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Carte Particuliere des Environs d'Arthois du Boulenois et d'Une Partie de la Picardie (1712)
1712-01-01, 1702
This is a copper engraved map of Northern France by Eugene Henry Fricx published in 1712. The title in French is Carte Particuliere des Environs d'Arthois du Boulenois et d'Une Partie de la Picardie and a rough English translation is Map of the Surroundings of Arthois Boulnois and Part of the Picardie. At the key it is written in French, Echelle de deux Lienes de Brabant which roughly translates in English to Scale of two Brabant Lines. Below it reads in French, A Bruxelles chez Eugene Henry Fricx rue de la Madelene aver Privilege du Roy 1708, which roughly ran slated in English to In Brussels Eugene Henry Fricx Street of the Madeleine with Privilege of the King, 1708. Cities appearing on the map: Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Nord: Marquete (?), Koflande (?), Hasebrouk, Wate ou la Mote au bois(La Motte-au-Bois which is now part of Morbecque since the early 1790s), Steenbek (Steenbecque), Morbek (Morbecque), Fontainecastel (?), Zekele (?), Waloncapele (Wallon-Cappel), la Vostine F. O. C. (?), Ablinghem (Ebblinghem), Norstract (?), Bacouk (?), Renecrre (Renescure), Sille ou Linde (Lynde), Blaringhem, Boisinghem (Boëseghem), Tiene (Thiennes), Haveskerke (Haverskerque), Sanai capele (?), Wiacbrouq (Widdebrouck), and Pequeur. Pas-de-Calais: Bambek (?), Roughe F. ruine (?), Garlinghem, S. Floris (Saint-Floris), S. Venant (Saint-Venant), Amuzois (Les Amusoires), Robek Printe (Robecq), Le Quenol (?), Bune (Busnes), Garbek (Guarbecque), Le Moulenou (?), Bernoville (?), Berguete (Berguette, which, on January 1, 1996, consolidated with Molinghem and Isbergues to form Isbergues), Molinghem (Molinghem, which, on January 1, 1996, consolidated with Berguette and Isbergues to form Isbergues), Flandre (La Flandrie), P. en Bune (Pont en Busnes), Bunete (Busnettes), Canteraine (?), Manquevile (Manqueville), Ham H. O. S. (Ham-en-Artois), Pire (?), Orgevile (Orgeville), Cote (Saint-Hilaire-Cottes), S. Hilaire (Saint-Hilaire-Cottes), Malanoi (Norrent-Fontes), Norrem (Norrent-Fontes), Fonte (Norrent-Fontes), Tanai (?), les Mottes (?), Mazinghem, Breux (?), Isberge (Isbergues), Aire (Aire-sur-la-Lys), F. S. Francois (Fort St. Francis), S. Martin (Saint-Martin), Wit (Wittes), Jumele (La Jumelle), Rinck (Rinq), S. Quintin (?), S. Andrellas (?), Cohen (?), Quarq (?), Marte (Marthes), Mame (Mametz), Rebeck (?), Glominghem (Glomenghem), Cauchie d'Eck (There is a Fond de Cauchie and a Rue de Cauchie outside the city of Ecques), Warne, Roquetoir (Roquetoire), Ron (?), Ecoire (?), Raquinghem (Racquinghem), le Barne (?), Verderek (Wardrecques), Campagne (Campagne-lès-Wardrecques), Blandeque F. C. (Blendecques), Sorice (?), Quistede (Quiestède), Huringhem (Heuringhem), Pihen (Pihem), Helfaut, Bilk (?), St. Arque Comte (Arques), Wime (?), S. Bertin (Abbey of Saint Bertin inside Saint-Omer founded in the 7th Century that was closed during the French Revolution and is now Ruins), St. Omer (Saint-Omer), le Nar (?), les Chartroux (?), Longeunesse, Leulinghem, Wisq (Wisques), Wiserne (Wizernes), Haline (Hallines), Equerde (Esquerdes), Setque (Setques), Arqenbrone (?), Estrehen (Estrehem), Tatinghem (Merged to form Saint-Martin-lez-Tatinghem on January 1, 2016), le Hautoi (?), Cormete (Cormette), Disq (Petit Difques?/Grand Difques?), Noircarme (?), Quelme (Quelmes), Lumbre (Lumbres), Baynghem (Bayenghem-lès-Éperlecques/Bayenghem-lès-Seninghem), le Val du bois (?), Zud Ausq (Zudausques), Aquin (Joined with Westbécourt on January 1, 1974 to form Acquin-Westbécourt), Moringhem, Boidinghem (Boisdinghem), Bouvelinghem, Watine (?), Quercamp (Quercamps), Alquine (Alquines), Haut et Bas Locquin (Haut-Loquin/Bas Loquin), Waterdal (?), Colombi (Coulomby), Journi (Journy), Cauchie (?), Surque (Surques), Equeule (Escœuilles), Brunemberg (Brunembert), Reberg (Rebergues), Bainghem (Bainghen), Longuevile (Longueville), Coquerel (?), Cele (Selles), Bournonvile (Bournonville), Duche (?), Liane (There is a La Liane stream), Heneveu (Henneveux), Alingtun (Alincthun), Cremare (Crémarest), Belebrune (Bellebrune), Haute fontaine (There is a hotel called Gite Cottage des Hautes Fontaines), Bele (Belle-et-Houllefort), Contevile (?), Perne (Pernes-lès-Boulogne), Huplande (Huplandre), la Capele (La Capelle-lès-Boulogne), Pitefau (Pittefaux), Sauvre moulin (17th Century Chateau of Souverain-Moulin), Cuvervile (There is a street Chemin de Cuverville), Cluse (La Haute Cluse), S. Martin (?), Bedeutre (?), Boulemberg (?), Maquinghem (Macquinghen), Bertenlair (?), Baingtun (Baincthun), la Pature (?), Echinghem (Echinghen), S. Leonard (Saint-Léonard), P. De Brique (Pont-de-Briques), Hermeranq (?), Isque (Isques), Quehem (Quehen), Quetinghem (Questinghen), Hedin l'Abbe (Hesdin-l'Abbé), Oureq (?), Lanoi (?), Quetre (Questrecques), Wirevigne (Wirwignes), Reelinghem (There is a street Route de Reclinghen), S. Etiene (Saint-Étienne-au-Mont), Audisque (?), la Manoir (?), Ecame (?), Condete (Condette), Choquel (Le Choquel), la Hate (?), Chateau de Hardelot (Neufchâtel-Hardelot), Neuchatel (Neufchâtel-Hardelot), la Riniere (?), Pelinctun (?), Danne (Dannes), Camier (Camiers), Rombli ensable (?), Niele (Nesles), Verlingtun (Verlincthun), Menti (?), Floringtun (?), Hedigneul (Hesdigneul-lès-Boulogne), Tingri (Tingry), Carli (Carly), le Breuc (?), l'Epeche (?), Longuereque (Longuerecque), au bois Belazane (Bellozanne), Samer H. O. S. B., Pta. d'Estienfort (?), H. et B. Blefel (?), Wierre au Bois (Wierre-au-Bois), Le spreiet (?), Jourelingtun (?), S. Gertrude (?), Long Fosse (Longfossé), Courtaut (?), Canteraine, Chauffee (?), Devre (Desvres), Manevile (Menneville), S Martin (Saint-Martin-Choquel), Queque (Quesques), Buisson de Mai (?), Lotinghem (Lottinghen), Vieu Moutier (Vieil-Moutier), Monthulin rase (?), le Calique (?), Frinevile (?), Etaple (Étaples), Hilbert (?), Fromecen (Fromessent), Le Fau (Lefaux), Audiq (?), Goluque (?), Tubersen (Tubersent), Enoc (Bréxent-Énocq), la Roque (?), Courtevile (Courteville), Longviler H. C. (Longvilliers), les Prez (?), Courne (?), Rofenniel (?), Fren (Frencq), le Turne (?), Widehem, Cormont, Hubersent, Niembourg, Halinghem (Halinghen), Beutin, Atin (Attin), Brequesen (Bréxent-Énocq?), Marevile (Maresville), Etrayele (Estréelles), Tativile (Tatéville), Regue (Recques-sur-Course), Moncavrel ou Mailli (Montcavrel), Beussen (Beussent), Bernieul (Bernieulles), le Violier (?), Preurele (?), Enguinehaut, Rolers (?), Sequiere (Séquières), Veillame (?), Erime (?), Lacre (Lacres), Dale (Dalles), Parenti (Parenty), Doudeauvile H. O. S. A. (Doudeauville), Beauceroi (Beaucorroy), Cours (Course), la Croix de Pierre, Courset, les Chartrux (La Chartreuse de Neuville), Neuvile (Neuville-sous-Montreuil), Etree (Estrée), Marle (Marles-sur-Canche), Maren (Marant), la Beauce (?), Hurtevent (?), Sempi (Sempy), Aimi (?), Alete (Alette), Toutendal, Clenleu, Remortier, Maninghem au mont (Maninghem), Digitized 2-2015
Amerique Meridionale (1812): South America (1812)
Map showing the whole South American Continent. The map is filled with a lot of geographic details concerning place names, rivers, lakes, mountains, and islands. The title is engraved inside a volcano. Cities on this map include: Natal, Paraiba (Paraíba), N. S. de Conceicao, Olinda de Fernambue, Peneda (Penedo), Sergipe del Rey, St. Salvador ou Bahia (Salvador), Villa do Ice, Joazeiro, Rio das Contas, Rio Grande, Ipoeira, St. George de Ilheos (Ilhéus), S. Antoine, S. Anna, Tapiracaba, Porto Seguro, Villa Boa, Arayal de Parucatu, S. Mathieu (São Mateus), Minas Novas, Villa do Principe (Serro), Espiritu Santo, Pitang, Sabara (Sabará), Guyate, Garipari, St. Joao del Rey (São João del Rei), Rio Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro), S. Paul (São Paulo), Paragua, S. Miguel (São Miguel), Villanova, Os Conventos, Taramandi, Viamao (Viamão), Bujuru, S. Pedro de R. Grande (Rio Grande), S. Borja (São Borja), S. Angelo (Santo Ângelo), S. Ignacio, Santa Anna, Cubacao, Villa Bella (Matto Grosso), Cuyaba (Cuiabá), Amarante, Resisto da Insua, S. Patricio (São Patrício), Crisa (Crixás), Lopes, Guarine, Villanova, Arcay, S. Felix (São Félix do Araguaia), Oeiras, S. Pedro, Aldeas Atlas (Aldeias Altas), Urubin, Natividade, Matanca (Matança), Casa Forte, S. Lorenco, Almeida, Anauhirahi, Cabexis, Des Incamento das Pedras, Fortalezza, Real ou Arrayal, Poyocao Nova, Olivenca (São Paulo de Olivença), Ega, Thomar, Barcellos (Barcelos), Moura, Forter. de Rio Negro (Manaus), Serpa (Itacoatiara), Ovidos (Óbidos), Santarem (Santarém), Almeirim, Pombal, Camota, Fragoso, Gurupa (Gurupá), Macapa (Macapá ), Mondim, Belem ou Gram Para (Belém), Ouren, Jozelea, Branganca (Bragança), Tapitapera, Joze, Aldea G., Piracunica (Piracuruca), Villa Vicosa (Viçosa do Ceará), Parnaiba (Parnaíba), Camosin (Camocim), Seara ou S. Joze de Ribamar (Fortaleza), Est Mayez, and Aracati, Brazil, Mangrullo, F. S. Therese (Fortaleza de Santa Teresa), Monte Video (Montevideo), and El Sacramento (Colonia del Sacramento), Uruguay, Yapeyn (Yapeyú), S. Baromben (Samborombon), Buenos Ayres (Buenos Aires), Areco (San Antonio de Areco), S. Sebastien (San Sebastián), Pergamino, S. Louis (San Luis), Mendosa (Mendoza), S. Juan (San Juan), Mercedes (Villa Mercedes), S. Augustin, Cordoue (Córdoba), Barada, Sta. Fe (Santa Fe), S. Lucie (Santa Lucía), Andrade, Zumampa, Santiago del Estero, S. F. de Catamarca (San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca), Vagna, St. Juan, Rioja la nueva Simbolan (La Rioja), S. Miguel de Tucaman (San Miguel de Tucumán), S. Joseph de Petacas, Corrientes, Candeturia, Paleipas, Malayas, Tala (El Tala), S. Felipe el Real de Salta (Salta), S. Sumen, S. S. Jujuy (San Salvador de Jujuy), and Calchaqui (Calchaquí), Argentina, Castro, S. Xavier, Osorno, Villarica (Villarrica), La Mocha (Valle de la Mocha), Valdivia, Sta. Fe, P. Rumena, La Concepcion (Concepción), Chillan (Chillán), St. Fernando (San Fernando), Astillero, Santiago, Legrone, Valparyso (Valparaíso), Quillota, S. Felipe Real (San Felipe), Mincha, La Serena, Huasco, Copiapo (Copiapó), Bas Chaco, Peine, Tarapaca (Tarapacá), Arica, and S. F. de la Selva, Chile, Ncembuen (Ñeembucú), S. Ignacio aband, Conception (Concepción), and Assomption (Asunción), Paraguay, Potosi (Potosí), La Plata (Sucre), Temina (Tomina), Pilaya, Cinti, Cotagayta (Santiago de Cotagaita), S. J. Baptiste, Plaine, S. Ana (Santa Ana de Velasco), S. Xavier (San Javier), Santa Cruz de la Sierra, S. Ignacio (San Ignacio de Velasco), Cochabamba, Oruro, Cicacica (Sica Sica), S. Nicolas (San Nicolás), Conception (Concepción), and La Paz, Bolivia, Tacna, Ililo (Ilo), Ica, Palpu (Palpa), Pausa, Camana (Camaná), Arequipa, Chucuyto (Chucuito), Sandia, Apolobamba, Challuanca (Chalhuanca), Chinchero (Chincheros), Abancay, Cuzco (Cusco), Xaura, Guancabelica (Huancavelica), Pisco, Canete (San Vicente de Cañete), Lima, Chancay, Huaillano, Guanuca, Truxillo (Trujillo), Caxamarquilla (Cajamarquilla), Caxamarca (Cajamarca), Sana, St. Antoine, Jaen (Jaén), Payta (Paita), S. Yago, Omagua, and Uraninas, Peru, Loja, Cuenca, Guayaquil, Macas ou Seville del Oro, Quito, S. Joseph de Huates, and S. Miguel, Ecuador, Ste. Foi, S. Paul, Pt. S. Louis, Casari, and Cayenne, French Guyana, Paramribo, Suriname, Stabrook (Georgetown) and Nle. Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) Guyana, Caroni, Thoina, Real Corona, Esmerelda, Cabiula, S. Carlos, Il d'Atureo, S. Fernando, M. de Carichama, Pampelune, Gibraltar, Truxillo (Trujillo), Maracaibo, Coro, Carora, Valence (Valencia), Leon (Caracas), Barcelone (Barcelona), and Cumana (Cumaná), Venezuela, Hiendo, Sta. Fe de Bogota (Bogotá), Girone, M. de Maypuri, Mira, Barbacoas, S. Juan de Pasta (Pasto), Popayan (Popayán), Carthago (Cartago), Sta. Fe de Antioquia (Santa Fe de Antioquia), Lorica (Santa Cruz de Lorica), Sta. Marta (Santa Marta), Cathagene (Cartagena), El Hacha, and Les Palme, Colombia, and Santiago (Santiago de Veraguas) and Panama (Panama City) Panama and the unknown locations of S. Tecta, S. Aria, Candeturia, and Fort. Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Caipitan, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.
Le Fort de la Kenoque. Situè dans la Comte de Flandre, sur la petite Riviere d'Yser a une Lieue au Sud Ouest de Dixmude. (1702): Fort of Kenoque. Seated in the County of Flanders, on the small river Yser in Lieue southwest of Diksmuide.
This is a copper engraved plate depicting a bird's-eye plan of the fortress of Kenoque situated at the junction of the Loo and Diksmuide canals besieged by the British in 1695. The engraving shows details of the improvements to the fortress proposed by Vauban. The fortress was demolished in 1781. The publication this is from is Atlas portatif, ou, le nouveau theatre de la guerre en Europe: contenant les cartes géographiques, avec les plans des villes & forteresses les plus exposées aux révolutions présentes: accompagnè d'une nouvelle méthode pour apprendre facilement la géographie & la chronologie des potentats. Translated this is roughly: Portable Atlas, or thé new theater of war in Europe: containing maps, city maps with forts & most exposer to these revolutions: accompanied by a new method to easily learn geography & timelines. It was published in Amsterdam, Netherlands by Daniel de la Feuille in 1702. Daniel was born of Huguenot stock in Sedan (L'Ardennes) France. As a young man, he apprenticed as a watchmaker. In 1663 La Feuille married Charlette Marlet, the daughter of a local carpenter. Twenty years later, in 1683, facing religious persecution of the Huguenots in France, the family fled to Amsterdam. By 1686, Daniel had become a burgher (citizen) of the city and established himself as an engraver, publisher, and art dealer. Not long after, in 1691, he was admitted into the Booksellers Guild. His cartographic work includes numerous individual maps and atlases, many of which continued to be published and republished well after his death in 1709. He was succeeded by his sons Jacob and Paul.
Carte Dv Beavvaisis (1648)
Copper engraved map of the Region of Beauvais, France. The map is adorned with a decorative cartouche. The map is from the publication: Cartes generales de toutes les Provinces de France et d'Espaigne, which translates to: General maps of all of the Provinces of France and Spain. The Cartographer, Nicolas Tassin, was active from 1633 until 1655 and was appointed "Royal Cartographer" at Dijon before setting up as an engraver in Paris where he issued various collections of small maps and plans. Cities appearing on this map include: Île-de-France: Yvelines: Mante (Mantes-la-Jolie), Meulan (Meulan-en-Yvelines), and Poissy. Val-d'Oise: Pontoiz (Pontoise), Artis (Arthies), Marignes (Marines), Magny (Magny-en-Vexin), Lisle Adam (L'Isle-Adam), and Beaumont (Beaumont-sur-Oise). Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie: Oise: Meru (Méru), Chaumont (Chaumont-en-Vexin), Labosse, Cormeille (?), Creil, Senlis, Pont S. Maixance (Pont-Sainte-Maxence), Chailly (?), Verberie, Moluin (?), Crepy (Crépy-en-Valois), Russy (Russy-Bémont), Ludron (?), Compiegne (Compiègne), Pierrefond (Pierrefonds), Auberual (?), Rotonde (Rethondes), St. Leu (Saint-Leu-d'Esserent/Villers-sous-Saint-Leu), Merlou (Mello/Saint-Vaast-lès-Mello), Mouy, Fremicourt (?), Auelon (?), Gerberoy, Meroatte (?), Villedieu (?), Bury, Clermont, St. Thibault (Saint-Thibault), Bulles, Beavvais (Beauvais), St. Just (Saint-Just-en-Chaussée), Hinu (Hénu), lequesnel (Le Quesnel-Aubry), Blicourt, Labruire (Labruyère), Remy, Neroy (Noroy), Montiers, Noyon, Le Plessis de Roye (Plessis-de-Roye), Gournay (Gournay-sur-Aronde), Oruilliers (Orvillers-Sorel), Beuuerem, Ferrieres (Ferrières), Breteuil, and Flechy (Fléchy). Somme: Nelle (Nesle ), Harbonnieres (Harbonnières), Roye, Rouy (Rouy-le-Petit/Rouy-le-Grand), Mottnselle, Mondidier, Moreul (Moreuil), Cottensy (Cottenchy), and Conty.. Normandy: Eure: Dangu and Gisors. Seine-Maritime: Gournay (Gournay-en-Bray) and Beuueray (Beuvreuil).
Carte de l'Isle d'Anjouan (1748)
This is a copper engraved map of the Island of Anjouan in the Comoros by Jacques Nicolas Bellin in 1748. It is labeled in both French and Dutch. The title in French is "Carte de l'Isle d'Anjouan, Une des Isles de Comore: Par le Cape. Cornwal" and in Dutch is "Kaart van't Eiland Anjuan, den der Komorose Eilanden, door Kapt. Cornwall". A rough English translation would be "A map of the Island of Anjouan, One of the Islands of the Comoros: Per Captain Cornwall. It shows a unit of measurement with the title, Echelle de quatre lieues marines in French and Schaal van Zee-Mylen in Dutch which translates to Scale of four marine leagues. Cities appearing on the map include: Kavane (?), Sakken (?), Marapare (?), Village:Dorp (?), Asanpon (?), Esoue (?), Eavil (?), Gindi (?), Mokeside (?), Bandane (?), Mindehore (?), Onzene (?), Kani (?), Bandankod (?), Bombo la Saunga (Bambao Mtrouni?), Lamude (?), Gaune (?), Bombae (?), Merone (?), Warne (?), Zeumillome (?), Haromt (?), Ponhal (?), Herovne (?), Bandanka (?), Boderan (?), Pinda (?), Suzane (?), Kova (?), Demoni (?), Koway (?), Namakil (?), Hada (?), and Demani (Domoni). Under Deamni it reads: Ville Capitale ou Demeure du Roy, Hoofdstad, which translated to Capital city or Residence of the King. Off of the Western Coast of the island it reads: Ici le Mouillage set fort bon: Hier is geode Ankering, which translated to, Here, anchorage is very good and Bancs de Roches sous l'eau, which translated to Rock Banks Under Water. On the Northern Portion of the island it reads: Tres bon endroit pour faire du bois: Beste Plaats voor den Houthak, which translates to, Very good place for wood/best place for logging.
Federal funding for education services for undocumented alien children
This paper describes the program under which funds were made available in the 98th Congress for the education of immigrant children, including the undocumented, as well as other federally funded education programs for alien children. Concerns in the area of education of aliens, including the availability of data on the undocumented, are discussed.
Ecosse (1812): Scotland
Detailed single page historical copper engraved map of Scotland. The map shows several geographic details on cities, towns, rivers, lakes, reliefs, and islands. The vignette title is an engraved view of basalt columns. Regions appearing on this map include: Scotland: Kirkcudbright (Kirkcudbrightshire or Dumfries and Galloway), Wigton (Wigtownshire or Dumfries and Galloway), Berwick (Berwickshire or Scottish Borders), Haddington (Haddingtonshire or East Lothian), Roxburgh (Roxburghshire or Scottish Borders), Edimburgh (City of Edinburgh, Midlothian, and West Lothian), Peebles (Peeblesshire and Scottish Borders), Selkirk (Selkirkshire or Scottish Borders), Dumfries (Dumfriesshire or Dumfries and Galloway), Ayr (Ayrshire or North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, and South Ayrshire), Linlitgow (Linlithgowshire or West Lothian), Lanerk (Lanarkshire or East Dunbartonshire, Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire, and South Lanarkshire), Renfrew (Renfrewshire or Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, and Inverclyde), Dunbarton (Dunbartonshire or East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire), Argyle (Argyll or Argyll and Bute), Kincardine (Kincardineshire or Aberdeenshire), Angus (Angus and Dundee City), Aberdeen (Aberdeenshire), Perth (Perthshire or Clackmannanshire, Perth and Kinross, and Stirling), Kinross (Kinross-shire or Perth and Kinross), Clackmannan (Clackmannanshire), Stirling (Stirlingshire or Stirling, East Dunbartonshire, Falkirk, and North Lanarkshire), Inverness (Inverness-shire or Inverness), Aberdeen (Aberdeenshire), Ross (Ross-shire or Highland), Southerland (Highland), Caithness (Highland), Orkney Islands, and the Shetland Islands. Cities appearing on this map include: England: Hartlepool, Durham, Shields (South Shields), Newcastle (Newcastle upon Tyne), Hexham, Applebi (Appleby-in-Westmorland), Carlisle, Workington, Morpeth, Bellingham, Rothbury, Alnwick, Bedford (Belford), Berwick (Berwick-upon-Tweed), and Longtown. Scotland: Cities in the Kirkcudbright region (Kirkcudbrightshire or Dumfries and Galloway): Kirkcudbright, Castle Douglas, New Galloway, Gleneard (?), and Boidnock (?). Cities in the Wigton region (Wigtownshire or Dumfries and Galloway): Wigton (Wigtown), Whitehorn (Whithorn), Glenluce, Stranrawer (Stranraer), Kirkbride (Kirkmaiden), Pt. Patrick (Portpatrick), Newton Stewart, and Kirkcolm. Cities in Berwick region (Berwickshire or Scottish Borders): Eyemouth, Cockburnspath, Buncle (Bonkyll Castle), Dunse (Duns), Greenlaw, Coldstream, Channel (Channelkirk), and Lauder. Cities in Haddington region (Haddingtonshire or East Lothian): Haddington and Dunbar Cities in Roxburgh region (Roxburghshire or Scottish Borders): Kelso, Jedburgh, Hawick, Peel (?), and Park (?). Cities in Edimburgh region (City of Edinburgh, Midlothian, and West Lothian): Leith, Edimburgh (Edinburgh), Mid Calder, Whiteburn (Whitburn), Howgate, and Falla (?). Cities in Peebles region (Peeblesshire and Scottish Borders): Linton (West Linton), Peebles, Glenholme (?), and Elveedfout (Elvanfoot). Cities in Selkirk region (Selkirkshire or Scottish Borders): Galashiels, Melrose, and Selkirk. Cities in Dumfries region (Dumfriesshire or Dumfries and Galloway): Longholm (Langholm), Annan, Ecclesfechan (Ecclefechan), Dumfries, Bounby (?), Lochmeben (Lochmaben), Eskdalemoor (Eskdalemuir), Moffat, Monyhive (Moniaive), and Sanquar (Sanquhar). Cities in Ayr region (Ayrshire or North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, and South Ayrshire): Ballantrae, Gaighead (?), Girvan, Maybole, Cumnock, Muirkirk, Derval (Darvel), Ayr, Kilmarnock, Irvine, Dalry, Beith, Kelly (?), Corry (Corrie), and Dippin. Cities in Linlitgow region (Linlithgowshire or West Lothian): Linlithgow Cities in Lanerk region (Lanarkshire or East Dunbartonshire, Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire, and South Lanarkshire): Biggar, Douglass (Douglas), Strathaven, Lanerk (Lanark), Airdrie, Kilbride (East Kilbride), Hamilton, and Glascow (Glasgow) Cities in Renfrew region (Renfrewshire or Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, and Inverclyde): Paisley Cities in Dumbarton region (Dunbartonshire or East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire): Dumbarton Cities in Argyle region (Argyll or Argyll and Bute): Kilmodan (Kilmun), Calves (?), Inverniel (Inverneil), Tarbet (Tarbert), Campbelton (Campbeltown), Fernach (?), Jara (Jura), Ardmore, Killaraw (?), Cule (?), Inverary (Inveraray), Minart (Minard), Inishall (?), Dalmaly (Dalmally), Bunawe (Bonawe), Inveruchisar (?), Kenlochliven (?), Kinlock Etive (?), Gleniure (?), Kiell (?), Oban, Charseg (Carsaig), Staffa Bourg (?), Liderkill (?), Raho (Rahoy), Strontian (?), Kilmory, and Waal (Vaul). Cities in Kincardine region (Kincardineshire or Aberdeenshire): Pt. Lethen (Portlethen), Stonehaven, Glenbervie (?), Bervie (Inverbervie), and St. Cyrus. Cities in Angus region (Angus and Dundee City): Montrose, Berchine (Brechin), Forfar, Aberbrothock (Arbroath), Dundee, Gortachy (?), and Glentinineant (?). Cities in Aberdeen region (Aberdeenshire): Wells (?), Troup (?), Aberdour (New Aberdour), Fraserburgh, S. Fergus (St. Fergus), Turreff (Turriff), Deer (New Deer), Peterhead, Slains (Slains Castle), Ellon, Rothie (Rothienorman), Huntley (Huntly), Rain (Old Rayne), Meldrum (Oldmeldrum), Inverurie, Dalreoch (?), Belhelvie, Kintore, Aberdeen, Banchory, Kincardine (Kincardine O'Neil), Crathy (Crathie), Corgarf (Corgarff), Newton (?), and Allanmore (?). Cities in Perth region (Perthshire or Clackmannanshire, Perth and Kinross, and Stirling): Crail, St. Andrews, Largo (Upper Largo), Dysert (Dysart), Bruntisland (Burntisland), Auchurmuchty (Auchtermuchty), Dunning, Perth, Errol, Coupar (Coupar Angus), Blairgourie (Blairgowrie and Rattray), Dunkeld, Dalmunzie (?), Bodenluig (Ballinluig), Blackford, Crieff, Dumblain (Dunblane), Doune, Altarnin (?), Crienlirch (Crianlarich), Killin, Kenmoor (Kenmore), Aberfeldie (Aberfeldy), Blair Atholl, and Dalnacardoch (?). Cities in Kinross region (Kinross-shire or Perth and Kinross): Kinross. Cities in Stirling region (Stirlingshire or Stirling, East Dunbartonshire, Falkirk, and North Lanarkshire): Stirling, Killsyth (Kilsyth), and Drymen. Cities in Inverness region (Inverness-shire or Inverness): Dalwhinnie, Letter Findlay (?), Ft. William, Glenfinnan, Aylort (?), Granton (Grantown-on-Spey), Rothemarchus (Rothiemurchus), Pitmain (Pitmain Farms), Batleloin (?), Doondarduit (?), Kilmare (Kilmore), Polmally (Polmaily Wood), Dores, Inverness, Deamy (?), Comer (?), Giusachan (Guisachan Forrest), Dundreggan, Reabuie (?), Arnalish (?), Sorath (?), Torin (?), Kinloch, Dunan (?), Housedale (?), Penmore (Peinmore House), Ilamar (?), Boisdale, and Peninaurin (?). Cities in Banff region (Banffshire or Moray and Aberdeenshire): Banff, Portsoy, Cullen, Port Nockie (Portnockie), Fochabers, Keith, Boharn (Botarm), Inveraven (Inveraven Church), Candlemore (?), and Gaulrig (?). Cities in Murray region (Elginshire or Moray): Elgin, Forres, and Kincardine (?). Cities in Nairn region (Inverness): Nairn. Cities in Ross region (Ross-shire or Highland): Kinloch Ailsh (?), Ardmore, Tain, Assint (?), Auchindrick (?), Cromarty, Fortrose, Dingwall, Munlochy, Beauley (Beauly), Dormy (?), Ardeyere (?), Stron (Strone Wood), Cowes (Cove), Inverew (Inverewe Garden & Estate), Tagin (Taagan), Ripuch (?), Achnaskin (?), Ballachnaeraw (?), Gallackin (?), Aremean (?), Brenlish, Keriwick, Barvas, and Gulson (Galson Farm). Cities in Southerland region (Highland): Helmsdale, Loth (Lothmore), Brora, Golspie, Dornocft (Dornoch), Invershin (?), Sinsesh (Shinness Lodge), Killernan (?), Dubol (?), Trontite (Trantlemore), Grubmore (Grummore), Tongue, Armsdale (Armadale), Strathbeg (?), Kerwick (?), Glendue (?), and Ballawotin (?). Cities in Caithness region (Highland): Berrydale (?), Dunbeath, Nottingham, Mid Clyth, Wick, Orem (?), Thurso, Brims (?), and Houna (Huna). Cities in Orkney Islands: Kirkwald (Kirkwall) and Sandwick. Northern Ireland: Belfast, Glenarm, and Coleraine. Ireland: Killybegs Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Capitaine, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.
Popular hymns no. 3: popular songs and standard hymns, suitable for the Bible school, church services..., Popular hymns number 3, Songs of hope : for the church and Sunday School / compiled and edited by E.O. Excell printed in round and shaped notes with orchestration, Songs of the century for missionary and revival meetings, Sabbath schools and young people's societies / edited by Geo. D. Elderkin, Jno. R. Sweney, Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, H.L. Gilmour, and F.A. Hardin, Songs of the king / [compiled by Charles Reign Scoville], Sunday school voices no. 2 : a collection of sacred songs / music editor Chas. H. Gabriel, The tabernacle hymns / edited and compiled by D.B. Towner and Arthur W. McKee, Treasury of song : songs for all religious gatherings / edited and compiled by Robert H. Coleman, Truth in song : for general Gospel work / edited by B.E. Warren ... [et al.], Twentieth century songs. Part one : a collection of new and popular songs with standard hymns for church, Sunday school, young people's societies and special services / edited by Chas. H. Gabriel, J.E. Hawes and W.E.M. Hackleman, 20th century songs, Victory songs, Victory songs : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic services / Homer A. Rodeheaver, compiler Chas. H. Gabriel, music editor, Victory songs : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic services / Homer A. Rodeheaver, compiler Chas. H. Gabriel, music editor, Waves of glory, no. 2 / edited by W.J. Kirkpatrick, D.L. Wallace, C.J. Kinne, Windows of heaven : hymns new and old for the church, Sunday school and home / compiled by H.M. Wharton, Winona hymns / compiled by J. Wilbur Chapman edited by E.O. Excell for the Evangelistic Committee, Wonder hymns of faith : a new general-purpose song-book / compiled by Chas. R. Scoville, W.E.M. Hackleman, J.E. Sturgis, orchestration by J.C. Blaker, responsive readings selected by E.E. Violette, The world evangel : the brightest and best songs for all religious gatherings / edited and compiled by Robert H. Coleman, World wide revival songs, number two : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic campaigns / James G. Garth, compiler Albert C. Fisher, editor assistant compilers, Harry Dixon Loes ... [et al.] by order of the International Federation of Christian Workers, The young people's hymnal : adapted to the use of Sunday schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals / by W.D. Kirkland, James Atkins, William J. Kirkpatrick, The young people's hymnal, no. 2. Adapted to the use of Sunday schools, epworth leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals. By James Atkins, and William J. Kirkpatrick, The young people's hymnal No. 3 : adapted to the use of Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals / by James Atkins and William J. Kirkpatrick
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Plan De L'Isle De Gorée, sur les desseins du St. Copagnon (1750): Plan De L'Isle De Goree on the designs of St. Copagnon
Detailed historical engraved map of the Island of Gorée off of the Coast of Dakar, Senegal. It shows all sizable structures on the island during the year 1750. This map is from a publication PREVOST D’EXILES, Antoine François. Histoire générale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les Relations de Voyages par Mer et par Terre, Qui ont été publiées […] Avec les mœurs des habitans, leur Religion, leur Usages, Arts, Sciences, Commerce, Manufactures &c. pour former un système complet d’Histoire et de Géographie moderne […].
La Haye, Pierre de Hondt. English translation of publication: PREVOST OF EXILES, Antoine François. General History of Voyages or New Collection of all Travel Relations by Sea and by Land, who have been published [...] With the manners of the inhabitants, their religion, their uses, Arts, Science, Commerce, Manufactures & c. to form a complete system of History and Geography modern [...]. The Hague Pierre de Hondt. The title in French: Plan De L'Isle De Gorée, sur les desseins du St. Copagnon. The title in Dutch: Plattegrond van't Eiland Gorée, volgens de Aftékeningen van den Hr. Compagnon. The title translated into English: Plan De L'Isle De Goree on the designs of St. Copagnon. The Following are shown in French and Dutch: French/Dutch: Explication de chiffres/Verklaaring der Syffers English translation: Explanation of Figures 1) Cour du Fort St. Francois/Binneplaats van't Fort St. Francois English translation: Court of Fort St. Francois 2) Maison du Gouverneur/Huis des Goeverneurs English translation: Governor's House 3) Corps de Garde/Kortegaard English translation: Corps de Garde 4) Cuisine/Keuken English translation: Kitchen 5) Magazin/Magazyn English translation: Magazine 6) Quartier des Officiers, avec la Chapel le et des magazine dessous/Offisiers huizinge, Kapél, en Voor raadkelders. English translation: District Officers, with the Chapel and magazine below. 7) Loges des Esclaves/Wooning der Slaaven English translation: Slave Lodges 8) Cazernes/Barakken English translation: Barracks 9) Escaliers/Trap English translation: Stairs 10) Entree du Fort/Ingang van't Fort English translation: Entrance to the Fort 11) Canons pour defendre l'entree/Geschut oin den Ingang te verdedigen English translation: Cannons to defend the entrance 12) Lieu du débarquement/Plaatsse ter Ontscheepinge English translation: Place of Landing 13) Barriere/Slagboom English translation: Barriers 14) Latrines/Sekreeten English translation: Latrines 15) Fortifications projetées/Voorgenome Vestingwerken English translation: Projected Fortifications 16) Platteforme large de six pieds/Bedding breed ses voeten English translation: Platform of six feet 17) Fosse de dix pieds de largeur/Gragt van 10 vote breed English translation: Pit ten feet wide 18) Fer a chevat/Half-rondeel English translation: Half Rounel 19) Jardin/Tuin English translation: Garden 20) Logement du Jardin/Tuinmanshuis English translation: Garden Housing 21) Boulangerie/Bakkery English translation: Bakery 22) Forge/Smeedery English translation: Forge 23) Cimetiere/Kerkhof English translation: Cemetery 24) Colombier abattu/Duive-kot geslegt English translation: Colombier shot 25) Petite Citerne/Klyne-Regenbak English translation: Small cistern 26) Grande Citerne/Groote-Regenbak English translation: Large cistern 27) Cour du Fort St. Michel/Binneplaats van't Fort St. Michiel English translation: Court of Fort St. Michel 28)Corps de Garde, et deux petits Magazins au des sou/Kortegaard en twé klyne Magazyns daaronder English translation: Body Guard, and two small Magazines to the penny 29) Porte d'entrée du Fort/Poort van't Fort English translation: Fort Gateway 30) Magazin a poudre/Kruit-magazyn English translation: Magazine Powder 31) Fer a cheral/Half-rondeel English translation: Iron Cheral 32) Batteries/Batteryen English translation: Batteries 33) Roc perpendiculaire/Regtstandige Rotz English translation: Roc Perpendicular 34) Pointes de rochers qui avancent sur la mer/Overhangende Hoeken van de Rotze English translation: Overhanging rocks, advancing sea 35) Amas de rocs/Ophooping van Rotzen English translation: Pile of rocks 36) Rocs a fleur d'eau/Rotzen, Waterpas English translation: Rocs awash 37) Puits nécessaire/Noodige Waterputten English translation: Wells required 38) Loges des Esclaves et Magazins nécessaires/ Wooning der Slaaven, en Magazynen English translation: Slave lodges, necessary magazines 39) Cour des Esclaves/Binneplaats der Slaaven English translation: Court of the Slaves 40) Loges des Negres libres/Hutten der vrye Negers English translation: Lodges of Free Blacks 41) Loges des Bambarras, et puits nécessaire/Jutten der Bambarras, en noodzaaklyke Putten English translation: Bambarras Lodges and necessary wells 42) Jetée projettée/Ontworpe Zeehoosden English translation: Pier projection N. B. Les endroits marqués d'une paraissent n'avoir été tracés que comme des choses projetées./De plaatssen gemerkt met sen Schynen alleen ontworpen, en dus hierin maar gesschetst te zen. English translation: NB The places marked with appear to have been drawn lines are things planned. Mapmaker: Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703 - 1772) was one of the most important cartographers of the 18th century. With a 50 year career, Bellin is best seen as geographe de cabinet and transitional mapmaker spanning the 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. Bellin's work focuses on function and accuracy and tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. Bellin, despite his extraordinary success, may not have enjoyed his work, which is described as "long, unpleasant, and hard." In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Engraver: Jakob van der Schley (*1715 - †1779) was a dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
Côte du Nord Est de l'Isle de Juan Fernandez: Tirée du Voyage de l'Admiral Anson (1750): Northeast Coast of the Isle of Juan Fernanadez: Extracted from Admiral Anson's Travels
This is a copper engraved map of the Northeast portion of Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Islands published in 1750. The upper portion of the map shows a lithographic view of Cumberland Bay on the Northeast Coast of Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Islands. Cumberland Bay is the modern site of San Juan Bautista, Robinson Crusoe Island. It contains a title in French and Dutch: Vue de la Baye de Cumberland/ Gezigt van de Cumberlandse Baay which translated in English to: View of the Bay of Cumberland. The lower portion of the map is a map of the entire Northeast portion of the island showing mountains, trees, and water depths off the coast. There is a title in French that reads, Côte du Nord Est de l'Isle de Juan Fernandez: Tirée du Voyage de l'Admiral Anson (1750) which translates to Northeast Coast of the Isle of Juan Fernanadez: Extracted from Admiral Anson's Travels. Below this portion is the Dutch title: Noord-Oost Kust van't Eiland Juan Fernandez: Uit de Reize van den Admiral Anson getrokken which translated to the same as the French title. Shown on the map are: Baye de l'Est (East Bay), Baye de Cumberland (Cumberland Bay), Baye de l'Ouest (West Bay), Fond de Sable fin (Fine Sand), and Baye du Pain de Sucre (Sugar Loaf Bay). Jacques-Nicolas Bellin who lived from 1703 to 1772 was an important cartographer of the 18th century. He is understood as geographe de cabinet and a transitional mapmaker spanning the gap between 18th and early 19th century cartographic styles. His long career as Hydrographer and Ingénieur Hydrographe at the French Dépôt des cartes et plans de la Marine resulted in hundreds of high quality nautical charts of practically everywhere in the world. His work focuses on function and accuracy tending in the process to be less decorative than the earlier 17th and 18th century cartographic work. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Bellin was always careful to cite his references and his scholarly corpus consists of over 1400 articles on geography prepared for Diderot's Encyclopedie. In addition to numerous maps and charts published during his lifetime, many of Bellin's maps were updated (or not) and published posthumously. He was succeeded as Ingénieur Hydrographe by his student, also a prolific and influential cartographer, Rigobert Bonne. Jakob van der Schley who lived from 1715 to 1779 was a Dutch engraver and painter. He has engraved the maps and views of the maps of the Dutch edition of Prevost's Histoire General des Voyage.
Imperium Persicum tempore Cyri Magni (1739): Control at the time of Cyrus the Great, the Persian Gulf
Detailed copper engraved historic map showing the extension of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great. The map depicts modern-day Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Armenia, Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq, and Northwestern India. The map is filled with a lot of geographical details concerning place names in Latin, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, and Islands. The title is inside a simple cartouche. Citeis, Regions, Rivers, and Islands shown are: Europa (Europe), Tanais F. (Don River, Russia), Palus Maeotis (Sea of Azov or Maeotian Marshes/Maeotian Lake, Ukraine/Russia), Scythia, Ister F. (Danube River, Europe), Rha F. (Volga River, Russia), Illiricum (Roman Province of Modern-Day Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia), Thracia (Roman Province of Modern-Day Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey), Macedonia, Graecia (Greece), Epirus (Modern-Day parts of Albania and Greece), Asia Minor (Turkey), Phrygia (Turkey) Aegeum Mare (Aegean Sea), Caystrus F., Cuma (Cyme), Larissa (Ancient city destroyed in 279 BC), Sardes (Sart), Paetolus F., Caria, Lycia (Modern-Day parts of Antalya and Muğla), Pamphylia (Modern-Day Antalya), Cilicia, Piteria (Pteria ancient capital of the Assyrians destroyed in 547 BC), Paphalagonia, Cappadocia (Nevşehir), Halis F. (Kızılırmak River), Caucasus M. (Caucasus Mountains), Colchis, Phasis F. (Rioni River), Albania (Part of Modern-Day Azerbaijan and Dagestan), Armenia, Creta (Crete), Mare Mediterraneum (Mediterranean Sea), Libya, Barce (Marj), Cyrene (Ancient City destroyed by an Earthquake in 365 AD), Aegyptus (Egypt), Nilus F. (Nile River), Africa, Cyprus, Syria, Phoenice, Sinus Arabicus (Red Sea), Taurus M. (Taurus Mountains), Tigris F. (Tigris River), Euphrates F. (Euphrates River), Assyria (Northern Iraq, Northeast Syria, and Southeastern Turkey), Ninus (Nineveh), Mesopotamia (Iraq, Kuwait, Northeastern Syria, Southeastern Turkey, and Southwestern Iran), Babylon (Hillah), Babylonia (Iraq), Chaldaea, Arabia, Araxes F. (Aras River), Cadusci, Media (Northwestern Iran), Ecbatana (Hamedan), Susa (Shush), Susiana (Elam in West and Southwest Iran), Sinus Persicus (Persian Gulf), Persia (Iran), Persepolis, Cissii, Hyrcania (Parts of Modern-Day Northern Iran and Turkmenistan), Parthia (Northeastern Iran), Asia, Mardi, Carmania Deserta, Carmania (Kerman Province, Iran), Mare Erythraeum (Erythraean Sea), Gedrosia (Balochistan), Indus F. (Indus River), India, Arachosia (Modern-Day Southern Afghanistan and Pakistan), Aria (Northwest Afghanistan), Drangiana (Modern-Day Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), Parapamisus, Bactriana (Northern Afghanistan), Mare Caspium (Caspian Sea), Caspii, Iaxartes F. (Syr Darya River), Sacae, Sogdiana (Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), Margiana (Afghanistan and Turkmenistan), and Oxus F. (Amu Darya River) The source publication is: Geographia antique, Latinorum et Graecorum, tabulis XXXII novis & accuratis expressa, translated: Thirty-two new and accurate maps of the geography of the ancients, as contained in the Greek and Latin Classics. It was printed and sold in 1739 in London by Thomas Bowles. Herman Moll was a Dutchman bookseller, geographer and engraver. Around 1678 he moved to London where for a while he continued as an engraver. Later, he started his own businesses a map publisher and by the turn of the century had become the most prominent map publisher in the country. He published atlases and loose maps of all parts of the world many of which were highly decorative. In 1724 he published his 'New Description of England and Wales', an atlas of the English and Welsh Counties. He had many interesting friends including Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift (for whom he provided maps for Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels), explorers William Damier and Woodes Rogers, and the scientist Robert Hooke.
Partie Occidentale de l'Empire Francais (1812): Western Part of the French Empire
1812-01-01, 1812
Highly detailed single page historical copper engraved map of the Western part of France and the Northern part of Spain. The map shows several geographic details on cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and islands. The map features a vignette incorporating the title. Regions shown: Pyrenees Orientales (Pyrénées-Orientales), Aude, Arriege (Ariège), Haute Garonne (Haute-Garonne), Hautes Pyrenees (Hautes-Pyrénées), Basses Pyrenees (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Gard, Herault (Hérault), Aveiron (Aveyron), Tarn, Tarn et Garonne (Tarn-et-Garonne), and Gers. Cities shown: France: Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées: Pyrenees Orientales (Pyrénées-Orientales): Elne, Pt. Vendre (Port-Vendres), Ceret (Céret), Prats de Mollo (Prats-de-Mollo-la-Preste), Perpignan, St. Paul (Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet), and Prades. Aude: Leucate, Ouillan (Quillan), Sijean (Sigean), la Grasse (Lagrasse), Narbonne, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne, and Limoux. Arriege (Ariège): Foix, Belesta (Bélesta), Tarascon (Tarascon-sur-Ariège), Ax (Ax-les-Thermes), St. Girons (Saint-Girons), Seix, Pamiers, and Mirepoix. Haute Garonne (Haute-Garonne): S. Beat (Saint-Béat), Bagneres de Luchen (Bagnères-de-Luchon), St. Gaudens (Saint-Gaudens), St. Bertrand (Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges), Muret, Villefranche (Villefranche-de-Lauragais), Toulouse, Grenade, Caraman, and Villemur (Villemur-sur-Tarn). Hautes Pyrenees (Hautes-Pyrénées): Barreges (Barèges), Argelles (Argelès-Gazost), Lourde (Lourdes), Bagneres (Bagnères-de-Bigorre), la Barthe (La Barthe-de-Neste), Castelnau (Castelnau-Magnoac), Tarbes, and Vic Bigorre (Vic-en-Bigorre). Gard: Avignon, Tarascon, Nismes (Nîmes), Arles, Sommieres (Sommières), St. Hypolitte (Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort), le Vigan (Le Vigan), and Aiguesmortes (Aigues-Mortes). Herault (Hérault): Montpellier, Frontignan, Cette (Sète), Agde, Pezenas (Pézenas), Lodeve (Lodève), Olargues, Beziers (Béziers), and St. Pens (?). Aveiron (Aveyron): St. Afrique (Saint-Affrique) and S. Sernin (Saint-Sernin-sur-Rance). Tarn: La Caune (Lacaune), Castres, Lavaur, Alby (Albi), Gaillac, and Rabastens. Tarn et Garonne (Tarn-et-Garonne): Beaumont (Beaumont-de-Lomagne), and Montauban. Gers: I'lle en Jourdain (L'Isle-Jourdain), Lombes (Lombez), Monfort, Lectoure, Auch, Simorre, Mirande (?), Vic Fezensac (Vic-Fezensac), Condom, Eauze (Éauze), Nogaro, and Plaisance. Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes: Basses Pyrenees (Pyrénées-Atlantiques): Laruns, Accous, Garlin, Pau, Oleron (Oloron-Sainte-Marie) Landes: Mont de Marsan (Mont-de-Marsan), St. Sever (Saint-Sever), Aire (Aire-sur-l'Adour) Spain: Catalonia: Province of Tarragona: Col de Balaguer (Coll de Balaguer), Perello (El Perelló), Tortose (Tortosa), Amposta, Momblanch (Montblanc), Cornudella (Cornudella de Montsant), Garcia, Miravet, Cambrils, and Tarragone (Tarragona). Province of Girona: Palamos (Palamós), Franciah (?), Tosa (Tossa de Mar), Hostalrich (Hostalric), La Junquiere (La Jonquera), Roses, Figuieres (Figueres), Castel Solit (?), Geronne (Girona), Puycerda (Puigcerdà), Ribas (Ribes de Freser), and Ripoll. Province of Barcelona: Malgrat (Malgrat de Mar), Cadella (Calella), Mataro (Mataró), Gronollers (Granollers), Barcelone (Barcelona), Sitjas (Sitges), S. Feliu (Sant Feliu de Llobregat), Martorell, Olesa (Olesa de Montserrat), Manresa, Cellent (Sallent), and Surla (Súria). Province of Lleida: Basella (Bassella), Pons (Ponts), Balaguer, Llor (?), Lerida (Lleida), Villagrasa (Vilagrassa), Sarroca (?), Urgel (La Seu d'Urgell), Malgrat (?), Castel Leon (?), Tirbia (?), Organya (Organyà), and Talarn. Aragon: Province of Huesca: Barbastro, Venasque (Benasque), Campo, Lastarre (?), Aguilar (?), Lascuare (Lascuarre), Almudorar (Almudévar), Anzanego (Anzánigo), Fiscal, Viescas (Biescas), Jaca, and Ayerbe. Province of Zaragoza: Osero (Osera de Ebro), Mequinenza, Foyon (Fayón), Alfoeea (?), Saragosse (Zaragoza), Escoron (?), Murillo (Murillo de Gállego), and Verdun (Berdún). Navarre: Province of Navarre: Caparroso, Navasques (Navascués), Pampelunne (Pamplona), Roncevalles (Roncesvalles), and Estella. La Rioja: Province of La Rioja: Logrono (Logroño). Castile and León: Province of Burgos: Miranda de Ebro. Basque Country: Province of Álava: Vitoria (Vitoria-Gasteiz). Province of Biscay: Orduna (Orduña). Cantabria: Province of Cantabria: Reynosa (Reinosa). Andorra: Andorre (Andorra la Vella) Source publication: Atlas Complet Du Precis De la Geographie Universelle De M. Malte Brun dressee par M. Lapie Capitaine Ingenieur Geographie Pierre M. Lapie (1779-1850) and his son Alexandre Emile Lapie (1809-1850) were French cartographers and engravers active in the early part of the 19th Century. The Lapies were commissioned officers in the French army holding the ranks of Colonel and Caipitan, respectively. Alexander enjoyed the title of "First Geographer to the King", and this title appears on several of his atlases. Both father and son were exceptional engraversand fastidious cartographers. Working separately and jointly they published four important atlases, an 1811 Atlas of the French Empire (Alexander), the 1812 Atlas Classique et Universel (Pierre), the Atlas Universel de Geographie Ancienne et Modern (joint issue), and the 1848 Atlas Militaire (Alexander). They also issued many smaller maps and independent issues. All of these are products of exceptional beauty and detail. Conrad Malte-Brun (1755-1826) was an important late 18th and early 19th Century Danish/French cartographer and revolutionary. Conrad was born in Thisted, Denmark. His parents encouraged him to a career in the Church, but he instead enrolled in the University of Copenhagen. In the liberal hall of academia Conrad became an ardent supporter of the French Revolution and the ideals of a free press. Despite the harsh censorship laws of crown prince Frederick VI, Malte-Brun published numerous pamphlets criticizing the Danish government. He was finally charged with defying censorship laws in 1799 and forced to flee to Sweden and ultimately France. Along with colleague Edme Mentelle, Malte-Brun published his first cartographic work, the Geographie mathematique, physique et politique de toutes les parties du monde (6 volumes published between 1803 and 1807). Conrad went on to found Les Annales des Voyages (in 1807) and Les Annales des Voyages, de la Geographie et de l'Histoire (in 1819). He also founded the Paris Societe de Geographie. In time, Conrad became known as one of the finest French cartographers of his time.