Through a rulemaking proceeding that has spanned nearly five years, the Secretary of Labor has fashioned regulations restricting the use of urban wage data in the determination of "prevailing" wage rates under the Davis-Bacon Act (P.L. 71-798, as amended). This paper traces the evolution of the urban/rural data controversy and reviews questions concerning legislative action on the issue.
Abstract -- Introduction -- Origins of the Urban/Rural Wage Data Controversy -- The Reagan Administration's Revision Initiatives. Background ; Rulemaking Commenced ; A Testing in the Courts ; The Interested Parties React ; Injunction Granted by the U.S. District Court ; Reversal by the Court of Appeals ; U.S. Supreme Court Denies Certiorari ; A Final Rule Is Published -- Prospects for Legislative Action
William G. Whittaker, Analyst in Labor Economics, Economics Division
CRS 85-631 E
"March 20, 1985."
SuDoc# 14. 18/3