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Summary and analysis of the Parental and Disability Leave Act of 1985, H.R. 2020, 99th Congress
Due to changes in the labor force behavior of women with young children, new employee benefits related to parenthood have been proposed. The establishment of a non-discriminatory parental leave benefit is intended to address the issue of limited availability of childcare; the establishment of a non-discriminatory leave for all temporary, nonoccupational medical reasons would create a standard disability benefit for all workers. This report summarizes and analyzes legislation proposed in the 99th Congress to create these benefits.
Statements by President Reagan relating to arms control: February 2, 1985 - December 31, 1985
This collection includes statements and addresses by President Reagan from Feburary 2, 1985, through December 31, 1985, on a broad range of topics related to arms control. All are taken from volume 21 of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. The date and setting of each are cited, along with the Weekly Compilation issue and page on which the quote can be found. Addresses, announcements, and interviews relating solely to arms control are included in their entirety. Short passages from speeches and interviews are identified as excerpts. Those quotes from White House press releases that were not actually delivered by President Reagan are so identified.
Budget documents primer
The primer describes basic budget documents, providing notes on content, usual date of issue, distribution, and availability at the Library of Congress.
Acid rain in the 100th Congress: Comparison of the major provisions of S. 95, S. 300, S. 316, and S. 321
The following is a comparison of four acid rain control bills: S. 95 (Kerry), S. 300 (Stafford), S. 316 (Proxmire), and S. 3221 (Mitchell). The comparison is focused on prominent features of the various bills, not on section by section similarities and differences among the bills. Also, apparently non-controversial aspects of the bills, such as penalties for non-compliance, were not included. The bills are compared in the order in which they were introduced. There are two important notes about this comparison. First, as each bill would amend the Clean Air Act, section number references made in this analysis are made to relevant sections of the Clean Air Act. Second, under general provisions, issues raised are in rank order as they appear in various bills. They are not ordered according to importance. For the reader's convenience, the headings used in this comparison are arranged so that the bills may be placed side-by-side, if so desired.
Air pollutant-induced stress to forest ecosystems: An overview of forest damage
In recent years the term "acid rain" has captured the attention of the American public as a possible cause of forest damage and decline. As research progresses, it appears that the adverse impacts of "acid rain" on forest ecosystems are more complex and not as well understood as they generally are for aquatic ecosystems. Different types of air pollution -- including but not limited to precursors of acid deposition -- alone or in combination with stress factors, may pose a wide range of threats to forest ecosystems. This report examines the extent of forest damage and decline in the United States, the dynamics of the forest ecosystem and the major hypotheses put forth by the scientific community to explain the role of air pollutants in forest declines. The report concluded that the forest decline debate must take into account a wider range of pollutants than are usually included in legislative proposals which emphasize sulphur dioxide emissions.
Agricultural trade: Selected references, 1983-1984
This bibliography lists recent articles, reports, books, and congressional documents on U.S. agricultural trade. The references are annotated and are arranged into three topical sections: the U.S. as an agricultural trading nation; factors affecting agricultural trade; and agricultural trade policy options. The Congressional Research Service bibliographic database was the source of the bibliography.
Bilingual education: Recent evaluations of local school district programs and related research on second-language learning
This paper analyzes recent evaluations of local school district programs serving limited-English-proficient (LEP) students in the U.S. It discusses the purpose and background of the Bilingual Education Act, describes the Basic Demonstration Projects under this Act, chronicles how the scope of the Federal program has expanded, defines the various instructional approaches for teaching LEP students, and presents the major findings of recent evaluations regarding the effectiveness of various types of local programs serving LEP students. The related research on second-language learning and bilingualism is also synthesized.