This is a collection of 114 Missouri County plat books published by W.W. Hixson & Co. Although the exact year of publication is unclear, the volumes are estimated to be from the late 1920s to early 1930s. The plat books in this collection are held in the Special Collections Department at Ellis Library at the University of Missouri--Columbia and the St. Louis Public Library. These plat books are quite frequently consulted. In an effort to preserve and make them more accessible, they have been made available online for the public-at-large.
Map of Adair County, Missouri -- T.62N. Part of Benton R.15W -- T.63N. Part of Benton R.15W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.14W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.14W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.13W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.13W -- T.62N. Part of Liberty R.17W -- T.62N. Parts of Liberty and Benton R.16W -- T.63N. Part of Missourirrow R.17W -- T.64N. Part of Missourirro R.17W -- T.63N. Part of Nineveh R.16W -- T.64N. Part of Nineveh R.16W -- T.61N. Part of Pettis R.15W -- T.61N. Parts of Pettis and Walnut R.16W -- T.63 and 64N. Polk R.15W -- T.62N. Part of Salt River R.14W -- T.62N. Part of Salt River R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Walnut R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Wilson R.14W -- T.61N. Part of Wilson R.13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Andrew County, Missouri -- T.60N. Part of Benton R.35W -- T.61N. Part of Benton R.35W -- T.61N. Clay R.36 and 37W -- T.60N. Part of Empire R.34W -- T.60N. Part of Empire R.33W -- T.60N. Jackson R.36 and 37W -- T.58 and 59N. Jefferson R.34 and 35W -- T.59N. Part of LIncoln R.35, 36 and 37W -- T.58N. Part of LIncoln R.35 and 36W -- T.58N. Part of Missourinroe R.34 and 35W -- T.58N. Part of Missourinroe R.33W -- T.59 and 60N. Nodaway R.35W -- T.61N. Part of Platte R.33W -- T.61N. Part of Platte R.34W -- T.59N. Part of Rochester R.34 and 35W -- T.59N. Part of Rochester R.33 and 34W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Atchison County, Missouri -- T.64N. Benton R.41 and 42W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Buchanan R.42 and 43W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Buchanan R.41 and 42W -- T.64N. Part of Clark R.40W -- T.63 and 64N. Part of Clark R.41W -- T.63N. Part of Clark R.40W. -- T.64 and 65N. Clay R.41W -- T.65N. Colfax R.38 and 39W -- T.64N. Part of Dale R.39W -- T.63N. Part of Dale R.39W -- T.64N. Part of Dale R.38W -- T.63N. Part of Dale R.38W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of LIncoln R.39 and 40W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Lincoln R.38 and 39W -- T.65 and 66N. Nishnabotna R.41 and 42W -- T.66 and 67N. Part of Polk R.40 and 41W -- T.65 and 66N. Part of Polk R.41 and 42W -- T.65N. Tarkio R.39 and 40W -- T.64 and 65N. Templeton R.41 and 42W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Audrain County, Missouri -- T.5IN Part of Cuivre R.5W -- T.52N Part of Cuivre R.5W -- T.5IN. Part of Cuivre R.6W -- T.52N. Part of Cuivre R.6W -- T.50N. Part of Loutre R.7W -- T.5IN Part of Linn R.7W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Prairie R.7W -- T.50N. Parts of Loutre and Salt River R.8W -- T.5IN. Parts of Linn and Salt River R.8W -- T.52 and 53N. Parts of Prairie and Salt River R.8W -- T.50N. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.5IN. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Salt River R.9W -- T.5IN. Part of Wilson R.10 and 11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Wilson R.10 and 11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Saling R.11W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Saling R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Barry County, Missouri -- T.21N. Part of White River R.25W -- T.22N. R.25W -- T.23N. R.25W -- T.24N. R.25W -- T.25 and 26N. R.25W -- T.21N. Part of Roaring River R.26W -- T.22N. R.26W -- T.23N. Part of Mineral R.26W -- T.24N. R.26W -- T.25 and 26N. R.26W -- T.21N. R.27W -- T.22N. R.27W -- T.23N. R.27W -- T.24N. R.27W -- T.25 and 26N. R.27W -- T.21N. R.28W -- T.22N. R.28W -- T.23N. R.28W -- T.24N. R.28W -- T.21N. Part of Ash R.29W -- T.22N. R.29W -- T.23N. Part of Liberty R.29W -- T.24N. Part of Shoal Creek R.29W -- T.25 and 26N. R. 28 and 29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Barton County, Missouri -- T.30 and 31N. Golden City R.29W -- T.32N. Newport R.29W -- T.33N. Milford R.29W -- T.30N. Part of Richland R.30 and 31W -- T.31N. part of Richland R.30 and 31W -- T.31 and 32N. Part of Lamar R.30W -- T.33N. Doylesport R.30W -- T.30 and 31N. North Fork R.31W -- T.31N. Part of Lamar R.31W -- T.32N. R.31W -- T.33N. Union R.31W -- T.30 and 31N. Nashville R.32W -- T.32N. Part of Central R.32W -- T.33N. Barton City R.32W -- T.30 and 31N. Southwest R.33W -- T.32N. Ozark R.33W -- T.33N. Leroy R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Bates County, Missouri -- T.38N. Rockville R.29W -- T.39N. Hudson R.20W -- T.40N. Deep Water R.29W -- T.41N. Spruce R.29W -- T.42N. Mingo R.29W -- T.38N. Prairie R.3W -- T.39N. Pleasant Gap T.30W -- T.40N. Summit R.30W. -- T.41N. Shawnee R.30W -- T.42N. Grand River R.30W -- T.38 and 39N. Osage R.31 and 32W -- T.38 and 39N. Lone Oak R.31W. -- T.40N. Mt. Pleasant R.31W -- T.41N. Missouriund R.31W -- T.42N. Deer Creek R.31W -- T.39N. New Home R.32W -- T.39 and 40N. Charlotte R.32 and 33W -- T.41N. Elkhart R.32W -- T.42N. East Boone R.32W -- T.38N. Howard R.32 and 33W -- T.39N. Walnut R.33W -- T.39 and 40N. Homer R.33W -- T.41N. West Point R.33W -- T.42N. West Boone R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Benton County, Missouri -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Union R.20W -- T.40N. R.20W -- T.41N. Part of Cole R.20W -- T.42N. Part of Williams R.20W -- T.43N. Part of Williams R.20W -- T.38 and 39N. R.21W -- T.40N. R.21W -- T.41N. Part of Cole R.21W -- T.42N. Part of Williams R.21W -- T.43N. Part of Williams R.21W -- T.38 and 39N. R.22W -- T.40N. R.22W -- T.41N. Part of Lindsey R.22W -- T.42N. Part of White R.22W -- T.43N. Part of White R.22W -- T.40N. R.23W -- T.41N. R.23W -- T.42N. Part of white R.23.W -- T.43N. Part of White R.23W -- T.43N. Part of White R.23W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Bollinger County, Missouri -- T.29N. Part of Liberty R.10 and 11E -- T.30N. R.10 and 11E -- T.31N. R.10 and 11E -- T.32N. Part of Scopus R.10 and 11E -- T.33N. White Water R.10 and 11E -- T.28N. Part of Wayne R.9 and 10E -- T.29N. R.9E -- T.30N. R.9E -- T.33N. Part of Union R.9E -- T.28N. Part of Wayne R.8E -- T.29N. R.8E -- T.30N. Part of FillMissourire R.8E -- T.31N. R.8 and 9E -- T.32N. Part of Crooked River R.8 and 9E -- T.33N. Part of Union R.8E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Boone County, Missouri -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.11W -- T.51N. Centralia R.11W -- T.45N. Part of Cedar R.11, 12 and 13W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.12 and 13W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.12W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.13 and 14W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.13 and 14W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.14 and 15W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.14W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Buchanan County, Missouri -- T.56N. Agency R.34W -- T.55N. Bloomington R.36W -- T.56N. Center R.35W -- T.55N. Crawford R.35W -- T.55N. Jackson R.34W -- T.56N. Lake R.37W -- T.57 and 58N. Marion R.33 and 34N -- T.55N. Platte R.33 and 34W -- T.55N. Rush R.37W -- T.56N. TreMissourint R.33 and 34W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of Washington R.35W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of WAshington R.34W -- T.57 and 58N. Part of Washington R.36W -- T.56N. Wayne R.36W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Advertisements -- advertisements -- Map of Butler County -- T.22N. Part of Gillis Bluff R.8E -- T.23N. Part of Ash Hill R.8E -- T.24N. Part of Ash Hill R.8E -- T.25N. R.8E -- T.22N. R.7E -- T.23N. Part of Ash Hill R.7E -- T.24N. R.7E -- T.25N. R.7E -- T.26N. Part of St. Francis R.7 and 8E -- T.22N. R.6E -- T.23N. R.6E -- T.24N. Part of Poplar Bluff R.6E -- T.25N. Part of Poplar Bluff R.6E -- t.26N. Part of Black River R.6E -- T.22N. Part of Neely R.5E -- T.24N. Part of Beaver Dam R.5E -- T.25N. R.5E -- T.26N. R.5E -- T.23N. R.4 and 5E -- T.24N. Part of Beaver Dam R.4E -- T.25N. Part of Epps R.4E -- T.26N. Part of Cane Creek R.4E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Caldwell County, Missouri -- T.55N. Davis R.26W -- T.56N. Fairview R.26W -- T.57N. Breckenridge R.26W -- T.55N. Lincoln R.27W -- T.56N. New York R.27W -- T.57N. Gomer R.27W -- T.55N. Grant R.28W -- T.56N. Kingston R.28W -- T.57N. Hamilton R.28W -- T.55N. Rockford R.29W -- T.56N. Mirabile R.29W -- T.57N. Kidder R.29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Callaway County, Missouri -- T.45 and 46N. Part of Auxvasse R.7W -- T.47N. R.7W -- T.48N. R.7W -- T.49N. Shamrock R.7W -- T.45 and 46N. R.8W -- T.47N. R.8W -- T.48N. R.8W -- T.49N. Part of Jackson R.8W -- T.44N. Part of Cote Sans Dessein R.9W -- T.45N. R.9W -- T.46N. R.9W -- T.47N. R.9W -- T.48N. R.9W -- T.49N. R.9W -- T.44N. R.10W -- T.44N. R.10W -- T.45N. R.10W -- T.46N. R.10W -- T.47N. R.10W -- T.48N. R.10W -- T.49N. R.10W -- T.44N. Part of Summit R.11W -- T.45N. R.11W -- T.46N. R.11W -- T.47N. R.11W -- T.48N. R.11W -- T.49N. Part of Cleveland R.11W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Camden County, Missouri -- T.36N. Part of Auglaize R.14W -- T.37N. Part of Auglaize R.14W -- T.38N. Part of Jackson R.14W -- T.36N. Part of Auglaize R.15W -- T.37N. Part of Auglaize R.15W -- T.38N. Part of Jackson R.15W -- T.39N. R.15W -- T.37N. Part of Warren R.16W -- T.38N. Part of Osage R.16W -- T.39N. R.16W -- T.40N. Part of Jasper R.16W -- T.37N. Part of Warren R.17W -- T.38N. Part of Osage R.17W -- T.39N. R.17W -- T.40N. R.17W -- T.37N. Part of Russell R.18W -- T.38N. Part of Russell r.18W -- T.39N. Part of Adair R.18W -- T.40N. Part of Adair R.18W -- T.37N. Part of Russell R.19W -- T.38N. R.19W -- T.39N. Part of Adair R.19W -- T.40N. Part of Adair R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri -- T.30N. R.14E -- T.31N. R.14 and 15E -- T.32N. R.14 and 15E -- T.33N. R.14E -- T.30N. R.13E -- T.31N. R.13E -- T.32N. R.13E -- T.33N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.12 and 13E -- T.30N. R.12E -- T.31N. R.12E -- T.32N. R.12E -- T.33N. R.12E -- T.29N. R.11E -- T.30N. R.11E -- T.31N. R.11E -- T.32N. R.11E -- T.33N. R.11E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Carroll County, Missouri -- T.55N. Washington R.25W -- T.55N. Hill r.24W -- T.55N. Stokes Missouriund R.23W -- T.55N. Part of Hurricane R.22W -- T.55N. Part of Hurricane R.21W -- T.54N. Fairfield R.25W -- T.54N. Leslie R.24W -- T.54N. Van Horn R.23W -- T.54N. Ridge R.22W -- T.54N. Rockford R.21W -- T.53N. Prairie R.25W -- T.53N. Trotter R.24N -- T.53N. Carrollton R.23W -- T.53N. Combs R.22W -- T.53N. DeWitt R.21W -- T.53N. Smith R.20W -- T.52N. Egypt R.25W -- T.52N. Missouriss Creek R.24W -- T.52N. Wakenda R.23W -- T.52N. Part of Eugene R.22W -- T.51N. Part of Eugene R.22W -- T.52N. Miami R.21W -- T.51N. Cherry Valley R.25W -- T.51N. Sugar Tree R.23 and 24 W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Carter County, Missouri -- T.25N. Part of Johnson R.3 and 4E -- T.26N. Part of Johnson R.3 and 4E -- T.27N. Part of Jackson R.3E -- T.25N. Part of Johnson R.2E -- T.26N. Part of Johnson R.2E -- T.27N. Part of Jackson R.2E -- T.25N. Part of Kelly R.1E -- T.26N. Part of Kelly R.1E -- T.27N. R.1E -- T.25N. Part of Kelly R.1W -- T.26N. R.1W -- T.27N. R.1W -- T.28N. Part of Carter R.1W and 1E -- T.25N. Part of Pike R.2W -- T.26N. Part of Pike R.2W -- T.28N. Part of Pike R.2W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Cass County, Missouri -- T.42,43, and 44N. R.29W -- T.44N. Part of Index R.29W -- T.45N. R.29W -- T.46N. Part of Polk R.29W -- T.42 and 43N. R.30W -- T.44N. R.30W -- T.45N. R.30W -- T.46N. R.30W -- T.42 and 43N. Part of Austin R.31W -- T.44N. Part of Grand River R.31W -- T.45N. Peculiar R.31W -- T.46N. Big Creek R.31W -- T.43N. Everett R.32W -- T.44N. R.32W -- T.45N. West Peculiar R.32W -- T.46N. RayMissourire R.32W -- T.43N. Cold Water R.33W -- T.44N. R.33W -- T.45N. Union R.33W -- T.46N. Mt. Pleasant R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Cedar County, Missouri -- T.33N. Part of Madison R.25W -- T.34N. R.25W -- T.35N. R.25W -- T.33N. R.26W -- T.34N. R.26W -- T.35N. R.26W -- T.33N. Part of Linn R.27W. -- T.34N. Part of Linn R.27W -- T.35N. R.27W -- T.36N. R.26 and 27W -- T.33N. Part of Benton R.28 and 29W -- T.34N. Part of Benton R.28W -- T.35N. Part of Box R.28W -- T.36N. Part of Box R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Chariton County, Missouri -- T.54N. R.16W -- T.55N. R.16W. -- T.56N. R.16W -- T.52N. Part of Chariton R.17W -- T.52 and 53N. Part of Salisbury R.17W -- T.54N. R.17W -- T.55N. R.17W -- T.56N. Part of Bee Branch R.17W -- T.51N. R.17 and 18W -- T.52N. R.18W -- T.53N. R.18W -- T.54N. Part of Keytesville R.17 and 18W -- T.55N. Mussel Fork R. 18W -- T.56N. Clark R.18W -- T.52N. R.19W -- T.53N. T.19W -- T.54N. R.19W -- T.55N. Salt Creek R.19W -- T.56N. Part of Yellow Creek R.19W -- T.53N. Part of Brunswick R.20 and 21W -- T.54N. R.20W -- T.55N. Mendon R.20W -- T.56N. R.20W -- T.54N. Part of Triplett R.21W -- T.55N. R.21W -- T.56N. Part of Cunningham R.21W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Christian County, Missouri -- T.25N. R.18W -- T.26N. R.18W -- T.27 and 28N. R.18W -- T.25N. R.19W -- T.26N. R.19W -- T.27 and 28N. R.19W -- T.25N. R.20W -- T.26N. R.20W -- T.27 and 28N. R.20W -- T.25N. R.21W -- T.26N. R.21W -- T.27 and 28N. R.21W -- T.25N. R.22W -- T.26N. R.22W -- T.27 and 28N. R.22W -- T.27 and 28N. R.23W -- T.27 and 28N. R.24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Clark County, Missouri -- T.64 and 65N. Vernon R.5W -- T.63N. Part of Clay R.5 and 6W -- T.64N. Part of Clay R.6W -- T.65 and 66N. Des Missouriines R.6W -- T.63N. Part of Jackson R.7W -- T.64N. Part of Jackson R.7W -- T.65N. Madison R.7W -- T.66N. Sweet Home R.7W -- T.63N. Part of Union R.8W -- T.64N. Part of Union R.8W -- T.65N. Lincoln R.7 and 8W -- T.66N. Jefferson R.8W -- T.67N. Grant R.7 and 8W -- T.63N. Part of Washington R.9W -- T.64N. Part of Washington R.9W -- T.65N. Wyaconda R.9W -- T.66N. Part of Folker R.9W -- T.67N. Part of Folker R.9W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Clay County, Missouri -- T.51N. Part of Fishing River R.30W -- T.52N. Part of Fishing River R.30W -- T.53 and 54N. Washington R.30W -- T.50 and 51N. Parts of Fishing River and Liberty R.31W -- T.52N. Parts of Kearney, Liberty, and Fishing River R.31W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Kearney R.31W -- T.50 and 51N. Part of Gallatin R.31 and 32W -- T.51N. Parts of Liberty and Gallatin R.32W -- T.52N. Part of Platte, Gallatin, and Liberty R.32W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Kearney and Platte R.32W -- T.50N. Part of Gallatin R.33W -- T.51N. Part of Gallatin R.33W -- T.52N. Part of Platte and Gallatin R.33W -- T.53 and 54N. Part of Platte R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Clinton County, Missouri -- T.55 and 56N. Atchison R.32 and 33W -- T.54N. Clinton R.31 and 32W -- T.55 and 56N. Concord R.31 and 32W -- T.54 and 55N. Hardin R.32 and 33W -- T.54N. Jackson R.30 and 31W -- T.56 and 57N. La Fayette R. 32 and 33W -- T.55N. Part of Lathrop R.30 and 31W -- T.56N. Part of Lathrop R.30 and 31W -- T.56 and 57N. Platte R.31 and 32W -- T.56 and 57N. Shoal R.30 and 31W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Cole County, Missouri -- T.43 and 44N. Part of Liberty R.10W -- T.42N. Part of Osage R.11W -- T.43N. R.11W -- T.44N. R.11W -- T.41 and 42N. R.12W. -- T.43N. R.12W -- T.44N. R.12W -- T.45N. Part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.42N. Part of Clark R.13W -- T.43N. R.13W -- T.44N. R.13W -- T.45N. R.13 and 14W -- T.46N. Part of Marion R.13 and 14W -- T.43N. Part of Missourireau R.14W -- T.44N. R.14W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Cooper County, Missouri -- T.47N. Part of Prairie Home R.15W -- T.48 and 49N. Part of Saline R.15W -- T.45 and 46N. R.15 and 16W -- T.47N. R.16W -- T.48 and 49N. R.16W -- T.45 and 46N. Part of Kelly R.17W -- T.47N. R.17W -- T.48 and 49N. R.17W -- T.45 and 46N. R.18W -- T.47N. R.18W -- T.48N. R.18W -- T.49 and 50N. R.18W -- T.45 and 46N. R.19W -- T.47N. R.19W -- T.48N. R.19W -- T.49 and 50N. R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Crawford County, Missouri -- T.35N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.36N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.36 and 37N. Part of Courtois R.2W -- T.38N. Part of Courtois R.2W -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Liberty R.2W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Boone R.2W -- T.35N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.36N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.36 and 37N. Part of Courtois R.3W -- T.38N. Part of Courtois R.3W -- T.38 and 39N. Part of Liberty R.3W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.37N. Part of Union R.4W -- T.37 and 38N. Part of Meramec R.4W -- T.36N. Part of Union R.4W -- T.37 and 38N. Part of Meramec R.5W -- T.38 and 39N. Benton R.4 and 5W -- T.39 and 40N. Part of Oak Hill R.4 and 5W -- T.36N. Part of Union R.5W -- T.37N. Part of Union R.5W -- T.38N. Part of Knob View R.5W -- T.39N. Part of Knob View R.5W -- T.40N. Part of Oak Hill R.5W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Dade County, Missouri -- T.30N. Rock Prairie R.25W -- T.31N. Polk R.25 and 26W -- T.32N. South Missourirgan R.25W -- T.32 and 33N. North Missourirgan R.25W -- T.30N. South R.26W -- T.30 and 31N. Pilgrim R.26W -- T.30 and 31N. Washington R.26 and 27W -- T.31 and 32N. Center R.26 and 27W -- T.32 and 33N. Sac R.26W -- T.30N. Smith R.27W -- T.30 and 31N. Lockwood R.27 and 28W -- T.31 and 32N. Ernest R.27 and 28W -- T.32 and 33N. North R.27W -- T.30N. Grant R.28 and 29W -- T.31N. Marion R.28 and 29W -- T.32 and 33N. Cedar R.28 and 29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Dallas County, Missouri -- T.32N. Part of Washington R.18W -- T.33N. R.18W -- T.34N. R.18W -- T.35N. R.18W -- T.36N. Part of Miller R.18W -- T.32N. R.19W -- T.33N. R.19W -- T.34N. R.19W -- T.35N. R.19W -- T.36N. Part of Sherman R.19W -- T.31 and 32N. R.20W -- T.33N. R.20W -- T.34N. R.20W. -- T.35N. R.20W -- T.36N. Part of Lincoln R.20W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Daviess County, Missouri -- T.58N. Harrison and Part of Jackson R.26W -- T.59N. Part of Jackson R.26W -- T.60 and 61N. Jamesport R.26W -- T.61 and 62N. Lincoln R.26W -- T.58N. Missourinroe R.27W. -- T.59N. Union R.27W -- T.60 and 61N. Part of Grand River R.28 and 29W -- T.60 and 61N. Part of Grand River R.27W -- T.61 and 62N. Washington R.27W -- T.58N. Sheridan R.28W -- T.59N. Liberty R.28W -- T.60N. Part of Marion R.28W -- T.61 and 62N. Salem R.28W -- T.58N. Colfax R.29W -- T.59N. Jefferson R.29W -- T.60N. Part of Marion R.29W -- T.61 and 62N. Benton R.29W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of DeKalb County, Missouri -- T.57 and 58N. Grand River R.30W -- T.58 and 59N. Adams R.30W -- T.59 and 60N. Dallas R.30W -- T.57 and 58N. Colfax R.31 and 32W -- T.58 and 59N. Camden R.31 and 32W -- T.59 and 60N. Grant R.31 and 32W -- T.57 and 58N. Washington R.32 and 33W -- T.58 and 59N. Sherman R.32 and 33W -- T.59 and 60N. Polk R.32 and 33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Dent County, Missouri -- T.34N. Part of Osage R.2W -- T.32N. Part of Sinking R.3W -- T.34N. Part of Osage R.3W -- T.32N. Part of Sinking R.4W -- T.33N. Linn R.4W -- T.34N. Meramec R.4W -- T.35N. Part of Short Bend R.4W -- T.32N. Part of Gladden Valley R.5W -- T.33N. Part of Franklin R.5W -- T.34N. Part of Spring Creek R.5W -- T.35N. Part of Short Bend R.5W -- T.32N. R.6W -- T.33N. R.6W -- T.34N. Part of Spring Creek R.6W -- T.35N. Norman R.6W -- T.32N. Part of Current R.7W -- T.33N. Part of Texas R.7W -- T.34N. R.7W -- T.35N. Part of Watkins R.7W -- T.34N. Part of Watkins R.8W -- T.35N. Part of Watkins R.8W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Douglas County, Missouri -- T.25N. Richland R.11W -- T.26N. McKinley R.11W -- T.27N. Clinton R.11W -- T.25N. Brush Creek R.12W -- T.26N. Bryant R.12W -- T.27N. Wood R.12W -- T.25N. Jackson R.13W -- T.26N. Champion R.13W -- T.27N. Cass R.13W -- T.25N. Brown R.14W -- T.26N. McMurtrey R.14W -- T.27N. Clay R.14W -- T.25N. Walls R.15W -- T.26N. Boone R.15W -- T.27N. Miller R.15W -- T.25N. Spring Creek R.16W -- T.26N. Benton R.16W -- T.27N. Findley R.16W -- T.25N. Campbell R.17W -- T.26N. Washington R.17W -- T.27N. Lincoln R.17W -- T.25N. Port of Buchanan R.18W -- T.26N. R.18W -- T.27N. Part of Spencer., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Dunklin County, Missouri -- T.16N. Part of Clay R.10E -- T.17N. Part of Clay R.10E -- T.18N. Part of Independence R.10E -- T.19N. Part of Independence R.10E -- T.20N. R.10E -- T.21N. R.10E -- T.22N. Part of Cotton Hill R.10E -- T.23N. Part of Cotton Hill R.10E -- T.16N. Part of Clay R.9E -- T.17N. R.9E -- T.18N. R.9E -- T.19N. R.9E -- T.20N. Part of Holcomb R.9E -- T.22N. Part of Union R.9E. -- T.16N. R.8E -- T.17N. R.8E -- T.18N. R.8E -- T.21N. R.8 and 9E -- T.22N. Part of Union R.8E -- T.23N. Part of Union R.8 and 9E -- T.16N. Part of Buffalo R.6 and 7E -- T.17N. Part of Buffalo R.7E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Franklin County, Missouri -- T.40N. Part of Prairie R.2E -- T.41N. Part of Prairie R.2E -- T.42N. R.2E -- T.43N. R.2E -- T.44N. Part of Boles R.2E -- T.45N. Part of Boles R.2E -- T.40N. Part of Prairie R.1E -- T.41N. R.1E -- T.42N. R.1E -- T.43N. R.1E -- T.44N. R.1E -- T.40N. Part of Meramec R.1W -- T.41N. R.1W -- T.42N. R.1W -- T.43N. R.1W -- T.44N. Part of St. John R.1W -- T.40N. Part of Meramec R.2W -- T.41N. Part of Meramec R.2W -- T.42N. R.2W -- T.43N. T.2W -- T.44 and 45N. R.2W -- T.40N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.41N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.42N. Part of Boone R.3W -- T.43N. Part of Lyon R.3W -- T.45N. Part of Boeuf R.3W -- t.40N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.41N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.42N. Part of Boone R.4W -- T.43N. Part of Lyon R.4W -- T.44N. R.4W -- T.45N. Part of Boeuf R.4W -- T.46N. Part of Boeuf R.3 and 4W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Gasconade County -- T.40 and 41N. R.4W -- T.42N. R.4W -- T.43N. R.4W -- T.44N. R.4W -- T.45 and 46N. R.4W -- T.40 and 41N. R.5W -- T.42N. R.5W -- T.43N. R.5W -- T.44N. R.5W -- T.45 and 46N. R.5W -- T.40N. R.6W -- T.41N. R.6W -- T.42N. R.6W -- T.43N. R.6W -- T.44N. R.6W -- T.45N. R.6W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Gentry County -- T.62N. Parts of Athens and Miller R.30W -- T.63N. Part of Athens R.30W -- T.63N. Part of Athens R.30W -- T.64N. Part of Howard R.30W -- T.61N. Part of Miller R.31W -- T.62N. R.31W -- T.63N. R.31W -- T.64N. Parts of Bogle and Howard R.30 and 31W -- T.61N. Part of Jackson R.32 and 33W -- T.62N. Parts of Cooper and Jackson R.32 and 33W -- T.63N. R.32 and 33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Greene County, Missouri -- T.28N. Washington R.20W -- T.29W. R.20W -- T.30N. Part of Jackson R.20W -- T.31N. Part of Jackson R.20W -- T.28N. Clay R.21W -- T.29N. R.21W -- T.30N. Part of Franklin R.21W -- T.31N. Part of Frankllin R.21W -- T.28N. Wilson R.22W -- T.29N. R.22W -- T.30N. Part of Robberson R.22W -- T.31N. Part of Robberson R.22W -- T.28 and 29N. Brookline R.23W -- T.28 and 29N. republic R.23 and 24W -- T.29N. Part of Center R.23W -- T.30N. Murray R.23W -- T.30 and 31N. Cass R.23W -- T.28N. Pond Creek R.24N -- T.29N. R.24W -- T.30N. Part of Boone R.24W -- T.31N. Walnut Grove R.23 and 24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Map of Grundy County, Missouri -- T.63N. Franklin R.23 and 24W -- T.61 and 62N. Harrison and Part of taylor R.25W -- T.60N. Jackson R.23 and 24W -- T.60N. Jefferson R.24 and 25W -- T.62N. Liberty R.22 and 23W -- T.62N Lincoln R.23 and 24W -- T.61N. Madison R.25W -- T.61N. Marion R.22 and 23W -- T.62 and 63N. Myers R.22 and 23W -- T.61N. Trenton R.23 and 24W -- T.63N. Washington and part of Taylor R.25W -- T.60N. Wilson R.22 and 23W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.