Financial developments in the 1980s have resulted in new ownership arrangements for depository financial institutions as well as new forms of interstate deposit-taking arrangements. Considerable interest exists in the pervasiveness of these arrangements. This report provides selected lists of corporate ownership of depository financial institutions and interstate banking in order to suggest the extent to which various forms of innovations have occurred and the firms involved; the listings are not necessarily comprehensive.
Abstract -- Introduction -- Ownership of Nonbank Banks - Appendix to Federal Reserve testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, March 27, 1984 -- Interstate Banking by Banks and Thrift Institutions - Excerpts from the American Banker, April 3 and 4, 1984 -- Savings and Loan Holding Companies - Excerpts from the American Banker, November 14, 1983 -- Divestiture Under Various Possible Statutory Changes - Attachment to testimony of the American Bankers Association before a Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, April 5, 1984.
F. Jean Wells, Specialist in Money and Banking, Economics Division.
CRS 84-105 E
"June 1, 1984."
SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3