. "Q5, A .li:‘.'T’}‘:»rl§i,of A'l1gu5te Van Biene. fwm is; paste i.+.l,V_~‘;l.l.,n1Vz1_t.V1:’;xs of art. Tl z':.q viid Mr. Van Blane wo‘l1l§:l~'. be” apApe;n9lnl__c;' in “The Br«;:«m; Melos.ly."W "It ‘is~-u_en.-c:onis‘ide«red.a great acmr, but, than__k H;ean:c1'c, We rave passed the pmlimi when it Wars tll{o‘ug;1:L mat nature could be inxproive.-1 upon by an inFl:n.cs—~" mz.rm».=.r and by silly affectarlorm. Mr. "Van Blame .1.a:5 a‘ powerful, voice, came and earncstncss, but not for one fflOl11o‘?:’ill does he get off his stilts. Bu‘: as‘ a 'c<~ll'1sr,-«-ah, that is quite amyther znsluter. There he shows the. master E One can see at once that he has marvclouzs power over" ll‘.L“. instrumem. Hr: plzrjiita 110 like popular taste. it true. but with what finish, what exquisixo feeling 3 Perhaps it is wortluuwhile to endure :1 bad. pl,-slyzmd. :3. deal of cc>m=em;.io:1es.l. acting on the part of star and com- pany ‘few the sake of hea.ri~ng so glean a. mu.sir:a.l at’tis.tl . J(.I‘l1li‘l D. BARRY. I THE S$I.AVES OF THE Bl*G-BRKIMIMEI) HATS. The I.‘-sg--lmmmed lxatlslill flaunts ins punders,~-.:;=iz,y laetwemi the hungry‘ gaze of ‘the: orchestra chairs and the lurid blaze of Lulu: icaotllglltsz. If the theater-hat. had any repose we could adapt oursxeilws to it and find SOO‘.1e’lvh€l‘C: a pecep»-"hole tl'l1l‘0'>.7xg\l1 which to obtain at least lxalf measures in obul..:-22' d.e.l6?Ct:1'r.'i(m :~ but, no; it boos and swa_vs. and quivers and switxga and nods. .:=.ncl. tremblcs until. the optia: ‘nerve feels like a xrutrry-go-toixvld w3.t.h hall its, mgwheels‘ .lar..kihg in tooth. .‘:‘s11‘flicien*.l).' ‘Vigo-rous methods halve not yer‘. been taken really to shame those who persist in their evil w-ayfi and will nolj'plac<: .their hats in tlmir laps. M Whilm tlm geentlcmevz go out to see that man who ' alw2s.y~;f w:zi‘Llr:g, and who always will wait asllong‘ -as tlu=,re a L«:tw‘eer1'--th::»:—:.cts, and while: the mags (:3.I‘p.l‘1l<: 2:‘ find a hat in sight if a place ‘l.1n.Clr.‘-I"‘lhL‘ L‘ :1 :$"ispv'-:.« Vided for it by ithclmanagement of the the.-.u=:':a ' ' JAMES CLARENCV -H" ~-.x:..~;“a v PAULA, by Victoria Cross, is said to ha; a simcch from life, but the life. was hardly ‘won't: ii‘:-"Eng. anal ‘s1._u'ely not worth sketching. Victoria. lZ‘r'osss= will probably have 2:. literary" future, but 35%: «*:";id~:'en‘t'l)" can’: get. away from the present yet. Her style is unformced, though hcr»~»expfess:’maxs i are hackne-yed ; sexuality stalks rarnpzmt thix‘ough_=._; liar pages, am} hot lnfinitives do thespllii. Bfiltvsllé‘ can change all this and cultivate her c1mzgr‘lg_s.igli ~a‘ncl artistic amlacity umil z-ahr: produces oonlgéihinl worthy of hm". Q ~ -. . * '3? 95* ' » About {ho llllllltllt‘. of Novksmber Ronlfiaiy by on Eonaz; Doyle, which has ‘l>V::.I;‘,_L‘_1.‘tI.1!;7;‘1N3§oi11 “ serially i‘:zlt1~m Smafm -l\!a.o.m;Nm, yyil1‘";$j:pplis i 1 ‘ . » ‘1;i1l\.l1ookl~fo§xi\1A ‘-* W 1