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Bovine growth hormone (somatotropin): Agricultural and regulatory issues
Several U.S. companies plan to introduce a new product to the dairy industry called bovine growth hormone (bGH), or bovine somatotropin (BST). When injected into dairy cows in test herds, this product has stimulated large increases in milk output without corresponding increases in production costs. However, BST, which must gain Food and Drug Administration approval before it can be offered commercially, has raised a number of controversial questions among lawmakers, who are concerned about its impact on an already burdensome U.S. milk supply, on the structure and conduct of dairy farming, and on consumer safety, among other things.
Changes in the rate of child poverty: Possible implications for Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act
Between 1979 and 1983, the propotion of children aged 5-17 in the United States who were in poverty families rose from 15.3 percent to 21.3 percent, falling to 20.3 percent in 1984. This report examines the possible implications of this trend for the Federal program of compensatory education for educationally disadvantaged children under chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act. Specific topics discussed include the correlation of poverty and educational disadvantage, the specific effects of poverty concentration and duration on educational achievement, and a comparison of trends in chapter 1 participation with those in the number of poverty children.
Comparison of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended and H.R. 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985, as.. ...: passed by the House (December 4, 1985); and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, as passed by the Senate (June 3, 1986)
This paper provides a title-by-title comparison and contrast of major current law provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended, with thos of the reauthorizing legislation as passed by the House on December 4, 1985 and by the Senate on June 3, 1986: HR 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985 and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986. After the Senate passed S. 1965, the House passed S. 1965 amended with the language of H.R. 3700 as passed by the House. Those who have contributed to this report want to express their appreciation to Nan Hill for her exceptional editorial skills and perseverance in preparing this report.
Federal agency programs in living aquatic resources and aquatic habitat protection
This report identifies activities of Federal agencies that administer or coordinate significant programs on behalf of fisheries, other living aquatic (freshwater and marine) resources, and aquatic habitats. This report describes agency responsibilities, major statutory authority, a ten-year history of budget and personnel levels, a five-year history of personnel by Civil Service grade, studies about national policy and/or goals, interagency and State-Federal coordination mechanisms, and periodic reports.
Federal executive, legislative, and judicial compensation: The situation and choices as the 100th Congress convenes
This report discusses compensation for high-level Federal officials including the Vice President, Cabinet and sub-cabinet officers, agency heads, Members of Congress, and the Federal judiciary. It sets forth arguments for and against the substantial increases recommended by the special 1986 Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries as well as the President's pay recommendations submitted in his FY88 Budget Message (see Appendix for these) and presents factors that enter into determining an appropriate and adequate pay for these officers of the Government.
Federal deposit insurance funds: An overview of FDIC and FSLIC finances
In the late 1980s bad agriculture, energy, and real estate loans have caused the largest number of bank and savings institution failures since the Depression. Such failures have strained the resources of the deposit-insuring agencies FDIC and FSLIC. This report analyzes the financial resources of these agencies, in view of potential congressional reexamination of their nature.
Title III of the Higher Education Act: Provisions and funding
Title III of the Higher Education Act authorizes a number of programs to strengthen institutions of higher education, particularly those serving needy and minority students. The FY 1987 appropriation for these programs was $144.208 million. This paper reviews the current provisions of title III, the title's recent appropriatios history, and the FY 1988 Budget Request for its programs.
Ground water protection: Editorial commentary (September 3, 1984 - April 10, 1985)
This Editorial Commentary includes articles and editorials which focus on the concern over the quality and future availability of ground water. It is arranged in two sections. The first contains articles on the topic including one reproduced from the CRS Review. Editorials selected from the files maintained by the Congressional Research Service are included in the second section arranged chronologically.
Guide to selected federal assistance programs for undergraduate students
The Federal Government provides financial assistance to individuals enrolled in, or accepted for enrollment in institutions of higher education. This assistance flows through many programs and takes the form of loans, grants and work. In this CRS Guide to Selected Federal Assistance Programs for Undergraduate Students, 10 programs, administered by various Federal agencies, are briefly described.