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School lunch program: Brief description, history and data
Enacted in 1946, the National School Lunch Act currently provides Federal assistance to support the costs of nearly 4 billion lunches for approximately 23 million school children. This paper provides a brief description and legislative history of the school lunch program and includes historical data on its growth in funding and participation.
Letters of Jean de Maillen, lieutenant of Claude de Wahau in his lordship of Baillonville, provost of the castle lands &c of Poillevache concerning rents from property at Daische.
Letters of Jean de Maillen, lieutenant of Claude de Wahau in his lordship of Baillonville, provost of the castle lands &c of Poillevache concerning rents from property at Doische being two related documents, attached now together by seal tags, the earlier of 10 June 1541 (parties including Guillaume de le Loye on behalf of chevalier Hean de Warisoul) and the later of 19 Jan. 1542 (parties including Jean de Warisoul, and Thierry, Baron de brandenbourg and lord of the castle of Bioul) with named witnesses from the fief of the prévôté de Poillevache, different persons for each document, who added their seals Dated: 10 June 1541, 19 Jan. 1542. French
Letters of Jan van Ranst, seigneur of Cantecroy (Canticrode) and Mortsel, near Antwerp, Belgium, concerning rents and lands called "karremans velt" in Schooten; 1 Sept. 1438.
(e) 385mm. by 224mm., letter in Flemish of Jan van Raust, seigneur of Cantecroy and Mortsel, near Antwerp, dated 1 September 1438, 24 lines in light brown ink in a secretarial hand, 4 tags present, 2 seals missing, 2 present (that of arms of Jan van Raust in excellent condition), overall outstanding condition
Banking deregulation: Major forms and arguments "pro and con"
Banking deregulation may be defined as the loosening of regulatory constraints on these institutions. Since the late 1970s, and as part of a broader trend toward deregulation, banking organizations have experienced many important changes in their regulatory environment. This report identifies the different kinds of deregulation that are under way. It then presents some "pro and con" arguments applicable both to financial deregulation generally and to specific kinds of banking deregulation under consideration in the Congress at the present time. Additional references are provided.
Special supplemental food program for women, infants and children (WIC): Description, history and data
The special supplemental food program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides monthly food supplements to low-income pregnant and postpartum women, and infants and children who are determined to be at health risk because of nutrition-related problems. Created in 1972, this food program was designed to blend the nutritious benefits of food with health care during critical times of growth and development. This report describes the program and its history and evolution. It also provides current and historical data on funding and participation.
Import restrictions on meat: History and current issues
Throughout the 20th century, imports of meat into the United States have been subject to qualitative and quantitative restrictions as well as to tariffs. The former developed as a result of health and safety concerns, and the latter as a direct response to increasing meat imports and deteriorating economic conditions in the domestic cattle industry. These two concerns still motivate periodic efforts to change the Meat Import Act of 1979 and the Federal Meat Inspection Act. This report traces the development of meant import restrictions and analyzes current proposals for change in meat import requirements. Since the Meat Import Act (which relates to imports of fresh or frozen beef, veal, mutton, and goat meat) is the focus of this paper, issues related to pork imports receive only brief mention.
Corporate ownership of banks and savings institutions, and interstate banking: Selected listings
Financial developments in the 1980s have resulted in new ownership arrangements for depository financial institutions as well as new forms of interstate deposit-taking arrangements. Considerable interest exists in the pervasiveness of these arrangements. This report provides selected lists of corporate ownership of depository financial institutions and interstate banking in order to suggest the extent to which various forms of innovations have occurred and the firms involved; the listings are not necessarily comprehensive.