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. - no 1420 rue: or 1876._l-303.5:-ssioa if desired. 1509 Rose- g.';‘“°”- °‘° 3 ‘ 2 g ° "0 Grange in II- _ 7 = ncgggng, n3s:y._p_ls'_one‘_l'.'97 R |""' pl’! ' ' ‘ ' " ‘ 0 3 : 0 3 linois are eligible fonfootball. bev- g“1.;_;.;; - # l i76It'sALB Sausbe ' , rt...” 4 0 1 2 o o "‘.‘°°"" ""°""’ ‘hm "
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134 THE CONFEDERATE MAIL CARRIER. They immediately began to arrange for the return to M15. souri, and the distribution of the mail the captain had col. lected and brought that far upon his journey. It was divided into two parts, Miss. Ella taking one, after leaving St. Louis and going up the North Missouri railroad, distributed it at the dif ferent offices. The captain took the Missouri Pacific
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.iUr.-inr-Giannns.L’s OFFICE, Noi,:em.Zier 1.9, 1861. Res17ieit:t.tTiilly referred to the Secretary of War, with the recoininendation that such of the l~-lome (:iL11tI‘(IlS or Iteserve Corps of Missouri as have done active service be paid in the same nianiier as other volunteer regiments. T L. TI.-IoiiA.s, AC'lj’l,l.Zi(t'?‘2Zi-G6]‘267‘CLZ. [Eiecoiid indorseinent.] W.~in DEPARTMENT, .ZV'ore~iizber 25, 186
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. . . . . . . . . . MRS. E. H. THAYER . . . . . . . . . . O O U C C O O U O O .’l35 89 98 118 123 131 134 134 135 135 136 136 138 140 141 143 147 150 150 163 166 180
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Huron and Superior, their principal settlement being located at a place called La Pointe, within the present limits of Ashland County, Wisconsin, to which frequent reference was made in the early writings of the Catholic fathers. The bands in that vicinity ‘were visited by the missionaries as early as 1640, but their influence was not permanent by reason of the fact that the place was too far beyond
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' u ‘No. 148. On to the Land of Glory. COPVRIGHT IBOI BV E. 0. EXCELL- E. E. HGWIH. wanna Km) Muauc. Jno. K SWBBGY. E4:9:$:;._ _Il::lT_ ' 4 v—i - * . 3 1. On to the land of glo - ry, On to the home of light, 2. Lay - al to Christ our Lead-er, Trust-ing His boundless might, 3. On to the land of glo - ry, On to the home so dear, $39 ‘g: zit. : 0 "— . 0 . l@E1.~'3:P:‘.'E8:E
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THE ]EWEL MARKET AT ANTWERP-~ In! P. Van den‘ Ozzdema. ®NE of the gems in the Belgian Art Section illustrates a strange Flanders custom of the 16th century:’ None save those enrolled in the Jew- eler’s Guild and paying a tax to the government were permitted t to trafiic in jewels. This inhibition was relaxed one day each year; on this day trading was free from any restrictions to all, when a
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Ryan, Carol Animal Science Ryan, Maureen Nutrition Salfrank, Ann English Sanders, Robert General Studies Saunders, Mark Biology Sayre, Jeffery Agricultural Economics Schaefer, Kathryn Journalism Schalk, Trina Nursing Scheuier, Amy Magazine Journalism Schilly, Donna Biology Schmaliz, Anne Elementary Education Schmidt, Angela Elementary Education Schnare, Mary Ann Communications Schnarre, Dana Physical Therapy Schnleders, Sue Psychology Schnurbusch, John Accountancy Schoen. Martha Animal Science Scholl, Stacy Marketing Schroer, Cheryl Textile and Apparel Management Schulze, Connie Business Education Schuman, Fred General Studies Schwartz, Lisa Advertising Journalism Schweitzer, Sarni Accountancy Schweizer. Raymond interdisciplinary Studies Scott, Kevin Radio/TV/Film Scrivner, Lorrie Advertising Journalism Scruggs, Sherri Marketing Seaman, Rowena Animal Science Seithei, Shawn Finance Sennert, Sabrina Psychology Sesier, Andrea Advertising Journalism Seutter, Ewald Arts and Science Seward. Suzanne Advertising Journalism Sewell, Dennita Textile and Apparel Management Shannon, Cindy Early Childhood and Elementary Education Seniors, 339
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\VESTON HOIVARD, St. Louis, B&PA; BEVERLY JUNE HOWLETT, Bonne Terre, Education; CLAYTON ALLEN HUBBS, VVarsaW, Agriculture; HAROLD PARK HULEN, Kansas City, B&PA: Third Row—ED\VARD DANIEL HUMM, St. Louis, Engineering; MARILYN HUMMEL, Columbia, Arts & Science; DAVID RUSSELL HUNTER, Louisiana, Agriculture; ¥_OBER'1C“At JAI§€J»P£I‘UTCHINS, Kirkwood, Education; BARRY JAY HYKEN, Clayton, Arts
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learr1ec,l, to Ilia great relief, that the Home Guards had been sur- prised and badly whipped on the 111o1*11ingg; of the broth by a battalion of State troops raised near Vi-larsaw and led by two very dashing young aolw diers, Lieutenant-Colonel VValter S. O’Kane and Major‘ Thomas H. Murray. The news was qu:i~c:kly' confirmed by the arrival of the battalion at the Gov. ernor’s camp, with three
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.480 A BELLIGEBENT acre. The capture of the Parsons Was a very absurd move- ment on the part of the Rebels, who had taken refuge in ‘V Canada. The ‘original design was, doubtless, the cap- ture of the gun-boat Jh‘ic7;73go;72,, and the release of the prisoners on Jo_hnson’s Island. The captors of the lPa7"»- sons had confederates in Sandusky, who endeavoredto have the Michigan in a half-disabled condition When i ' the ‘PC3730-723 arrived. This Was not accomplished, and the scheme fell completely through. The two small steamers, the Paras-ooze and Islavzcl Q~uee7z,pWere’ aban- doned after being in Rebel hands only a few‘ hours. The oficers of “the Parsons told an interesting story it . of their seizure. Mr. Ashley, the clerk, said the boat left Detroit for Sandusky at her usual hour. She had a fevvr passengers from Detroit, and received. others at va- rious landings. The last party that came on board ~ brought an old trunk bound with ropes. The different parties did not recognize each other, not even When drinking at therbar. VVhen near Kelly’ s Island in Lake Erie, the various ‘oflicers Qf the steamer were suddenly seized. The ropes on the trunk. were cut, the lid flew open, and _a quantity of revolvers and hatchets was brought to light. . 7 V p The pirates declared they Were acting in the interest of the \“ Confederacy.” They relieved Mr. Ashley of his pocketboolsz and contents, and appropriated the money they found in the safe. Those of the passengers Who were not “in the ring,’ ’ were compelled to con- tribute to the representatives of the Rebel Government. This little” afiair was claimed to be “belligerent”
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when young. The doctor had given her an overdose of a drug, which damaged her central Photos by Dan White Text by Debbie Scharpff Married for 1‘/2 years, Jim and Luci find spending an afternoon in Peace Park one of their favorite things. nervous system and resulted in cerebral palsy and a speech impediment. Jim met Luci on a campus handicap shuttle. Luci was using a wheelchair that was much too big
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67 The Light has Come. C. F. H. 0. Fannie HOLDIN. 4 -0- —,u ’ 4 ' 1. The Morning Light has come at last, The shad-ows of the night are past; 2. The an-"gels clothed in heaven's white,Were first to hail the heav’nly light; 3. Then_shine in us, 0 Mom-ing Light,Dis-pel our gloom,drive out our night; -P—° + -9' D I j_i . la‘ ll_.'llj’I I g " Ki While we our prais - es
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53 A B 126. Identify the primary histological structure that dominates the field of view. Justify conclusion. What specifically named structure is indicated by label [A]? Identify the structures labeled [B]. A B C D 127. Identify the primary histological structure that dominates the right half of the field of view. Justify conclusion. Identify the structures indicated by labels [A], [B], [C
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, the wrestling coach asked Liddell to try out for wrestling. This time he said OK. The rest is history. In the three years he wrestled at McCluer North High School, LiddeLl managed to nab two state championship titles and two conference crowns in 1989 and 1990. As well taking those state titles in his weight class, he also led his team to the State Championships in 1987. 88 and 89. Since coming to M
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....... ..295 BLOOD OF CHRIST. C0NS0LATI0N- jpeace tho’ the b1o(,d____. 17 Thou, my shield ......... .. 53 'I‘here‘s power in Jesus‘201 There is a fountain ...... ..235 BURD ENS. No not one. ................ .. 15 When the burden bear- 62 Just lean upon Jesus..... 84 CHILDREN'S DAY. Let us away ........ ..... .. 22 Precious golden grain... 33 Onward and upward..... 36 Gladly we will go ...... 42 Mai