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Summary of major differences between Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) studies of prevailing non-federal retirement practices
Civil Service Retirement Team (Author)
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Preface -- Basic Methodology. Congressional Research Service (CRS) ; Office of Personnel Management (OPM) ; Overall Results -- Data Bases. CRS ; OPM ; Comments -- Typical Private Pension Plan Provisions -- Replacement Rate Analysis. CRS ; OPM ; Results ; Comments ; Distribution of Income -- Cost Analysis. Non-Federal Pension Plans ; Social Security ; Civil Service Retirement System -- Economic Assumptions -- Demographic Assumptions. Mortality Improvement ; Career Salary Progression ; Social Security ; Disability Rates ; Joint and Survivor Benefits ; Retirement Rates -- Appendix A: Estimated Real Interest Rates (1953-1984).
Civil Service Retirement Team.
CRS 85-755 EPW
"May 22, 1985."
SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
62 pages