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Ethylene dibromide: History, health effects, and policy questions
Simpson, Michael M. (Author)
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Much attention has recently been focused on the chemical ethylene dibromide (EDB). This chemical has been widely used in leaded gasoline, and has also been used to treat grains, citrus, and other crops. It has been found in foods and in groundwater. This paper examines the possible health effects of exposure to EDB, as well as its regulation. The possible health effects and regulation of various chemical and physical alternatives to EDB are also examined. This paper concludes with some policy considerations pertinent to EDB.
Abstract -- Introduction -- Chemical and Physical Properties of EDB -- Use -- History of Research and Regulation -- Health Effects of EDB. Acute Effects ; Long-Term Effects -- Human Exposure to EDB. Occupational ; Nonoccupational ; Drinking Water ; Leaded Gasoline ; Food -- Alternatives to EDB -- Policy Questions.
Michael M. Simpson, Analyst in Life Sciences, Science Policy Research Division.
CRS 84-622 SPR
"May 3, 1984."
SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
38 pages