24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Grundy County, Missouri
Map of Grundy County, Missouri -- T.63N. Franklin R.23 and 24W -- T.61 and 62N. Harrison and Part of taylor R.25W -- T.60N. Jackson R.23 and 24W -- T.60N. Jefferson R.24 and 25W -- T.62N. Liberty R.22 and 23W -- T.62N Lincoln R.23 and 24W -- T.61N. Madison R.25W -- T.61N. Marion R.22 and 23W -- T.62 and 63N. Myers R.22 and 23W -- T.61N. Trenton R.23 and 24W -- T.63N. Washington and part of Taylor R.25W -- T.60N. Wilson R.22 and 23W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
