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Effect of the General Education Procedures Act contingent extension provision upon current Higher Education Act programs
This report provides a legal analysis of certain questions regarding the effect of the contingent extension provision of the General Education Procedures Act (GEPA), 20 U.S.C $ 1226a, upon current Higher Education Act programs. The specific question which has been raised concerns the application of the two year authorization extension portion of the GEPA contingent extension provision to those Higher Education Act programs which are forward-funded and whose authorization of appropriations expired at the end of the fiscal year 1985. The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C. $ 1001 et seq., sets forth various programs of financial assistance to institution of higher education and to students of such institutions. Funding for such programs is accomplished through the appropriations process in several ways. Some Higher Education Act programs, such as Pell Grant, 20 U.S.C. $ 1070(a), and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, 20 U.S.C. $ 1070b et seq., are forward-funded. Other Higher Education Act programs, such as the Endowment Grants program, 20 U.S.C. $ 1065a, are current year funded. And, the Endowment Guaranteed Student Loan Program, 20 U.S.C. $ 1071 et seq., is an example of a Higher Education Act program which is funded on a "no year" basis, i.e., appropriated funds are available in the year of appropriation and remain available until expended.
Drunk driving: Editorial commentary (September 4, 1984 through December 17, 1984)
This Editorial Commentary includes editorials on the problem of drunk driving in the United States selected from 100 newspapers monitored by the Congressional Research Service. The Commentary is divided into four sections focusing on different aspects of the problem. The first section concentrates on general commentary on drunk driving, the second laws and legislative efforts, the third roadblocks and their legality, and the final one the elimination of "happy hours" at bars. The editorials are arranged chronologically within each section.
Implementation of medicare's hospice benefit
This document provides (1) background information on hospice care and a summary of current law provisions authorizing coverage for hospice care under Medicare; (2) information on the National Hospice Study; (3) information on the implementation of the hospice benefit; and (4) a discussion of hospice issues.
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs): Proposed changes in House-passed Tax Reform Bill (H.R. 3838)
The House-passed tax reform bill (H.R. 3838) would make three changes in Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs): (1) correct an anomaly in the "spousal IRA," (2) coordinate certain "elective deferrals" to 401(k) plans and 403(b) annuities with the IRA deduction limits, and (3) increase the additional income tax on "early withdrawals" from 10 to 15 percent. Although the Administration an the House Committee on Ways and Means had common goals in developing changes to IRAs, their proposals differ. This paper discusses and analyzes these differences.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (h.r. 3838): Effective versus statutory marginal tax rates
Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (H.R. 3838) there would be only two statutory marginal tax rates for individuals, 15 and 28 percent. In addition to reducing statutory marginal tax rates, H.R. 3838 would phase out certain tax provisions over various income ranges. These phaseout provisions would produce an effective marginal tax rate schedule considerably different from the statutory schedule. This paper describes the phaseout provisions contained in H.R. 3838 and analyzes their effects on marginal tax rates.
Labor standards: Statistics concerning staffing and compliance activity by the United States Department of Labor, 1976-1986
This report presents a statistical review of the pattern of staffing and enforcement/compliance activity within the United States Department of Labor through fiscal years 1976 to 1986. It notes the work hours required to administer the following statutes: the Fair Labor Standards Act; the several Federal procurement labor standards statutues -- the Davis-Bacon Act, the Walsh-Healy Act, and the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act; and the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act and its successor, after 1983, the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Protection Act. It also notes the number of violations of the several acts and the dollar amounts of back wages involved, where applicable. All tables have been developed from data provided by the Wage and Hour Division, United States Department of Labor.
The homeless: Editorial commentary
Homelessness is sometimes the condition of the deinstitutionalized mentally ill, the aged, the voluntarily idle, and the temporarily unemployed; and of runaway youth, destitute families, drug addicts, street beggars and alcoholics--in urban and rural areas. There appears to be no single set of characteristics shared by the homeless except being poor and without housing, and often lacking food and medical care as well. This Editorial Commentary looks at the "problems" of the homeless and those who search for remedies using selected editorials. It also covers actions taken by local and State governments to address the problems. The Editorial Commentary includes an introductory section of newspaper articles on the homeless. It is divided into sections - one focusing on the problem; the other on actions that have been taken to deal with the problem. Both sections are arranged in reverse chronological order. The editorials were selected from the editorial collection maintained by the Library Services Division.
Housing assistance: A brief history and description of current HUD programs
Federal assistance to housing for low-income families began with the United States Housing Act of 1937 (P.L. 75-412) which provided funds for construction and administration of low-rent projects by local, State-chartered public housing agencies (PHA). This report is concerned with those subsidy programs administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and whether as presently constituted they best serve the housing needs of the Nation's low-income families.
Legality of receiving satellite signals carrying cable programs
The right of satellite dish owners to tune into cable programs being relayed by satellite signals has been the subject of extensive consideration by the 98th Congress. On October 30, 1984, enactment of Public Law No. 98-549, effective on December 29, 1984, provided a statutory right of backyard dish owners to watch cable programming being carried by the unencrypted satellite signals. However, if the owners to the rights of such programming establish a marketing system for the sale of such viewing rights, the dish owners are obligated to purchase such rights at the agreed upon price. The report briefly discusses the provisions and context of this new law. A more in-depth analysis of the subject area is contained in the CRS report entitled Unauthorized Reception of Communications Satellite Signals Carrying Video Programs dated August 6, 1984 (before passage of the new law).